Turn About Is Fair Play
Last time on Only Human! A human boy had woken up to find himself thrust into a battle for a world that isn't his! However, he courageously takes up the mantle of a Freedom Fighter and fights against the evil forces that threaten Mobius.
After his biggest and toughest battle yet, Y/n sacrificed himself to save two worlds from devastation, leaving those he loved most mourning over his death.
Now, almost a month later, the Freedom Fighters invade New Megaopolis for a final confrontation with Dr. Ivo Robotnik! A confrontation the mad doctor isn't handling well...
In a large room inside Eggman's base, Sonic stands beneath one of Dr. Eggman's latest Badniks. One he was piloting. And he was very mad.
"Fifteen years, Sonic! Fifteen years and more!" Eggman yelled at the blue hedgehog. "You've spent your lifetime as a thorn in my side! NO MORE!"
"Uh-huh," Sonic nods.
Eggman lowers his machine down to Sonic. "Don't sass me, you miserable brat! I am Dr. Ivo Robotnik! The most brilliant mind in the history of the world!"
"If you say so," Sonic says as he looks at his hand.
"I do! And what I say is law! You know why?! BECAUSE I CONQUERED THIS WHOLE PLANET! THAT'S WHY!!" Eggman roars furiously. "Do you remember Old Mobotropolis? Veritable capital of the world? It fell to me in a matter of minutes!"
"The Coup. I remember," Sonic smirked. "I was, like, five."
"And do you remember my ultimate victory? When I ground you into of the ashes of Knothole?!" the mad doctor asks. "I'VE BEATEN YOU BEFORE, RODENT! I CAN DO IT AGAIN!"
"I'm sorry, who's robot got totally demolished after our fight?" Sonic asked his arch-nemesis.
"And where is that hero now, rodent?" Eggman gritted his teeth.
Sonic was slightly taken back by this. Then he gritted his teeth as he glared at the mad doctor.
"You know what? I'm done with this," Sonic growled. "I was gonna have some fun with this, being probably our final fight and all, but now you just had to ruin it."
"Then come on, hedgehog!"
Sonic dodged two of Eggman's robotic spider legs before leaping into the air, maneuvering around to avoid the other legs. He then landed on the ground and Spin Dashed to the side to avoid four of the eight legs and started to run around Eggman's machine. He dodged lasers and missiles and the spider legs as he ran all around his enemy. The Blue Blur then started Spin Attacking Eggman's spider mech, bashing his body into its hull multiple times which caused multiple dents to appear.
Sonic then landed on the mech's cockpit. "Let me tell you something, Robotnik. Y/n may be gone, but we're as strong as ever. In fact, his death has given us even more reason to fight."
Eggman started growling at his mortal enemy.
"And let me tell you this, Robotnik," Sonic glared right at Eggman. "Even if you manage to run away again, I'll just beat you again."
"RRRRRRRRRRRRR! FSSSSSSST! Y-Y-YOU...!" Eggman growled. "Ch-j-just a boy! Stupid rodent!"
Eggman pulled his mech back into the air, making Sonic fall back to the floor below.
"Whoa!" he called out.
"Mmm-hmm-hmm-hmm! No more games! Game over! End it all! End him!" Eggman babbled before his mech starts spinning like a helicopter blade. "You can only beat the averages so long before they beat you!"
Sonic huffed and ran his thumb under his nose before jumping into the air. Carefully, he hopped onto and off of each spinning leg and into the air before spinning right through the cable holding Eggman and his mech up.
Eggman screams as his mech falls and crashes down to the ground, bellyside-up. Sonic smirks at this as he sees the week point.
"Why, look! The crucial joint to this thing!" Sonic said. "Don't mind if I do!"
He then spun himself into a ball and crashed down onto the center of the mech's underside. However, Eggman reacted just in time and brought his mech back up, blocking Sonic.
"No, you don't! I won't let you!" he declared.
"Fine, fine. You wanna do it hard way?" Sonic asked before running up the wall. "You'll have to catch me first!"
"Blasted manic perpetually moving animal!" Eggman yells as he gives chase.
Sonic laughs. "That's it, Eggy! Right this way!"
They near the ceiling, only for Sonic to push himself off the wall. He ends up falling downwards behind Eggman.
"Whoops! Gotcha!"
"What--?!" Eggman questioned before Sonic Spin Attacks the back of his mech, and it starts falling. "No-NO-NO!!! STOP IT!!! STOP IT!!!"
Sonic grins as he spots the weak point again and spins through the air. He then goes to crash into the mech's underside, only for Eggman to stop him again.
