It's here
set two years after the day louis and harry met...
louist91: hey
louist91: hey
louist91: h e y
harrystyles: gello
louist91: where r u u
harrystyles: am shopping
louist91: picc me up something pls
harrystyles: like what
louist91: something gud
harrystyles: like
louist91: surprise me
harrystyles: ok
harrystyles: i'm getting you pretzels
louist91: thats not a SURPRISE
harrystyles: IM SORRY
harrystyles: I'll get m&ms
louist91: SURPRISE ME
louist91: THANK YOU
harrystyles: I love you:)
louist91: ugh gross
louist91: but i love you too :]
harrystyles: think again ugly
louist91: WHAT
harrystyles: let's watch icarly when i get home
louist91: no
harrystyles: what the FUCK
harrystyles: i literally just want to watch icarly
louist91: WE CANT
louist91: niall wants us to go out with him and liam so we can celebrate their engagement
harrystyles: w w w
harrystyles: i'm sorrry...... w what
louist91: not what you think
louist91: niall proposed to liam that they adopt a hamster together
louist91: they want to celebrate
harrystyles: hhhhh o hmy god i almost choked myself
louist91: imagine if they got married before us
harrystyles: just....... Imagine
harrystyles: hahahahhhahhahahhaha funny
harrystyles: funny
louist91: i'm not proposing to you
harrystyles: what the FUCK
louist91: I'M NOT
harrystyles: i was just laughing
harrystyles: like ahhahahahahhhaha
louist91: stop being so passive aggressive
harrystyles: no aggression just laughter
harrystyles: ahahhahahha
louist91: I'll choke you
harrystyles: please
harrystyles: choke my ring finger with a ring
louist91: you're annoying
harrystyles: <3
Louis slipped his phone back into his jeans pocket and anxiously jogged into the living room. He quickly stepped into the doorway and stood frozen at the sight. Twenty bouquets of gorgeous, yellow tulips were spread amongst the room in pots, filling the area with bright color. A gorgeous centerpiece sat in the middle of the coffee table, holding three beautifully scented candles, lighting up the table along with a small, ring sized box to the left of the decoration.
Niall suddenly walked through the second entrance, holding Louis the cat in his arms dressed in a floral print suit. Niall was wearing an exact replica of the suit, but instead in a human size. Niall looked up at Louis and smiled brightly.
"The suit fits!" Niall exclaimed, holding Louis the cat up even higher to show off the excellent fit of the suit, "And he looks quite dashing if I should say so myself..."
"He's onto me," Louis panicked, disregarding what Niall had said and starting to pick up some pots of tulips, "He's at the corner store and he's almost coming home and we haven't even started loading the car with all the decorations."
Niall watched Louis rush to pick up the decorations and held onto Louis the cat like a baby, "I understand the anxiety right now, I really do..." Louis paused to look up at Niall with an exhausted face. Niall continues, "But I really think I should be recognized right now for the cat suit..."
Louis sighed, "Niall..."
"I made the suit from scratch! It looks exactly like the human ones and I think the stitching looks amazing-"
"Ni-all!" Louis snapped, clapping his hands to correspond with the syllables, "Harry is going to walk through that door in five minutes... Where is Liam?"
And then like magic, Liam strutted through the entrance, one hand on his hip and the other caressing his suit jacket, "Do I look amazing?"
Niall covered his mouth with his free hand, looking as if he were about to tear up, "Stunning..."
"Liam!" Louis called assertively, "Can you and Niall please start loading the truck before I shoot myself with a nail gun?"
Niall cringed, "Ouchie, not a nice image."
Liam quickly fixed his suit before starting to grab pots along with Louis, heading towards the front door, "Niall, put Louis in his car seat and start helping with the pots."
Louis looked back at Liam and glared as Niall giggled to himself. Liam rolled his eyes and called back once more, "Louis the cat..."
Louis shook his head and continued walking, "What an airhead."
Six minutes passed. All the decorations sat organized in the bed of the truck as Louis gathered Niall and Liam into the kitchen to discuss the course of events with them. Louis fixed his suit as Niall plopped himself onto the kitchen counter and chuckled to himself.
"This is craaaazy," Niall sang excitedly, clapping his hands and smiling like a maniac, "This is going to be the most important day of our lives, team!"
"Okay, alright, let's go over it again-" Louis started, before being interrupted by Liam.
"How is their engagement the most important day of my life?" Liam questioned Niall.
"It's like amazing by association," Niall explained, "Like if the Jonas Brothers got back together, I would probably kill someone out of happiness... So since I'm happy, you're gonna be happy too."
Liam shook his head, "That... is not even a little right."
Niall furrowed his eyebrows and replied in a slightly hurt tone, "So if I got amazing news, you wouldn't be happy for me?"
Liam then began to defend himself, "No, I would be happy for you, but I don't think that's the same thing as killing someone from happiness-"
"Please, now is not the time-" Louis stressfully rubs his forehead.
"It's essentially the same thing," Niall declared, making Liam reply in disbelief, "It's really not!"
As the protests and arguments continued between Niall and Liam, Louis sighed heavily and looked around the kitchen. How can he get their attention... His eyes then came across Niall's favorite piggy face plate. Bingo.
Out of the blue, Louis grabbed onto Niall's precious piggy plate and slammed it into the ground, making Niall and Liam gasp and shut up. Niall's eyes then landed on the jagged pieces of his piggy plate and his eyes grew wide and watery as he stared down at his now deceased, beloved friend.
"Piggy," Niall whispered to himself, filled with sorrow and disbelief, "My grandma made me that..."
"No, she didn't," Liam and Louis retorted at the same time.
Niall then slid off the counter and picked up the biggest piece of his plate, "The lady who made it felt like she was my grandma for many lifetimes..."
Louis shook his head, "Okay, you can mourn after tonight, right now it is game time."
Niall continued to pick up the sad pieces as Louis spoke in a determined manner. It was a little different to Louis, to be the leader of a pact, but it had to be done. Tonight had to be the most perfect night ever and he needed to be on his shit for that to happen.
"Liam," Louis started, sounding very much like a boss, "I ordered the meals to be picked up in an hour, please get them on time or I will slice you in half."
Liam flinched, "Please... don't."
"Niall," Louis then addressed Niall, making him look up from his sad pile of... sadness, "Please lead the setup of the venue, I already called Zayn to meet you guys there to help-"
"Zayn?!" Niall questioned, standing up from the ground, "Why is he on the proposal committee? He didn't even help with the suits! Is he even wearing a suit?? The suits are vital-"
"He bought his own suit!" Louis exclaimed.
"We agreed on these specific suits," Niall argued strictly, tugging on his suit jacket, "The cat is wearing the suit, for crying out loud!"
