thirty two
COMMENT 'leanne ur such a nasty pile of monkey doo doo but it's ok" IF U ACTUALLY SURVIVED THE NO HOMO FAMINE
ALSO, song recommendations: wolves, never enough, olivia, walking in the wind, OR JUST ANY HAPPY SONG :O
small thingy: i used American times because I'm lazy and can't be bothered to research how UK times work :)))))))))
harrystyles: why our conversation was deleted, i don't know
harrystyles: but I do know one thing
harrystyles: WE MEET TODAY
harrystyles: BUT THEN I WILL LET YOu go bc i don't want u die on your first day here ok
harrystyles: louis it shall be the best week of your entire life
harrystyles: LOUIS WHERE ARE YOU
harrystyles: SJHERUNSARJ
Louis started down at his phone's lock screen and smiled at the messages from Harry popping up, one by one. He probably should've let harry know that he was awake and actually right about to leave for Holmes Chapel, but instead he just watched as the messages piled up on his lock screen. Louis was always such a tease.
harrystyles: louis
harrystyles: you're
harrystyles: such
harrystyles: a
harrystyles: piece
harrystyles: of
harrystyles: pretty
harrystyles: poop
harrystyles: i
harrystyles: hate
harrystyles: you
harrystyles: so
harrystyles: much
Louis let out a soft sigh and swiped his lock screen, typing in his password. his phone opened up his texting app and he immediately pressed on his and Harry's chat, marking Harry's messages as read. Louis decided, for his own amusement, to not type anything and leave harry on read. watching Harry get offended was one of Louis' favorite activities.
harrystyles: LOUIS HI
harrystyles: HIIIIIII
harrystyles: WE MEET TODAY
harrystyles: YOU'RE S O A NNOYING STOP
Louis rolled his eyes at Harry's joke and finally decided to respond,
louist91: rekt
Louis then exited out of his texting app and chuckled to himself, slipping his phone into his back pocket. Surely that'd cause some whining from Harry once he decided to answer him back, but for now Louis' attention was focused on something even more important. It had been ten months since Louis accidentally typed in 'harrystyles' in his search bar. Honestly, he doesn't even remember whose username he was trying to get to. He could vaguely recall running into an old friend who had given him their username to catch up. Although Louis would've loved to keep in contact with whoever it was that day, if Louis had to choose between that old friend and Harry, he would choose Harry in less than a heartbeat.
As Louis sat on the couch, staring off into space while thinking about Harry, Liam came trudging down the stairs with about six full suitcases in his arms. The grunts and soft curses coming from Liam's mouth didn't even process into Louis' mind until he heard a loud thud come from the bottom of the stairs.
"Why do you need six suitcases, Louis?!" Liam panted, bent over with his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath.
"You're suppose to be the strong one of the house," Louis disappointedly shook his head, "you let me down, Payno."
"When do I not?" Liam muttered, rolling his eyes and grabbing only two suitcases. As Liam carried the suitcases out the front door and to the car trunk, Louis stood up from the couch and grabbed one suitcase.
"In case you didn't remember, I'm not the only one going to Holmes Chapel," Louis said to Liam as he passed him on the way to the car. Liam once again grabbed two more suitcases and dragged them to the car trunk. Liam stood next to Louis, fitting each of the suitcases in the car.
"I only need one suitcase," Liam chuckled, "Unlike you, I don't think I'm some high class model that needs to pack their entire wardrobe when visiting places."
Louis leaned against the car and watched as Liam struggled to make room in the trunk. Pulling out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his back pocket, Louis placed the cigarette in between his lips and lit it, "We're not the only ones leaving, idiot."
"Who else is coming?" Liam asked, not turning away from the trunk.
"Who do you think?"
Liam rolled his eyes and turned around, "You're so over dramatic," Zayn chuckled at this, "You're like a vampire, I didn't even see you there."
"I did a little sneaky sneak," Zayn teased, wiggling his fingers at Liam, "Spoopy, huh?"
"Spoopy indeed," Louis laughed, wrapping his arm around Zayn's shoulder, "Now go get the rest of the bags for your kings, slave."
Liam narrowed his eyes at Louis, but then looked down at the cigarette in Louis' hand. Liam then snatched it away from him and threw it on the ground, causing an offended gasp to come from Louis, "You know Harry hates when you smoke, dummy."
"Good point," Louis nodded, pointing towards the house, "Go fetch my cologne to cover up the evidence of my crime."
Liam loudly groaned but didn't argue as he spun around and headed to get the other bags in the house. Louis then left Zayn's side and walked to the side of the car, opening the door to the back seat. Zayn followed, instead taking the passenger seat, "Ya see, zayn?" Louis started, lying down in the back, "This is the kind of treatment you get when you're beautiful."
"Are you calling me or yourself beautiful?" Zayn questioned, looking towards Louis.
Louis pointed his finger at Zayn, "We both are."
Zayn only smiled and turned back around, staring out the window of the car. Louis took this time to pull his phone out of his back pocket and unlock it, immediately going to his kik app. He could see that Harry was trying to get ahold of him, but of course he couldn't just give him his attention. What kind of teasing bastard would he be if he just gave in? Not a good one. Instead, Louis quickly left all of Harry's messages on read and then opened his chat with Niall. He typed a simple "yo" before exiting out of kik and staring at his phone for a couple of minutes. Just as he had guessed, he started getting kik notifications and he couldn't hold back his big, cheesy smile.
harrystyles: I HATE YOU SO MUCH
Louis took this as an opportunity and went to their chat, quickly typing in a reply.
louist91: ok
louist91: back to bed it is
Then almost immediately,
harrystyles: NO
harrystyles: PLS
louist91: MAKE UP UR MIND
harrystyles: MY MIND IS MADE UP
harrystyles: AND MY MIND SAYS COME
louist91: wOah there harrie, it's a process u can't just demand it ;))))))))
harrystyles: i hope ur car crashes again
louist91: :O
Suddenly, the back door opened and Liam threw a handful of cologne bottles on Louis' stomach, "I didn't know which one you wanted."
Louis looked at all of his options and shrugged, opening his camera app on his phone. He then took a picture, typed his caption and sent it to Harry.
louist91: (image attached) which one do u like better
harrystyles: OOOOOH
louist91: ew i hate the orange one
harrystyles: I SAID ORANGE
harrystyles: ORAAAAAANGE
Louis then closed his phone and shooed Liam away with his hand, "These will do fine, thank you."
Liam closed the back door and jogged around the car, opening the driver's door and getting in. As Liam started the car, Louis sat upwards and fit himself in between Liam and Zayn, "Are you guys exciiiiiited?" Liam put the car in reverse and slowly backed out as he replied, "Not as excited as you probably are."
