thirty three
imagine that same pic but instead with a crop top
ily guys
harrystyles: louis
louist91: harry
harrystyles: who is that guy that keeps flirting with liam
louist91: that would be zayn
harrystyles: are they dating ?:!:?!:
harrystyles: because I shipped niall and liam ?:!:?:!:!:?
harrystyles: :( ?!:?:!:!:
louist91: they're not dating, so turn that frown upside down :)))
louist91: but tell the bread to back off bc ziam is my life
harrystyles: ewie
harrystyles: okay but like liam and zayn look like they got attacked by seven bears what happened on your ride here lou lou
louist91: lots
louist91: lots happened
louist91: but what about me
harrystyles: what about you
louist91: tell me how i look
harrystyles: I'm sitting on the sofa opposite of you
harrystyles: you look sexy
louist91: true
louist91: i am being slowly seduced by ur curls
louist91: so curly
"Okay, this is ridiculous," Niall interrupted, standing in between Louis and Harry who sat on separate couches, texting each other, "You're literally in the same room. Why are you texting?"
"We're not talking shit, that's for sure," Louis sweetly replied, continuing to type on his screen. Then a ding was heard from Harry's side of the room and Harry looked down at his screen.
louist91: niall is ugly, pass it on
Harry laughed down at his phone before typing on his screen, too. Once he was finished typing, he set his phone down beside him. Then a ding was heard from Liam's phone in his back pocket as he was carrying luggage. Liam let the luggage down from his arms and pulled out his phone, opening it and looking down at his screen. Liam's head turned to look at Niall, who was already looking at him, before chuckling and typing back, a ding coming from Harry's phone shortly after.
fakeliampayne: true
"Stop talking shit about me!" Niall whined, turning around and walking up the stairs to leave the room.
Harry chuckled down at his phone but quickly looked up when he felt the spot beside him sink down. Louis was now sat right beside him on the couch with his phone in his hand and a small pillow on his lap. Honestly, it hasn't completely gotten into Harry's system that Louis was actually there. Harry's mind was really slow at processing things like this. Give it about an hour or two, it'd eventually sink in.
"So Harball," Louis smiled up at Harry, "Tell me the best places to grab some lunch here in Holmes Chapel. I must get something in my stomach or I might just eat my fingers."
Harry brought his legs up on the couch and sat criss-cross, holding up his fingers to show Louis, "I volunteer my fingers as tribute."
Suddenly, Louis seemed oddly interested in Harry's fingers and he grabbed Harry's hand in his own as his eyes practically jumped out of their sockets, "Fuckin' hell, look at these things! I could have a feast with these bad boys!"
Harry literally giggled as Louis continued to play with his fingers, singling them out one by one, "The appetizer," Louis said, holding up Harry's pointer finger, "First course," adding the middle finger, "Side dish," then the ring finger, "Second course," with the pinky, "And the dessert!" finally picking up Harry's thumb.
Harry was pretty much a blushing mess at this point, he didn't even care that Louis was talking about eating his fucking fingers. Harry was pretty much oozing at Louis' attention all over him. Harry was never the one who constantly needed attention, but with Louis, Harry would stand on the top of the tallest building in town, dressed like a turkey and do the chicken dance to get Louis to just glance in his direction for a pure second. Harry has never needed one single person to pay attention to him so desperately. It was physically painful.
"Hey, Louis!" Liam called, causing Louis to turn his head, much to Harry's disappointment, "Where do you want your stuff to be put?"
"Oh, just-"
"My room!" Harry interrupted loudly, causing Louis to turn his head back to him, making Harry very satisfied.
"Eager, hm?" Louis teased, causing Harry to shrug embarrassedly.
"You promised you'd stay in my room," Harry simply said, trying to seem flirty. Harry leaned closer to Louis and fluttered his eyes innocently. If there's one thing Harry wanted to do this week, it was make himself irresistible to Louis.
"Louis William Tomlinson doesn't break his promises," Harry leaning even closer, trying his absolute best to make Louis want to kiss him as much as he wanted to kiss Louis, "Does he?"
Of course Louis noticed Harry's - horrible - attempt at flirting, and he would've gladly flirted back if it weren't for his stupid sense of humor, that included being a horrible tease.
"I dunno," Louis shrugged, trying his hardest not to smile at Harry's obviously disappointed expression, "Depends on what the promise is."
Dang I must be really bad at this, Harry thought to himself.
"Let's make a promise right here then," Harry retorted, slightly impressed with his idea, "And then we'll see if you can keep it."
"Alright, harbear," Louis smirked, causing Harry to melt in his seat, "What kind of promise are you thinking?"
"Hmm..." Harry mockingly tapped his chin, thinking of a promise. Literally. He really should've made sure he knew what he wanted the promise to be before suggesting it. Fuck.
"I'm getting impatient," Louis taunted Harry, making him squirm uncomfortably. He was quickly running out of time to respond and searched his brain for something to say. It needed to be suggestive, something that said "I really need you to be attracted me."
"How about..." Harry was stalling, and he knew it. Hurry, Harry thought, what's the sexiest thing he could promise?
Louis pushed his fringe to the side, still staring right at Harry, waiting for an answer. Then, Harry's eyes caught a McDonalds take out bag sitting on a table. Harry suddenly got a good idea in his mind and went with it right away.
"How about you promise to give me," cue the dramatic pause where Harry looked right into Louis' eyes "a Big Mac."
Louis held back a laugh, which made it sound like he choked for a second. When Harry heard this come out of Louis' mouth, he knew he ruined the mood. Harry was trying to go for something that suggested Harry wanted a big... you know. Isn't that a thing? If you could handle big burgers in your mouth, you obviously could handle other things. Or maybe that just made Harry come off as really hungry and desperate for someone to buy him a meal. Damn, Harry needed help.
"I think that's doable," Louis laughed, patting Harry on his back and standing up from his spot on the couch.
Harry sighed to himself and tried his hardest to not seem as disappointed as he actually was, "Yeah. Doable."
"Doable," Louis repeated, causing Harry to look up at him, "Like you."