"He'll be fine, Niall," Louis dismissed, "I just need you to lead the setup, finish, then hide out when Liam gets the food... Wait until we get there and then-"
"And then text Harry saying that Liam and I forgot the hamster at home and that we will be late," Niall smiled, extremely proud of himself for remembering his "huge part" of the plan, "And then I go get the hamster and the balloons and come back. Got it."
Louis stopped, staring at Niall quizzically, "No... Niall, just the balloons... There is no- Did you really think you were getting a hamster?"
Niall stared blankly, "Yes. I bought a hamster, Louis..." then a pause, "Are you telling me I didn't really need to buy a hamster?!"
Louis shook his head and grabbed Niall by the shoulders, pushing him out of the kitchen with Liam following closely behind, "You know what, just go already..."
"I want to be reimbursed for the hamster, Louis!" Niall called back as Liam led him out the door to start their trip to the venue.
As soon as Liam closed the door behind him, Louis exhaled heavily and closed his eyes, walking into the living room and taking a seat on the couch. Louis opened his eyes and looked around him, smiling while he took in all his surroundings.
It all moved so fast. Two years ago today, Louis and Harry had met each other for the first time in person. It felt like it was yesterday to Louis. Like it was yesterday that Harry fell down the stairs to his (almost) death... Like it was yesterday that Louis finally got to hug Harry and squeeze him like he needed his arms to live. Like it was yesterday that he realized how crazy in love with Harry Edward Styles he is.
Two years ago, Louis and Harry had met and it truly was magical to Louis. It took him a while to build up the courage to tell Harry how he felt about him. It was... agonizing to say the least. And honestly? Embarrassing. I won't go into full details but the gist of it is that, while on a Larry mission, Niall, Liam, and Zayn managed to get Louis and Harry locked inside of a closed Walmart for about... 12 hours? It was until about 5 A.M. that Louis and Harry just fucked around in the Walmart, hoping to run out the clock with stupid activities. But at 5 A.M, the atmosphere changed and the way that the light coming from Louis' phone flashlight hit against Harry's face was just too much to handle.
"Hey, Harry," Louis practically whispered, sitting in front of Harry in the arts and crafts aisle.
Harry turned towards him, looking away from the sticker book he was previously invested in, "Yep?"
It felt magnetic. The way Harry's eyes attracted Louis' wasn't on purpose, but felt so intentional. Like Harry knew how he was affecting Louis at that very moment. But the thing is, he didn't know.
"Stop looking at me like that," Harry pouted, looking back down at his stickers, "You make me feel like I have ten eyeballs or something."
Louis stayed silent, continuing to just... stare at Harry. He was so fucking beautiful. His long curls fell at his sides and the light from Louis' flashlight created shadows that painted Harry in exposures that he's never seen him in before. Louis loved Harry so much. And he knew he always would.
Louis stumbled over his own tongue, trying to find the words to tell Harry exactly what he was thinking, "You make me... feel like... I have ten hearts."
Okay... not so sharp.
Harry looked up and not blinking and just... very lost, "Okay..."
"My hearts... soar for you," Louis continued, making Harry more confused by the second, "They are your friends... My hearts will care for you."
"Tell them I said thank you?" Harry replied back, unable to comprehend what the hell Louis was saying to him.
Could he blame him? Louis just told Harry that his hearts are his friends.
"Harry," Louis started over, now knowing exactly what to say, "I... I've been stupid."
"Elaborate," Harry joked, looking back at Louis with a smile.
Louis couldn't smile back. He was too determined.
"I'm in love with you," Louis said quietly, making Harry's goofy smile fade.
"What?" Harry questioned, just as quietly.
"I couldn't tell you for so long," Louis sighed, "I was scared to put myself in a position of vulnerability. I was scared of trying something new and having it not work out."
Harry was frozen. He felt like he couldn't move, blink or breathe. This was crazy... It's what he's always wanted to hear from Louis. And he's hearing it. In a Walmart at 5 A.M, but regardless, he's hearing it.
"I was scared of disappointing you, Harry," Louis spoke softly, making all of Harry's insides melt, "I was scared of... everything about you. But I don't wanna be scared of you anymore."
Louis paused. Harry needed Louis to keep going. He needed to hear him say he wanted him. He needed it.
"I want you," Louis said.
... Truly iconic words. Harry was shaking.
Louis didn't say anything after that. He honestly felt like he couldn't. Like he couldn't speak without shattering the air around him. It sounds stupid, but it felt very real.
After that night, everything changed between Harry and Louis. And I mean... everything. Harry wanted to move to Doncaster to be with Louis, but Louis couldn't let Harry do that. Have Harry move away from his mom, sister and best friend? With the amount of care and attention Harry needs constantly? Not gonna happen. So instead, Louis moved to Holmes Chapel.
Louis hated it for a while. Niall was annoying now that they were a couple and it was just a different environment. Granted, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to move in with Harry after only officially dating him for three days, but eventually, it worked out. Louis loved Harry too much to let it get to him.
Now, two years later, Louis still loves Harry. So much so that he can't envision his life without him. So much so that he won't live without him.
Louis looked straight ahead and laid his eyes on the small box resting on the coffee table in front of him. He reached forward to pick it up and brushed his fingertips across the velvety cover. He then opened up the box and smiled down at the shiny diamond that reflected the light above him.
Yup. As you have probably figured out, Louis is going to propose to Harry tonight. Really, it's been a long time coming. Louis doesn't know why he waited two years, but somehow he's glad. He's spent two years living with Harry, loving Harry, kissing Harry, breathing Harry and if he didn't think so before, now he knows he wants to spend the rest of his life with Harry.
Barging in on Louis' reflection, Harry kicked the door open with his foot and stumbled in with all his grocery bags.
"I have arrived," Harry announced happily, making Louis jump in surprise and quickly stash the box inside of his jacket pocket.
"Hey!" Louis called, moving quickly to join Harry in the kitchen who was already beginning to put all the groceries up.
Harry turned to Louis next to him and gasped, grabbing onto his jacket sleeves, "Ooh... You're looking pretty good in that suit..."
Harry leaned in for the kiss with Louis, but Louis shook his head, moving away from Harry's embrace, "Harry, you need to get ready!"
Harry leaned back and pouted, crossing his arms making his voice smaller, "Did you just reject my kiss?"
Fuck, Louis loves him.
Louis rolled his eyes and stood on his tippy toes, pressing a quick kiss to Harry's lips, making Harry grin sweetly. Harry then leaned back down and Louis smushed his face with his hands.
"No more kisses until you're dressed," Louis protested, starting to put up the groceries, "You take a million years to get ready."
Harry lifted himself onto the counter and watched Louis as he moved around the kitchen, "I only take long when I'm trying to impress someone."
Louis indulged him, "Are you impressing anyone tonight?"
Harry smiled teasingly, "Yeah... Liam."
Louis stopped moving and Harry giggled childishly watching Louis turn towards him with raised eyebrows. Louis then shook his head and went back to his groceries, making Harry sit in silence before commenting once again.