Louis sat back in his seat, bouncing his legs up and down, "Not sure if this is excitement or terror, honestly."
"What is there to be afraid of?" Liam laughed, still looking at the road, "The worst Harry could do is suffocate you with his hugs and love."
As Liam and Zayn both laughed at this, Louis only stared down at his hands in his lap. While he was ecstatic to finally be able to speak to Harry face to face, there was still lingering fear in his system. It was easy to deny his feelings while texting, but there was no way he would be able to hold himself back while standing in front of Harry. He was afraid that if he stared at Harry too long, he wouldn't be able to contain the need to just pounce on him and kiss him all over his face. Louis didn't know why he was afraid though, it was quite obvious to him that Harry felt the same, if not more. There was no way to explain why he felt so scared to allow himself to be happy with Harry. Perhaps that was just Louis; Always having to make everything difficult for no reason at all.
"You're awfully quiet back there, Louis," Liam spoke up, glancing back at Louis for only a second before focussing back on the road, "I hope you're not stressing too much."
Louis chuckled, "Stressing is an understatement."
Zayn then turned around in his seat and looked at Louis, "There's nothing to worry about, Louis. Everything is going to work out just fine, I know it.'
Louis smiled at Zayn and simply nodded, putting his focus back on his hands.
"Now, I don't know much about this Harry bloke," Zayn said, "but I'm sure he's not panicking."
The fast paced clicking of Harry's boots on the floor's tile sounded all around the house as he speed-walked towards the living room where he knew Niall was lounging. Harry's rapid breathing indicated that he was obviously overwhelmed, but Lord knows it was much more than that.
As Harry spotted Niall watching tv on the couch, he stood himself right in front of Niall. Niall then over dramatically rolled his eyes and switched off the tv, focussing his attention on Harry, "What did I do this time, mom?"
Harry crossed his arms over his chest and tapped his foot, "Please explain to me why all of your showering products were scattered all around the bathroom."
Niall tilted his head, "Because I took a shower?"
"Yes, now tell me what you're suppose to do with those things, after you finish your shower," Harry demanded with a serious tone, while Niall spoke with a rather confused one.
"Leave it there for when I decided to take another one?" Niall questioned.
"No!" Harry frustratedly yelled, uncrossing his arms to make movements. Harry then sighed before taking a moment to calm himself down. Honestly, we wasn't even sure why he lived with Niall sometimes. Harry rested his arms by his side and slowly said, "You're suppose to clean up after yourself, Niall."
Niall shrugged and picked up the remote, "I'll clean it up later."
Before Niall could turn the tv back on, Harry quickly snatched the remote and held it in his hand. Niall stared up Harry and let out a short, "bro."
"Don't 'bro' me," Harry mocked Niall, then pointed up the stairs, "Go clean the bathroom right now."
Niall began to grow impatient as he annoyedly said, "Harry, what's the big deal?"
"The big deal is that Louis is going to be here and I don't want him thinking we're ape men!" Harry argued.
"Okay, first of all, seeing shower products won't be the thing to make him think we're ape men," Niall pointed out, causing Harry to roll his eyes, "and second of all, we literally have two hours until he arrives."
"Niall, that's how long it takes you to find your room," Harry sassily replied.
Niall pointed his finger up at Harry and stated, "Look, this is a big house and I get lost sometimes, alright! I swear those two upstairs hallways look exactly the same!"
Harry loudly sighed, making Niall smile cheesily and give him a big thumbs up. Harry ignored him and instead focussed his attention on the mess that Niall had made on the living room's coffee table. Harry literally growled at Niall and picked up two take out bags in both his hands,
"Just because you're fine letting Louis know you're a lazy pig, doesn't mean I am," Harry said, walking over to the kitchen and throwing both bags in the trash.
"I'm not a pig," Niall responded from his spot on the couch, "I'm a man." Niall then hit his fist against his chest once, a small 'ow' leaving his lips afterwards.
"Niall, you're disgusting," Harry scrunched up his nose, picking up a dirty pizza box.
"Wait!" Niall stopped Harry, "Don't throw that box of pizza!"
Harry glanced down at the pizza box in his hand and then back at Niall, utter disbelief on his face, "Niall, this pizza box has been here for like 12 years."
Niall shook his head, "Just hand it to me, I'm hungry."
Harry quickly backed away from Niall and held the pizza box away from him, "Niall, NO, this pizza is probably old and gross and expired and you're gonna DIE."
Niall furrowed his eyebrows and waved his left hand around, "Harry, pizza doesn't expire."
Harry raised his eyebrows and closed his eyes, "You're kidding, right?"
Niall shrugged and crossed his arms over his chest, "Not everything expires."
"Niall," Harry only said.
"Not everything expires," Niall stood his ground, saying in a sing-song voice.
Harry only turned away from Niall and starting walking towards the trash can, announcing for Niall to hear, "Our friendship is about to expire right now."
As Harry threw the box of pizza into the trash can, he heard the buzzing of his phone on the kitchen counter and he gasped loudly. He ran as fast as he could in his boots and picked up his phone, looking at the screen. Of course, he was greatly disappointed to see that it was only Nick who was calling him. Harry let out a quiet whine before picking up the call. Before Nick could say anything, Harry quickly spoke up,
"Nick, don't bother me at all today or, for that matter, the next seven days. Your company is unwanted," Then, Harry swiftly hung up and placed his phone in his back pocket, walking back to the living room where Niall had yet to move from his spot.
"That was cold, Harry," Niall shook his head, touching his heart, "I can just feel Grimmy's pain, especially considering he has a crush on you."
"Grimmy has a crush on anyone with a dick," Harry pointed out.
Niall made a fake wince, causing Harry to chuckle, "Louis turned you into a straight savage."
At the mention of Louis, Harry smiled sweetly before his smile slowly faded and it turned into a look of panic. Harry let out a loud gasp, "Holy shit, I need ice cream!" Harry then sprinted past Niall and up the stairs of their home, racing to his room. It had completely slipped Harry's mind that Louis had said that if he had ice cream waiting for him, Harry could, "release the endless cuddles on him." It was a ridiculous thing to stress over, but heck, Harry wasn't going to risk a cuddle opportunity.
As Harry barged into his room and grabbed his wallet from his desk, Louis' head raised from Harry's bed. Not the Louis you're thinking of, Louis the cat. Harry looked over at Louis and the cat stared right back at Harry, making Harry say, "What? You're not coming with."
Louis the cat then tilted his head sideways and crinkled his nose. Harry let his shoulders fall and sighed over dramatically, walking closer to the cat that was lying on the edge of his bed, "I wish I could say no to you." Harry then picked up Louis and groaned while Louis only meowed.
"Where am I going to put you?" Harry thought out loud, looking at Louis the cat as he squirmed in his arms. Harry shrugged his shoulders and set Louis gently on his shoulder, "We'll figure that out later."
