"how many more days?" kuroo asked the boy on the other side of the laptop screen.
"huh?" bokuto asked.
"how many more days are you going to stay in england?" he repeated, clarifying the question.
"you ask as if you don't already know!" the silver haired boy chirped, as he sat in his room.
"yeah, but just tell me," kuroo said as he adjusted his laptops position, he wasn't unfamiliar to skype, but this rabbit website was a different story.
"one more day kuroo," bokuto said letting a laugh out, before he also fidgeted with his laptops position. it was decently sunny where kuroo was and pouring rain where bokuto was.
kuroo simply smiled slightly at the other boys words, "i was literally dying over here, without you," he informed bokuto.
"how do you think i feel!" bokuto exclaimed, "i have been here for almost three and a half weeks, with only my parents to talk to because i can't understand anyone else!" he said with a small pout.
"aw, stop pou-"
"i'm hungry," he interrupted standing from his desk, "i'm gonna go make some ramen," he said, "pick out a movie while i'm gone," he added making his way to the door of his room and exiting.
the ravenette sighed, "dork," he said lowly, clicking onto his netflix tab, scrolling through the romantic comedy section. as he did, the door on the other side of the laptop screen opened up, causing kuroo to jump a bit.
"i'll just bring you with me," bokuto said simply walking over to his laptop and picking it up leaving the camera and kuroo with a perfect view of the silver haired males chest and biceps. kuroo sighed dreamily.
"what?" bokuto asked as he walked through the large house.
"what?" kuroo repeated.
"oh, i thought you said something," bokuto said placing the laptop on the kitchen counter, backing up a bit so tetsurou could see him.
"i just kinda wanna lick your biceps," he admitted.
"no homo though," he added before bokuto could continue.
"oh?" bokuto asked furrowing his brows a bit, then he laughed a little turning to face his already cooking ramen on the stovetop.
"alright, do you want to watch thirteen going on thirty?" he asked, clicking on the movie.
"sure," koutarou answered, turning around briefly, then turning back to face the ramen.
"well, hurry up and finish making that ramen," kuroo said, gaining a laugh from bokuto. about a minute of comfortable silence passed before kuroo heard someone knocking at the door. "someones at my door, hold on," he said, taking the laptop from his lap and placing it onto the bed, getting up from the bed and making his way over to the door of his bedroom.
"if it's a murderer, and you die i promise you'll be missed!" he heard bokuto call from the laptop, the ravenette laughed a bit, a lingering smile on his face as he went to go answer the door. he opened the door a bit, just enough to look through to see who it was.
"oh," he said simply, opening the door, "hey oikawa," he greeted the brunet at the door.
"hi tetsu-chan," he replied, flashing a smile and a wave, "so, you gonna invite me in?" he asked.
"hm, i dunno, my mom told me about this when i was smaller," he said.
"about what?"
"how a demon can't come into your house unless you invite it in," he said in a sarcastic tone furrowing his brows the slightest bit, a smile on his face.
"haha, very funny, but that's vampires i'm pretty sure, so," he replied with a brief roll of his eyes, "i can come in uninvited if i wanted to," he joked. kuroo let out a chuckled before opening the door and letting him in,
"so, what'dya want?" he asked as oikawa walked in straight past him and into the kitchen. "well," he said to himself. kuroo followed him into the kitchen, "you know normal and polite people don't just walk straight into their friends kitchens, stealing food," he informed the brunet.
"right, and you aren't my friend," he said rummaging through the fridge, "you're my best friend, there's a drastic difference," he said, "all you have is meat, yet again," he said distastefully.
"oh, actually i picked up some vegan yogurt," kuroo said, gesturing towards the fridge, "since you complained last time," he said.
"how sweet," oikawa commented.
"oh, and i sort of have bokuto on skype right now so, don't make a mess, i'm gonna go talk to him," he said whilst walking out of the kitchen.
"mess? how do you make a mess with one yogurt cup, unless you're like five- pft! damnit! this sweater was new!" he heard oikawa yelp from the kitchen, the black haired boy shook his head a bit walking back into his bedroom.
bokuto must've heard the door open because before kuroo got into camera range he called out, "who was it? was it a murderer like i guessed?" he asked as kuroo picked up the laptop and sat down placing it back where it formely was on his lap.
"oh, yep, you were right," kuroo said simply looking at the screen, bokuto had finished making his ramen and the camera was back in his room, bokuto sitting at his desk with the bowl.
"freaking knew it,"
"it was a murderer and i am dead right now," kuroo said sarcastically, "so sad,"
"man that sucks, you were such a good guy, you know?" he said shaking his head a bit, "great hair,"
"what are you talking about, look at this," kuroo objected gesturing towards the mess of hair atop his head.
"fashion at it's finest!" bokuto proclaimed.
the door to the bedroom opened, oikawa walking in shirtless, "you got a shirt i could borrow?" he asked.
"is that the murderer?" bokuto asked.
"yeeeep," kuroo replied, averting his gaze from the silver haired male over to oikawa, who was pretty lean, even though he had seen oikawa shirtless plenty of times, not like that, you dweeb.
"hi bokuto!" oikawa chirped running over to where kuroo was to see bokuto.
"why are you shirtless? i mean, i'm not judging but," the boy on the other side of the screen said.
"he's a toddler who i accidentally gave messy food too," kuroo answered, "just grab any," he informed the brunet. so oikawa went over to his closet, going through it and grabbing a random shirt about to slip it on, "wait, not that one," he said.
oikawa lifted to shirt to see which shirt kuroo had stopped him from putting on, it was a black tee that said 'sowlmate' in white lettering on the front. oikawa cringed, he almost wore that. "what the hell is this?" he asked.
"bokuto got me that when we went to florida, assikawa," he said.
"hey! don't call me that!" he yelped, causing bokuto to laugh.
"unfair, you let iwaizumi call you it," kuroo complained.
"not true! i scold him too," he huffed, grabbing another shirt, this time another black one with a pocket, and a small cat printed onto the pocket. he decided it wasn't as bad as anything else in there, slipping it on.
"oh, yeah, bokuto while you were gone oikawa and iwaizumi started dating," kuroo informed him.
"finally," bokuto said, "kids nowadays," he added.
"we've only had four dates," oikawa said.
"only?" kuroo asked, "have you kissed him?"
"well, he kissed me,"
"nice," bokuto said, "no homo though,"
"actually, yeah, a decent amount of homo, bokuto," oikawa said lightly.
a/n: another fic to work on!!!!!!!!!yEAH i love work
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