Change In Management
It was a few days after Eggman's defeat. All of New Mobotropolis was gathered into the coliseum for a celebration. Eggman had been defeated and his empire had fallen! Why shouldn't they celebrate?
"Come on. This concert is for you as it is for the rest of us," Sally says as she drsgs Sonic to the seats. "And you've moped enough."
"I'm not moping," Sonic states. "I'm just... y'know."
Sonic and Sally make it to the front seats where the rest of the Freedom Fighters were.
"Okay, so I've been out of sorts," the Blue Blur admits.
"Hey, Sonic!" Tails greets his best friend. "I saved you a seat."
"Thanks, bud," Sonic smiles as he takes a seat.
"Are you worried about Robotnik?" Sally asks as she sits as well. "This isn't the first time we've thought we defeated him."
"It's not that. I know we got him this time. I saw him snap. Dude totally fell apart right in front of me," Sonic leans back in his chair with his hands rested behind his head. "I've beat him plenty of times before, but this felt... different. Like I did something to him worse than just kicking his butt. It's like things went too far this time."
Sonic shook his head and turned to Sally.
"Nevermind all the unspeakable things he's done," he lets out a breath. "I'm not making any sense, Sal."
"We'll talk about it more later, okay?" the princess suggests. "For now, Mina's music should put you in a better mood."
Speaking of which, Mina and her band had finally finished preparing and all stood together on the stage.
"Hellooooooo, New Mobotropolis!" Mina greets the countless Mobians. "We're the 'Forget Me Knots'! We're back from our world tour, and we're ready to rock! ARE YOU?!"
The crowd all cheered in response and Mina grinned.
She and her band immediately began to play their music, only to be cut off when a lightning bolt strikes the stage floor and knocks the band off their feet. Everyone looks up to see a monkey on a cloud wielding some sort of bo-staff.
"Party? The beacon of hope for Mobius and you're playing like children at a time like this?" Monkey Khan questioned in anger. "What kind of lazy, self-congratulatory jerks revel when the rest of the world suffers?"
Ash helps his girlfriend back to her feet as the Chinese monkey Mobian glares at everyone.
"Where are these so-called 'heroes' of Mobius?" Khan asked. "I want you charlatans you look me in the eye and tell me why you're so great!"
Everyone was shocked at this sudden arrival. Especially Sally.
"Monkey Khan?" she questioned.
"And just when I thought post-Robotnik life would be boring," Sonic turns to Sally with a smirk, giving her a thumbs up.
Meanwhile, outside of the coliseum, Espio the Chameleon was sitting on the floor of his house. His legs were crossed and his eyes closed, meditating as he hummed. That's when the sound of lightning caught his attention, making the chameleon open his yellow eyes. He turns to look outside and sees lightning crashing down inside the construct.
"Trouble at the coliseum...?" he questioned before bursting into a sprint. "And why does it feel like the beginning of something terrible?"
Back at the coliseum, a fight has broken loose. Sonic had spun at Monkey Khan who blocked the attack with his electric staff. The hedgehog bounces away and lands back on the ground.
"Nice to see you're the same old jerk as always, Khan," Sonic scowls. "I still haven't paid you back for the trouble you caused me over a year ago!"
"And you're the same ego-driven, short-sighted idiot I remember," Khan pointed at the Blue Blur. "How you won these people over is beyond me."
"Blah-blah-blah!" Sonic mocks the monkey. "This is for wrecking Mina's concert!"
Sonic curls himself into a ball and spins at Khan.
"You arrogant--!" Khan lept at Sonic, only for Sally to get in-between the two.
"CUT IT OUT!" Sally orders the two, causing them to stop in their tracks. She turns to Sonic. "Jumping into a big fight does not help this situation. Cool it."
"Fine, Fine," Sonic stands and wipes the grass off of himself. "You talk to the hot-head."
Sally turns to Khan. "And if you've got a grievance with us, you can do it civilly... and without the lightshow."
"I... suppose... I could've handled introductions better," Khan said with crossed arms. "But to see you all playing around when the Eggman Empire is--"
"We defeated Dr. Robotnik a couple of days ago," Sally interjects. "The empire should be in collapse."
