Chapter Six-Movie Night
Surprisingly, Tony's a good decorator. Most of the time I like where he puts stuff, so there's only a tiny amount of rearranging that I have to do. Turns out Tony snuck a lot more than I thought into those carts back at the store, including a small flatscreen. Shaking my head as he plugs it into my very own DVD player, I hang some empty picture frames up so they motivate me to actually get some pictures put into them.
"I have a printer in the lab you can print photos out on." Tony comments as he stands from his crouching position beside the tv. He puts his elbow on my shoulder and leans on me. "You'll need a camera though. Hm..." I glance at him and see the gears in his mind turning. He snaps and heads to the door. "I've got it. Be right back." Suddenly he disappears and I chuckle, going back to sorting everything. A gentle knock has me turning back to the door to reveal Wanda in a green sweater and cute, black sophie shorts.
"Hey. What do you think?" I gesture at the finished room after laying the heavy, yellow quilt over the end of my bed. A small grin on her face, she walks in and looks around the space. Tony and I agreed on violet and yellow being my main colors, shown clearly by the violet bedspread and yellow quilt. Little cubes that double as storage are pressed to the end of my bed that can be used as chairs. Yellow lamps are on either bedside table and I hate to admit it, the flatscreen looks nice on the yellow tv stand.
"It looks nice. Needs some pictures though." She points to the blank frames on the wall while we both sit down on the cubes. I open my mouth to answer, but Tony speeds in the room before I can. He whips something out of his pocket and hands it to me for inspection.
"Hey, Wanda. But Ace, it's an iPhone, iPad, laptop, and pretty much every other type of technology." He clicks on an icon in the corner and a hologram of Wanda and I appear. "Including a camera. Just click and it'll do it." I instantly flip off the hologram and Wanda laughs. My thumb presses the button Tony showed me and the screen blinks a countdown from three and now holds a really cute picture of Wanda and I. Tony's quick to pull something else out of his pocket and unfold it on the other side of the tv. As soon as he presses the button on top it prints out a four by six photo.
"Tada!" Tony passes it to me and I giggle at the picture.
"Thank you, Tony." I tell him genuinely and set the photo aside to frame, then stand. "I want one of you and me." My feet carry me over to him. Wanda watches us with a small smirk but keeps her comments to herself.
"Right, sure." Tony seems a little surprised, but happy all the same. We sidle up to one another and wrap our arms around the other. Tony tickles my ribs at the last second and snapshots the picture for me. The photo prints and Tony snatches it up before I do. He grins widely. "Print a copy." He requests instantly and hands me the photo. I take it and my heart warms just at the look on his face when he sees me laugh. The little crinkles beside his eyes, his almost too big for his face grin, how his arm keeps me from bending over so the camera still got the shot of my face. This'll be going on my bedside table. For sure. "One more!" He snaps a picture of the three of us before handing it back to me. "Alright, kiddos." Tony smiles down at his picture of us. "You two party on your own for a while. Misbehave, huh?" He teases and presses a quick kiss to my head and ruffles Wanda's hair before walking out. I instantly walk to my wall and frame the pictures.
"Seems you two are getting along." Wanda comments while pulling her legs under her.
"Uh, yeah." I shrug and set the frames down before walking back over to her. Tony was awesome and shut the door, so at least I don't have to worry about being overheard. Best parent ever. "It's weird. Every once and a while he'll get all parenty on me, but it's like I enjoy it. Weirdest shit ever." She laughs and it's a nice sound. She could stand to do it more often.
Wanda nods at what I'm saying and absentmindedly puts a hand on my knee. "I get it. Steve can get the same way with me. It's nice in a strange kind of way." She shrugs and suddenly turns a little sheepish. "I wanted to thank you...for letting me stay here last night. The first night I've slept all the way through in a long time." Her eyes look down and I lean over to catch her gaze again, putting my hand on hers.
"You can stay here whenever you want. It's nice having a friend here, anyway." I tell her honestly. Her eyes light up as if she can feel my sincerity.
"Honestly can't remember last time I had a sleepover." She teases, but her words are honest. A little light goes off in my head.
"Well, then come stay with me again tonight. We'll make popcorn and watch a movie and you'll stay here for the night. If you want." I offer. A smile lights up her pretty face.
"I'd love to." She agrees and calls a smile to my face. "Uh, one problem. I don't have any movies." My smile falters.
"Hm. Same here. There has to be some around here right?" I ask, knowing there's no way Tony doesn't have movies in this colossus. Wanda perks up and stands.