Harry could feel his cheeks heat up unwillingly as Louis intentionally let his eyes wander over Harry's body for a moment. Louis then let his eyes land on Harry's and Louis casually winked at Harry before walking away to where he had seen the others go.
A week, Harry thought, how am I suppose to do this for a week?
"Liam!" Niall yelled, running over to Liam who was chatting with Zayn while setting down more suitcases.
"Yeah?" Liam turned to Niall, who was practically panting. Liam wasn't sure why though, he only ran like seven feet from the kitchen.
"We need to have a larry strategy meeting immediately!" Niall announced, lowering his voice once he heard Louis and Harry's voices suddenly get closer, "We have a stylinTON to talk about."
"What's this all about?" Zayn commented, making Niall look at him for a mere second then back at Liam.
"Liam, c'mon, let's go to my room," Niall said, grabbing Liam's arm and leading him up the staircase, "We need privacy."
"Oh," Zayn said, looking up at Niall and Liam as they both trudged up the stairs, "Nice meeting you, I guess."
"You too, Zach." Niall called back.
"It's Zayn." Zayn corrected him.
"Whatever, Xander."
"Xander starts with an X!" Zayn yelled up the stairs before he heard a door close. Zayn rolled his eyes before turning back to the suitcases and sighing loudly.
"It's Zayn," Zayn said to himself, picking up the suitcases, "Why can't anyone remember Zayn?"
Niall immediately threw Liam down on his bed and ran into his closet, throwing things around inside. Liam assumed he was searching for something and was proven right when Niall stumbled out with a stand a giant tablet of paper.
"What is this?" Liam asked as Niall set up his tablet on the stand, taking a pointer stick in his hand.
"A larry presentation," Niall said, flipping over the first paper to show a sign that had Niall's next words already written, "A larentation."
"Jesus Christ." Liam whispered as Niall flipped the next page.
"The dagger and the rose has already been taken care of," Niall said, pointing his pointer stick at the horrible clip art of the dagger and the rose printed on his paper. Niall once again flipped the next paper which had, yet another, horrible clip art of a mermaid and light house, "Now for our next mission."
"What the hell is up with their obsession with nautical tattoos?" Liam asked.
"I don't know," Niall answered, "But I do know that Harry got the mermaid tattoo," Niall then slapped his pointed stick at the mermaid, "And every cent in my bank account says that Louis will get the lighthouse soon enough."
"How do we know that these are matching tattoos anyways?" Liam asked once again, sitting up on the edge of the bed.
Niall pointed his pointer stick at Liam, "I thought you'd ask that," cue the flipping of the paper with - surprise - more bad clip arts and pictures on the next picture.
"Why is he like this," Liam said to himself as Niall smiled brightly at his presentation.
"This is the original drawing of the mermaids and lighthouse," Niall said, pointing at the picture, "Drawn by someone unknown," Then pointing at a clip art of a cantaloupe.
"Why did you put a cantaloupe?" Liam questioned, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.
"Let's stay on topic here, Payno!" Niall yelled, causing Liam to throw his hands up in defense.
Niall then slapped his pointer stick on an empty box that had "Harry evidence goes here" written in the inside, "This is where we will put a picture of Harry's mermaid tattoo so we can analyze it carefully to confirm that it is indeed a match."
"Wait," Liam interrupted, sounding annoyed, "So we're not even sure that it's the right mermaid tattoo?"
"We will be once we analyze, Liam!" Niall defended himself.
"Alright then," Liam sighed, standing up, "Let's get to analyzing."
Niall rolled his eyes at Liam's oblivion and thwacked Liam on the head with his pointer stick. Liam's hands flew up to the side of his head, "Ow!"
"Liam, we don't have a picture to analyze yet!" Niall sternly told him, pointing to the empty box, "Hence the empty box that says "Harry evidence goes here.""
"So what? Were just gonna spend all day trying to get a picture of Harry's tattoo?" Liam questioned, rubbing the side of his head.
Niall thwacked Liam on the other side of his head, "Duh."
"Fucking hell." Liam muttered, now rubbing both sides of his head.
"Now," Niall started, going over to his desk to grab a- very expensive looking- camera, "You'll be in charge of taking the picture."
"Why me?" Liam asked, taking the camera as Niall handed it to him, "And why the hell are we using such an expensive camera for just one picture?"
Niall picked up his hand to thwack Liam once again, but Liam was quick to react and caught Niall's hand before he could. Niall only squinted his eyes and pulled his arm away as Liam smiled in victory.
"Because Liam," Niall continued, skipping the part where he was going to hit Liam once again, "This camera isn't going to be used for just this one tattoo. This is my analyzing camera."
"What does that even mean?" Liam asked.
Niall paused for a second and dramatically turned his head in the opposite direction of Liam before uttering out, "Follow me, Lima."
Niall led Liam to across the room and stopped in front of a door, which Liam assumed was just another closet. Niall opened a drawer and grabbed a key, turning to Liam to say,
"Now I want you to understand," Niall started, sounding way too serious, "That you can leave any-"
Liam covered his face with his hands and groaned, "Please don't tell me you're quoting 50 Shades of Grey."
"It fits perfectly, Liam!" Niall whined, "Let me have my moment!"
"Just unlock the door!" Liam said in exasperation.
"Fine." Niall pouted before shoving his key in the door knob and turning it, opening the door to the room. Before Niall stepped inside, he let Liam in first. Liam reluctantly walked in first and then Niall followed, switching the light on afterwards.
"You're fucking kidding me." Liam shook his head, looking around the entire room in both amazement and horror.
All hung up on the walls were printed HD pictures of different tattoos, drawing of matching tattoos and sticky notes. There were also other miscellaneous things like sweaters, t shirts and other things, but the main content of the walls were tattoos. Liam could recognize some of the tattoos hung on the wall as some of Louis' and others as Harry's. Liam took a quick look at one section right next to him. He scanned a sticky note that said, "It is what it is and moth/butterfly. Tattoo drawing on Liam Sparkles' flicker account since 2010. Drawings and tattoos not a complete match, oddly similar." Liam had to admit it, if this weren't completely creepy and stalkerish, he'd be impressed.
"So?" Niall asked, smiling bigger than he had in all day, "Nice, huh?"