"Collapse?! All you did was change who's in charge!" Khan declared. "The doctor may be off his throne, but now she's in control."
Sally was confused. "Who's she?"
The Eggdome...
In the new Iron Throne Room in New Megaopolis, the Iron Queen and King sat on their thrones with Snively between them. Before them were two bats in shinobi outfits with the Bride of the Conquering Storm.
"Hail to the Iron Queen, new empress of the Eggman Empire!" Snively announces.
"Thank you, my fine steward," Iron Queen turns to her servants. "Conquering Storm, your report?"
"The Yagyu Clam has scoured the city," Conquering Storm answered. "New Megaopolis is in complete ruin. Only the Eggdome is operational."
"I'm sure we have my cute little steward to thank for that, don't we?" the Iron Queen says, smiling at Snively.
The Robotnik giggles a bit. "Well, I do my best."
"BAH! We had everything back in the Iron Dominion. What's so great about this trash heap of a city?" the Iron King asks angrily. "And I don't like how your runty steward keeps announcing only you. And keeps acting so familiar with you. And keeps breathing..."
Snively squeaks out a yelp and shuffles a bit away from the warlord.
"Now-now, my king. Remember that this is only temporary," the empress assures her husband. "We'll move the seat of the Empire back to our holdings in the Dragon Kingdom soon.:
The Iron King huffs his breath in annoyance.
"Not all is lost, my king," Snively assures the ox. "A-all the weapons within the r-ruins can join your c-collection!"
The Iron King huffs out some air through his nostrils, scaring Snively. He then stands from his throne and walks off.
"BAH! I might as well look for something of use since our army here is so weak," he passes by his Conquering Storm. "Conquering Storm, come with me."
"Yes, sir," the lynx follows her king.
As the two leave, Dimitri walks in.
"My apologies for arriving unannounced, your highness, but I come in regards to your... 'weak' army," the cybernetic echidna states.
"Grandmaster Dimitri of the Dark Egg Legion, correct?" the Iron Queen asks.
"And another of your humble supporters, your majesty," Dimitri bows.
"Such a gentleman!" the empress smiles. "Plead your case to your queen."
"When Dr. Robotnik supplied my people with their cybernetics, he took the liberty to add explosive devices to ensure our unwavering loyalty," Dimitri eyes Snively before turning back to the queen. "Given our support of your coup de tat, I would hope you could give us peace of mind and remove them."
"I have already reviewed your plight, Grandmaster, and I'm afraid the doctor's work was too thorough. I cannot remove the explosives," the Iron Queen says as Snively reaches behind her throne. He then pulls out a metal container with a smile on his face. "I have, however, developed a microchip that will disable the detonator signal, and will thus still be providing your people with their freedom."
Dimitri approaches and grabs the container as the Iron Queen continues. "Install them into all of your people and my my blessing be with them always."
Dimitri narrowed his eyes at Snively for a moment before pulling away and leaving the throne room. The Iron Queen and Snively watch him leave with smiles on their faces.
"I will at once," the echidna says. "My utmost thanks, my queen."
He finally leaves.
"Poor trusting fool," Snively comments.
"And at last we're alone," the Iron Queen states.
She turns to Snively who turns to her as well. They then both smile and the man in green hops into the taller woman's lap, both laughing joyously.
"Mree-hee-hee-hee!" the empress laughs. "Oh, Snivy-kins! Everything is working out splendidly!"
"Of course it is, Regina!" Snively says. "We're brilliant!"
"It won't be very long now," Regina states. "We'll crush the rebels in New Mobotropolis, dispose of my oaf of a king, and rule the world with an iron fist."
"You say the sweetest things, my dear," Snively tells his secret love partner. "All that's left is that pesky hedgehog, and then nothing will stand in our way!" Snively then smirks. "Speaking of which, I have a present for you that will help take care of him!"
Snively hops off of his lover's lap and turns to the doorway lying at the side of the throne room. His grin was still present.
"Come on out," he tells the person waiting in the darkness. "It's time to meet your new master."