"It has been thirty minutes. We have an hour and a half until we reach our destination. Louis is unsure how long he will have to wait until he can release the oceans of his bladder, as Liam refuses to stop. Louis must improvise, must he pee on Zayn?"
Zayn turned around in his seat and raised his eyebrows at Louis, who was lying down in the backseat recording himself with his phone. Liam had already begun to ignore Louis' nonstop speaking, simply tuning it out like he always does, but every now and then, Zayn felt the need to comment. This was one of those moments.
"Why pee on me? Why must I suffer?" Zayn questioned.
Louis continued to record himself with his phone as he responded to Zayn's question, "I've already peed on Liam before, he wouldn't react."
"Confirmed," Liam spoke up from the driver's seat.
Zayn shook his head, "Should I even ask why you've peed on him before?"
"Please do, it's a delightful story."
Zayn stared at Louis for a second before shrugging his shoulders and unbuckling his seat belt, mumbling out, "What the heck?" Zayn then jumped out of his seat and struggled to crawl to the back of the car, making Liam yell and Louis squeal with excitement. Louis moved over from his spot and made room for Zayn, who tumbled into the backseat ungracefully.
"It's a moving car party!" Louis yelled, his camera now focusing on him and Zayn in the backseat. Liam glanced behind him for a moment before whining out loud,
"I want to be apart of the party!"
"And you are," Louis smiled sarcastically, "This wouldn't be a moving car party if someone weren't making the car move!"
Liam stuck his middle finger in the back seat, Louis moving his camera to record Liam's hand, "Look at how this evil man treats me!" Louis then switched the camera back to his face as he shook his head, "Disgraceful."
Zayn crossed his legs, rested his elbows on his knees and then placed his chin in his hands, "Tell the story, lou lou."
Louis then turned his camera to his face and yelled into the camera, "ARE YOU READY KIDS?"
Suddenly, the camera swerved around to Zayn who screamed out, "AYE AYE CAPTAIN."
"Kill me," Liam chimed in.
"WHO LIVES IN A PINEAPPLE UNDER THE SEA," Louis and Zayn chorused together, the camera shaking as Louis and Zayn jumped around in the back seat, "SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS."
"YOU'RE SHAKING THE CAR," Liam hollered, not even close to catching their attention.
"ABSORBENT AND YELLOW AND POROUS IS HE," Louis rolled down the windows, screeching out, "SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS."
"IF NAUTICAL NONSENSE BE SOMETHING YOU WISH," Zayn sang along, grabbing ahold of Louis' phone and zooming in on his face, "SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS."
Louis then scooted closer to Zayn and pushed him aside to fit in the camera, "THEN JUMP ON THE DECK AND FLOP LIKE A FISH. SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS."
"Sing it!" Liam mockingly yelled over their screams as everyone in the cars around them stared.
"SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS, SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS," their chants most likely bursting the ear drums of every other human being in a 5 mile radius of them.
"SPONGIE BOB," Zayn and Louis yelled out one last time, making sure to leave a dramatic pause before shrieking at the top of their lungs, "SQUAREPAAAAAAANTS."
It was almost guaranteed that Zayn's high note made them all go deaf for at least fifteen seconds, but god damn, it was a good one. At the end of their spongebob ballad, Liam quickly clapped his hands and Zayn bowed forward. As for Louis, his mind was focussed somewhere else as he stopped recording on his phone and uttered out a small, "I still need to pee."
Zayn sat back in his seat, smile as big as ever as he said, "Louis, I've seen you hold your pee for like three hours."
"That's unhealthy," Liam commented.
Louis then squeezed his thighs together and whined out loud, "But I gotta go baaaaad."
Liam shook his head and examined the roads around them. He shrugged his shoulders lightly and stated, "Louis there is absolutely no place where you could pee."
"Stop at the side of the road, there's trees!" Louis argued, "Let me be one with nature by sharing my fluids with them."
"Louis," Zayn said seriously, "Your last girlfriend barely wanted you to share your fluids with her."
Suddenly from the driver's seat, Liam laughed loudly and pointed one finger back at Louis, "Ha ha, Louis used to be straight!"
Louis only rolled his eyes and slapped Liam's hand away from him. Liam quietly responded with an "ow" as Louis crossed his arms over his chest, "That was only because I hadn't realized how great dick is."
"Sometimes I forget you're gay because you always talk about how you fuck everyone's bitches," Zayn chuckled, making Liam laugh along. Louis let out an overdramatic sigh before looking to his side to look out the window. Only a couple seconds afterwards he squished his thighs together once again and let out a whine,
"I still have to pee."
"What do you want me to do, Louis?" Liam asked, continuing to drive.
Louis quickly reacted and pointed out his window, announcing for the entire car to hear, "Look, there's a hotel! Let's stop there so my bladder won't explode!"
"If we stop, we're going to be late," Liam tried to reason.
"You're right, I'll just hold my pee in my penis for another hour and a half, because being punctual is much more important than my health! And so that way, I can also give Harry my urine as a gift! Right when we step into his home, I'll ask him to cup his hands and I'll aim my dick like it's a fucking super squirter. You're so great with ideas, Liam, what would I do without you?" Louis innocently batted his eyelashes at Liam.
"Fucking small-bladdered elf," Liam grumbled to himself before pulling into the parking lot of the hotel.
"Love you Lili!" Louis yelled before opening the car door as Liam was still driving. This caused Liam to stop the car in panic, making Zayn's face slam into the back of the head rest and Louis to trip over himself and fall over. Liam laughed loudly at Louis falling straight into the road, but Louis quickly got up and sprinted to the entrance of the hotel. As Louis pushed open the doors and tried to run past the front desk to search for the bathrooms, the man standing there quickly stopped him.
"Woah, woah, woah, sir! Where do you think you're going?" The man yelled strictly, causing Louis to stop in his tracks, still pushing his thighs together in attempt to keep his pee back.
"Well you see, mister," Louis started, the sarcasm dripping from his voice, "I have piss beating against the tip of my dick, similar to how water pushes forcefully against the Hoover dam. And I've entered this fine establishment to allow my inner Niagara falls to flow, so if you'll excuse me."
As Louis attempted to run once again, the man interrupted him, "Excuse me? Just who do you think you are?"
"Louis William Tomlinson, pleasure to meet me sir," Louis bitterly smiled, "I'd shake your hand but I'm too busy cupping my penis."
The man stared at Louis, absolutely appalled with his words before strictly yelling, "How dare you speak to me in such a manner? I swear, I've never been so disrespected!"
Just as the man finished his sentence, Liam and Zayn walked through the entrance, barely catching what the man had to say. Liam only sighed lightly before leaning over to Zayn and whispering, "What the hell could've he done in only two minutes?"