"Creepy more like," Liam said, walking more into the room to look around more. Liam could see this was once a closet as there were built in coat hangers on the walls, "Is that Louis' sweater?"
Niall looked over to where Liam was pointing, "Oh. Yeah."
"How did you get his sweater?" Liam questioned, slightly amazed and slightly freaked out.
"I asked him to send it to me," Niall shrugged casually, making Liam raise his eyebrows, "I needed it for an investigation."
"Which was proven to be larry af!" Niall added after, high fiving himself.
"You're really..."
"Gifted? I know."
"Crazy," Liam laughed, "Was the word I was looking for."
"I prefer dark," Niall winked, "Dark larrie."
"I don't know," Liam chuckled, "This seems like some real demon larrism here. Actually, scratch that, this is some satan larrism going on."
"I just really want them to-"
"Go out?" Liam interrupted.
"Hm, not what I was thinking," Niall disagreed, tapping his chin, "Try, married with two twin sons named Timmy and Tommy and a daughter named Irene, three houses, one in Doncaster, one in Holmes Chapel and one in the Bahamas, and three kittens, maybe a husky."
Liam stared at Niall, shrugging his shoulders, "I would think maybe a Pomeranian."
Niall pointed at Liam, starting to get excited, "I was thinking that too!"
Liam laughed along before taking one last look around, "So you're a closet demon larrie?"
Niall nodded proudly, crossing his arms over his chest, "If Harry knew about this, he'd really freak out-"
Suddenly, Niall started to hear loud footsteps coming towards his room and he gasped loudly. Niall quickly shoved Liam out of the room, to which he landed straight on the ground. Niall ran out and closed the door gently, locking it up once again and tossing the key across the room carelessly. Niall heard the door knob turn and he leaped forward, taking the stand and his larentation down with him.
Harry stormed in, not taking any notice to Niall's body crashed on the ground. Harry only stomped to Niall's bed and shoved his face straight into the comforter,
"I just want Louis to love me," Harry whined loudly into the mattress, "Why does he have to be so difficult and pretty?"
Niall slowly sat up from lying down on the ground and turned in Harry's direction, "Go on..."
"I'm such a terrible flirt," Harry practically cried, not once picking his face up, "And he's a pro. He probably flirts with models and porn stars in his free time."
"We don't know any models or porn stars." Liam suddenly added in, picking himself up from the ground.
Harry gasped in surprise and picked his head up from the mattress, "Liam! Why are you here! And why are you and Niall both on the ground?! Ew, did I interrupt your dirty do? This is ridiculous! Even the bread can get some!"
Niall stood up from his spot on the ground and shook his head, sitting on the edge of the bed where Harry still laid, "Harry, you need to seduce the heck outta that sarcastic hedgehog."
"Oh my god!" Harry wailed out, "He does look like a hedgehog! He's so cute!"
"Alright, listen here," Niall started, "We're gonna go out for lunch and you're gonna impress that ugly elf with all you've got! By the end of tonight, you're gonna have him begging on his knees."
"Id rather be on my knees..." Harry muttered to himself as Niall continued to rant on.
"We need to find all his weaknesses and incorporate all of them today," Niall announced confidently, "You're going to have him wrapped around your long, weird finger!"
"Where am I even suppose to start? The only weakness I know is his weird kink for-"
"I don't need that!" Niall screeched, covering his ears with his hands and squeezing his eyes closed.
"Oh yeah," Liam chuckled, nudging Harry's shoulder with his own, "I know that one."
"That's it! Liam!" Niall snapped, uncovering his ears and grabbing Liam by his collar, "You're the key to Tomlinson! You're like his slave, you have to know what he looks for in someone!"
Liam pulled away quickly and rolled his eyes, "I prefer you just call me his best friend."
Suddenly, a thwack to Liam's head came from Harry with a pillow.
"Title is taken, buddy!" Harry crossed his arms over his chest.
"Whatever," Niall groaned, "Just tell us his type."
"Tall lads with long curly hair and green eyes." Harry huffed.
"Shut up, frog! Now tell us, Liam."
"I don't want to hear this," Harry shook his head, shoving his face in the mattress once again and throwing a pillow over his head, "Louis only loves me!"
"Well," Liam shrugged, trying his hardest to think back, "Louis has never had like an actual boyfriend."
"Nevermind," Harry picked his head up slightly, "I like this."
"But he's definitely hooked up with a couple guys."
"Back into the cave."
"We're they all kinda the same?" Niall asked.
"I dunno," Liam answered, "I guess they were all kinda a certain type. Mostly skaters. Snapbacks, ripped skinny jeans, stuff like that."
"I have ripped jeans!" Harry excitedly picked his head up, then jumping off the bed and running out the door. Harry came back shortly with a pair of very worn down jeans in his arms, "See?"
"Ha," Niall laughed, pointing at the jeans, "There's a tear in the butt!"
"Not exactly the kind I meant." Liam pointed out.
"What kinds of rips are there?" Harry questioned dumbly, "They're just rips."
"Oh Harry dearest," Niall chuckled, walking closer to Harry. Niall wrapped his arm around Harry and sighed while looking off into nothing.
"Don't touch me."
"You see," Niall ignored Harry, continuing to talk, "There is an art to ripped jeans."
"Niall, you only have like one pair of ripped jeans," Harry scoffed, "What could you possibly know about ripped jeans that I don't?"
"I know that rips aren't very attractive when they're right on your butt."
"Actually!" Liam intruded, raising a finger in the air, "It could possibly come off as flirty!"
Harry and Niall both briefly looked over a Liam who only shrugged, "In a way?"
"Fine," Harry rolled his eyes, "Whatever it takes to get my Louie Pooie to love me."
Suddenly, the door creaked open and the three boys directed their attention to Zayn, who was standing at the door. Zayn stepped in only a little bit before saying, "Louis wants to know when we're getting lunch? He almost ate a napkin."
"I need to get ready first!" Harry said, then announcing to the room, "Does anyone have a SnapBack, skateboard and pair of ripped jeans I could borrow?"
"Snapback." Liam raised his hand.
"Skateboard." Zayn chimed in, shrugging.
"Ripped jeans!" Niall said last, pointing back towards his closet.
