Secret identity
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Sorry if this ones a bit shit, I was rewatching rick and morty for like the 1000th time while reading it so I wasn't concentrating fully😂
In the chat:
Tom (mrperfect✨), Fraser(inabbedyou😔), Stephen(yourmum🤬),
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Secret birthday group🤫
Softboi💕: ok so the surprise party
Is tomorrow
Do you all remember what to do?
Joshy😎: why are we doing this again?
He said he was having a small party
The day after anyways
Softboi💕: that's code for I want
A surprise party, we did one for Will.
James🧸: it really isn't doe😳
Epicgamer🎀: I agree w Alex
We did one for Will for hitting 4 mil
Willbigwilly💪: yeah he deserves it
Inabbedyou😔: yeah
Randomgirl😳: yeah george seems nice,
I haven't known him for long but
I think you guys should do this
Mrperfect✨: any excuse to go
To a party I'll take
Yourmum🤬: same idky u guys
Don't want to
Dad🧸: idk he isn't the biggest
Fan of parties
Softboi💕: I know, but he said
It's because of all the younger years
There and stuff
Mrperfect✨: makes sense, they
Are annoying af
Yourmum🤬: ikr
Softboi💕: ok so
Do you guys remember what we
Are doing
Epicgamer🎀: yep
Dad🧸: it's impossible to
Forget because of how many
Times you made us go through it
Softboi💕: but it's tomorrow🥺
Yourmum🤬: fine go on
Softboi💕: ok so
We meet at the park at 9:30
Then we walk to George's house
Everyone else is already waiting in the
Hall we rented
So we tell him that we are just going
To the park, but we stop by the hall, and
Then, the surprise, ok?
Liked by ⚫️🟣🔴+7 others
Willbigwilly💪: nice
Tamagotchi💝: got it
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
The next day, they met up at nine thirty, and discussed their plans. There was going to be pretty much everyone George was even aquatinted with there, so they had to make sure that it didn't go wrong. They parted ways with aria, Mia, and josh, who where going to let everyone know at the party that they where getting George, while the others knocked on his door, which his mum opened- she knew about the party, and told them that he was upstairs, and reassured him that he didn't know about the surprise. The house was full of wrapping paper and balloons scattered around on the wooden floor of the living room, as it was his birthday today- despite him planning on having a few friends round to celebrate tomorrow. He was pretty vague on his reasons why, but he refused to expand on the topic.
The group snook upstairs as George did whatever he was doing up there. They planned on bursting in and shouting happy birthday, taking him by surprise, but they did not expect to see what they did when they slammed open his bedroom door... (stop being dirty minded)
"Happy birthday!" They cried, as the door burst open, causing George to almost have a heart attack. They all stopped in shock, eyes wide. The person who stared back at them, had a bandana covering his face, his trademark sun glasses, and a hat with the memeulous channel logo on, accompanied by a memeulous hoodie. "Your memeulous?!" Will exclaimed. George was stunned, he hadn't noticed how many of them where there. He looked down, and mumbled, "yeah." Before looking away. "Mate! You have four million subscribers! We could have all done videos together!" Will cried, as Alex stared, mouth wide open- his face pretty much matched everyone else's there. "W- what are you guys doing here?" He asked, as he placed a hand on the back of his neck, still wearing his disguise. "To say happy birthday!" Alex suddenly chimed in, as he walked over to George and knelt over, leaning on the smaller boys chair. George looked away, blushing so hard that Alex could tell through the mask.
"He's- memeulous?" Stephen questioned, as George nodded. "He's got the most subs out of all of us." Tom joked, as he had one million. George chuckled as Alex pouted at him. "What's wrong al?" He whispered, staring intently at him through his shades. "I wanna see your pretty face." Alex frowned, as George almost choked. "Aw." The others chorused in harmony, "s- shut up." George just about managed to choke out, before averting his eyes back to Alex. "Can I-" Alex asked cautiously, as he reached up to George's glasses, lightly tugging at them.