"I'm sorry, is my friend causing any trouble?" Zayn said to the man, causing Louis and him to look in Zayn's direction.
The man looked between Louis, Zayn and Liam and pointed back and forth between them, "Is this man with you?"
"Yes," Liam answered, "We stopped because we're traveling somewhere and our friend needed to use the bathroom."
"He's told me," The man grumbled to himself, then speaking aloud, "Well, the bathrooms aren't open to just anyone."
Liam nodded understandingly, "Alright, I'm sorry to have bothered you, sir, we'll be leaving then."
"C'mon, Louis," Zayn said, motioning him towards the exit of the building.
Louis squinted his eyes at the man while following behind Liam and Zayn. Suddenly, Louis' eyes landed on the large plant sitting in the corner of the room and of course, he being Louis, just had to come up with a brilliant idea. Louis looked behind him at the man, who had now returned to his spot behind his desk, and then back at Liam and Zayn who were already exiting the building. Louis quickly rushed into the corner and tried his hardest to hold back his smile as he unzipped his pants and pulled down the front of his underwear.
The only thing Liam and Zayn heard was the horrified voice of the man yelling, "Oh my god!" before they ran back in to see Louis taking his very much needed piss on the artificial plant set up in the corner of the lobby.
"Jesus fucking Christ, Louis!" Liam yelled too, while Zayn only laughed.
When Louis was done, he swiftly pulled up his underwear, zipped his pants back up and turned around towards the man who was staring at him like he was the devil himself. Louis simply shrugged before uttering out, "When you gotta go, you gotta go."
The man didn't waste anytime before picking up his desk phone and dialing what they could only assume was the police's number. Liam then quickly picked up Louis and threw him over his shoulder, racing to their parked car with Zayn running after them. Liam threw Louis in the back seat as Zayn crawled in from the other side. Liam slammed the door shut and quickly got into the driver's seat, starting the car and driving off as Zayn yelled, "Go, go, go!"
Louis could only laugh his head off as Liam drove away from the hotel at record speed with Zayn yelling profanities at him in the background. Louis took this as an opportunity to pull out his phone and open his camera app, quickly pressing the record button. Louis laughed into the camera as Liam's yells were caught on tape also.
"So," Louis started before laughing again, the front camera on him, "We've just drove away from a hotel where the clerk man was calling the police on us."
"On you!" Liam yelled in the background, causing Louis only to laugh louder.
"I had to take a piss and he wouldn't let me piss," Louis explained to the camera, "So I peed on the plant in the lobby."
"You're fuckin mental, you idiot!" Zayn yelled at him, punching him on his shoulder. Louis only made a face before leaning back in his seat and shrugging.
"Don't mess with the Tommo," Louis said.
"We're never going to another hotel again," Liam announced to the car.
Louis chuckled before staring into the camera of his phone and saying, "If you like causing trouble up in hotel rooms, then Harry," Louis then winked before finishing his sentence, "I'm perfect for you."
"How are we going to do this?" Harry questioned, staring at Louis the cat sitting in the passenger seat of his car. Harry needed to go in and get the ice cream for Louis, but he also didn't have the heart to leave Louis the cat alone in the car while he was gone.
"Alright, let's try this," Harry said to himself, getting out of his car, closing the door and then walking around to the passenger side. He then opened up the door and grabbed Louis the cat up into his arms. Harry looked around his entire outfit, trying to find some place that he could use as a spot to keep Louis the cat settled. Suddenly, Harry looked at his loose sleeves and furrowed his eyebrows.
"I am so sorry," Harry said to Louis the cat before setting him on his arm and pushing him forward to crawl up his right arm. Harry then pulled down his sleeve and looked at his upper arm. It kind of looked like a giant lump on his arm, but it could easily be mistaken for just a giant bulge of muscle. At least he hoped.
Harry locked his car door and slowly walked towards the grocery story entry, not wanting to shake up Louis the cat. Just as Harry was about to walk into the store, Louis the cat let out a small 'meow' and Harry leaned his head down to his arm and whispered, "Shush, we're on a mission."
Harry walked through the automatic doors and immediately walked in the direction of the frozen food section. Harry made sure to keep his arms straight and stiff, since he didn't want to shake Louis around too much. He had to admit, it was going pretty well so far. Two points for Harry.
Suddenly, Harry felt a forceful bump into his right arm. Now you see, if there weren't a small cat clinging onto his upper arm, he probably wouldn't have panicked like he had.
"Oh my god, are you insane?!" Harry lashed out at the woman employee who lightly bumped into his shoulder. Harry made sure to gently set his hand on top of his upper arm to make sure Louis the cat was alright. He calmed down when he felt Louis wiggle around a bit.
The employee widened her eyes at the tone of Harry's voice, but apologized nonetheless, "I'm sorry, sir, I didn't-"
Then, out of the blue, Louis the cat felt the sudden need to make his presence known. So from under Harry's sleeve, Louis the cat meowed louder than he'd ever meowed. And Harry, knowing that if this employee knew he had a cat underneath his sleeve she'd most likely kick him out, did the only thing he could do.
"MEOW," Harry yelled over Louis, making the employee back away from Harry slowly.
Harry's loud meowing continued as long as Louis' meows came, and oh my lord, Louis sure could meow.
"I'm very sorMEOW, sometiMEOW MEOWmes these MEOWs just coMEOWme and goMEOW," Harry tried to explain while trying to keep Louis' presence unknown.
The employee nodded her head lightly while continuing to back away from Harry, "Well, okay sir, have a nice-"
"MEOW," Harry interrupted her, turning away from her and holding onto Louis the cat in his sleeve while he speed walked to the ice cream section. Subtract those two points, Harry is back at zero.
"You are a demon," Harry whispered into his shoulder at Louis the cat as he approached the freezer filled with tubs of ice cream.
Harry stared at all the ice cream pints in front of him and sighed, remembering that Louis hadn't told him what kind of ice cream to get. So Harry, being Harry, just grabbed all the ice cream pints available, while still making sure Louis the cat was alright. Harry then rushed down the aisle to the nearest check out lane so he could get to his car and let Louis the cat free from his sleeve.
"Cold, cold, cold, cold," Harry whispered to himself, speeding up his walking.
Finally, Harry made it to a check out line and threw all the pints of ice creams on the counter, rubbing his arms afterwards to try and warm up. Harry was much too occupied with his cold arms and the cat in his sleeve to even begin to notice the young check out girl who was indeed checking him out.
"What's all the ice cream for?" The girl asked while ringing up all the pints, adding in a joking voice "Going through a break up?"
Harry finally focused on the girl and nervously chuckled, feeling Louis wiggle around in his sleeve, "Uhh, nooo..."