"Happy two years since meeting, by the way," Harry said with nothing but fondness oozing from his tone.
Louis smiled up at Harry and replied with the same low, loving tone, "Happy two years since meeting."
Harry then continued to watch Louis unbag all the ice cream Harry bought and stuff it into the freezer. Then Louis pulled out a small display case, intently examining it before Harry joined his side.
"What is this?" Louis asked. On the inside of the display case, there was a small glass butterfly with its wings spread out.
"It's your surprise," Harry smiled, resting his chin on Louis' shoulder, "Wanna know his name?"
Louis nodded lightly while still looking at the butterfly and Harry's face spread into the biggest smile he's ever had.
"Lolo," Harry giggled, making Louis set the butterfly down and stare at Harry with an annoyed expression. Of course, Louis wasn't really annoyed. He was actually kind of amazed.
"Shut up, Harry," Louis said, trying to hold back his smile.
"Surely you remember our good old friend, Lolo!" Harry joked, opening his phone's camera roll and clicking a screenshot and handing it to Louis for him to see.
Louis reluctantly held the phone and rolled his eyes as he stared at a screenshot from one of their old conversations...
harrystyles: ew wtf no
harrystyles: WHY'D YOU PICK A ROACH
louist91: bc I think I saw a roach in the corner of this hospital room
louist91: ANYWAYS
harrystyles: this story is so weird
harrystyles: what is going on
harrystyles: imjahdkahahsahhah
harrystyles: WTF
harrystyles: WHAT WHAT WHAT
louist91: and lolo flew away as hazza waved goodbye and ate his steak flavored cocoon the end
Louis then handed Harry his phone back and shook his head, "Why did you ever have a crush on me..."
Harry giggled and looked down at his phone, scrolling through the screenshots before turning off the screen and putting it back in his pants. He had a lot of screenshots on his phone.
"I'll go get ready then," Harry sighed, pressing a soft kiss to Louis' cheek before heading up stairs to begin getting ready. He calmly walked into his room and then gently shut the door, then turning around to face his bed frame. All is at peace.
"AAAAAAAAAAAHHH," Harry jumped onto his bed and screamed into his mattress. All is not at peace.
"I AM SO READY TO GET MARRIED," Harry sobbed, kicking his legs and flailing his arms.
What the FUCK. That's all Harry has been thinking about since Louis last texted him. Niall and Liam are getting a fucking HAMSTER together, and Louis won't even propose to him?!
Okay, getting married is kinda bigger than a hamster, but it still doesn't make sense!
"I'm hot, I'm loveable," Harry stated to himself, he then shrugged his shoulders, "I'm sensual... Why won't he propose to me?"
Then Harry looked across the room into his mirror, reevaluating his stance. Then, a different kind of thought popped into his head; one that he had never considered before then.
"Does Louis want me to propose to him?" Harry asked himself, feeling slightly mortified, but then realized something else, "Wait, where is Louis the cat?"
He looked around. Nowhere to be found.
"How am I supposed to talk to myself when my cat isn't here to comfort me?" Harry questioned, then pulling his phone out and opening his texting app.
harrystyles: NIALL
niallhoran: WHAT ARE THEY
harrystyles: where is LOUIS THE CAT
harrystyles: did he run away again :'(
niallhoran: uhhhh yes
niallhoran: he did ...
niallhoran: he said he was tired of you putting sandals on him
harrystyles: they look so cute on him :(
niallhoran: moving on
harrystyles: OKAY
harrystyles: i have been thinking for like 2 minutes
harrystyles: and i think i might propose to louis :///
niallhoran: i
niallhoran: uhhhh
harrystyles: hear me out !!!!!
harrystyles: he has REPEATEDLY told me he won't propose to me !!!!
harrystyles: what to heck !!!
harrystyles: so i thought .. maybe he wants me 2 propose 2 HIM ???
niallhoran: terrible idea
harrystyles: wha aa t
niallhoran: ur worst yet
harrystyles: help me propose to him :((
niallhoran: actually
niallhoran: i have no ser v ic e
harrystyles: niall
niallhoran: u r br eakcing up with
niallhoran: cccjdjd rerr rhrkrikii isssssbehe
niallhoran: HJjansbHuahhhgsszccc
harrystyles: :-{|
Niall quickly shoved his phone back into his pocket and turned towards Liam, who was currently hanging christmas lights around two trees.
"We need to hurry," Niall said in a panicky voice, "Harry is getting... ideas."
"Hello... old friends," a voice suddenly rang, making both Niall and Liam turn in their direction. Upon seeing them standing there, Liam grinned and Niall sighed loudly.
"Hey, Zayn..." Liam greeted him, nodding kindly and getting ready to hug Zayn.
"No time for hugs," Niall asserted, approaching Zayn with a very... intimidated stance? Zayn wasn't intimidated though. No one was.
"Now listen here, Milk," Niall started, crossing his arms and pacing around him, "I have been appointed the leader of the setup committee. And if it were up to me, you wouldn't have made the team by a long shot... But Louis wanted you here."
Zayn fake smiled at Niall and exhaled deeply, "So should I set up the table or..."
"Now, now, now, Zach," Niall overreacted, "Are you ready to get yourself dirty with these tasks? Are you READY??"
Zayn didn't blink, "Yes."
Niall nodded and started to walk away, not for once resting his stance. But then he turned back around and pointed at Zayn's shoes.
"Those new shoes?" Niall asked, watching Zayn nod and then kicking a dust cloud of dirt on them. Zayn was unfazed, but Niall was sure he was scared of Niall's dominant authority... Niall looked back up at Zayn, "Now they've got dirt on them."
Niall turned to walk away and called behind him, "Set up the table."
Zayn stared into the distance, wondering simply... Why? Just... Why?
Niall then nudged Liam's shoulder and giggled, "Cool line, huh? I was like 'Now they're dirty!' hehe."
Liam nodded encouragingly and then turned back to Zayn and mouthed an apologetic, "I'M SORRY."
Zayn nodded understandingly.
Afterall, it is Niall.
A good forty minutes has passed. Louis is downstairs, pacing back and forth as he waits for Harry to finish getting dressed up. They're 20 minutes behind schedule and Louis feels like exploding. And not the... good kind of exploding... if you catch my drift...
Just as Louis began considering simply cancelling the whole thing (he really doesn't have any patience), Harry descended from the staircase, dressed in a very extravagant and colorful suit. It was a very, very bright sparkly green suit with small pink flowers scattered on the fabric. It was definitely very flashy and commanded all the attention in the room: two things that Harry is known for. Perfect.
Louis stared in awe as Harry came down from the stairs, looking like a teenage girl ready for prom.
"That is..." Louis was at a loss for words, simply motioning with his hands trying to muster the words, "a... suit. That's a suit." Louis settled on.
