academy teams
After the event with the hokage, sakura had no choice but to pretend to be bothered being colorful. But the more times the hokage used his jutsu on sakura her inner and she gained more power. Of course sakura already knew how to cancel his jutsu even if 3/4 of her chakra were sealed. Sakura was a master mind. So she kept putting that helpless act so she could gained more power. Of course the hokage never checked the seal because he thought sakura could never gain back all her chakra back in a short amount of time, and there was no chance of her knowing how to break the seal. And thanks to the seal sakura was finally able to get enough hate and sadness for her to talk to inner. And inner was not happy.
Sakura was sitting in front of the mirror in her room.
"You idiot! How dare you become happy! Didn't you think for a moment why someone so powerful would adopted us! A monster!" Inner shouted.
"You're right...... I should've known this......I was so desperate for someone to love me that I forgot about everything. About how I'm a demon child. A freak! A useless brat who thinks she will one day find her family when they're probably dead! I'm a monster!!" Shouted sakura roughly grabbing her head while holding back tears.
Inner stayed quiet.
"I-i only want to have parents. For someone to love me." Said sakura." I want someone to think that maybe..........I'm not a monster."
"I'm sorry sakura." Said inner.
"Its alright." Said sakura.
"But you know you aren't alone you still got me! Your friend for life!" Said inner.
Sakura smiled a bit. She stand.
"Well time to go to the academy." She said loosing her smile and putting on a serious face.
Sakura changed into her red pants and a black jacket and her hair in her usual bun. Sakura then grabbed her bag and walked outside. She looked at the building. The hokage standed in his office looking at her.
Sakura glared at him before making her way towards the academy.
5 mins later-
Sakura closed her eyes and entered her classroom. Everyone stopped and stared at her.
"H-hey sakura."
Sakura turned her head towards iruka.
"Good morning iruka-sempai." Said sakura in a calm voice.
Iruka's cheeks started burning.
H-how did she b-became so beautiful. Wait what! I'm not a pedophile.
"Y-yes good morning to you too. Why don't you go take a seat next to naruto." Said iruka while blushing.
"Okay." Sakura replied. She started to walk next to naruto who was blushing furiously. When she sat down naruto wanted to say something, but then he fainted.
What's wrong with them?
Sakura looked to her right and saw a black haired guy. He wasn't blushing. But what surprised sakura was that he was looking straight at her.(she's using chakra to see all of this. Just wanted to tell you.)
"Do you need help with something?" Sakura asked nicely. Sasuke blushed a bit.
What the hell am I doing?! Thought sasuke.
"Is that a no?" Sakura asked again.
"No." Sasuke responded. Almost every girl glared at sakura.
How dare she talk to my sasuke-kun!
After some lessons-
Sakura was walking home when someone tapped her shoulder. She turned around and saw sasuke.
"What do you want?" Sakura asked.
"I want to fight you." Replied sasuke."I know you're using chakra to see which means you must be on a high level. Maybe a chunin level."
"No." Said sakura.
"What!" Said sasuke shocked.
Anybody would die to fight with me. Thought sasuke.
" I said no." Repeated sakura then she started to walk away.
"Why you!" Sasuke said, then he launched him self at her, but sakura easily dogged him. Sasuke face plant into the ground.
"Hn." Sakura walked away.
On her way out the doors waited a big kid who looked a bit like sasuke. He looked around and saw a little girl on her way out. He walked towards her.
"Excuse me but have you seen my little bro-" he stopped. He looked very closely at her. He blushed a bit.
Sakura looked at him. She remembered him. The anbu who was always called to bring her to the hokage. Itachi uchiha.
"Hello uchiha." Said sakura calmly.
Itachi's eyes widen. He too now remembered.
H-how did she become so beautiful. Thought itachi.
All he remembered was that he hadn't been called in weeks to check on her. And last time he Check on her she was gray. Gray hair, a hint of maybe purple. Gray eyes. And pale skin, well that didn't change. But her bandages we're gone reveling pale skin. And now she had pink silky hair not purple. But itachi really wanted to know her eye color.
"What is it you need?" Asked sakura.
"I-i you b-brother-" stutter itachi.
"I see.............. he's in the back of the academy." Said sakura understanding what itachi tried to say.
"T-tha-" itachi.
"I'll be leaving now." Said sakura. Then she walked away.
Itachi was shocked. But then he went to the back of the academy.
What happened with the little monster.
-a four years later- /the uchiha massacre already happened/
Sakura was quietly sitting in her seat with her eyes closed (she always keeps her eyes closed) when naruto and sasuke arrived. Naruto blushed madly while the uchiha blushed a bit, but they walked up to their seats.
"Good morning uzumaki and uchiha." Said sakura.
"G-good m-morning s-sakura-chan." Stutter naruto.
"Hn." Said sasuke.
How dare she! Is she playing with me!?" Thought sasuke angry.
Sakura turned her head towards sasuke.
"Is something wrong uchiha." Said sakura.
"No." Said sasuke.
Naruto looked between them then.
"Oh no you don't sasuke!! Sakura-chan is all mine!! And you aren't taking her away from me!!" Screamed naruto.
"Your sakura-chan!! she's mine sakura-chan!!" Screamed other boys.
The boys and naruto started fighting.
Then iruka walked in.
"Okay class settle down." Iruka said. They continued fighting."class!" Iruka tried again. They continued fighting. Iruka grew a angry mark.
"HEY!!" Yelled iruka. Everyone stopped and looked at him. Iruka looked towards sakura with a nervous smile. Sakura hn him. Iruka froze shocked.
Oh no! she hates! Thought iruka.
" t-today I will be announce teams, so please listen carefully." Iruka looked at naruto.
"What?!" Said naruto
Iruka walked towards naruto and slapped his head.
"Ow! What was that for!" Naruto said.
"For not listing! You should listen more carefully like sakura-chan." Said iruka. Then he walked back to his desk.
"Ok team one will be- later- team seven will be naruto uzumaki, sasuke uchiha and sakura."
Naruto and sasuke battled until they heard sakura's name.
"Ha! I get to be with sakura-chan teme!" Said naruto happily.
"Idiot! We both get too! Were a team dobe." Said sasuke.
" What!?" Shouted naruto.
"Dobe." Said sasuke.
"Both of you shut up you're bothering sakura-chan!" Yelled a boy.
Everyone looked at sakura who was quietly sleeping. They melted in her cuteness. Sasuke tapped her shoulder. Everyone stopped.
Sasuke was on the ground with sakura on top of him with a kunai at his neck. Everyone was surprised. But what surprised them even more was that her eyes were open.
All he boys fainted blushing madly. (yes even iruka and sasuke)(no one saw her eyes before)
Sakura got off sasuke and put her kunai back on her pouch and went back to her seat.
Good they only saw my green eyes.
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