The person in question obeys and begins to step out of the darkness, their footsteps hard and heavy. Regina Ferrum gasps as she sees who it was. He looked like a near exact copy of Sonic the Hedgehog.
(Art by 30909ArtisCL on DeviantArt. Credit to them)
"Metal Sonic, reporting for duty," the hedgehog said in a tone that sounded natural and unnatural simultaneously.
"What is this?" Regina asked Snively.
"My uncle's greatest creation! A perfect blend between of biology and technology," Snively states proudly. "The first ever metal-organic hybrid of his kind, the new Metal Sonic."
"A new Metal Sonic that can pass as a living being?" the Iron Queen questions before smirking. "Interesting... But I don't like that name for him. Metal Sonic. Doesn't sound right with his appearance."
"Do you wish to change it?" Snively asked.
"May I?" Regina asked her secret lover.
"Go right ahead, my dear," the shorter man smiled.
Regina grinned at this and stood from her throne. She approaches the metal-organic hybrid hedgehog and circles him a bit silently before stopping right in front of him.
"I'll name you... Iron Sonic," the Iron Queen smirks. "Iron for short."
"I am Iron Sonic," the newly renamed hedgehog says and kneels before his new master. "What do you need of me, your majesty?"
The Iron Queen hummed in thought before turning to Snively.
"What exactly can he do?" she asked.
Snively grinned. "Anything you want."
New Mobotropolis...
Back at the coliseum at New Mobotropolis, Monkey Jahn had just finished explaining what had happened with the Eggman Empire to the Freedom Fighters and the king.
"... And that's where it stands. Most if the ninja and their clan leaders are still in the Dragon Kingdom, but she's moved over a large force to cement her take-over."
"Khan... I'm sorry," Sally apologized. "We didn't know."
"Mon dieu..." said Antoine in French.
"Antoine, if you would help me gather the Council?" King Elias asked the coyete. "We need to discuss how we're going to handle this new threat."
"Handle? You did the same thing you did with Robotnik!" Khan yells at Elias. "Nothing has changed for you. Your fight isn't over yet--"
"--it's just beginning," Sonic finishes.
"Sonic?" Tails questions his best friend.
Sally turns to her ex. "Easy, Sonic. We still need to plan our next step. But Khan's right. We have work to do."
"Thank you, Sally," Khan tells the princess. "I'm sorry for my actions earlier."
"We'll deal with apologies later," Sally says. "Right now, we have the Iron Dominion's invasion to worry about."
"Yeah, and we've had plenty of..." Sonic nearly trailed off, but got back his focus. "We've had plenty of experience with invasions, lately."
"Right, and what worked before can stand to work again," Sally nods. "We need to coordinate with the Freedom Fighters of the Dragon Kingdom." Sally looks down for a moment before turning to Khan. "I'm sure there were a few in Stormtop Village. If you've been fighting the Iron Dominion, you must know the other resistance groups, right?"
There was no response from the monkey. It made Sally worry.
"There... aren't... any... others..." Khan stated.
"In that case, me and Khan can zip over to New Megaopolis and just kick them out now," Sonic steps in.
Sally turns to the Blue Blur. "Absolutely not!"
"Come on, Sal! I've already tangled with these jokers," Sonic states. "They're not that tough."
"They can't be total push-overs, Sonic," the Acorn princess argues, "if they control the Dragon Kingdom and took over the whole Eggman Empire!"
"No," Khan steps in. "If he thinks he's so mighty, I'd be happy to show him just how out of his league he really is."
"Big words, little man!" Sonic smirks. "Think you can keep up?"
Sally groans. "Honestly!" She pinches the bridge of her nose and lets out a breath. "Okay, but this is for recon only."
"And if we happen to liberate Mobius along the way, it's a happy bonus," Sonic says. "Got it!"
Sally sighs. "Sonic!"
Sonic only chuckles before dashing away with Monkey Khan right behind him on his flying nimbus.
"Follow me, M.K. I'll show you how this despot-toppling thing is done," Sonic tells the monkey as they leave New Mobotropolis. "Hey, do I get an apology for all the crud you said and done to me?"
"Only if I get one in return," Khan answers, making Sonic laugh. "I will never understand how the princess could be with you."