Harry giggled and swatted Louis' hand, "Oh Louis dear...It's not a suit..." Harry then dramatically turned to Louis and flopped his hairdo to the side, "It is the suit."
Louis smiled endearingly, "Well... it's gorgeous," Louis then reached his face up to kiss Harry's lips, then commenting further, "And you're gorgeous... forty minutes worth of gorgeous."
Harry huffed after the short kiss, "You know my routine. It's exfoliate, rinse, re-exfoliate, gel the hair, take the gel out, get dressed and then polish the nails-" Harry said, flashing Louis his newly green fingernails at the end, "And that doesn't even include shoe polishing-"
"Okaay, hot shot," Louis cut him off, grabbing his keys and heading towards the door, "I'll start the car, you turn off all the lights..."
As Louis turned around and made a complete exit, Harry then quickly ran to the mirror, fixing his hair and straightening his suit. Then, after taking another cautious glance towards the door, Harry pulled out a navy blue box from his suit pocket and opened it up to reveal a small, sparkly ring.
Harry couldn't wait. HE NEEDS TO BE MARRIED. And if it means proposing during Niall and Liam's hamster adoption party, so be it! If he doesn't go home with a fiancée tonight, he might as well throw himself into a lake and live there.
Harry examined the small ring and smiled to himself. It wasn't anything too fancy. It wasn't even an engagement ring, really. It was a ring Harry had bought himself for his collection, but it would definitely be put to better use if it made Louis his fiancée. Plus, Harry didn't have time to buy a proper ring. If Louis wasn't going to take the initiative and propose to Harry like a proper husband... then what is Harry waiting for?
Meanwhile, in the passenger seat, Louis texted his proposal team™️, hoping to get a move on in the plan...
louist91: WE ARE READY
louist91: WE ARE ON OUR WAY
niallhoran: finally bitch
niallhoran: we've been ready for like 20 minutes
niallhoran: louis the cat is starting to tear at his suit
niallhoran: PLEASE GET HERE
louist91: i'll fucking try bitch
louist91: is everything decorated
niallhoran: yes it looks fine now just FUCKDIN GET HEREJS
louist91: damn bih chill
niallhoran: im tired of hearing liam and zach flirt pls
louist91: ;););););););)
niallhoran: shut UP
niallhoran: u owe me BIG TIME
louist91: i'll just paypal u 5 quid
niallhoran: i am so insulted that you REALLY think im cheap enough to be paid off with 5 quid .
niallhoran: is that what u think of me ? is that how u think i think of MYSELF ?
niallhoran: i've never felt so belittled by you louis .
louist91: 9 quid?
niallhoran: deal .
Louis quickly shut off his phone at the sudden sound of Harry opening the passenger door. Harry plopped himself down on the seat and curiously looks to Louis' phone which sat on Louis' lap.
"Hey..." Harry started, then pointing his finger to Louis' phone, "Why'd you close your phone so fast?"
Louis held his breath, "Uhh... ya know."
"Who were you texting?" Harry inquired, making Louis scoff.
"Just Niall the guy," Louis answered, not very smoothly, talking way too actively with his hands "The guy with the eye for the hair... dye. Cause he dyes his hair... and stuff."
"Why are you being so weird..." Harry questioned again.
"Just joshing around," Louis nervously laughed, "You know how I be."
Harry blinked, beginning to buckle up his seat belt, "Anyway... where is this celebration for Niall and Liam's hamster adoption?"
Louis breathed heavily. Close call. He almost blew it big time. Very big time. Like Big Time Rush big time. An iconic show with an iconic boy band. Truly groundbreaking. How are those guys doing nowadays-
"Louis?" Harry reasserted, making Louis snap his head in his direction, "I asked where we are going?"
"What? Oh..." Louis began to reverse out of the driveway, then heading down the road, "It's not too far... too far gone... did you know there's a christian song called too far gone?"
FUCK, Louis talks too much when he's nervous. He needs to take a deep breath and-
Both Harry and Louis looked down at Louis' lap when his phone vibrated. It's a text.
Oh wait, Louis is driving. Louis snapped his head back at the road. He could feel Harry staring down at his lap. And not at his crotch like he usually does... He wants to see who texted him.
"Are you gonna see who that is?" Harry asked.
"Uhh no," Louis said, "I'm driving, duh... Do you want me to text and drive and then have us die in a fiery, explosive tragedy?"
"Well here," Harry smiled, reaching over to Louis' phone, "I'll check it for you-"
"No!" Louis protested, trying to elbow Harry but swerving the car in the process.
Harry and Louis shrieked simultaneously, Harry sitting back in his spot. Harry looked extremely confused and Louis was really fighting to find an explanation.
"I don't want you to see-"
"See what?" Harry demanded.
Don't hesitate, Louis. You're so GOOD at lying! Just say something natural and reasonable and-
"Niall's nudes," Louis blurted, making both Harry and himself noticeably cringe.
What........... the fuck........
"Why.... do you have... Niall's nudes?" Harry questioned, truly truly horrified.
Louis shrugged, trying to seem casual, "Ya know... It be like that sometimes..."
Louis glanced at Harry. Harry is mortified.
Louis gulped, "You know, sometimes Niall just needs some encouragement and like... validation... of his uhhh... his... physique..."
"So Niall sends you his nudes," Harry repeated, desperately trying to understand Louis had told him, "So that you can hype him up?"
Louis pressed his lips together, only slightly nodding his head in shame of the excuse he came up with.
"Yup..." Louis reluctantly confirmed, "That is correct..."
Harry didn't pry anymore, probably too disgusted to hear any more about it. Louis just told his boyfriend and future fiancée that he receives nudes from his best friend.
That fiery death actually doesn't sound so bad right now...
"Soo how about some tunes?" Louis suddenly spoke up, turning on the radio. It was a Christian station. Perfect, "Oooh... This is my favorite song!"
Louis began nodding his head to the beat and whispering the lyrics under his breath, "Gods not dead, he's surely alive, he's livin' on the inside, roaring like a lion..."
The short explanation? When Louis is nervous he listens to christian radio and ever since he began planning the proposal, he's been very nervous all the time. The long explanation? One day Niall bought a C.D. from a man on the street and it was 20 of the greatest christian hits. Niall begged Louis to listen to it for months and once Louis agreed, Louis actually found the songs pretty... relaxing. Then he took the next step to research christian radios so he could discover more christian music. Not THAT crazy of a story...
While Louis was whispering the lyrics to a christian pop jam to himself, Harry sat very concerned in the passenger seat. All the events of this car ride only points to one thing...
