Chapter 4
This is Blake's and Scott's dorm
Scott POV.
I knew it....
I stand at the door watching Andy and Jason slowly fading away in the darkness. I went back inside, closing the door behind me, and walk over up to the little stair, lay down on the vacant bed that was suppose to be for Blake. "Haaa...don't even think I didn't notice it." I said to myself out loud.
I close my eyes for a few good seconds and decided to get down from the bed and take a quick shower. After my shower, I heard a voice calling out someone.
"Mom...I'm sorry...don't leave" and suddenly I heard a cry.
I walk over to the blond boy. I see tears falling from his eyes. 'Bad dreams?' I thought and ask myself. I sat on the edge of the bed, keep looking at him. I start to remember how I first got to this academy, I was really nervous and I missed my parent so much, of course I can meet them when summer comes but I have to bare with this feeling from missing home too much, I don't want to be homesick just yet. I let out a deep sigh.
I was about to get back up but before I could, I felted a hand grab my arm. I turn and look over and see Blake eyes are open, they are looking at me. "Please...don't leave me..." He said. I was silent and begin to sat back down on the bed. We both just sat and not say a word to each other. All we hear is the clock ticking and ticking.
Don't know how long we've been staying like this, it feels like forever, but I think 45 minutes have past. "U...Um..." Blake finally said, "Can...can you...stay here with me?..." He asked shyly and turn away quickly. I thought I saw his face went red, I guess that was my imagination. I sigh hopelessly and said, "We are in the same room dummy." I said in a tired voice. I do feel tired and I really want to sleep. I feel his hand gripping on my arm tighter, I continue, "But don't worry." I said holding his hand. Blake lift his head up and look at me, and looking at me holding his hand, and look back at me.
I give him a soft, gentle smile. I slowly lean in and touch his forehead with mine. I looked at him and said, "I'm here, I won't leave you. I'll be here right by your side." I smile with close eyes. Blake was silent for a bit and lay back down on his bed, covering himself with the blanket. I let out a little laugh, "Come on, move over a bit." I said. He looked at me with his question face. "Move over a bit so I can sleep with you." I repeat.
He sat up quickly which make me jump a bit. "What? Why would you sleep here? There's another bed above me." He said. "Well you did say not to leave you and stay with you, so, come on move over a bit" I said, but he won't move. Of course, me being myself, I have to roll his body over and get in bed with him. "Hey! Go to your own bed!" He said as he try to pushed me off of the bed. "This is my bed! You bed is above mine!" I said and try not to fall.
Blake stopped and turn his back towards me. I chuckle and rest my arms behind the back of my head on the pillow. I have to admit, it is a bit awkward. The silent filled the room, the clock's ticking, it's so uncomfortable. I'm never felted this awkward my tire life. "Hey Scott..." Blake called out, I turn my head and looked at him, "Yeah?" I said. I can sense how tense he is, so I decided to get a bit closer and I did something I would always do to comfort people, hug him from behind.
Blake flinch at the sudden action and turn his head, "What are you doing?" He asked. "Uh comforting?" I said but it came out more like a question. He rolled his eyes, "I don't need any comfort, I'm fine." He said, trying to make me not hug him. I didn't listen and just hug him even tighter which he started to try his very best to get me off of and off the bed again, that I won't allow to happen, "Hahaha I won't let go, not until you are relax. Now just shut up and go to sleep already, I know you're tired. So go to sleep already, I'm also tired here." I smile at him.
Blake stop, turning his head away and said, "Fine, I'm sleepy anyways after fighting with you." I smirk, "Fight? It was more like you trying to pushed me off the bed this while time." "Shut up already." With that we both fell asleep.
~Next Morning~
Third Person POV.
It is morning, the sun is rising, the bird is singing. The sun came in and shine the room. Both Blake and Scott were sleeping peacefully until a knock was heard on the door. "Blakeeeeeeee. Scottttttttt. Open up!" Jason yelled out their names as he knock on the door more and more till it turn into a bang.
While Jason yelling and banging on the door, Andy on the other hand, standing and holding his and Jason's bag. They both heard a click and the door was open, revealing a pissed off Scott. "What the fuck do you guys think you're doing? It's 6:38 am." Scott said in his tired and annoyed voice. "Uhh here to help Blake out with his studies." Jason said and walk through the door and past Scott. Scott grunt and goes back inside with the door open for Andy which he close it back after he got in.