"Eh, not much to understand," the speedy hedgehog says. "We're not together anymore. Besides, it's not like we'd get together again, probably."
"And why is that?" Khan asked.
"She has... had a thing for a friend of ours. Y/n," Sonic answers. "She would want to be with him more than me."
"And why do you say 'had', Sonic?"
Sonic was silent for a moment before speaking.
"Because Y/n is dead."
New Megaopolis...
Back in the Eggdome, the Iron Queen was now back on her throne with Snively on her lap again. Iron Sonic was standing by her side, his face hard and stoic. Then someone ran in, calling out to the queen which made Snively jump from his lover's lap.
"Your highness!" Conquering Storm called out.
The Iron Queen clears her throat. "Report!"
"My agent has reported that Sonic the Hedgehog and Monkey Khan are heading for the city together!" the lynx informs.
"How considerate of them!" Snively grins.
"Indeed!" the Iron Queen grins as well. "The fight for this continent will be over before it begins!"
The Bride of the Conquering Storm then noticed Iron Sonic standing next to her queen. She grew confused and curious.
"Who is this?" she asked. "And why does he look like Sonic?"
Regina and Snively both looked at Iron Sonic before they looked at each other. They smirked.
"He is our enemies' downfall."
Minutes Earlier...
Back at New Mobotropolis, Espio is seen running down one of the paths. He calls out for the city's AI.
Said holo-lynx materializes. "I'm here, Espio."
"Why are there lightning strikes in the coliseum?" the chameleon asks. "It's a clear--"
Espio stops as he senses something and smacks away some sort of projectile, surprising Nicole. They both turn to see another lynx who catches the thrown weapon.
"You're getting slow," Lightning Lynx says before having to dodge a kick from Espio. "Alright, maybe not that slow."
"Something's wrong," Nicole says as she searches for something. "I'm not detecting the rest of the Destructix here."
"Because I'm not with them anymore," Lightning says and catches Espio's wrist. "I'm here on clan business... 'brother'."
This catches Espio off-guard. "... what?"
"The Clan Wars are over," the lynx states. "The Bride of Four Houses rules us all now."
"Impossible," Espio says as he pulls away from the villain's hold.
"It's the truth," Lightning assures. "She slew the Bride of Rich Nights and took the Yagyu Clan as her own. The others fell into place in short order."
"Lies!" Espio yelled. "The Shinobi Clan would never--!"
"I bring orders from the Bride of Constant Vigil herself," Lightning holds up a wrapped parchment. "Orders she entrusted to me."
Espio snatches it from the lynx and unrolls the paper. He reads it, only to be left shocked and speechless
"But... you're... not..."
"I am now," Lightning smirks. "The Bride of the Conquering Storm saw the value in an agent already established in the region."
"Espio, what is Lightning talking about?" Nicole asks the chameleon. "What brides? What clans?"
"I... cannot explain," Espio turns his head away.
"But why not?" Nicole asks. "Maybe the Freedom Fighters can help?"
"No," Espio shooks his head and turned to see Sonic and Monkey Khan rushing by down another path. "I have been summoned. I must fulfill my new duties."
He turns back to Nicole. "Tell Knuckles I..." He stops himself. "Nevermind. Goodbye, Nicole."
Espio then takes off with Lightning, leaving the AI girl confused and worried.
"Espio! Wait!" she calls out after him. "I don't understand! They won't understand!"
But it was too late. The two shinobi had already made it past the barrier wall and Lightning had given a report to Conquering Storm. She would be giving the news to the Iron Queen now.
Nicole lets out a long, tired breath before relocating herself to the statue that was made in Y/n's honor. She sits down at its feet and leans against the stone leg. She looks up and gazes at the stone chiseled face of her deceased boyfriend. She missed him so much...
"What would you do, Y/n?" she asked the statue. "What would you do...?"
A new evil has claimed the world of Mobius! Will Sonic and Monkey Khan be able to stop the invasion early? Or is this the beginning of the end for our heroes? What was all this talk of 'brides' and 'clans'? Has Espio really turned traitor? And who exactly is this new 'Iron Sonic'? Find out, next time on No Longer Human!
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