Harry opened his phone and clicked on his messenger app. He then began to text Liam in silence...
harrystyles: liam.....
harrystyles: i know i never come to u for help but i don't think i can go to niall right now...
liampayne: ahh yes i am what most refer to as
liampayne: the second choice
harrystyles: actually ur my third bc i cant go to louis either but that's BESIDES THE POINT
harrystyles: louis is acting rlly weird about his phone...
liampayne: mmm
harrystyles: like he wont let me see it or even check his texts for him :(
liampayne: huh
harrystyles: which is weird for US bc we generally have NO boundaries
liampayne: crazy
harrystyles: so....,, this sounds DUMB
harrystyles: but i think he's cheating ...... on .. me
liampayne: that is dumb
harrystyles: with niall
liampayne: WAHT
liampayne: THAT"s WORSE ThAN DUMB
liampayne: NOT THAT
liampayne: niall listens to christian radio too
harrystyles: SEE
liampayne: w ww ait a second
liampayne: ur gonna propose to louis ????????
harrystyles: I WAS
liampayne: wait ur not KIDDING u were gonna PROPOSE WHAT THE FUCK
harrystyles: BUT NOW apparently there is NO LOVE
harrystyles: HOW WOULD U KNOW
liampayne: HHSJSGSJSH
liampayne: I HAVE TO GO
harrystyles: LIAM NO COME BACK
Liam shoved his phone into his jacket pocket and looked towards Niall who was already driving with the balloons and the hamster in the backseat.
"Harry thinks Louis is cheating on him," Liam blurted out, making Niall nearly crash the car into a tree.
Liam and Niall both screamed as Niall swerved but once Niall steadied the car again, Niall screamed again, "WHAT? Wait, check on the hamster!"
"The hamster is fine, but Harry thinks Louis is cheating on him!" Liam repeated, making Niall begin to hyperventilate, "With you!"
Niall swerved. Liam and Niall screamed again. Niall steadied the car.
"Ew! I would never date a guy shorter than I am!" Niall screamed.
"You would never date a guy period!" Liam added on, "You're straight!"
Niall shrugged, "Well..."
"Harry also said he was gonna propose to Louis tonight!" Liam panicked, making Niall gag out of pure fear.
"This is disaster," Niall shook his head, "We need to get there before they do so we can fix this."
Liam turned towards Niall with a worried expression on his face, "But that isn't a part of Louis' plan!"
"I know," Niall dramatically turned towards Liam with determination written upon his face, "It's a part of our plan."
Liam shivered, "Oh my god, that gave me chills..."
Niall giggled, "I know! That was good line, right?!"
"Good line..." Liam agreed, looking forward.
"Okay, let's go." Niall turned back towards the road.
Harry sat quietly and angry in the passenger seat, continuing to listen to Louis singing popular christian bops.
"There is no one like our God, no one like our God..." Louis sang under his breath.
Then Harry leaned forward and shut off the radio, crossing his arms and snapping, "Let's talk."
Louis flinched at the intensity of Harry's voice and he furrowed his eyebrows, "Okaay... How was your day-"
"How was Niall's day?" Harry retorted, sounding vicious and very jealous. Of course, Louis didn't really notice this and was much too focused on his own plans.
"Uhhh... good? Maybe? We ate french toast sticks together..."
"Were they good?" Harry demanded, "Were they good french toast sticks? Did they taste better with Niall? Are my french toast sticks good enough for you?"
Louis hesitated, "I've never... eaten your french toast sticks..."
Harry laughed without humor, "Ohh, you use to love my french toast sticks."
"I don't really know what is happening..."
"But you just wanted a taste of Niall's french toast sticks, didn't you?" Harry continued on, making Louis visibly uncomfortable, "Were they longer? Were they juicier??"
"Niall didn't make the french toast sticks, we ordered them-"
"What is your favorite quality about Niall," Harry changed the subject, leaning back in his seat READY to get mad with whatever answer Louis gives, "Just throw one out..."
"Uhhh," Louis contemplated, "His laugh, I guess? He laughs a lot-"
Harry then began laughing hysterically, closing his eyes and slapping his knee, making Louis' eyes widen in surprise.
"HAHAHAHA, good one, Louis!" Harry fake laughed, touching Louis' knee with his hand, "This is my laugh and I laugh at everything you say because you're so funny and I love and appreciate every single thing about you! HAHAHA!"
"Harry," Louis gently said, "Is there something you wanna talk about?"
"Nothing!" Harry shook his head, crossing his arms, "Just making conversation... with my boyfriend... who loves and respects me..."
Louis smiled and continued driving. Harry sat back in his seat and tapped his shoe on the floor of the car. How could Louis do this? With Harry's BEST FRIEND? Harry can't propose to him now! Harry needs to confront both Louis AND Niall tonight... Harry needs to know the truth and stand up for himself!
"We're here..." Louis smiled at Harry, pulling the car into a parking space on the side of the road.
Louis turned off the car and quickly stepped out of the car, not being able to wait any longer. This is it... The moment he has been planning for three months... The moment that will change his life forever. Louis can barely breathe as he pulls out his phone and shot Niall the text.
louist91: we're here :')
louist91: I can't believe this is happening....
louist91: take your time, I want some time alone with harry before u guys come with the surprise :))))))
"Aw, fuck!" Niall groaned as he opened his messages, sitting in the drive thru of a McDonalds, "They're already there!"
Liam stomped his foot, "I told you we didn't have time for an ice cream stop!"
"I wanted ice cream," Niall pouted, driving forward to the window to get their cones, "Looks like we're gonna have to change our plans a little..."
"Maybe we should just go with the plan Louis thought of originally," Liam suggested, sighing and leaning his head against the car window.
"No way! We already bought all the snorkels!" Niall disagreed.
Liam nodded, "I guess you're right..."
"Watch your step..." Louis lovingly told Harry as he held onto his arm, leading him down the steep hill.
"I know how to walk, Louis," Harry fought, yanking his arm away from Louis and ultimately causing himself to stumble, almost falling over and grabbing back onto Louis, "OH MY GOD, HOLD ME!"
Then, before anything else could be said between the two, Harry paused and gasped at the scene before him...
There was one wooden dining table set up underneath a white canopy. On the table sat an assortment of candles and two placemats, resting on top of a sheer white table cloth. The trees surrounding the general area held white, glittering christmas lights that illuminated the dim area. And just behind the hill was a small, beautiful lake, reflecting the sunset and the christmas lights in its glistening water.
And in that moment... Harry forgot all about his accusations against Louis.
Harry then felt his phone vibrate and took it out of his pocket, checking his message.
niallhoran: hello
Nevermind, Harry remembers.
harrystyles: hello....... niall.........
niallhoran: liam and i ,, will be late for the ceremony !!!
harrystyles: how,,,,, unfortunate.........
niallhoran: y u type like dat
harrystyles: this is how,,,,,, i normally ,,, type
niallhoran: okaay
harrystyles: well,,, take your time :) :) :)
harrystyles: i'll tell louis that'll you'll be late,,,,,,
niallhoran: hhhh
harrystyles: im sure he'll want to know :) :) :) :) :)
niallhoran: hhhHHHHHH
"Harry is so annoying," Niall whined, licking his ice cream cone while helping Liam adjust his snorkel.