The girl nodded and smiled at Harry. Just being polite, Harry smiled back and waited impatiently for the girl to tell him the price, "I'm sorry, could we hurry this up?"
"Oh sorry," she apologized, a little embarrassed by Harry's unintended harsh voice, "That'll be 14.85."
Harry quickly pulled out his wallet while the girl bagged up the ice cream, suddenly dropping one on the ground. Harry suddenly gasped and looked over the counter, making sure the pint was alright. The fact that Harry had no idea which ice cream could be Louis' favorite had him on his toes and he was ready to protect each pint like he was a mama bear.
The girl nervously laughed while showing him the perfectly fine pint in her left hand, "It survived! I tried bagging it with my right hand while I'm left-handed!"
Harry felt like saying, "ok cool, didn't ask though," but decided to go with the much more appropriate response in his head.
"My friend is left-handed," Harry awkwardly commented, referring to Niall, "As for me, I'm a righty."
Suddenly, the girl giggled to herself before holding back her smile and saying, "Yeah, I could tell."
"How so?" Harry asked, handing her the money.
All the girl did was motion suggestively to Harry's right upper arm and when Harry glanced to his right arm, his eyes widened. Of course, there was the bump of Louis the cat on his right arm, making it appear massive compared to his left arm.
Oh dear.
"Oh, god!" Harry exclaimed, placing his hand over his arm, "No, no, no, that's not- like, that's not it!"
The girl only smirked up at Harry when handing him his bags of ice cream. Harry just sighed loudly before grabbing his bags and mumbling out "thanks" before walking right past her and towards the exit of the store without looking back. Just one visit to the store and the employees think he's a meowing wanker- quite literally. Harry was now at negative four points.
Once Harry made it to his car, he unlocked the passenger door and opened it before rolling up his sleeve to see Louis the cat. Louis meowed innocently as Harry picked him up with his left hand and brought him to his face,
"Never again."
Harry opened the front door to the house and let Louis the cat walk in first, his small paws patting quietly against the tiled floor. Harry closed the door behind him before racing to the kitchen, silently praying to all that was holy that the ice cream was not yet a liquid.
As Harry set the bags down on the kitchen counter, it was almost as if Niall used his super hearing skills to hear the sound of groceries hitting the surface. Suddenly, Niall was in the kitchen and standing over the grocery bags, rummaging inside.
"This is even better than groceries," Niall shrieked in excitement, pulling out a pint of ice cream in each of his hands, "Ice cream from breakfast, lunch, and dinner!"
Harry acted fast and punched Niall in his side, grabbing both the ice cream pints and shoving them back into the grocery bag. Keeping Niall away from groceries is hard, keeping Niall away from ice cream; That was a challenge.
"Don't you dare touch any of these ice creams," Harry ordered Niall, walking over to the freezer while Niall followed behind, "These are for Louis."
Niall let out a, way over dramatized, gasp and let his hand lay on his heart, "So you buy Louis ice cream, but not me?"
"Yes," Harry answered simply, putting the ice cream pints away.
"Ya know, if you're going to be this mean to be when you get a boyfriend, I hope Louis never asks you out!"
Harry whipped around faster than he'd ever in his life, "Niall, don't say that to me!"
Niall only shrugged and walked out of the kitchen. Harry turned back around to finish putting everything up and nearly snapped his own neck from turning his head around so fast at the sound of knocking at the front door.
"No, no, no, no," Harry quietly chanted to himself, shaking his head as he carelessly threw at the ice cream into the freezer.
Harry looked down at his watch and yelled out in frustration that Louis was forty five minutes early. How dare he do this? Didn't he realize that Harry needed every second to prepare himself until noon, when he thought Louis was actually going to arrive?! Harry was panicking on the inside and finally snapped out of his state of anxiety when there was another set of knocks at the door.
Harry ran into the living room and whisper-yelled at Niall, "You stay here, I'll answer the door!"
Harry fixed his hair nervously as he speed walked over to the door and just as he was about to answer it, of course, he chickened out. His hand went back into his side like a turtle pulls its head back into its shell and Harry froze. Then, Harry ran back into the living room and stood in front of Niall.
"Actually, if you could go get the door while I ready myself some more, that'd be great..." Harry practically begged Niall, making him throw back his head and groan loudly.
Niall got up from the couch and walked over the front door, simply opening the door and then rolling his eyes, "Harry, it's not even Louis, it's Grimmy."
At this Harry, sighed in obvious annoyance and walked back over to Niall and Nick, who basically welcomed himself in, "Nick, I told you to take a hike today."
Nick smiled cheekily, "Even more of a reason to come over."
"Get lost, Nick," Harry called to Nick over his shoulder as he started walking up the stairs to his bedroom, "I'm waiting for the love of my life to arrive."
"But I just walked in?" Nick raised his eyebrows, making Niall chuckle and Harry narrow his eyes.
"Shut the hell up, Nick." Harry simply said before turning back around towards the stairs to continue to get ready for Louis' arrival.
"Okay, okay, so what if a panda bear, like a really cute, fluffy looking panda bear, just asked you for all the money in your back account? You still wouldn't give in to him?"
Zayn furrowed his eyebrows at Louis and shook his head in utter disappointment, "Louis, panda bears don't speak-"
"But in a world if they did!" Louis added, pointing at Zayn.
"What would a panda bear even need money for?" Zayn questioned.
Louis paused for a second before replying, "Panda bear things."
"He can make his own money for his own panda bear things," Zayn stood his ground, crossing his arms and leaning back into his seat.
Louis only scoffed and looked out his own window, muttering, "Soul-less panda hater."
"Wait, let me try one," Liam butted in from the driver's spot, "What if Megan Fox approached you and asked for your entire back account?"
"Megan Fox with a panda!" Louis yelled over Liam.
Zayn stayed silent for a couple seconds before saying, "I mean, she's got her own money, why does she need mine?"
"She wants it for the panda," Louis stated.
Zayn shook his head once again, "she can use her own money for her own panda."
Louis threw his arms up in frustration and yelled out, "Well, congratulations, Zayn! You're a selfish, money hogging bastard who doesn't care about the pandas in need! I hope you're happy with yourself."
"Well, I have my entire bank account, so I'd say I am," Zayn teasingly replied, making Louis roll his eyes.
Suddenly, the car went silent as they continued driving. Louis and Zayn were both looking out their own window and Liam was too busy looking at the road. Louis' eyes were drawn to the nature outside, but of course, he was much more interested in other things.
"Ya know," Louis started the conversation up again, "If Megan Fox or a panda came up to me and asked me for all the money I have, I'd give it to them."
Louis took a pause before scooting closer to Zayn and looking him straight in his eyes, "Because I care."