George looked down, before hesitating, then nodding. He carefully removed them, placing them on his desk. He stared up at George's shimmering blue eyes, surrounded by light freckles. He's so beautiful. Next, he removed the hat that sat on top of his head- as he did so, his fluffy hair that was in a natural perm, sprung out from underneath it, causing Alex's breath to hitch. Finally, Alex gently untied the knot of his bandana, that sat behind his head, trying not to tug at the dirty blonde hair that hung out of the back of his hat. Once it dropped off and, his whole face was revealed, Alex looked at him and smiled for a moment. George's face still has a tint of pink on it, but before he could do anything else, Alex pulled him into a kiss. They others looked at one and other, some smiling, some confused, but they all agreed that they where an adorable couple. George places his hands on the back of Alex's head, as he had done before, and felt his glossy hair find its way through his fingers.
Once they pulled apart, George face burned bright red, and his eyes darted around the room, avoiding everyone's eyes. Alex giggles, and cooed, "happy birthday Georgie, I love you." Causing a brief smile to full George's face, before he looked down, attempting to hide his huge blush. Alex looked back at the others, who nodded, showing the plan was still in action. "George." Alex spoke calmly, placing one hand underneath his chin, and lifting his head away from the ground, where it had previously been aimed towards his twiddling fingers. His face flushed as he was forced to lock eye contact with his boyfriend, who smiled innocently at him. "Do you wanna go out with us all?" He asked, catching George off guard. "Uh- I mean- s-sure- I'll have to uh- f- finish this video later." He stuttered, still in shock from the sudden kiss. "Perfect." Alex smiled, planting a quick kiss on his lips. He loved seeing his boyfriend embarrassed. George stood up, turned his equipment off, and followed the others out of the room, avoiding eye contact with any of them.
Once they where out, Alex slipped his hand into George's, and the group walked up the road, in the direction of the town hall, where they had saved up to rent. "Where are we actually going." George spoke, for the first time in a while. "I dunno, wanna stop by the town hall, see if there's anything going on?" They offered, as occasionally there where a couple of people hanging out there, so it wasn't much of a strange thing for them to do. "Uh, ok sure." He shrugged, as he looked over at Alex. The shorter boy grabbed his arm, and wrapped his black hoodie sleeve covered arm around Alex's pink one. He looked over at George, shocked at the sudden amount of contact- in public? He pulled himself closer to Alex, now with one arm linked around his, and the other clinging on slightly above his other arm, holding him as humanly possible.
The others looked back and noticed George clinging onto Alex for dear life, and all left comments and remarks about how soft George was which annoyed him, but he refused to let go. It was his birthday, he could do what he wanted. Will whipped out his phone and told josh that they where about to be there. They opened the door to the town hall, and trudged inside. The hall was pitch black, which was unusual- as the windows where usually left open, and the lights left on. "What the hell." George commented flatly, and entered, he continued walking, until suddenly, many multi coloured lights all turned on revealing at least one hundred people that where hiding in the dark. Word had gotten around the school about George's party, luckily he hadn't heard anything. It was very exclusive, and you could only get in with an invite- many people wished to be there. "Happy birthday!" They yelled, popping many party poppers, as George almost jumped out of his skin. He turned to look at Alex, who was grinning broadly at him. "Fuck you." He whispered to Alex with a smile, as josh, Mia and aria walked over from the crowd and joined them.
The room was covered in balloons and streamers, and confetti. A huge handmade banner hung across the top of the room stating, 'happy birthday Georgie!' Clearly written by Alex. Tables lined the outskirts of the room, covered in white table cloth, with many arrays of food and drinks covering the surface. Chocolate fountains, popcorn, sandwiches, the traditional party food and more where all layer out like a royal feast. A DJ booth sat at the front with a man wearing headphones that looks like a typical DJ behind the booth. A large disco ball hung from the ceiling reflecting beams of light everywhere that wasn't already hit by the many lights and lasers by the DJ booth. "Oh my god." George flatly stayed, "this is amazing! You guys organised this?" He asked, stunned. They nodded and smiled, as the music started.
Many of his favourite songs played, probably due to the fact that Alex had leant their DJ his playlist, and George was having an amazing time. They spent the rest of the night partying, and getting drunk. George didn't drink too much, despite the fact it was his birthday, nor did Alex. The song 'only you played', and many couples such as Stephen and will, and James and aria went to the 'dance floor' and began slow dancing. George looked at Alex and smile, gesturing towards the dance floor. "Shall we?" He mocked playfully, holding out his hands. "R- really? But I though you didn't want everyone to know?" He stated, alarmed. "I don't mind." He smiled, as Alex took his hand...
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
Next chapter for the dance (change of music)
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