"To be fair, he does think you're fucking his boyfriend," Zayn pointed out, watching the two boys as they tried to juggle snorkels, balloons, a hamster cage and a cat in a suit.
Oh yeah, Zayn is there too now.
After picking up their ice creams, Liam and Niall made it back to the location where the celebration is set to take place. However though, because they have come up with their own (cooler) plan, they have a new (cooler) entrance. So they texted Zayn to meet them on the other side of the lake to initiate their plan.
"As if I'd fuck Louis," Niall snorted, "His new haircut makes him look like he's balding at age 26, I'll pass - can you help me get this snorkel on?"
Zayn adjusted the buckle on Niall's snorkel and rolled his eyes, "I'm not snorkeling with you guys, by the way..."
"Zaynie..." Liam pouted, looking absolutely amazing with his snorkel on, "It's the big plan! You have to!"
"Yeah, if you're not a part of it you're gonna cry yourself to sleep for the next four years of your life, regretting that you rejected the opportunity to be a part of the great stylinson proposal," Niall stated, "Do you really want to live with that on your conscience for four years?"
"Yes," Zayn sighed.
"Fine," Liam huffed, "But then you have to take the hamster on the other side. We didn't get him a snorkel."
"And take this flashlight!" Niall added on, handing Zayn a bright blue flashlight, "You'll know when you need it."
Zayn stared blankly as he took the flashlight from Niall, "You have too much faith in me."
As Zayn began to make his way to the other side of the lake, Niall glanced in Liam's direction as he fixed his suit and adjusted his snorkel.
"This is it," Niall smiled warmly at Liam, making Liam turn around to smile right back at him, "Are you ready?"
"Very," Liam replied, grabbing the surfboard to his left and the four balloons that were anchored to the ground, "Do you want the first or last two?"
"First," Niall eagerly answered, taking the first two balloons, "I am the president, secretary, and historian of the larries, after all..."
"Hey," Liam cautioned, "I am the social chair."
"And a very good one," Niall acknowledged, placing his hand on Liam's shoulder, "Last week's larry luncheon was very well planned."
"Thank you," Liam proudly replied.
Then they both looked out at the lake and Liam hesitantly spoke up, "Well... we better get going..."
"Isn't it beautiful?" Louis dreamily asked Harry as he pulled out his chair for him.
Louis had to admit it, Niall did an amazing job as head of the proposal setup. The entire thing looked gorgeous and seeing as Harry is into this kind of scenic romantic picnic stuff, Louis fully expected Harry to be elated.
"It's super," Harry deadpanned, not sounding very elated.
Louis flinched a little... Did Harry not like it?
The thing is though, Harry LOVED it! It was the perfect place for him to propose to Louis! ... If Louis weren't CHEATING ON HIM.
"Well..." Louis moved on, trying hard not to sound as disappointed as he felt, "It looks like there are entreés already here!"
Louis lifted up the silver, dome thingys over their plates, revealing a very yummy looking dinner.
"For my good sir," Louis winked, making Harry melt on the inside, "Chicken stuffed with mozzarella wrapped in parma ham... with a side of homemade mash!"
GOD, it was so hard for Harry not to love him.
Harry slowly picked up his fork, staring down at the delicious looking food in front of him. The thought put into this meal, the meal they ate on their first official date, was enough alone to make Harry want to propose NOW.
But he couldn't.
"Louis," Harry sighed, making Louis' eyebrows raise with concern, "I have to ask you a question..."
Louis furrowed his eyebrows and sat down across from Harry, "Is everything... okay?"
Harry looked deep into Louis' eyes and felt so connected to him. His eyes held so much comfort and care in them, he knew that Louis loved him and ONLY him. Maybe he won't even bring it up...
"Are you cheating on me with Niall?!" Harry blurted out, making Louis visibly gag.
Shoot, Harry has a big mouth.
"What?!" Louis nearly yelled, completely and utterly grossed out, "Wh-what? Niall? Cheating?! Why would you-Why would that-"
"You said he sends you his nudes!" Harry defended himself, matching the same level of confusion that Louis gave him, "What am I supposed to think?"
Louis paused. Okay, yeah, maybe the whole nude thing wasn't the best thing to say to his boyfriend.
"Look," Louis calmed down, "I can't explain the nudes but it will make sense in a while... after Niall arrives..."
"I want it to make sense now!" Harry whined, crossing his arms and pouting.
Okay, now this is bad.
"Unless!" Harry pointed, with an expression of revelation on his face, "You are cheating on me with Niall!"
Louis gagged again, "Oh my god, stop saying that."
"What does Niall have that I don't??" Harry screamed hysterically, standing up from the table and flailing his arms around.
"Nothing! Literally Nothing!" Louis stood up as well, approaching Harry with caution, "Which is why I'm not cheating on you with him!"
"Don't come near me, cheater!" Harry threatened.
"I'm not a cheater, Harry!" Louis viciously shook his head, "Just sit down and we can talk-"
"Oh yeah, let's just talk," Harry mocked, crossing his arms, "Let's talk about how great Niall is and how much you love him."
Another gag from Louis, "I tasted puke in that one..."
Harry talked over Louis, becoming even more heated, "Is this because you think I can't pronounce drection?! Can Niall pronounce it right?"
"Okay, Harry, seriously - Why would I cheat on you because of how you pronounce words?" Louis questioned, sounding very annoyed at this point, "Also, I know you can't pronoun direction."
"Drection." Harry simply said.
"No, you have to put the 'i' in it," Louis sighed, "Di-rection."
"Drection." Harry repeated.
"No no no, say the 'Di'! Di-rection."
"Okay, wait, say 'Di'." Louis attempted a different approach.
"Okay, good, now say 'Rection'."
"Now together! Di-rection."
"Harry, what are we doing?!" Louis snapped.
"You're coaching me how to pronounce drection so you won't cheat on me with Niall!" Harry snapped back, making Louis roll his eyes.
"I'm not cheating on you with Niall!" Louis desperately cried to Harry, trying to make him believe his words.
Then, appearing from seemingly from nowhere, Zayn approached the table that Louis and Harry were screaming from. Holding the hamster cage and the flashlight, Zayn stood in front of the both of them and sighed loudly.
"Hello," Zayn spoke, his eyes dead and his voice tired.
Louis tilted his head to the side, "Hello, Zayn."
Harry whipped his head towards Louis, "Don't look at him like that!"
In utter disbelief, Louis narrowed his eyes at Harry, "What... are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about you looking at him like this!" Harry then pouted out his bottom lip and widened his eyes, mocking Louis' face overdramatically, "Oh Zayn, you're so hot and you're a God and I talk about you to guys who have a crush on me because I'm a stupid dummy!"
