Chapter 3
Click. Creeeeak.....
"Well here's your dorm! You can start settling in right now." Andy said. We walked inside and the place is great. I looked around the room, everything is nice, the couch, the table, the kitchen, the beds, I just can't believe I'm going to stay here.
"Speaking of beds, where is my roommate? Shouldn't he be here also?" I asked, walking and looking around. I saw Andy and Jason looking at each other in the corner of my eyes. Oh man, that's not a good sign, is it?
Andy scratch the back of his head and said, "I don't actually know but-" Jason interrupt him, "I'm sure he's over there." He pointed. "Where?" I look over where he's pointing, a door. "A door?...but what's behind that door?" I asked. Suddenly I heard the sound of toilet being flushed. The door open wide, revealing a guy with light green hair and bangs covering his right eyes. He walk up to us and put his hand out. I looked at it for a while and shook it. I heard him chuckle.
"Were you thinking about my hand being dirty after I'm out of the bathroom?" The mysterious person asked as he laugh. I slightly blush at it and nod slowly. "Don't worry, I wash it." He said and smile softly.
Damn you heart! Why are you beating so fast?!
Jason went and bro fist the mysterious man and being all buddy-buddy. "This is Scott. The Men and Women Killer." Andy said. The guy name Scott, turn and look at Andy and pout, "Hey, don't call me that name. You know, it's not true." Andy roll his eyes and turn to me and said, "This is Blake, he's going to be your roommate until then. Well hope you two can get along, we'll be going out now. See you guys." With that they left us alone.
The silent in the room is making things awkward between us, we're just standing and not saying a word. I turn to look at him and saw him looking at me, smiling at me.
We both stand until his hand move and touch my face, slowly caressing it. We were both staring at each other. Little did I know, he began leaning in closer, and closer. I couldn't move, I was just waiting for him to....
Both of us back away from each other and look at the door. Andy and Jason are back with a few books and things in their hands. Scott and I look at each other and look back at them, wondering why they're here again.
"We thought you could use some help with studying for a bit since you just came transferring in the middle of the school year, besides, we're going to have a test soon next week." 'Wait...test?! Next week?! Aw come on!' I thought to myself and just melted on the floor. The three stares at me, Jason starts poking me with a stick. 'Where the hell did he get that stick from?' I look at him but look away and continue to melt on the floor.
"Hey hey hey, we said we're going to help you so don't worry ok? We can do this together." Andy said with a smile. 'He's such an angel!' I thought to myself, I went over and hugged him. "You're such an angel, Andy! I love you!" I said, hugging him. I heard him chuckle, "It's no problem, we're glad to help you, besides it's a good thing you are roomed with Scott too," Andy continues as he look over to Scott, "Sure he looks the lazy type of guy who doesn't like to do anything but he's great at studying and he's in every of your classes, that's great, right?" I looked over at Scott who's talking with Jason.
"Hm...maybe it won't be so bad after all rooming with him..." I said. Andy and I both laugh and went over to the study desk that is completely empty, no books or anything. "Hey did you see the new episode yet?" "Yeah totally, didn't know it was that intense. I can't wait for the new one!" "So who's your favorite character? Mine's the girl with the big you know heheh" "Bruh she's also my favorite character!" I heard Jason and Scott talking, I heard all of their 'conversation' and I just want to crawl in a hole instead of continue to listen to them.
I turn around and was about to tell them to stop when something went flying across my face and the two guys just got hit and fainted on the floor. I turn and asked, "What the hell just hap- yip!" I look at Andy who's standing, holding a pen in his hand. I back away a bit, I could feel his dark aura around him. "If you two have time the time to talk about things like that, then you two should have the time for studying also. Blake is here too, and we're helping him, so stop talking crap and let's get to work." Andy said in his annoyed voice. "S...Sor....ry.." The two guys on the floor stutter as blood coming out from their head and the corner of their mouth.
Take note: Never pisses Andy off or he'll throw a pen at you and you will start bleeding to death.
~Few minutes later~
Andy suggest that we should move the two study desk and put it in the middle of the room for all of us to study together, but of course, there's only two chairs, both Jason and Scott keeps whining about it anyways so we all decided to study together on the floor instead. We all lay down on the cold floor and open our books.
I don't know how long we've been staying like this but I think 45 minutes has past, but it feels like 2 hours has past. And of course, me being myself, I don't even understand anything.
I'm totally screwed next week......
I sigh as I close my eyes and smack my head on the floor. "Hey, you ok?" Andy who is laying on my left side, lean in closer and asked, "do you not understand any of this questions?" I look at him and nod. "Well this is simple actually, in order to find X you just have to move the X in front and the numbers at the back--" he continues to explain, I try to pay attention but the sleepiness got over me. My eyes feel heavy, I want to sleep, I want to....
Andy POV.
"And then the answer would be 4, now you can do the rest with the same formu-" I looked over at the blond boy, who is now sleeping. I sigh and think to myself, 'Asleep already? Oh well, maybe next time then.' I move his hair out of his face. "Mmm...cold.." Blake said as he starts crawling into a ball. I carry him to his bed, slowly placing him down and cover him with the blanket.
Blake mouth turn into a smile which make me smile too. 'He sure is like a baby,' I thought to myself. I look at him, stare at him....'He looks so peaceful, soft....his lip looks.....' "Hey Andy! It's 9 pm now, let's go before the dorm lady comes and check on our dorm!" Jason said, making me snap out of my thoughts. I turn and look at him, "Ah right, let's go now." I stood up and grab all of my things and organize it, and organize Blake's also and place it on his study desk nicely.
"We'll be going now, Scott! Take good care of little Blake and don't jump on the guy when he's asleep." Jason said, look at Scott who is annoyed, "You know I wouldn't do that to him." Jason laugh as he walk out of the dorm and to the stairs. I look at Scott who is now looking at me. There's nothing for me to say, so I smiled at him and he smiled back at me. I walk out of the dorm and walk along side with Jason who is waiting for me at the stairs.
'Strange...What happen to me back there? What the hell did I just....' I thought to myself when my heart skip a beat.
I hold on my chest, wondering, questioning what just happen to me. Why my heart is skipping a bit?......
Why?.....Why do.....
Why do I like him?
To be continued....
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