"I FORBID YOU!" Eggman yells as Sonic slices through the mech's spider legs. "I COMMAND YOU TO STOP! I--AUGH!!!"
Eggman grunts as his spider mech crashes into the disheveled floor below. Sonic lands behind him and mockingly wipes his hand across his sweat-free forehead.
"Whew! Ready to surrender?" he asks.
"Cant... won't let... not this time....!" Eggman babbled again in his cockpit before it gets back up and fires lasers.
"Should've known better," the Blue Blur says as he dodges laser fire.
"N-N-NO! STAY BACK!" Eggman orders the approaching Sonic. "LOSE...! DIE!!!"
Sonic spins through and slices through two of the remaining mech legs, making the mad genius yell in frustration and anger.
"I--" Sonic slices through two more, making the mech fall. "--HATE--" Sonic spins right through the main body of the mech. "--THAT--" The cockpit gets snapped off the mech. "HEDGEHOG!!!"
Sonic finishes destroying the mech and lands on the ground as Eggman falls from his now ruined cockpit. He lands in the remains of his mech, and Sonic picks up his arch-nemesis' glasses from the ground.
"Wow! That was cathartic!" Sonic said, now sweating. "But ending a lifelong duel would do that, wouldn't it? You hear me, Eggman? You're done."
Sonic begins walking towards his fallen enemy, who begins trembling as he mumbles incoherent words.
"I'll leave the speeches about 'winning the day's and 'conquering evil' to Sally," Sonic kneels down next to Eggman. "I'll be content with 'nyah-nyah' and 'I win'."
Eggman spat out an incoherent mumble before standing to his knees and screaming. His outburst makes Sonic back away in surprise as his fallen foe begins pulling at his mustache. His red and black eyes were completely unhinged.
"Um... Eggman?" Sonic called out
He isn't met with a coherent response. He only gets to hear Eggman screaming as he rips his mustache up, making the hero cringe. Then the mad doctor starts flailing his arms around the air madly.
"HEDGE! GNYAH! HOG!" Eggman shouted as he stood up. "HATE! NO!"
"H-hey, Doc? Doc Robotnik!" Sonic got no response. "Yo! Ivo!"
Robotnik yells as he spins around, nearly hitting Sonic. Then he falls to the floor again as he holds his head and kicks his feet in the air.
Said blue hedgehog turned around. "Sally?"
Sally Acorn, the royal princess, walks into the area where Sonic and Eggman just fought. In her hand was a portable hand-monitor, and around one of her wrists was a strange silver-blue ring.
"We got here as fast as we could! Bunnie and Mighty just--" her eyes landed on the freaked-out Eggman. "Robotnik?"
"Yeah," Sonic said. "Bunnie and Mighty just what?"
"Right!" Sally turned back to Sonic. "They just now pulled the doors apart."
"And the Dark Egg Legion?" Sonic asked.
"Fell back a few minutes after you ran ahead," the princess answers.
Eggman yells again, and the two Mobians turn to see him banging his fists on the floor.
"Sonic... what did you do to him?"
"I just beat him like always..."
Another voice speaks up. "More than that." Snively walks between the two, looking sadly at his uncle. "You didn't just beat him, Sonic. You broke him."
He walks over to his uncle who had curled up into a ball. He places a band on the older man's shoulder.
"Eccentrics aside, he really is a genius. He can build the most amazing things and plot a hundred steps ahead. Tbe world fell to his brilliance in a few short years," Snively stated, and turned to Sonic. "And then there's you. All the building, calculating, and planning in the world couldn't beat you. It's been gnawing at his mind for over a decade now." He takes his hand from Eggman's shoulder. "His defeat at New Mobotropolis shook him the hardest. He's been losing his grip for days now. He simply could not take one more defeat at your hands."
"So... what now?" Sally asks.
"Now? Now you leave me to take care of my poor uncle. Now you go home and celebrate," Snively told the leader of the Freedom Fighters. "You've won."
"Did I hear right? Is it over?"
Sonic and Sally turn to see all the Freedom Fighters run into the room. They all seem ecstatic.
"Y-yeah. It's done," Sonic nods. "We won."
They all ran over to Sonic, congratulating him.
"You jerk! I told you to save some action for us!" Knuckles the Echidna laughed.
"Party on!" Vector the Crocodile declared. "It's over!"
"Hooray, Sonic!" Amy Rose cheered. "We knew you could do it."
Sally looked down at her portable monitor. "Did-did you get that, Nicole?"