Jason saw the blond boy still sleeping, he walk over and crawl on the bed, "Aww isn't this cute? Blake is still sleeping, he's like a little baby!" Jason said as he poke Blake's cheek and pinch it. Scott came over and pull Jason away, "Hey hey! Don't touch him! He's still sleeping dammit!" Scott said which Jason respond with a smirk, "Is someone jealous?" Jason asked teasingly. They both were messing around too much but they didn't know they were interrupting Blake's sleep. Blake slowly opens his eyes and turn his body around, see Scott holding Jason's leg who is trying to escape from Scott's fist, and Andy who is sitting on the one of the study chair and watching the whole scene happening in front of him.
"Mm what the hell are you guys doing? Especially in the morning." Blake tiredly said, gently rubbing his eyes. They all stop and looked at him. Blake look at them and was confused. Jason smirk and whistle, "Woah man, did you guys have a lot of fun with each other?" He laugh and falls down on he floor as he continues to laugh. Scott facepalm himself. Andy was shocked. That leaves the innocent Blake all confused. "What's with that face? Why are you laughing, Jason? Why are you staring at me?" Blake asked, still confused to why they're acting like this. Andy point at the bed he is currently sitting.
Blake tilt his head and look down, nothing. "There's nothi--" He stop. He spot two pair of wet boxers on the blanket. Everyone was quiet except for Jason who is still laughing his head off. Blake turn and look at Scott. It surprises Scott because he saw tears in Blake's eyes, he was about to cry. Scott quickly runs over to him and hold his shoulders, "No no no! You got it all wrong! We didn't do anything related to that kind of stuff! I swear! This are just the boxers from yesterday which I forgot to put it in the laundry!" Scott try his best to explain to Blake, but Blake was just silent, tears still in his eyes.
~Few minutes later~
Everyone was on the floor with their books and pencil case. No one is talking, just quietly doing their own work. The sound of writing was only heard. 'Ugh, why did I leave it there yesterday? Man, this is so awkward!' Scott yelled in his own head.
"Scott." A voice called out to him, making him snap out of his thought. "Y-Yeah?" Scott stuttered. Blake show Scott his book, "I don't know the answer to this question and the last one." Scott take a good look at the question, "Oh what is the aorta? Aorta is the main artery carrying blood away from the heart." Blake nodded. Scott look at the last question, "This question is about proteins. Why are proteins important? Come on Blake, you should know this, every cell in the human body uses proteins. Proteins are important because they are essential for survival of course, proteins provide all sorts of function. There are thousands of different proteins in the human body." Scott explains.
Blake was amazed by Scott intelligent, "Wow, you really sure know a lot, Scott. You're amazing!" Blake said. Scott rub his neck and smile with his eyes closed, let a bit of laugh. What they didn't know was that Andy is watching them secretly. Andy's hand grip on his pen tight. "Hehehe, oh yeah." Andy heard Jason giggling and turn to look at him. He saw Jason who he thought was studying was drawing some inappropriate things on his notebooks. Andy have a pissed off mark on his head, he smack Jason with his book.
The four boys finished their work faster than they thought. They all stand up and clean the floor. The four of them were very hungry so they decided to go to the school canteen.
After they arrive, the place is crowded with many students, the line is long, students are waiting their turn to buy the foods. They try to find a free table, but every tables seems to be taken. Jason found one table in the corner of the room and went straight away without waiting for the other three boys. They carefully walk in through the crowded students to their table where Jason is sitting happily. The four decide who should go back through the crowd and wait in line to get the food. Blake and Scott loses so they have to go back.
Scott and Blake waited in the long line when suddenly someone came behind Blake. "Blake? Is that you?" A voice called out to Blake, tapping his shoulder. Blake turn around quickly and met with two pair of baby blue eyes, "Stella? Is that you?" Blake asked but then he quickly hugged her, "It is you! I missed you! How are you doing?" Blake asked happily. Stella was blushing. Most students are looking and staring at them. "U-Um Blake...can you n-not?" Stella asked shyly yet Blake knew that in her voice, she's scared.
"Hey, what's wrong??" Blake asked worriedly as he look at her. All she respond was shaking her head. He looked up and saw a few students whispering to each other. The words he heard from the students didn't make him feel happy at all.
What a bitch
Look at her holding onto him
Oh my god did you see how she acts? She's so fake.
Bro that girl sure knows how to get men hahaha
I'm sure she done this kind of stuff before
Wonder if I could get to her to spend some time with me
Blake look at Stella, she was looking down with a red face from embarrassment, her body is shaking so much. Blake holds her tight which take her by surprise, she looked up at him, he only smile in return, "Let's have lunch together, Stella. I like to get to know you more." Blake said with his sweet voice. Stella was taken back from what he is saying, but she slowly nods. Blake laugh and pat her head, Stella let out a little giggles.
To be continued....
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