"Great!" Harry smiled, starting to walk out of the room before he stopped in front of Zayn, "Zayn, right?"
Zayn only nodded and Harry then grabbed Zayn's face in his hands. The room went silent as Harry tugged Zayn's face around and examined him carefully. Oddly enough, Zayn was use to this.
"Hm," Harry let go of Zayn's face and then said, "I guess you're not a 6/10."
"Thanks?" Zayn said questionably as Harry walked past him, walking towards his own room.
Zayn turned back to Liam and Niall and Liam walked over to Zayn. Niall then cleared his throat loudly and Liam turned back around towards him, "What?"
"Larries stick together." Niall said simply, crossing his arms over his chest.
Liam groaned loudly and shook his head, causing Zayn to raise his eyebrows in question, "What's a larrie?"
"You wouldn't understand," Niall sighed, grabbing Liam by his arm and pulling him to his side, "It's a cult."
"Sounds cool," Zayn shrugged, smiling at Liam who scrunched up his nose.
"It's not," Liam replied, "Escape while you can."
Niall slapped Liam's arm and turned back to Zayn, "It's very fun, actually. But very exclusive."
"Oh," Zayn said, "That's alright, then. C'mon, Liam."
Niall only tightened his grip on Liam's arm and Liam tried his hardest to pry away, "Liam will be down in a minute."
Zayn smirked at Liam who was verbally begging for freedom. Zayn turned around and headed out the door, leaving Liam with Niall who kept his grip on Liam's arm.
"Remember what I said, Liam?" Niall asked, finally letting go of Liam's arm, "Today is about getting a picture of that tattoo."
Niall grabbed the camera from where Liam had set it down and threw the strap around Liam's neck. Niall pulled Liam's face closer to his own and Liam's eyes widened in surprise as Niall stared intensely into his eyes,
"Don't," Niall whispered, pausing dramatically before saying, "Screw this up."
Liam nodded fearfully and Niall let him go, then opening his drawer and pulling out a pair of skinny jeans, "Now let's get these ripped jeans to Harry."
Louis looked down at his wrist watch and impatiently tapped his shoe against the tiled floor. The only thing he had eaten in all day was half a chocolate bar and little bit of gravel when he fell face forward into the hotel parking lot. He was sure that if he didn't eat something soon, he would lose his last bit of visitor politeness and just go raid through Harry and Niall's kitchen.
Once Louis saw Zayn come down from the staircase and he raised his eyebrows at him and said, "So did they immediately agree to get lunch once you told them about the king's hungry tummy?"
"Yeah," Zayn said, then shrugging his shoulders, "Kinda. Harry said he was going to get dressed."
Louis didn't respond, but instead stood up from his spot on the couch and took it upon himself to take a look around. He had to admit, it was nothing what he expected it to look like. For some reason, he had envisioned much more of a mess considering two rowdy boys lived there. Then again, Harry was Harry. Louis chuckled at the thought of Harry ordering Niall around the house like a second mom. If only Louis knew that he was spot on with his thought.
"I've gotta say," Zayn interrupted Louis' thoughts, standing next to him in front of a bookshelf filled with framed photos, "Harry is nothing like I thought he'd be."
"How so?" Louis asked, picking up a framed photo of Harry and who he assumed to be his sister, Gemma.
"He's a bit more dorky than what you usually go for," Zayn laughed, "Thought you were into the bad boys, Tommo?"
Louis shook his head and smiled, setting the photo back down, "Well, I changed my taste, I guess. Perhaps that's why none of those guys worked out, I was looking for the wrong qualities."
Zayn rolled his eyes and sarcastically said, "Yup. Clumsy, tall lads are where your gold is at."
"Definitely." Louis agreed, ignoring the sarcasm Zayn implied. If only Zayn knew that he was spot on with his statement.
Suddenly, there were footsteps heard descending the staircase and Louis turned around, knowing it had to be Harry. Of course, Louis imagined that Harry would come down looking more refreshed than earlier. Maybe he freshened up his cologne, took a couple mints or some subtle change like that, but oh no. Louis couldn't have been more wrong.
Harry came down the stairs in a completely new attire, and Louis wasn't so sure he liked it. Harry wore a pair of excruciatingly tight skinny jeans with rips and tears on the knees. Sure, Louis liked that he had a view of Harry's nice legs, but it just seemed so out of character. Not to mention the SnapBack that was on backwards, covering Harry's curls. Now that, Louis didn't like much at all. Louis loved to stare at how soft and curly Harry's hair was, and now that stupid hat was getting in the way of it. Harry wasn't wearing a pair of his nice boots either, which Louis could deal with after what happened coming down the stairs last time. And a crop top?!
Okay, Louis wasn't so surprised with the crop top. Louis probably could've guessed that Harry had a crop top somewhere in his closet, but the question was why was Harry wearing it now? Overall, Louis wasn't saying that he hated Harry's new look, but he definitely hated Harry's new look.
Once Harry reached the end of the stairs, the skateboard in his hand was now visible and Louis raised his eyebrows as Zayn chuckled to him, "Well, looks like your clumsy, tall lad just turned into your bad boy."
"I hate him a lot." Louis sighed, continuing to stare at Harry as he was now conversing with Niall.
"A crop top?!" Niall whispered to Harry, surprised to say the least, "A crop top isn't what we discussed!"
"All the cool kids wear crop tops," Harry explained, looking in the direction of Louis who was still staring at him, "See? He can't take his eyes off me."
"Because you look like you're wearing a toddler's shirt!" Niall exclaimed quietly.
Niall and Harry immediately went silent as Louis approached them, Harry holding his breath. Harry prayed to himself that what he was wearing was getting a reaction from Louis. And it sure was quite a reaction.
"Uhh," Louis chuckled lightly, motioning at Harry's new outfit, "Did I miss something?"
"Yes, Louis," Harry said seriously, making Niall want to bash his head into the wall, "This is the real me."
Louis almost busted out laughing at his response but easily disguised his laugh as a cough. Harry was too caught up in the moment to even recognize the fact that Louis was obviously amused with his choices of clothing, "Well, I love the real Harry."
Although Harry should've been thrilled upon hearing this, he just couldn't be. Does this mean Louis didn't like Harry before?