Louis rolled his eyes and scoffed, "I called Zayn hot once, two and a half years ago, Harry! Let it go!"
"Nice," Zayn nodded, appreciating the compliment.
"Oh, okay!" Harry overreacted, "You called me hot once, two and a half years ago; Should I let that go too?!"
"That's different," Louis defended, "Every compliment I've ever given you has been from the bottom of my heart."
"Are we counting the ones that were excused by you saying no homo?" Harry childishly threw at Louis.
"Ouch..." Zayn commented, acknowledging the argument but not trying to diffuse it.
Louis whined out loud, "That's not fair! No homo was iconic! If our love story were a book, no homo would be the title!"
Harry pointed at Louis angrily, "If our love story were a book, then the author would be the laziest author alive!"
"Don't say that about our book's author!"
"Okay..." Zayn spoke up, setting the hamster cage on the table, "As much as I really don't care, I think it's time to break this up..."
However, of course, this did nothing as Louis and Harry continued to throw meaningless and dumb insults at each other. It was definitely a sight to see.
"You're dumb!" Harry shot at Louis.
"Oh yeah? DummiesSayWhat!"
"Hah! You're a dummy, can't undo it!"
Zayn held the flashlight up in his hand and looked down at it, practically talking to himself because Harry and Louis certainly weren't listening to him, "Niall gave me this flashlight... I'm not sure what for..."
Then, as Harry and Louis continued to fight like they were five years old, Zayn looked out at the lake and his eyes widened. Zayn snapped his head between Harry and Louis, who were still yelling over each other.
"Uhhh..." Zayn spoke a little louder in attempt to get them to hear him, "Guys..."
Nothing. Then, it hit Zayn.
Zayn's eyes brightened in realization and he turned on the flashlight, suddenly flashing it in Harry's eyes, making Harry shriek.
"I'm blind!" Harry panicked.
"Time to stop!" Zayn asserted, then flashing the light out to the lake, directing Harry and Louis' attention out as well, "Just look..."
As both Louis and Harry looked out, Harry let a quiet gasp leave his lips at the sight. Louis also froze in shock, not really expecting for the change in plans...
The water rippled peacefully as heart-shaped pool floats glided across the body of water, carrying an assortment of yellow tulips and white roses. Lingering behind was a swan-shaped pool float, carrying a very graceful looking Louis the Cat wearing his floral suit and bowtie and emergency snorkel. Blue and green ribbons emerging from underwater were tied onto four huge green balloons, spelling out four words: "Please Marry Me, Harry?" The stars reflected off the water and made the entire scene glow, bringing tears to Harry's eyes.
Then Harry suddenly heard a cough, causing him to tear his eyes away from the beautiful sight before him and focus on Louis kneeling on one knee to his right. Harry covered his mouth with both his hands and held back tears as he beamed down at his lover holding a small velvet box.
Louis popped open the box to reveal the beautiful ring. Louis giggled nervously and tried his best to see through his watery eyes, "Because it rhymes."
Harry stood amazed at the grand gesture and smiled a wobbly grin as Louis began to speak so quietly and intimately to him.
"Since the moment I accidentally messaged you," Louis started, having to pause due to the lump in his throat, "I knew I wanted to bone you."
Harry choked back a laugh, causing Louis to laugh at his own words. Louis then cleared his throat and continued, "But what I didn't know... was that one day, I was gonna want to marry you."
Harry was trembling in his place and so badly wanted to jump into Louis' arms, but he couldn't stop staring at Louis.
"You are the man that made me realize everything I was doing wrong in my life," Louis serenaded, "I was denying myself the opportunity to be happy with someone I knew would do nothing but love and appreciate me. I was hurting myself, but most importantly..." Louis sighed, "I was hurting you," Louis shook his head, smiling up at Harry with a newfound light in his eyes, "but I don't want to ever hurt you anymore. I want to love you and kiss you and hug you and hold you," Louis' voice wavered as a tear fell, "and marry you."
Harry was a sobbing mess at this point as Louis then held the ring between his fingers and took a deep breath, "Nothing would make me happier than to have you always in my life..." Louis then extended the ring towards Harry, staring passionately into his eyes, "Always in my heart."
At that point, Liam and Niall had ascended from underwater, watching the scene before them from behind their snorkel goggles. Even Zayn, who hated the general thought of every single person there aside from Liam, was anxiously awaiting Harry's acceptance.
Harry beamed, knowing he probably looked like a complete wreck with his swollen eyes and red nose, but ignored everything at that moment except for Louis. Harry let out the breath he didn't know he was holding and gently spoke, "This moment is almost perfect."
Louis raised his eyebrows and his smile faltered only an inch, "Almost?"
Harry then bit his bottom lip as he descended onto one knee as well, making Louis bark in laughter and Zayn, Liam, and Niall smile even more fondly. Harry retrieved his own ring and showed it off to Louis, "Will you marry me, Louis William Tomlinson?"
"But it doesn't rhyme..." Louis pouted, making Harry roll his eyes and Louis sniffle his nose, "But I will..."
"I'll marry you too," Harry nodded, suddenly falling apart at the feeling of Louis wrapping him into his arms. Harry latched onto Louis for dear life and sobbed, repeatedly nodding his head and exclaiming as the hugged while kneeling, "I'll marry you! I'll marry you!"
As the two melted into each other's embrace and peppered each other's faces with soft and loving kisses, Liam leaned over to Niall, ripping off his snorkel, "Should we clap or something?"
Niall shook his head and smirked, "Way ahead of you..."
Then, as soon as Niall whistled, an audience of people emerged from a hidden location and cheered, waving around sparklers and firing confetti cannons. Louis and Harry looked up from each other's arms and stared in awe at all the people applauding the beautiful moment they shared. Harry giggled into Louis' chest and Louis pressed a brief kiss on Harry's forehead.
Louis whispered to Harry over the sounds of celebration coming from the crowd that had formed, "Do you like it?"
"I love it..." Harry cried, radiating nothing but pure happiness, "It's like a fairytale..."
"Our fairytale," Louis stated.
Harry and Louis stared silently at the beautiful sparklers and flying confetti, Harry leaning his head onto Louis' shoulder. The breeze rustled the trees and moved the water to create a serene environment around the display of love that Harry and Louis shared.
Harry sighed peacefully, speaking in a calm voice, "Who even are these people?"
"I have no idea," Louis shrugged, "I did not plan that part."
"But I did!"
Louis and Harry turned their gaze onto Niall, who had trudged his way from the lake and was sopping wet and covered in grass and a little mud. He looked like the loch ness monster, but he couldn't even tell because he was too ecstatic.
"I wanted this moment to be perfect!" Niall messily exclaimed, making wild gestures with his arms, splashing water everywhere.
"Okaay, Niall!" Harry snapped, covering his face, "I appreciate everything you did to make this happen, I really do, but you smell like a fish's ass right now!"