"The gathering room?" I nod and follow her out and down the halls. There's slight noise from downstairs towards the training rooms, but otherwise it's quiet. Our feet make soft padding noises on the cold floor as we make our way. No one is here, but Wanda was right. There are at least a thousand movies on either side of the tv.
"Oh, geez." I breathe and Wanda giggles.
"Well, I haven't seen anything, so it's up to you." She gives me the responsibility and falls back on the couch. Sighing, I start looking through them. There are some really good movies in here. All the Rocky's, Grease, Dirty Dancing, Ghostbusters, and ironically, all the Transformers. "Bob Ross? The hell is Bob Ross doing in here?" I turn to Wanda and she shrugs.
"I like him." We both turn towards the door to find Steve walking in with a split lip and Natasha just after him with a smirk on her face. "He has a nice voice and a positive outlook I like hearing." Natasha's smirk grows.
"Steve's got a crush on him." Steve instantly rolls his eyes.
"I also like him because he doesn't cheat." He jabs as Natasha tosses a water bottle at him and gets one for herself.
"You flatter yourself Rogers, I'd of beat you eventually anyway. I just quickened the process." She shrugs and Steve shakes his head with a smile on his face.
"Picking a movie?" Steve asks, changing the subject while putting a little rag on his bleeding lip. I nod.
"Working on it. Wanda and I are having a movie night." I explain and Steve looks pleased with this. Natasha heads over and sits on the other end of the couch while Steve sits between her and Wanda.
"Any specific genre? Maybe I can help out." Natasha offers and I shrug.
"Wanda?" I ask her opinion as she pulls her knees to her chest.
"No horror or anything. Not really one for action either." She says and I mentally strike them off my list.
"Alright. So, we're left with romance, comedy, Disney, drama, uh, musicals?" I list off the stuff to Wanda and Natasha nods along, obviously knowing where all of this is.
"I vote comedy, romance, or Disney." Wanda leaves the final choice to me and I hum in thought.
"I could do with a hideously fowl-mouthed comedic romance." My decision is aimed towards Natasha and she instantly nods. Getting up, she makes quick work of making a stack for me to choose from. She switches around the top one a bit, then moves the stack to the coffee table so we can all see it. The one on the top instantly catches my eye, and I think that was the point. "About Time?" I question and pick it up. Natasha nods.
"Don't think I've seen that one." Steve says, his lip already looking a little better once the rag is gone. Natasha scoffs.
"When was the last time you watched anything to do with romance, Rogers?" She asks rhetorically and he shrugs.
"Since romance hasn't really been in my life since 1940, not too recently." He remarks and both Wanda and I grin as Natasha rolls her eyes.
"Anyways. It's good. Tastefully foul-mouthed instead of just cussing all over the place because they can." I groan.
"God, that is annoying." The corner of Natasha's mouth turns up at my comment. "Wanda, thoughts?" I hand her the DVD and she takes it. She slowly nods as she reads the back.
"Sounds good to me." Wanda approves and I give her a thumbs-up. I'm about to ask where the popcorn is when I notice she's trying to tell me something. She inclines her head slightly to the adults and I understand.
"Uh, would you two like to join us? We'll just be chilling in my room with popcorn and stuff." Both adults seem surprised at the offer and look to one another. Natasha answers first.
"I'm in. I'll even bring some sweets." Natasha agrees and now we all look to Steve for his answer.
"Come on, Steve." Wanda pokes him with her foot and he can't prevent his grin.
"Alright. I'll bring blankets." Steve acquiesces. Now a foursome, we debate on the time. "After dinner." Steve poses and I agree.
"Seven then? With popcorn and blankets and sweets." After that, Nat turns the tv on and I leave the three to head down to the workshop with coffees in hand. Tony's hard at work sawdering a couple things together, so I slip on a glove before setting his coffee cup in his immediate vicinity. Then, I take my own and walk to my own station. I hang the necklace on a manakin and double tap, sorting a couple things on the table and grabbing a stool while it creeps out. I walk in a circle around it before nodding and rolling the manakin to the stand on the other side of the lab.
"Ami, what do you think of black and gold with the violet lights?" I ask her opinion and mechanical equipment suddenly descends from the ceiling.
"Perfect choice, Ames." She commends me and I leave her to her work. My feet carry me back to my stool and I turn back to my desk.
