Ignore them
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F Slur warning (only like once and not to them but be prepared for it in the next chapter ); )
Fun fact before this: George's bedroom was legit a description of mine cause I'm lazy, and also this school is based off mine, so when I wrote this, I was just thinking about my tutor room and stuff cause Icba to think of a design so I'll give you a brief layout so you get the idea:
There's also a window
Here I forgot to add
Its really scuffed btw and I haven't been school in a long time so I can't really remember where the back tables are I'm pretty sure there's like one more and they are all more inline but idc ngl
idky I'm telling you this but I hope it gives u some perspective :)
(ಠ ͜ ಠ)
Ok so this is set one day after the last chapter, and it's now Thursday, the day that George goes back to school...
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George pulled his favorite hoodie over his head, it had the words 'alpha male' embroidered into the front, which he thought was simplistic and cool. George made sure that he pulled his hood up, and planned on wearing it all day, in order to hide his multiple hickeys. He wore some tight skinny black jeans, accompanied by his favorite checkered vans, and matching checkered skateboard- which he placed on the road and began skating up beside Will. "So, what did you and Alex do yesterday hm?" Will nudged, slyly, implying something that made George's face go bright red. "Shut up will, we didn't shag." He spat bluntly, as he looked down and continued skating ahead. Will caught up in his skateboard, and pressed on, "never said you did." He shrugged, knowing he was annoying George. "Good, cause we didn't.".
"Why do you have your hood up." Will asked, possibilities swimming around his head. "Uh, because I can." George retorted, pulling it further over his head. Will have him a confused double glance and continued to the school gates. They soon spotted Alex, James, Stephen, josh, Tom, and Fraser hanging around the front of the school- they where easy to spot from: Alex's bright pink clothing, James's hight, Stephens bucket hat, joshes bright curly hair, Tom from the gaggle of people watching him, and Fraser from his large pastel hoodie.
They waved them over, and they where soon all over George. "George! Mate!" And other similar cries could be heard from all members of the group as George blushed and accepted their hugs. "Why have you got your hood up then." Stephen asked suspiciously. Alex shot a smug look at George who looked to his feet and blushed once again. "I- well- because why not." He stuttered, "can't argue with that." James shrugged, before one of them reached out and pulled down his hood, confirming all of their suspicions. His heart skipped at least four beats as he pulled his hood back up and covered his face. Everyone's mouths had dropped, as they stared in awe. "So that's what you and Alex where doing yesterday." Will slowly nodded, as the others shared looks of agreement. "W- what! N- no!" George cried. Why had he bothered coming in.
"Bloody hell alex." Will spoke in wonder after he once again pulled down his hood to inspect the damage. "You bloody destroyed his neck!" He cried. "Didn't know alex would be capable of that to be honest." Tom drawled as even Alex's face flustered for a brief amount of time. "Oh my god." Fraser whispered as they all looked, much to the embarrassment of George. "Are you done!" George cried pulling his hood back up and stepping away from the group that where now gathered around him. Luckily, as the majority of the group was taller than him, no outsiders, as much as they tried, could not see what the group was all so fascinated about.
Soon, Mia and aria walked over, as aria hugged James, Mia asked; "what's everyone staring at?" As she bustled her way into the center of the circle they had subconsciously formed. "George's neck! Alex fucking destroyed it!" Will cried as george punched his arm. "Shut up, no he didn't." He mumbled as Mia's eyes widened. "No way, let's have a look." She said reaching for his hood and pulling it down. She instantly gasped as George once again pulled it back up forcefully, "why is everyone doing that today?" He cried rhetorically as aria looked up at James, shocked. "Bloody hell alex." She muttered as he smiled guiltily at her. "So are you two together now?" Mia questioned, stepping closer to George. "N- no!" He cried, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I'll take that as a yes." She said as she span on her heels and began leaving to go to her tutor. "By the way you two are adorable together." She said as she left. "Shut up." George mumbled out of earshot, well, he hoped. "Oooh sorry." She said in a high pitched voice as the others laughed.
"Wait so are you actually? Together?" Fraser asked, lost in what's going on. "No!"George cried once again. "He is." James whispered a little to loudly, causing George to kick him in the shin. "Come on, lets just go to tutor." George said as he began walking with his head down. Alex walked very closely to his side, and George inconspicuously clasped his hand and held it. Alex turned to him and smiled as George pretended nothing was happening. "I missed you," he whispered, "I saw you yesterday." He replied, "I mean, at school. It was lonely." He frowned, making George's heart melt. "What about the others? You had them?" He pointed out, gesturing to the group walking around them, all engrossed in their own conversations, too busy to notice George tightly holding Alex's hand, making sure they where close enough for it to be discreet, which was hard, because a lot of people noticed that George was back, and it was that talk of the school- no one but Alex had seen him since the party.
