Cuddle me
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I'm back with the next part! Also. If you stopped reading at the 'the end' part it was an epic prank haha. (Going to add a casual summary of what's happened here at the start of new chapters because I read so many fanfics that I always forget what happens in them) Anyways so now that Alex knows george likes him after he kissed him at a party and ran out, where the gang followed him and Alex hugged him on the swing in the dark, they headed to Alex's house, where his parents where...
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The two boys had both almost completely sobered up from the cold and rain soaking their hoodies, as they rushed to Alex's house and George texted his parents to let them know he would be staying with a friend. Alex knew his mum and dad would let george stay, as they where very kind people, and that was why Alex had came out to them so early on- because he knew they would accept him and not view him any differently.
They eventually got to the door and unlinked their hands as Alex didn't think George would like the idea of anyone knowing that they where dating- well, they weren't actually official yet. He rapidly knocked on the glass door, and saw a light switch on and illuminate the dark night. George hadn't seen Alex's parents, or house in general- but he could see a blurry figure head to the door and fumble for the keys- but it was hard to pinpoint what they looked like as the door was slightly blurred and had patterned glass. A tall, friendly looking man opened the door with a kindly smile and quickly gestures for them to come in. "Quickly boys, it's poring it down." He ushered as he closed the door behind them, and turned to face the two rain- soaked boys. "I thought you would be staying at the party longer, it's only midnight- well it's late enough, but when I was your age I'd stay out until the morning! " He told them, "you must be George? Alex has talked about you! Make your self at home!" He expressed as George smiled, this was probably the warmest welcome he had revived.
Alex blushes at his dads comment about him talking about George. He sounded so creepy. He told George to follow him upstairs, and he obliged, smiling and feebly raising a hand to greet Alex's mum as he walked past her. She smiled warmly at him, which made George feel oddly happy at how kind Alex's family were. "You parents seem really nice." George mentioned as he climbed the stairs. "Key word in that is 'seem'." Alex laughed as he opened his bedroom door to reveal the cosiest pink nest George had ever seen. Pink LEDs illuminated every corner of the room, and every surface was filled with collectibles from his favourite shows and films, such as lord of the rings. He had many cozy lights, and fairy lights scattered around as well as flourishing plants in small colour coordinated pots. "Wow, I love your room!" George marvelled as he scanned the room with his ocean blue eyes. "Thanks, it's kind of messy." Alex said quietly, as George grinned. He began to take of his soaking wet jumper and placed it on his radiator. "Oh, George, your hoodie is wet as hell, want to borrow on of mine?" Alex suggested as George's face reddened. He looked down and nodded, knowing his wardrobe only consisted of pink. As he had expected, Alex pulled out a pink hoodie and lobbed it at the smaller man. George pulled it over his head and looked up at Alex who could hardly stop smiling, "you look like the most adorable thing I have ever seen." He marveled. "Shut up." George protested quietly, making Alex even more satisfied as he noticed how embarrassed he was. "Wanna play some fifa?" He asked as he gestured to his bed where two controllers sat in the pale pink duvet. "Sounds fun." George said as Alex pulled him down.
They sat against the headboard of the bed and subconsciously moved closer to each other until they where practically on top of each other. "Wanna watch a film on Netflix." Alex yawned as he reached for the controller. George nodded as they flicked through the films and shows. They soon settled on the spongebob movie and clicked play. Alex rested his head on George's shoulder as george looked down and smiled at him. "George?" Alex asked, his voice filled with nervousness. "Yeah al." George cooed. "W- would you like to b-be my boy friend?" He whispered, nervousness filling him like slow dripping honey. George pauses for a moment (George.exe has stopped working). Alex prepared first the worse.
George recoiled in disgust. "Why would I ever date someone like you!" He spat, his voice overflowing with spite. Alex felt hot tears begin to appear in the corner of his eyes as George stood up and marched towards the door. "Don't ever speak to me again!" He shouted before slamming the door and leaving Alex alone- again...
Well, that's what he thought would happen.
George looked deeply into the boys pale blue eyes that shimmered in his pink LEDs, and a smile filled his previously unreadable face. "Of course I will, I love you more than anything in the universe." He expressed, in the most genuine voice Alex had ever heard. "Oh Georgie!" Alex cried, tears rolling down his face- tears of joy. "Don't cry bobble." George cooed as he placed his hands on the boys face and gently swiped away his tears with his warm thumbs. 'Bobble' was a nickname Alex had acquired from George, that started as 'baby' but slowly progressed into, 'bobble'. I don't know why don't ask me. "I'm so happy," Alex choked, "I didn't think you would say yes!". "Why wouldn't I say yes? Your the prettiest boy on the planet!" George cried causing Alex's face to flush.
"Says you." Was thrown back and forth by the laughing boys, both with a weight off their chests. They paused and caught each others gaze. Their lips locked together and George snaked his hands up the boys back and into his soft brown hair that was neatly brushed into curtains. He pulled his head closer as they passionately kissed, just like the other night- but better. They where startled by a knock at the door and recoiled from each other as fast as light. Alex's mum walked into the room and asked if they wanted anything, and also introduced herself to George, who was trying to fight the blush spreading onto his face. As soon as she left George sighed a sigh of relief and melted into the bed. "That was close," he huffed, as if out of breath. "You know my parents wouldn't mind, they don't care." He whispered into his ear while gesturing towards the pride flag on his wall. "But I know that your not ready yet, and that's ok." He continued, taking the words out of George's mouth- but placing his tongue into it. (Please forgive me that was disgusting I'm so sorry)
After a lot of hugging, the film was almost over and George had one hand around Alex, whilst the other was gently playing with the boys glossy hair, which he loved so much. Alex, on the other hand, was sat slightly below George even though he was taller, and had melted into his embrace. He was fiddling with George's hand, and nestling into his chest. He eventually fell asleep in George's lap and they stayed like that for the rest of the night. Neither had never felt so much love towards a person in their lives.
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