"Do you?" Harry asked, a newfound rush of insecurity laced in his voice.
"Oh definitely," Louis sarcastically rolled his eyes, which Harry didn't seem to catch onto, "This real Harry is all I've ever wanted."
Before their conversation could be continued, Niall suddenly interrupted, "So how about we all leave in Grimmy's van to grab some lunch?"
As everyone else in the room nodded in agreement, Harry suddenly thought of an idea and raised his skateboard into the air, "Actually, I think I'll skate there!"
"What?" The three voices of Niall, Grimmy, and Louis all mimicked each other.
Grimmy and Niall stared at Harry like he had suggested the most absurd request on the face of the earth, and he might as well have. They both knew how clumsy Harry was, and that was just on his own two feet. Harry Styles on a narrow piece of wood with a couple of wheels on the bottom? This was sure to cause a disaster.
"Harry, that's really not-" Niall started, then being interrupted by Louis.
"Sounds cool," Louis played along, trying his hardest to hold back his smug smile. Louis then pointed up towards the stairs and said, "I'll go grab my board right now and we can go together."
"Oh," Harry's eyes widened, "Actually, it's a little windy out, skating wouldn't be a good idea anyways-"
But it was too late. Louis was already jogging up the staircase to look for where Liam had set his bags down and Harry was already starting to dig his own grave. What was Harry thinking you ask? Harry was thinking that he'd suggest to skate there, everyone (including Louis) would point out that it was cold outside and it wouldn't be worth it, but Louis would still see that Harry was clearly a skater. What Harry wasn't thinking about? The fact that Louis doesn't give a shit about weather and does whatever the hell he wants.
"You've really done it now," Niall whispered to Harry as Louis started walking down the stairs, his own skateboard in his hand.
"I wanted to grab Zayn's," Louis said, reaching the bottom of the stairs, "But I couldn't find it."
"Weeeeeird." Harry nervously chuckled, sheepishly hiding Zayn's board behind his back.
"Wanna get going, Harbear?" Louis asked, Harry's worry fading away at the sound of the nickname.
Harry enthusiastically nodded his head and ignored Niall's panicky whispers as he followed Louis out the door. As Harry shut the door behind him and Louis, Niall sighed loudly and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"He's going to die," Niall said aloud, Grimmy nodding in agreement, "He left us too soon."
"It was nice getting to know him." Grimmy added in.
"Why are you so sure he's going to die?" Zayn suddenly asked, making Niall shake his head.
"Trust me. He will."
It'd been about ten minutes. Harry had explained to Louis that they shouldn't skate through this neighborhood, considering there tend to be a lot of passing chickens. Yes, Harry's excuse was passing chickens. So Louis and Harry walk down the sidewalk with their skateboards in the hands.
"I dunno, Harry," Louis teased, knowing that Harry's excuse was very much a lie, "I haven't seen any passing chickens yet."
"Oh, they're here," Harry replied nervously, "You'll see them in no time."
"I didn't see any farms or anything when we were driving here." Louis commented, just waiting for Harry to admit that he was lying.
"Uhh, yeah," Harry panicked, searching his brain for another excuse to tell Louis, "They just flew west from America. Duh, Louis."
"Chickens don't fly, Harry."
"These chickens do!" Harry tried to assure Louis.
"Can we just start to skate?" Louis asked gently, placing his hand on Harry's arm, "I'm pretty sure the rest of the lads have quite a head start."
Harry could barely process Louis' words as he glanced down at his hand lingering on his arm. The only thing Harry's mind could fully absorb in that moment was how fucking tiny Louis' hands were. It was so damn cute and Harry just felt so overwhelmed.
Harry mindlessly nodded and Louis smiled up at him, setting his skateboard down on the sidewalk. The sound of the wheels hitting the pavement brought Harry out of his daze and he nervously stared down at his own skateboard.
"C'mon, Harbear," Louis said to Harry as he started to slowly skate away, "Let's get going, yeah?"
Harry reluctantly nodded and set his skateboard down on the sidewalk also. Harry spent about ten seconds picking up his foot, then letting it down a second after. Harry was much too scared to set even one foot on the skateboard and he started to get more anxious as Louis was slowly skating further and further away.
"Harry!" Louis called to Harry, stopping his skateboard.
Harry knew he was wasting too much time and decided to do the closet thing to skateboarding. Harry sighed deeply before plopping himself down on the skateboard so he was sitting and his legs were spread. Louis raised his eyebrows and Harry laughed nervously.
"It's better like this," Harry said, using his legs to pull himself forward, "Less work..."
"Harry," Louis started softly, placing his hands on his hips, "You look like a dog dragging your butt across the ground."
Harry stopped in his spot and looked up at Louis curiously, "Am I a cute dog?"
Louis smiled down at Harry, "The cutest. Now get up, we've gotta get a move on."
Harry stood up from his spot and Louis stood in front of him, reaching out his hand to him, "Need help?"
But of course, Harry wanting to prove to Louis that he wasn't lying, slapped Louis' hand away. Louis stared at Harry like he was crazy- and he really was- as he set one foot on the skateboard and the other on a mailbox next to him.
"I know how to skateboard, Tomlinson," Harry huffed out, making Louis cross his arms over his chest, "I wasn't lying."
Surprisingly, Harry was able to balance himself on the skateboard and earned himself a nod of approval from Louis. If he was completely honest, Harry was terrified while standing on that skateboard. He felt like if he made one wrong move, he'd fall over and put himself into a coma. Harry couldn't deny that one thought stressed the hell out of him.
"Nice." Louis simply said to Harry, making Harry roll his eyes.
"Nice is an understatement," Harry bragged, still standing still, "I told you, I'm like the skateboard king. Skates up."
"Alright," Louis laughed, starting to stand on his own skateboard, "Then how about we have a race?"
"I wouldn't want to break your poor skateboarding heart."
Louis bit his bottom lip to refrain from calling Harry out then and there, his obvious knowledge of Harry's lack of skateboarding skills wanting to break free. Sure, Louis loved the dork, but Louis loved calling people out much more. Louis suddenly got an idea in his mind and smirked as he stepped off his board and crossed his arms over his chest, staring expectantly.