"Amica, some music?" All Star starts playing and I smirk as I sort my coding strips, writing down multiple ideas that come to mind as I work on my own defense mechanism. I talk to Amica as I go, asking her to open certain parts of the suit in a simulation and the like. I finish off the electrical disks and a couple other additions before the suits done and I must say, it looks badass. After I roll it back over, Tony appears in front of me. "Ah!" I jump then instantly relax when I see it's just him.
"Hey, Ace. Sweet new paint job." He comments and whistles over the pile of things in his arms. "Got a few things for you." The music quiets when Tony speaks and I turn on my stool to look at him. Arms full of metal and his grin brighter than the sun, he looks like a boy who just found a new pet and wants to keep it.
"Geez, Tony." I swipe my stuff to the side and he lets the machinery tumble onto the work table.
"I know, I know, but this is all important stuff!" He picks up thing after thing as he tells me what they are. "Heater, parachute, solar-powered backup energy source, this allows you to go where the air is extremely thin, uh, that's all for now."
"For now?" I laugh a little and go to work sketching out where to apply all these things. He continues talking and steps away to examine my work while I add the things he just gave me.
"Where are you going with this, kiddo? You only have your thrusters for weapons." He asks interestedly. I peek around my suit as I add the parachute.
"Remember? I'm putting in electrical disks to incapacitate. I was also thinking there could be other uses for the space weapons take in the suit. I was thinking more defense to cover your offense." I stand and tap the breast plate. "I could use the thrusters to create an energy field that could dispel whatever projectiles are hurtling towards it. Just need to think of a focused shape to make it. A dome...or...or a curved wall. Something like that." Tony leans over and kisses my head.
"Every day that brain just gets bigger doesn't it?" Tony teases with proud eyes. My heart is glowing from the praise and I have to look away so I don't blush.
"Not scientifically possible, Tony." I correct and practically hear him roll his eyes.
"I can help you work out the math for your energy field after dinner." Tony says and I meet his eyes once again with a raised eyebrow. "If you want, I mean. Not that you need my help." Tony backtracks and I grin.
"Uh, actually there's sort of a movie night going on in my room. Do you...want to come?" I ask hesitantly, figuring if Wanda's okay with Nat and Steve she'll be okay with my father. Tony looks a little surprised, then struggles to smother his smile.
"A movie? Yeah. Yeah, that sounds good." He agrees.
"Cool. It'll be after dinner. At seven." I tell him. I'll admit, I'm a little happy he's coming. Spending time with him makes me happy. I've finished adding the last thing and am making sure my fiddling hasn't damaged the new paint job. Tony nods.
"Deal. Speaking of dinner though, time to wash up and head up for that very meal." He throws an arm around my shoulders, but I duck under them and tap my suit. I tie the necklace around my neck before just taking his hand so we can walk upstairs together. I don't notice the happy look on his face until we've reached the kitchen and I hastily drop his hand.
"On time again. Maybe we should start a sticker chart." Natasha teases as she and Bucky set the table. Seems Steve cooked tonight and he's made homemade lasagna.
"If there's a prize, I'm in." Tony fires back and there are multiple chuckles around the room.
"Heard you finished the suit, Ames. Painted it yet?" Steve asks as he walks to the table wearing an apron that has God Bless America written on it. Holding in my laughter, I shake my head as Tony and I make our way to the table.
"Black and gold with the violet lights." My eyes turn to Tony as he shines with pride.
"Looks kickass." Tony tells me as we sit down. I smile my approval and put my napkin in my lap at the same time he does, prompting a small smirk from him. Everyone sits down where they were last time and dinner passes by smoothly. I'm not sure if it's because most of the people at this table are thinking of the movie or just because we're all in good moods, but either way I'm alright with it. I actually stick around this time until it's time to clear the plates. Steve and I clear and I like the surprised but pleased look he gives me when I help.
"Thanks Ames. Appreciate the help." He tells me as we fill the dishwasher. I shrug.
"I had a job as a dishwasher for a while. People were much friendlier if I helped them out, so I learned it's best to help when I can." I explain honestly and he chuckles.
"Am I not friendly enough already?" He teases and I roll my eyes.
"That isn't what I meant. Although earning a little extra friendliness after Tony tried choking out Bucky isn't a stupid idea." I joke a little and Steve sighs as he closes the dishwasher.
"Unfortunately, that happens every once and a while around here." Steve says and my interest spikes. We lean against the counter opposite one another as he continues. "Just the other day Natasha got me back for drinking her last cup of hot chocolate." Just then Natasha rounds the counter.