Louis settled back in his own seat as Zayn forced back a smile and then continued to stare out the car window. The car was silent for the next couple of minutes, which Louis quite frankly didn't enjoy. It gave him enough space to worry about what was going to happen when he arrived to Harry's house in Holmes Chapel. Louis didn't want to worry too much about it, but it was inevitable. He'd been avoiding it though. By mindlessly talking to the boys.
"Hey guys," Louis spoke up again, trying to keep his anxiety caged, "What if we were actually all cows and for some reason we saw ourselves as humans but everyone else saw us as the true cow beings that we are?"
Liam sighed loudly at Louis' absurd need to speak at every moment. Liam knew it was because he was trying to disguise how he actually felt about the entire event, so like the good friend he is, Liam played along, "I think I'd be a very pretty cow."
Unlike Liam, Zayn couldn't quite tell why Louis kept bringing up these ridiculous ideas and only saw it as annoying. So Zayn replied with, "Louis, shut up."
Louis ignored Zayn's reply and instead said back to Liam, "You'd be the cow that the farmer kills first."
Liam quickly shot back, "Don't they kill the best ones first?"
A pause from Louis followed slowly after, and then a stern, "Shut up, Liam."
Liam smiled victoriously at his win, which rarely happens when he's competing against Louis, and high fived himself, making Louis snort.
"About how long until we're there, Liam?" Zayn asked out of the blue, turning away from the window.
"Does it matter?" Louis quickly interrupted Liam before he could answer Zayn's question. Louis honestly didn't want to know how much time there was left. It'd make the entire ride much less stressful for Louis to endure, but obviously Zayn didn't really care about that.
"It matters because my ass feels like it's on fire right now," Zayn said to Louis before looking at Liam through the rearview mirror, "So?"
"Liam shut that mouth of yours!"
"Louis, fuck off," Zayn grimly said to Louis, "Liam, seriously, how much time?"
And, as any sassy maniac who always needed to have his way would do, Louis acted on his instincts and jumped on Zayn's lap and slapped his hands on Liam's face from behind him. Liam let out a high pitched scream and his arms pulled back quickly, swerving the car slightly.
"Louis!" Zayn yelled from under Louis.
"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" Liam hollered over the screeching of the tired and the honking of other cars. Liam acted quickly and grabbed the steering wheel, gaining control of the car once again, "Louis, you're fucking mental!"
Louis only pouted in his seat on Zayn. Zayn roughing pushed Louis off of him and huffed loudly, looking at Liam expectantly.
"We have a little over thirty minutes," Liam whispered quietly, just barely loud enough for Louis to hear. Louis then slid down in his seat and felt his heart beats speed up.
"Drama queen," Zayn rolled his eyes.
You see, if Louis could actually process anything in that moment, he probably would've fought Zayn in the backseat for the third time since they had been in there, but Louis was too far gone in his own world. The only thing Louis could focus his mind on was the moving trees and the car clock that said 11:31, now leaving only 29 minutes until they'll be in Holmes chapel. Louis tried rolling down the window to see if the blowing wind would somehow calm his nerves or at least make the sudden urge to gauge his eyeballs out go away, but to no avail. All Louis' mind could form in his head was the familiar green eyes, long curly hair, and full pink lips that belonged to the man that was about thirty minutes away from him. Louis' hands subconsciously starting gripping the car door handle as his mind raced back and forth between excitement and anxiety, which created one giant tornado in his tummy.
"Pull over," Louis started, hands still tightly on the door handle, "Pull over now!"
Liam turned around towards Louis in question and fear, "What?"
"Pull over!" Louis screeched one last time, holding onto his stomach.
Liam quickly turned the steering wheel towards the side of the road, where Louis didn't hesitate to fling open the door and bend over, throwing up all over the side of the road. Liam and Zayn only stared at him, wide eyed and surprised as he emptied his stomach in front of every passing car. Liam looked down at his watch and sighed.
"We might be a little late."
"Okay, okay, last outfit, I promise. Just tell me, does this one look good?"
Niall looked up from his phone and at the thirteenth outfit Harry had come down to show him. Nick had been helping Harry choose an outfit for the last twenty minutes, but of course, Harry couldn't approve of any of them without Niall.
Niall nodded his head and looked back down at his phone, "It's nice."
"Nice? Nice!?" Harry panicked, looking down at his outfit and then at Nick, who was standing at the top of the stairs, "Get me another outfit, Nicholas! One that isn't just nice!"
Nick sighed loudly before walking back into Harry's room to prepare another outfit. Niall stood up and placed his hands on Harry's shoulders, looking him in his eyes.
"Harry, I hope you know Louis isn't going to care what you're wearing," Niall told him, "The stupid blouse you're wearing isn't going to make him love you anymore than he already does."
Harry pouted down at Niall and then looked down at his feet as his boots shuffled around. Harry was obviously stressing with the fact that Louis would be here in around twenty minutes. Harry had much better things to do than rummage through his closet and put together a trillion different outfits for the week, but yet that's what Harry found himself doing to pass the time. Now that Niall had finally brought Harry to his senses, he let out a short sigh before starting to walk back up the stairs.
"Nick, get me outfit three and then put away the rest of my clothes!" Harry yelled like an angry businessman. The only difference being that Harry currently had about twelve curlers in his hair. Did I forget to mention that Louis liked it when Harry's hair was extra curly? He really paid attention to detail.
"Oh wait, Niall," Harry stopped himself from going any further up the stairs, "Did you order those custom boots I told you to?"
"Harry," Niall warned.
"This is different!" Harry whined, "I've been wanting these boots much longer than I've known Louis, it's just a bonus that Louis will be able to see them!"
Niall rolled his eyes before pointing where the golden box laid on the ground next to the television. Harry squealed in excitement before skipping over to the box and picking it up in his arms, lovingly caressing the box. Harry then opened it up and removed the thin paper, his eyes popping almost completely out of their sockets once his eyes landed on the boots.
"Niall, what the hell?!" Harry yelled, pulling out one boot to show Niall, "These heels are way too tall!"
Niall only shrugged, "You never told me a length."
Harry gasped, looking appalled at the height of the gorgeous boots he'd been dreaming about, "Who do you think I am, Lady Gaga?"
"That's explain that weird hat thing you've got goin' on there," Niall chuckled, motioning towards Harry's head.
"They're curlers!" Harry screeched at Niall, walking back up the stairs with his box of new boots that he now needed to match with whatever outfit he was going to wear.
Once Harry stepped through the door of his room, Nick turned around to show Harry the outfit he'd asked for, but Harry just pushed Nick aside.
"Get out of my way, Nick," Harry demanded, sitting down at his desk with the mirror in front of him, starting to take out his curlers, "My husband is going to be here in almost ten minutes and I haven't even moisturized yet."