"Here, I'll give you a head start," Louis generously offered Harry, "Just because I'm so kind."
Harry continued to stand still on the skateboard that had yet to move even a centimeter and placed his hands on his hips, sighing before replying, "I'll pass..."
"You can't pass a head start."
"I just did. I'll pass."
"You're only cheating yourself."
"Actually, you're trying to help me cheat, so in the laws of cheating-"
"Just take the head start!" Louis exclaimed, causing Harry to pout.
"Fine," Harry huffed, hesitating before setting his foot down on the ground and pushing himself forward only an inch, "Ya happy?"
Louis stood back and amusedly watched Harry as he pushed himself forward, inch by inch. He could just tell that with every inch, Harry was planning out his own funeral and Louis couldn't have been more right.
"I could ask you the same thing," Louis smugly said to Harry, who was continuing to move at his snail pace, "You're not going to win with that lousy head start."
"Slow and steady wins the race." Harry replied, causing Louis to laugh.
"Alright then," Louis shrugged as he stood on his skateboard once again and got ready to take off, "If you say so."
It didn't take long for Louis to pass up Harry on the sidewalk and it only made Harry feel more idiotic. Honestly, what was Harry even thinking when he volunteered to skate anywhere? Like, really, what was he thinking? That he'd randomly obtain the ability to stand on a skateboard without feeling like he was going to die? Sometimes, Harry just really hated himself and his bright ideas.
Harry continued to move at an inch a minute and could feel himself start to get more and more nervous the less and less he could see Louis ahead of him. Did Louis really just abandon Harry? Alone? On a skateboard!? Harry concluded that Louis indeed took the race seriously and deserted him, but Harry was completely wrong.
Louis leaned against a pole at the end of the street, his skateboard in his hand as he waited patiently for Harry. Did you really think Louis would just leave Harry on a skateboard? Louis knew enough about Harry to know that he could never successfully skateboard anywhere. The entire skateboarding lie was pretty dumb to Louis, especially since about seven months ago Harry ranted on how useless skateboarding was. Harry really underestimates Louis' memory.
As Louis stood by himself, waiting for Harry to arrive, he suddenly felt the presence of someone else standing next to him. Louis looked up from his phone to see a blonde girl standing a couple feet away from him, her own skateboard in hand.
Of course, Louis' first instinct was to be rude.
"Can I help you?" Louis bluntly asked her, getting her attention right away.
The girl chose to ignore Louis' harsh tone and instead, replied back with a teasing one, "Well, you're standing on the corner so I was just interested in how much you charged."
Louis squinted his eyes at her and crossed his arms over his chest, "I think you've got it all wrong. My dick isn't for sale... and even if you were correct, it's nothing that you could afford."
"Try me." The girl retorted with a smile, making Louis want to punch her in the boob.
"Sorry, lady," Louis rolled his eyes, turning away from her, "I don't think you'd be very interested in me. And frankly, I'm not very interested in you."
"Straight forward," The girl laughed, annoying Louis more with her persistence, "I like it."
"Too bad I don't like you." Louis replied.
"We could fix that." She quickly said.
Louis laughed out loud and shook his head, turning to look down the street to see if there was any sign of Harry. There was none.
"I doubt that." Louis chuckled, getting a cigarette and a lighter out from his pocket.
"And why so?" The girl leaned closer to Louis.
"I'm gay," Louis smugly replied, lighting the cigarette and placing it into his mouth, "It's pretty unfortunate."
The girl only seemed to be more interested and stared at Louis with mischief on her expression, "Indeed it is."
Suddenly, Harry moved forward one more inch on his skateboard and was now able to see Louis standing at the corner... With a girl? Last time Harry checked, Louis didn't like female company very much unless it was his mom or the woman who owned his favorite ice cream shop. Harry silently observed the two as they stood by each other. It didn't look like they were conversing much, but that didn't stop Harry from pouting his lip and feeling like jumping in front of a bus.
Harry then became oddly interested in her clothing choices and felt even more horrible once he spotted the ripped jeans and band tee, not to mention the skateboard in her hand. Seriously, could Harry please catch a break? As far as Harry knew, Louis was completely and fully gay, but he was much too insecure to acknowledge that fact.
The next thing to happen officially pushed Harry over the edge and he was ready to embrace the dark Harry. The girl looked over at Louis for a pure second before grabbing the cigarette in between his lips and putting it between her own. Louis reacted quickly to this and stared at her like a maniac, and she really was in his mind. She then inhaled the smoke and exhaled it in Louis' face, a smirk on her lips as she handed the bud back to Louis.
Louis let out a disgusted sigh before flicking the cigarette out of his hands, "Way to waste a cigarette."
Harry failed to notice the repulsed look on Louis' face or the obvious body language that showed that Louis was definitely not interested in the girl. All Harry's mind could wrap around was the fact that this stupid girl just tried to pick up his Louis.
Shit was going down.
Harry decided to pick up his pace and started skating down towards Louis and the girl. Harry was ready to bring his claws out on this chick.
"Hey!" Harry yelled from a couple yards away, still skateboarding terribly down the sidewalk.
Louis and the girl both turned to see Harry stumbling on his skateboard. A fond smile spread across Louis' lips while a confused look came across the girl's. That didn't surprise Harry much, considering he was wearing a crop top and ripped jeans that were way too tight on him. Basically, Harry looked like a hot mess with amazing curls.
"Hello?" the girl said to Harry, her eyebrows raised in question.
"Yeah," Harry said, obviously trying to sound intimidating but failing, "Hello is right."
"It is," the girl replied, "It's a greeting."
"That doesn't matter!" Harry shook his head, placing his hands on his hips. Louis was pretty much dying at the sight of Harry standing how he was with the crop top revealing his stomach, but Harry was much too focused on sassing the girl to notice Louis' eyes, "Who are you?"
"Briana," The girl answered Harry at the same time Louis said, "She's irrelevant."
"Well, Briana," Harry mocked, stepping off his skateboard and getting all up in her face, "Just who do you think you are, shamelessly flirting with my boyfriend right in front of me."