"Yes, Sally. As did everyone back home," the AI responds. "They're dancing in the streets!"
Sally couldn't help but smile at the news. Everyone was so happy. And then her smile fell a bit. All the cheering made her wonder... what would he be doing right now with this news?
Not long after, the Freedom Fighters were walking through the corridors of the Eggman base to leave. Amy and Miles 'Tails' Prower were next to Sonic, listening to him explain what happened.
"After you went through the barricade, you got to that room, right?" Tails asked.
"Yeah," Sonic confirmed. "Obvious trap, but whatever, right?"
"Then what?!" Amy asked.
Sonic was silent for a moment as he remembered what Eggman said to him. It made Sonic's blood just thinking about it. How dare Eggman mock Y/n's sacrifice?
"And where is that hero now, rodent?"
However, the Blue Blur just shoved past that anger and put on a smirk instead.
"He came down in his robot, um, spider," he said. "And I trashed it."
"Oooh, I can just imagine!" Amy cooed. "So dashing! So daring!"
"Nothing can stop that Sonic Spin!" Tails declares.
Sonic chuckled a bit before looking down at the floor. Amy noticed this and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Hey, Sonic, are you okay?" she asked him.
Sonic looked back towards the direction he had his final bout with Ivo Robotnik. His broken state was seared into his mind. He wanted to win... but not like that. However, he just put on a fake smile for Amy and Tails as he turned to face forward again.
"Just tired from kicking some Ro-butt-nik, I guess," Sonic shrugs.
"That's more like it!" Tails says.
"Okay, guys," Sally speaks up. "Let's help Rotor pack up and head for home."
"Yes, ma'am!"
Tails and Amy run off ahead to do as told, leaving Sonic with Sally. She then rubs her head before looking at her ex.
"Hey, you," she greets him.
"Hey," Sonic rubs his shoulder.
"Are you going to be okay?" Sally asks.
Sonic was silent for a moment. "... I guess." He sighed. "I... didn't think it'd end like this. I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't this. I mean... now what do I do?"
Sonic couldn't tell Sally what Eggman had said about Y/n. He couldn't let her hurt even more over his death.
However, Sally only smiles and takes his hand. "That's an adventure in itself, isn't it? Trust me, fulfilling your 'duty' and moving on can be a good thing."
"Yeah. Maybe you're right," Sonic smiles before noticing the ring on Sally's wrist. "Still wearing that thing, eh?"
Sally blushed a bit and pulled her hand away from Sonic. She rubbed it awkwardly.
"Y-yeah. It was Nicole's idea," the princess says. "It's the only thing we have left of him, so I wanna keep it close."
Sonic smiles softly at the princess. "I understand. It's been hard on all of us. Especially on you and Nicole. Just know that all of us are here to talk if you need it."
"Thanks, Sonic," Sally wipes away a tear threatening to fall. "How about we catch up with the others?"
"Sure, Sal," Sonic nods.
And with that, them and the rest of the Freedom Fighters leave, the day won.
Meanwhile, back in Eggman's base, said mad doctor was sitting in a padded cell with a straight jacket on.
"No hedgehog can't where why..." he babbled.
"There-there, dearest uncle. The bad Mobians are gone now. Shh..." Snively comforted his uncle from outside the cell. "And don't you worry about your little eempire. I've found just about person to handle things. And we'll be very happy ruling it together. You just stay cozy and crazy, you isolated idiot. It's my turn now."
A Dark Egg Legion member approaches Snively, bearing news.
"The Dirigible approaches, sir," they say.
"She's here! Oh, at long last..." Snively smiles as he begins walking off to meet his guests.
Sniveky arrives at the roof, where the clouds were dark and spotlights were on. Up above, an air zeppelin hovered in the sky. Dimitri was there as well as he and his Dark Egg Legion prepared to greet the guests.
"Secure the mooring lines! Let us greet our new benefactors with precision!" the elder echidna orders. He then turns to Snively. "I have risked much in siding with you, Snively. If she does not provide for my people--"
"Save your idle threats, Dimitri," Robotnik's nephew smirks. "Your choice in loyalty will be rewarded."
The small man then stepped forward as his guests finally touch down on the landing pad.
"Dark Egg Legion! Allow me to introduce you to our new master!" he calls out. "Bride of the Four Houses! Ruler of the Iron Dominion and now the Eggman Empire! The Iron Queen!"
Look out, Sonic! Eggman may be down for the count, but a new evil is right on his heels! Who are these new villains? Where are they from? And what do they want? Find out, next time on No Longer Human!
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