Nick lightly laughed before sitting on the edge of Harry's bed, "Tell me all about this husband you speak of."
Harry stopped in the middle of brushing out his curls and slowly set his hairbrush down, spinning around in his chair to face Nick. Harry kept his gaze down at his carpeted floor and breathed slow and soft breaths. How could Harry even begin to describe Louis?
"Well," Harry started, his hands now nervously playing with each other, "He's funny, in that clever and sassy way. Like, like he can respond to anything in about two seconds without having to think twice."
Without even noticing, Harry's smile grew and his hands motioned as he spoke, "He's also just, kind," Harry pointed up at Nick and added, "He lives in his own apartment, but might as well live with his mum with how much he visits her," Harry couldn't control the absolute amazement laced in his voice as he kept on going, "His sisters are like the most important thing in his life, his entire family basically. He's so, like, great with children."
"I work part-time at a day care, but ya know..." Nick quietly tried to butt in, only for Harry to completely ignore him and continue on.
"And, and!" Harry excitedly jumped up from his seat, "He has the best voice I've ever heard in my life!"
"I sing a little-"
"He sounds like a mixture of an angel and like a cinnamon roll if it could sing," Harry elaborated, practically jumping up and down like a little kid, "And he is so fucking gorgeous!"
"Well, I'd say that I'm-"
"He could totally be a model if he wanted to," Harry dreamily sighed, jumping on his stomach on his bed, "He's got the cheekbones, the eyes and the scruff- oh god, the scruff!"
Nick lightly rubbed his fingers across his face looking for any kind of scruff as Harry continued on, "I've never been too horomone-y and stuff, but oh my Jesus, I just want to feel that scruff all over my-"
Suddenly, the light echo of a doorbell made Harry stop in the middle of his sentence and freeze up. He jumped right up from his spot on his bed and raced out of his room and down the stairs. Before he knew it, he was standing right in front of the front door and looking through the peek hole. And holy fuck, nothing could've prepared him for the moment that was presented before him. Louis fucking Tomlinson actually in the flesh, was standing on the other side of the door, and Harry couldn't believe nor handle it. The sudden rush of emotions took over Harry's entire system and he felt like he was too overwhelmed to function at all.
"Who is it?" Niall asked, walking into the room.
Harry didn't pull his eye away from the peek hole at all, ignoring Niall completely. Harry couldn't even begin to process anything around him. The only thing on his mind was the fact that Louis William Tomlinson was standing there, wobbling back and forth on his feet wearing a black adidas shirt that Harry told him he would look good in about four months ago. It was a dream, it was an absolute dream and the more Harry stared at Louis, the more he started to feel a little light-headed.
"Oh my god," Niall gasped, running over to Harry as he suddenly collapsed, landing in Niall's arms, "Jesus fucking Christ, Grimmy!"
Nick then came rushing down the stairs and rolled his eyes at Harry's half-unconscious body. He quickly pulled Harry into his own arms as Niall laughed at the droopiness of Harry's eyes.
"He looks so smol and pretty," Harry giggled dazedly to Nick as he carried him up the stairs.
"Yeah, ok, let's get you dressed properly," Nick sighed, leading Harry to his room.
And from the other side of the door, Louis stood impatiently, tapping his foot against the pavement of the porch. Liam and Zayn were busy trying to get all the luggage out from the trunk, leaving Louis to stress to himself.
"Guys, it really seems like no one is here," Louis nervously chuckled, shoving his hands in his pockets, "I think we should wait another ten months then try again."
"Louis," Zayn picked his head up from the trunk, "The lights are on inside."
"And there are cars in the drive way," Liam also pointed out.
"And you can see Harry's head peaking from the top window," Zayn laughed, pointing up at the curly head of hair that was poked out of the curtains on one of the windows.
As Louis picked his head up to look at Harry, the curly head of hair quickly ducked down and Louis laughed.
"He fucking saw me, holy shit!" Harry panicked from the inside, sitting on the ground under the window.
Nick rolled his eyes and handed Harry his brand new boots to put on, "I've never been this excited, nervous and sick in my entire life," Harry added as he took his boots in his hands.
"Everything will be fine," Nick tried to comfort Harry, "But Harry, I promise you, those boots aren't going to do much good. I can feel it."
Harry then quickly grabbed a pair of socks next to him and chucked them at Nick's head, "Fuck off, Nick, I don't want your girl scout cookies."
"Look, they're not even opening the door," Louis tried to reason, "We're obviously not welcomed here-"
Then, Niall opened the door wide open and pretended to cringe at the sight of Louis, "Ew, Lewis."
Suddenly, Louis transitioned from nervous to competitive and responded to Niall's reaction, "Step aside, Nail, the king has arrived."
"Wow, you really are a little bitch in person," Niall laughed out loud, letting Louis walk inside nonetheless, "Emphasis on the little."
Louis turned around to face Niall, "And you're an annoying blonde with horrible brown roots," then leaning in closer to Niall, "Emphasis on the horrible brown roots."
Niall clutched his heart before wincing and saying, "Ouch, gotta hit where it hurts, huh?"
"That's how you win the game, Horan," Louis shrugged.
There was silent pause as Louis and Niall only stared each other, both processing the fact that the other was standing right there. It was an amazing concept, really. That instead of bantering over the phone, they were now doing it in person. Suddenly, Louis stepped forward and pulled Niall into a friendly hug, patting his back lightly. Once they pulled away, Niall smiled cheerily.
"So glad to finally be meeting you, shawty," Niall taunted Louis, walking with him into the living room.
"Right back atcha," Louis responded before stopping to point and look at Niall, "And watch out for that 'shawty', I'll gnaw your ankles off."
"Right," Niall nodded, "The only place you can reach."
Louis smiled forcedly at Niall, "Ha ha, you're hilarious, Neil. Now where's my husband?"
And as Harry heard those words come out of Louis' mouth, he stepped out from the corner of the wall and started walking from the top of the staircase. Harry was going for the dramatic entrance where Louis would look up at him and realize that he was completely and utterly in love with every inch of him. And, hey, it was really working. Louis looked up at Harry like he was the only human on the planet at that moment. There was no way to describe how he felt and it was so scary for him. Louis just wished that Harry could stop being so damn beautiful and graceful. And well, let's just say he got what he wished for.
Unexpectedly, Harry's feet tripped over the unnaturally large heels and he found himself falling face first down the remainder of the stairs. A small shriek left Harry's lips as he tumbled forward, causing Louis and Niall to both gasp loudly. Niall then started laughing loudly and out of mercy, Louis held back his laughs. As for Harry, the physical pain was a breeze compared to the emotional humiliation. He just fucking tripped over his own feet in front of his crush. Calling Louis his 'crush' made him feel like he was back in grade school, but that was just the reality of the situation.