"Boyfriend?" Both Louis and Briana questioned in sync. Of course, Harry was much too into his jealousy driven roast to notice his slip up.
"I am Harry fuckin' Styles. I am practically famous in this town!" Harry exclaimed, pretty much just getting himself worked up, "Who the hell are you?"
"Briana Jungwirth," Briana cautiously replied back, thinking that Harry was mental at this point, "Calm the hell down, man."
"I won't calm down, 'man'," Harry hissed back, "Until you stop trying to steal my man."
"What even are you?" Briana laughed, "This is a joke right?"
Harry walked closed to Briana and Louis only raised his eyebrows in amusement as Harry seethed at her, "Listen here, Banana Jungleworms. Shit ain't a joke once you bring my precious hedgehog baby into this."
"Baby hedgehog," Louis echoed after Harry to himself, shaking his head and smiling like an idiot, "Why am I not surprised?"
"What I don't understand is why you have to be all in my face about this," Briana menacingly said to Harry, moving closer towards him in a threatening way, "What I also don't understand is why you're wearing women's clothing."
Harry took immediate offense to this and replied back with what he was really feeling, "What I don't understand is why that would be a bad thing."
"Wow, okay, turn me into the bad guy!" Briana bitterly laughed.
"You made yourself the bad guy when you tried to pick up my loubear," Harry yelled right in her face, getting attention from the people around them.
Louis took notice of the neighborhood that seemed very interested in the argument happening on the corner of the street and decided that he didn't want people to think differently of Harry just because of this small disagreement. Alright, this was obviously more than just a simply disagreement, but he knew that Harry wasn't thinking very straight at the moment. In both ways.
Louis smoothly pried himself in between Briana and Harry and pushed them slightly apart, "Alright ladies, let's shut it down."
"Kinda how you got shut down," Harry shot at Briana, obviously not taking Louis seriously and continuing to pick a fight, "You must be use to it though, right?"
"Funny you think I got shut down," Briana tried to argue back, "You mustn't have seen the way your boyfriend was staring at my chest."
"Oh please," Louis butted in, rolling his eyes at Briana's statement, "I can barely handle the tits on this one," Louis said, pointing to Harry's evident nipples peaking through the crop top, "I'm not a very big 'tit' lover."
Harry glanced down at his chests before looking back up at Louis, "You don't like my boobies?"
Louis turned to Harry and shook his head, moving closer to him, "Don't say that, Harbear, you know I love your birds."
"Then why did you say-"
"Alright," Briana sighed loudly, picking up her skateboard as she started to slowly back away, "I think I'm pretty much done here since you obviously aren't going to do shit. Sad, really. I would've loved to beat a gay dude in a fight for the first time. It's always been on my bucket list."
"Literally no one asked." Louis said to her in a monotone voice.
"Whatever," Briana said, before turning completely around and muttering under her breath, "You're an ugly rat, anyways."
And she didn't think either of them heard her comment. But someone did.
Harry did.
And Harry was not happy.
Harry whipped his head back towards her and raised his eyebrows, "Fuck you just say?"
Soon enough, Harry was right beside her and setting his foot right in front of the wheels of her skateboard. Before she could even react, she was falling forward off her skateboard and landing face forward on the sidewalk. But Harry wasn't done.
"Tell me again what you said about my fucking perfect cinnamon bun boobear baby," Harry practically screamed down at Briana, who was still lying on the ground. At this point, almost the entire neighborhood were watching in either worry or amusement. And as for Louis, he was much too shocked to do anything. Never had he ever thought that Harry had this side to him. To Louis, it was awesome. Kinda scary, but also awesome.
"Say it again, you ugly fuckin' cheeto puff," Harry hollered down at Briana, setting his foot on her as she tried to get back up, "I couldn't quite hear you the first time."
"I am anything but threatened by you," Briana said up to Harry, who continued to hold her down with his foot, "But if you'd like to hear me say it again-"
"Oh yes, definitely," Harry said dangerously, "Give me a good reason to step right on your fucking face."
"Your boyfriend is the ugliest rat I've ever laid eyes on," Briana said to Harry, "Someone should put him back in his cage."
"Oh, that's it." Harry shook his head, picking up her skateboard and getting ready to the slam it on her.
"Oh my god, okay!" Louis panicked, quickly running over to Harry and grabbing his arms, "Jesus fucking Christ, Harry."
"No!" Harry screamed, "Let me fucking finish her!"
Louis quickly pried the skateboard out of Harry's hands and let it fall to the ground as he wrapped his arms around Harry's waist. It was a real challenge trying to pick Harry up and carry him away, but it needed to be done. Louis used all his strength to lift Harry up and carefully drag him away from Briana, who was starting to stand back up. Harry only made Louis' job harder by kicking his legs around and yelling crazily at Briana.
"Who do you think you're talking about?! This is Louis fucking Tomlinson!" Harry frantically screamed back at Briana as Louis tried his hardest to carry him away from the scene, "He could ruin your fucking life with a snap of his tiny, cute fingers! He is a fucking lion and he will devour you completely!"
"Doesn't look like it," Briana called out to Harry, "He's the size of a toothpick!"
Harry could feel Louis tense up and it only made him angrier. Of course, Harry started to struggle more and yelled back, "Fuck you! Only I can make fun of his height!"
After what seemed like hours for Louis, Harry had calmed down in his arms and was now lying limply in Louis' grip as he carried him to heaven knows where. Louis had no clue where they were, but he really didn't care. Louis was almost positive that he had gotten him and Harry lost somewhere in town, but ignored that fact as Harry wiggled in his arms a little.
"I'm sorry for causing a scene with that girl," Harry quietly said to Louis, who smiled despite the fact that Harry couldn't see.
"If you hadn't, I would've," Louis reassured Harry, making Harry laugh silently to himself, "And it would've been much worse."
After a couple moments of silence, Harry decided to address what was obviously on both of their minds and practically whispered, "I'm sorry I called you my boyfriend."
Louis didn't respond right away, but instead took some time to think to himself. Louis didn't quite know what was worse: The fact that Harry called him his boyfriend or the fact that he didn't mind it at all. In fact, Louis wasn't sure why Harry felt the need to apologize. After all, it was only a slip up. It really didn't mean anything. Or at least that's what Louis told himself.