"Doesn't matter!" Niall yelled, tearing up, "You two are engaged! There is so much love, I can feel it bursting from my heart and splattering all over everyone!"
"Ew," Zayn retorted.
"Let me see the ring on your finger!" Liam squealed, moving over to Harry, just as wet and fishy as Niall, but somehow less repulsive.
Harry showed off his ring, giggling and jumping up and down, "I'm gonna be a husband!!"
"He's gonna be my husband..." Louis sighed lovingly.
"Where do you want to have the wedding?" Liam inquired, making Harry even more excited.
"Actually!" Louis interrupted, now getting a little nervous at the idea he originally had, "I was thinking maybe... Wellington?" At the sultry look on Harry's face, Louis felt a little more confident, slyly replying, "Remember when we visited there last year, Harry?"
Harry raised his eyebrows and lowered his eyelids, recalling the fond memory of him and his fiancée, "How could I forget?"
Niall and Liam looked back and forth between the two men, a confused and baffled look on both of their faces.
"Uhh..." Liam stuttered, "What happened in Wellington?"
"Nothing," Harry sweetly replied, making Louis chuckle as he swiftly joined Louis' side and walked away from Liam and Niall.
Niall and Liam simply stared wide-eyed at each other and Louis and Harry giggled mischievously to each other, sitting at the luxurious dinner table. Louis delightfully watched Harry as he admired the diamond ring on his finger, finding absolutely nothing better than sitting in silence with the company of his boyfrie- wait! scratch that; his fiancée.
"Come here a second," Louis spoke up, standing up from the table and instead, gazing out at the lake. Harry joined by his side and gasped, looking down at the ground and bending over to pick something up.
"Louis the Cat!" Harry cheerfully gasped, pulling him into his arms and leaning against Louis' shoulder as he rubbed his cat's belly, "Your daddies are gonna be married!"
Louis simply listened to Harry gently coo at their pet, speakings words that only made his heart swell even more.
"You daddies are so in love, kitty," Harry murmured, "We're gonna get married and start a family and live happily ever after!"
"A family," Louis uttered to himself, a soft grin creeping onto his face as he nodded, wrapping his arm around Harry's waist, "Yeah..."
Harry sighed, still petting Louis the cat and leaning against Louis (the person), "I love you so much..."
"I love you too," Louis said.
The wind whistled past, blowing loose leaves across the hill and causing them to dance across the lake, blurring the reflection of the bright stars above them. A faint echo of light tunes caught Louis' attention for a mere second, but he soon dismissed it, too focused on the sweeter sound of Harry's tranquil inhales and exhales. Louis' chest was nowhere close to Harry's due to their height difference, but at that moment, their hearts aligned and souls synced, creating a feeling of love that Louis could never seem to get rid of when he was around Harry. Louis then squeezed his eyes shut, feeling a laugh start to build up in his chest, but kept it down. He shouldn't say it. He really shouldn't. But god, he's such a playful fucker, he can't really help it. Ah, fuck it. Might as well finish the way he started.
"No homo though."
wow! what a day
i just wanna start off by saying, i'm really very sorry, from the bottom of my heart. i've always been a pretty bad author on here and for those that have stayed and waited and still anticipated these chapters: thank you very much and i absolutely don't deserve your support.
i really don't expect much, but i hope those of you who are still here by the grace of god enjoyed the final chapter of this story!
i dont expect readers to pay much attention to this, but creating this story and connecting with every single one of my readers has been the most special experience in my life and i want you to know how much you've changed and impacted my life: you guys really have made me feel so loved and appreciated, despite how SHITTY AT UPDATING I MAY BE
this book has given me friendships i have and will continue to cherish and opportunities that i will never not be grateful for... this is WAY too dramatic, but the ending of this story really is the ending of a huge chapter of my life
thank you for the endless support you all have given me and i hope u will still wish the best for my future even tho i didnt update for three whole ass years shjshsjs
bye guys :)
"That was beautiful," Liam reflected, folding up the tablecloth and throwing it into a basket.
"Duh," Niall bragged, pretentiously examining his nails, "Cause I set it up!"
After enjoying the moment together and hanging around with Liam, Niall, and Zayn for a while, Louis and Harry decided they wanted to celebrate their engagement in private... If ya know what I mean. So immediately following their appreciated goodbyes, Louis and Harry drove home together and Zayn kinda just disappeared. Now all that's left is Niall and Liam to clean up the whole mess... Awesome.
"I'm serious, Niall," Liam tried to assert, trying to genuinely compliment the man, "You really did an amazing job... You killed it."
Niall looked up at Liam and away from his nails, genuinely shocked at the sincerity in his voice, "Thanks..." Niall shyly replied, unable to determine what feeling was building up in his chest.
"You know..." Liam started, leaning against the table and gripping onto the edges of the wood, "I always wondered why you were so obsessed with Louis and Harry's relationship... But I think I got it now..."
Niall stood frozen, unable to tear his eyes away from Liam's stance, "Yeah?"
"You admire it," Liam shrugged, now folding his arms over each other and speaking so softly to Niall that even the quiet rustling of the trees seemed to overpower his voice, "You look up to it... To have a connection so strong with someone that you'd do anything for... Is so powerful."
"It is..." Niall mindlessly agreed, feeling even more vulnerable than before.
Liam then pushed himself off the table and approached Niall, a little uncertain with himself, glancing down at their feet, "Makes you wanna feel it too... right? That kind of passion?"
Niall couldn't breathe, too caught up in the suffocating air between himself and Liam in that moment. It had never occurred to Niall before, but now with Liam's eyes connecting so well his own... How could he have not seen it before?
"Yeah..." Niall exhaled as he and Liam gravitated towards each other, their lips catching each others' in a soft and meaningful kiss.
Then, without any warning or thought, Niall's hands began to cup Liam's cheeks as Liam pushed back Niall's jacket to slip his hands around his waist. Suddenly, Niall felt a tug towards the table and began walking forward as Liam dragged him back, then laying himself down and Niall on top of him.
The whole thing felt desperate and messy, Liam's hands roaming mindlessly against Niall's body and Niall's hands pulling at Liam's hair and sliding down his neck. Niall straddled Liam and then quickly pulled his own lips off of Liam's, staring bewildered at the position they just put themselves into. Liam's lips were agape, as were Niall's and they stared at each other in silence, their pants synchronizing.
"Huh..." Niall huffed, still breathing heavily, "... I guess I am straight."
Liam nodded, furrowing his eyebrows and sitting himself up with his elbows, "Yeah... me too."
Niall leaned away from Liam, "Wanna go bowling or something?"
Liam simply shrugged, "Sure."
Niall then pulled himself off of Liam's lap and Liam slid off the table, both of the boys leaving the decorations up and walking calmly over to the car.
No homo?
- leanne (louvinglouis) 💓
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