They arrived in the tutor, and as expected, all eyes where on George. Pretty much everyone in the school knew by now. George kept his head down, and tried to ignore the people blatantly talking about him. He heard a lot of slurs being quietly thrown at him, and the others just couldn't seem to hear. He felt hot tears being to emerge and fill the corners of his eyes as he looked down at his phone, desperately trying not to cry. A drop of water fell onto his phone, and that's when Alex noticed. "Georgie?" He whispered. "Georgie?" He asked a little louder, concern shining through his usually calm tone. "W- what." He murmured, trying to hold back a sob. "Do you need me to take you outside?" He asked kindly. George nodded and sniffed, getting the attention from the others around his table. "George are you-" josh began before he stood up and left the room, swiftly peruses by Alex. All the students in the classes eyes followed them as the teacher noticed that everyone had went silent. "The teacher headed over to their table and asked will and josh what had happened. (I legit cannot remember who I said was in their tutor😂) so they briefly explained, being careful to filter out what George and Alex wouldn't want the teacher to know- so they didn't tell him much.
The teacher, mr Jacobs, nodded his head at their explanation understandingly, and noticed that everyone was still staring at the window on the door, dead silent trying to hear what was going on. "Mind your own business you lot." He spoke sternly to the class as they all looked away and forced conversations. "I'll let them have some time out there alone, but can one of you go out and tell them that if they still need somewhere to stay until second period, they can stay in here because I have a meeting so my classroom is empty." He kindly suggested, before josh and will argued who should go and tell them. "Both of you can go." Mr Jacobs calmly suggested as they got up to deliver the news.
"Sir said that you guys can stay in his class for the next period cause he had a meeting." Josh excitedly explained. "And also he told everyone to mind their own business because they where all staring." Will smugly smiled. George laughed, as did Alex, before josh and will headed back inside. "Wish we could miss next lesson." Josh mumbled to will as they grabbed their bags from under the desk. "Same." He slung his black vans bag over his shoulder and headed through the exit and into the awkwardly thin maths corridor, where George and Alex where slumped on the floor together, kissing. Will and josh made sure to exit first, just in case of this exact situation. "Guys!" Will whispered, somewhat loudly. "Everyone's coming out now!" He desperately ushered as they pulled apart and George blushed, pulling his hood back up. "Stop snogging and stand up! You'll get trampled by the fucking year sevens." Josh shouted, pointing at the crowd of year sevens approaching a few doors down. They stood up and edged as close to the wall as possible, as floods of kids sped past him. "I fucking hate year sevens." Will groaned as their tutor group began filing out of the room, all staring at George and Alex.
They budded will and josh farewell, as they dispersed into the crowd to go to their lesson George and Alex slipped into the classroom, where sir was just locking the door to the outside exit. "Ah, boys, I'm trusting you to be alone in here, ok? I'll have to lock you in, but there's a key on my desk, I'll be back at the end of this period ok?" He instructed before flashing a smile. "Thanks sir." George said warmly, as he exited and locked the other door. "This is sick." Alex stated, "we can do whatever we want." He suggested excitedly as they both pulled out their phones and sat on the small blue sofa at the very back of the room (idk where it came from but it's here now) and George wrapped his arm around Alex while he climbed onto his lap. "It doesn't feel like we're in school, does it Georgie?" Alex grinned, it felt so weird doing this in school. "I know, it's odd." George said, as he took down his hood. Alex inspected the marks on his neck, and smirked, proud. "I really fucked up your neck, didn't I?" He laughed. "Yes. You did." George tutted, faking annoyance.
"Please don't be angry Georgie worgie." Alex pleaded, playing along, with a fake pout. "I could never stay angry at you." He giggled and pulled him closer with both his arms. They snook a quick kiss, but nothing more- because they are in school, and that would be weird as fuck. They sat in their phones, perfectly content together, until finally, they heard the door unlock and George recoiled his arms. "You guys still in here?" Mr Jacobs asked, as they both hummed a response. "Ok, do you think your ok to go to lesson? I could get you a space in the hub?" (It's like a thing in my school where kids that need a little extra help go or if like someone's super triggered or something idk I haven't been) Alex looked over at George, who smiled and nodded. "We're fine sir," Alex politely declined, "we can go to next period.", and so they waved goodbye and thanked him, before leaving to English, which was good, because Alex sat next to him.