"Don't apologize," Louis replied after what felt like eternity to Harry, "I really didn't mind it."
Silence for a couple seconds. "Really? You didn't?"
"Nope. I actually..."
"I mean, like... I think... I don't know."
"Just spit it out." Harry said anxiously.
"I think... I think I liked it."
Cue the giant smile on Harry's face.
The table in the far left corner was oddly silent and everyone sitting there knew exactly why. Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Grimmy had yet to speak a single word to each other. They had been sitting there for about thirty minutes.
Suddenly, their silence was interrupted by the loud opening of the cafe door. The four boys in the corner turned their heads to the commotion towards the entrance, along with all the other customers, and all reacted differently to the sight in front of them. Harry was giving Louis a piggy back ride right into the store, Louis barely hanging onto Harry's back like a sloth. Of course, Zayn and Liam both seemed quite embarrassed by the two, Niall was staring at them like it was a true miracle, and Grimmy quite frankly looked like he was constipated. Perhaps that was just confusion mixed with jealousy.
"You can let me down now, ya giant!" Louis laughed down at Harry, who gently leaned over to let him hop off of his back.
"I told you that if you felt yourself slipping, we could just trade positions," Harry shrugged, dimples popping out from how big he was smiling, "You're the one who insisted that you were fine."
"Whatever," Louis rolled his eyes, his fond being broadcast-ed through out the entire cafe by the crinkling of his eyes, "That's because I am fine."
"Whatever floats your boat." Harry simply said, walking towards the back of the cafe towards the rest of the boys.
"I think whatever floats your boat," Louis joked, letting his hand brush over the boat tattoo on Harry's arm.
"It's definitely not your anchor." Harry quietly said to Louis, making him laugh loudly.
"I think now would be the right time to take a seat..." Grimmy cut in, raising his eyebrows at the two boys would stood next to each other, giggling like school girls.
"Where do you want to sit?" Harry asked Louis, turning to look at him.
"Next to you." Louis answered sweetly, staring right back at Harry.
"Then sit next to him?" Zayn questioned, addressing the fact that Louis and Harry were talking to each other like they were the only ones in the room. It was actually quite annoying. Cute, but still annoying.
"Shut up," Niall whispered, staring at Louis and Harry as they finally settled in, "Let them express their burning, passionate love for each other."
Niall continued to stare at the two as Louis took a straw lying on the table and childishly poked Harry in the nose with it, amusing himself and Harry.
"So in love." Niall whispered to himself.
"So what was that all about?" Liam asked, making Louis and Harry snap out of their own little world.
"What do you mean?" Harry asked.
"The piggy back riding..." Liam said warily.
"Oh!" Louis exclaimed, nudging Harry with his elbow which made Harry smile like a goof, "It started off when I was carrying Harry- don't ask why- and I started to complain about how I deserved to be carried blah blah blah. Anyways, like the nice servant he is, he switched rolls with me and then he started carrying me. But then we got in an argument about equality, i dunno, so we took turns. The end."
"He was such a slow carrier, though," Harry shook his head, making Louis lightly punch him in his side, "We timed each other to see who was slower."
Suddenly, Niall got a brilliant idea in his head- or at least to himself- and smiled mischievously. He casually leaned against the table and looked at Louis and Harry, asking in an innocent voice, "Sooo... Who was usually in front and who was usually behind?"
Louis reacted immediately and snorted, then pressing his lips together to refrain a smile. Fun fact: It wasn't working. Harry, on the other hand, stared at Niall like he was purely golden and he mentally thanked Niall for being such a great wingman.
"So between me and Louis, who's in front and who's behind?" Harry asked again, making the entire table go silent at the realization of what Niall's question really meant.
Niall only nodded with a grin on his face as Louis regained control of his voice and cheekily replied, "I think we kind of share that really."
"Sometimes I take the front," Harry continued onto the joke, looking down at Louis who was holding back his laughter, "And if he's a bit tired, I'll-"
"Oh look, here comes the menus!" Grammy frantically interrupted, making Louis bust out laughing.
As each of the boys got their own menu, Louis set his up in front of him, creating a barrier between him and the other boys. He did the same with Harry's menu and in the end, it was like a menu wall separating Louis and Harry from Grimmy, Niall, Liam and Zayn. Louis was truly a child and Harry couldn't love it more.
"This is our fort," Louis whispered, which was pretty useless because the other boys could hear him anyways, "Our new home."
"I love it," Harry whispered back, no words to describe how bright his smile was at this point.
"Now," Louis started, Harry staring down at him like he was the rarest of diamonds, "We can live together in our new home. Forever."
"Forever." Harry repeated.
"Do they think we can't hear them?" Zayn leaned over to Liam, whispering to him just in case Louis decided to give him shit for it.
"Just let them fond over each other," Niall joined the conversation, leaning on the table and resting his chin on his hand, "Enjoy the view of two boys in love."
"They're not in love," Grimmy cut in, inviting himself into the conversation too.
"Shut up, worm." Niall said to Grimmy, making him roll his eyes and lean back in his seat, looking over his own menu.
"Did Niall just call Grimmy a worm?" Harry chuckled to Louis behind the menus.
"I think he did," Louis answered, "Did Niall just say we're in love?"
"I think he did." Harry repeated back to him.
Harry rested his arms on the table and laid his head down, now having to look up at Louis. Louis kept his gaze on Harry and smiled down at him. If the two menus that divided the table weren't standing between them, Louis knew that the other boys would know exactly how he felt. It was all in his eyes and how they stared at Harry like the most important human in the world, and he really was to Louis. He had no idea why he insisted on waiting to finally tell Harry how he really felt. He'd never felt like it was right, but now as he stared down at Harry who looked absolutely stunning with his long, curly hair lying delicately on his forehead and around his face, he couldn't help but feel it was right.
"Well, I suppose we should get looking for something to eat, yeah?"
Or maybe he'll tell him another time.
this was kinda short notice bc im typing this on a school computer and it's not edited so SHHHHH
but there's your chappie guyz
hope u enjoy it
luuuurv u
OH and winter break is coming so there wont be school to distract me from writing YAY
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