Finally, Harry landed on the bottom of the stairs practically upside down and Louis wasted no time running over to Harry. Of course all the ruckus caused Nick to leave Harry's room to see what happened, even though Harry told him to stay in there until he said otherwise. Nick walked out to see Harry almost dead at the end of the staircase and rolled his eyes, walking down the stairs.
"Harry, i told you to wear your normal boots," Nick then sat himself next to Harry, who only groaned in response.
Louis also sat himself down next to Harry's face and comfortingly rubbed his hands on Harry's arm. Harry's immediate response was to squeak and Louis lightly chuckled, making Harry look up at him. The entire moment was perfect and as Louis set his hand on Harry's cheek, Harry knew this had to be a dream. But it wasn't. And Harry felt like screaming because of that fact. The fact that Louis Tomlinson was indeed only a couple inches away from his face, rubbing his thumb across Harry's cheek and caressing his hair. Harry wanted so badly to say something, anything to break the silence and make him kiss him right then and there, but there was only one word that Harry could utter out.
"Oops," Harry shyly whispered, making a grin appear on Louis' beautiful face.
"Hi," Louis teasingly whispered back, staring straight back into Harry's eyes.
For some reason, Harry suddenly felt himself picking his head up higher to try and press his lips against Louis'. Harry wanted this to be the moment they kissed for the first time, I mean, it felt perfect to him. He was already planning it all out in his mind as he slowly got closer. Their wedding vows would have something to do with the words "oops" and "hi", maybe they'd tattoo them on each other in their own hand writing, or matching sweaters with the words, or, or, or-
And then in the blink of an eye, it was all ruined with the voice Harry had come to be annoyed with, "This idiot decided to try and impress with heels that were like 3 inches too tall."
Everyone but Harry then looked up at Nick, who had lightly pushed Louis' hand away to pet Harry's hair with his own. Harry felt like screaming and yelling at Nick for ruining their possible first kiss, but found himself way too invested in the way that Louis squinted his eyes at Nick's hand on Harry's head. Interesting, Harry thought to himself.
"And who might you be?" Louis practically growled, causing Harry to actually get chills. Harry hated to admit it, but he was secretly loving this right now.
"The names Grimmy," Nick extended his hand towards Louis, only for him to stare down at it like it was invested with every disease known to man, "I'm sure you've heard a lot about me."
Of course Louis knew who he was, but he wouldn't give him that satisfaction of knowing that. So instead he responded by saying, "Grimmy sounds like the name you'd give to your pet worm that you accidentally step on ten minutes after finding it."
Nick was only amused by this answer, remembering what Harry had told him, "That's descriptive to stay the least."
"I'm good at thinking on my feet, what can I say?" Louis smirked.
"What else are you good at?" Nick found himself shamelessly flirting.
Louis was quick to respond back though, completely shutting him down, "On my feet? Stepping on worms."
Nick only laughed, "Ouch, that hurt."
"Well, I did just step on you," Louis retorted.
Okay, that's enough, Harry thought to himself, standing up from his spot on the ground. He quickly brushed off the back of his jeans and sighed, causing Nick and Louis to stand up also.
"Well, my ankles didn't snap off," Harry announced, "If anyone was actually interested."
"Sorry to inform you, but no one was," Louis playfully told him, causing Harry to shine brighter than ever before.
"Shut up and hug me," Harry said, not hesitating to pull Louis right into his arms.
If Harry thought he was whipped before, then he had no fucking idea what he was now. Having Louis' smaller body engulfed in his own made him feel like he was floating on clouds and he just wanted to melt into Louis' warm embrace. Harry had never hugged anyone so tightly before and he felt like if he ever let go, he'd feel empty for the rest of his life. As for Louis, the reality of the situation finally sunk in as he felt Harry's arms squeeze him half to death. Normally, Louis would've pulled away as fast as humanly possible, but the way Harry held him like he needed his body against his own made Louis feel so damn important. The only thing Louis could really do was try to hug Harry as tight.
After what felt like eternities, the two boys pulled apart and stared right back at each other. Their arms were still connected to each other, almost as if now that they had come in contact, they'd never be able to go without each other now.
Suddenly, from the hallway connecting the living room and front door, loud groans and curses interrupted the moment and then Liam and Zayn were in the living room with their arms filled with luggage. As they dropped the bags on the ground, Zayn let out a huff of air and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Louis, you said I was too beautiful for labor," Zayn whined, "How dare you do this to me?"
Louis only shrugged his shoulders and pulled his arms away from Harry, making Harry pout his lips to himself, "Between the two of us, Zayn, I shall never be the one to be succumbed to labor."
Before anyone could say anything else, Liam's shoulder was being tapped by Niall. Niall pulled Liam in for a short hug, Louis and Harry conversing to each other quietly.
"Just wait until you hear all about our ride here," Louis chuckled, widening his eyes at the things that had happened.
"How about we go get lunch and talk about it?" Harry suggested, his smile undeniably contagious to Louis as he smiled right back at him.
"All of us?" Louis questioned.
Harry shrugged lightly, "Well, yeah, but if you were thinking just you and me, then I mean..."
Louis laughed at Harry's suggestive tone and shook his head, "No homo though?"
Harry's smile immediately faded away and he stared at Louis with complete annoyance, making Louis hold back his giant smile. Before Harry could turn away from Louis, Louis stood up on his tippy toes and let his lips leave a small kiss on Harry's nose. Harry stood frozen in his spot and Louis smirked, lightly patting Harry's cheek before saying, "I'll go unpack."
Louis then walked away without saying another word and Harry stood in his spot, absolutely astonished. Louis Tomlinson just kissed his nose. And he had to stand on his fucking tippy toes. Was this even real right now?
"You okay?" Niall questioned, his hand resting on Harry's back.
Harry quickly nodded before whimpering out, "Help," then collapsing into Niall's arms once again.
"Fucking," Niall grunted, looking around and then calling out, "Grimmy!"
And right before Nick took Harry into his arms to drag him into his room, Louis pushed him aside, "Actually, I'll take him."
"Uh, you don't have to," Nick nervously chuckled, "I've got him."
"No," Louis said sternly, making Nick back away, "I've got him."
And as Louis tried his absolute hardest to carry Harry back up the stairs, all that could Harry could think in his mind was just how much amazing it felt to finally be in the position he had dreamed of being in for so damn long.
Now he just needs to survive the rest of the week.
the next chapter will not take as long as this one did, I promise
ALSO, what's your favorite song off of mitam, FUCKING OLIVIA IS MY JAM I LOVE IT MORE THAN MY FAMILY
also, how much did you miss no homo ?":?>:?>???1?! did u guys survive the long wait ?!?? did this chapter pay off ??>??$?:#
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