They headed in, five minutes late as they had talked to Mr Jacobs for a while, but he had given them a signed note as an excuse for missing last lesson, and being slightly late. When the door opened, all eyes turned to them, as it would when anyone opened the door in class. George felt his face sting red, so he looked down- not noticing that he had forgot to put up his hood... The teacher, Mr Sanchez turned his head away from her computer screen, and raised his eye brows at them. "So, Mr Andrews has finally decided to turn up." He tutted as he walked over to the boys. Luckily, George's hickeys where on the other side from the teacher, but that meant that the whole class could see, and they were shocked. Mumbling rose in the class, until sir shushed then and asked George and Alex why they where late. "Sir let us stay in his class for a lesson." George mumbled handing him the note. He made a lot of hums and other noises while reading the incredibly short note, incredibly slowly. How was he an English teacher.
George sat next to Alex, who looked over at George as he noticed everyone was staring, "George!" He whisper- cried, trying not to cause much of a scene. "Your hood!" He cried, still somewhat quietly. George panicked, and others picked up on the fact that he had meant to be hiding them. He pulled up the hood and pretended to be absorbed in his work. "You ok?" Alex asked cautiously, not able to see under his hood. "Yeah, I'm fine." He murmured looking up at Alex and feebly smiling. "Hey, just ignore them." He cooed, reaching for his hand under the table. George grabbed it and smiled at the boy. He held onto it tightly before whispering, "ok, I love you." "I love you too." He expressed quietly. "Can anyone take the register back to the reception, the computer won't let me send it." The teacher asked, and almost everyone volunteered, desperate to get out of lesson. "Mr elmslie, I can trust you to take it?" He quizzed, "yes sir." Alex said as he got up to take it. "Can I take someone with me sir." He asked, which was a common request from students. "You have been here for years, you know where it is." He assured as Alex pouted and left, giving a sorry glance to George.
"So," a voice drawled from the other side of the table, "your back george." The familiar (yay annoying) voice of Paige said, clear distaste hanging around her voice. "Yeah, I am." George mumbled, clear annoyance constricting his tone. She was at the party too. "So," she started, as George rolled his eyes, knowing what was coming. Can she not get the hint that I don't want to talk to her. "Your not gay are you?" She remarked flatly. Even though he expected it, he was not prepared, and felt his heart jolt. "N-no!" He cried, louder than he would have liked, "it was a party, you know. I was drunk." He lied, getting a relieved look from Paige. "Oh, that's good." She sighed, "how is that good?" George asked, in a more confrontational tone. "Well, you know if you where gay then... I don't know." She explained poorly. George once again rolled his eyes, and replied, "that doesn't explain anything." In a flat and emotionless voice.
At this moment, Alex walked back in and was about to approach the table before hearing; "do you want to go out with me?". Paige. He thought, along with many swear words. He walked over, listening intently- he felt a heavy feeling in his heart, it was- jealousy? What did he have to be jealous of? George was his, and he was George's. But, what if George dumped him for her, she was more popular than him after all. And more attractive. Oh god he's going to say yes. Alex didn't sit down yet, and George still hadn't noticed him. He couldn't take the heartbreak if George said yes, so he slipped back into his seat, and sat down. "Nah." George exclaimed. "I don't date homophobic people." He shrugged, as she shot him an annoyed look. "B- bur your not even gay, why do you care." She cried. George looked at her, and stared into her green, emerald eyes and stated, "fuck off.". She gave him a shocked and appalled look, before huffing and turning away to talk to her friend, seemingly very angry, and telling her friend about what had just happened, who was also seemingly very angry. They both shot them side glances occasionally while obviously whispering to each other, in the attempt of making George annoyed. But failing when he just completely ignored them.
Alex stared at him in awe. "George!" He quietly exclaimed. "She was being a bitch." He shrugged casually, as she gave him a death stare. Suddenly, she dropped her pen, and slid under the table to get it- in doing so, she noticed that George and Alex where holding hands under there. She smirked and mumbled, "I knew you where a faggot." As she pulled out her phone and snapped a picture. She decided that she would follow them at break to the field, and right to the back where no one else went, and spy on their group in their usual hangout spot at break...
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
Ok so I'm really sorry I'm reading this other fanfic and it has such a similar plot point to mine and they came first I can't remember which it is because I'm reading like 20 but I'm really sorry cause I planned this to happen before I read that story so I'm sorry about that I just noticed and like pretty much the same will happen except he won't miss Alex to prove her wrong sorry about that spoiler anyways hope u enjoy future updates, and make sure to check out my one shots which aren't updated as much, but they are there :)
This chapter was so long it was exactly 3000 words
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