"Completely deserved." She says and walks out with a smirk on her face.
I shake my head and look back at Steve. "Do any of you just, I don't know, talk things out?" I ask and Steve nods, blue eyes sparkling with humor.
"Sure. That's how a lot of our arguments are worked out, but sometimes it isn't enough. If I'm honest, I'd rather we fight it out and leave everything on the floor than carry it around on missions." Steve explains and I'll admit it makes sense coming from the leader of a sort of ragtag team. I nod slowly as I absorb this.
"Okay. Still." I persist that talking is still better as I slowly make my way out of the room. Steve decides to walk with me.
"You're not the only one who keeps thinking that. My friend, he'll be here soon, keeps trying to get us into group therapy." Steve laughs a little to himself and I smile. "You two will get along. Actually..." He trails off a little when we reach my room and I walk right in. He hesitates before following. Once again, he seems a bit uncertain. Or at least hesitant to continue. It's endearing in a cute I-don't-know-what-I-can-say-to-this-new-relative sort of way. I sit on my bed and gesture to a cube for him to sit on. He does with a small smile. Steve leans forward and puts his elbow on his knees, earnest blue eyes on mine. "I just wanted to take a second and say how great it is having you here." Surprise makes me blink as I look at Cap.
"Me? I don't even really do anything?" I say with a little smile on my face, flattered and confused.
"That's where you're wrong, Ames. I've never seen Tony happier and healthier. He's coming to meals on time, he hasn't touched alcohol since getting here, and I haven't had to carry him up to bed once." Steve seems immensely grateful for this last bit, but I think I'm still in shock.
"Maybe it's just the new place. A change of scenery can, uh, can better people sometimes." I try coming up with an idea that isn't me. Steve's eyebrows furrow.
"Trust me, it's you. Is that...not what you wanted to hear?" Steve questions interestedly, eyebrows furrowing. My mouth opens and closes as I think of something to say. Steve waits patiently with his hands loosely clasped in front of him.
"Honestly?" I prompt and Steve waves a hand towards me to continue. "I've been in charge of an adult's welfare before and just...I don't...I don't want to be in charge of another. It's too much." I shrug uselessly, but Steve's expression clears.
"Oh no, that isn't what I meant. It's more like a product of you being around. Even if you do nothing, like you said, you just being here keeps him accountable." Steve assures me and that lightens the load on my shoulders quite a bit.
"Oh." I smile softly at what I think was a compliment. "He keeps me healthy too." I add and meet Steve's eyes, glad of the smile on his face. "He's the one dragging me to meals, making sure I get to bed at a reasonable time, keeps me clothed, obviously spoiled..." I trail off when Steve nods.
"It's nice in an almost irritating way, right?" He asks and I laugh a little.
"Yeah, how'd you know?"
"Ah, well. Bucky's been looking after me in the same way since we were kids." He reveals with a fond smile. "Anyways, to continue my point earlier, it's nice having you around. For everyone."
I shrug. "Having new, young blood is bound to freshen things up. Especially since you all seem to think fighting is the proper way to settle things." I tease and stand to grab sweatpants and a baggy T. Steve stands and pushes the little cube back into its place. "Nearly movie time. I'm changing into pj's, basically. Feel free to do the same." I encourage and he nods. He walks over and gives me a quick, cute hug before walking out. Giggling a little, I change and try to figure out a way to fit everyone in my room without squishing people. Turns out, I needn't have worried. Wanda arrives with Vision and happily lays on my bed while Vision seems happy to stand or float. Natasha arrives next and sits on the end of my bed with Wanda's feet just beside her and a basket of sweets in her lap. I put in the movie and walk to the kitchen to make buckets of popcorn only to return to Steve and Bucky lying on what looks like an inflatable bed.
"Hey kiddo." Bucky greets me and kindly takes the popcorn from me before scooping me up and setting me down on the other side of the mattress covered in blankets.
"Oh, fuck." I murmur at the sudden movement but pat his shoulder in thanks when he doesn't laugh at me. "Thanks." Steve has taken to passing around the popcorn and hands me my own while I head to the empty spot on my bed beside Wanda. The DVD menu is up, but I stall while waiting for Tony to show. Fortunately, he does.
"Holy shit. The whole team's invited?" I shrug with a smile as he fumbles his way over Steve and Bucky to me. He stands and wavers a moment before I tug him onto the bed next to me. Wanda and I are a little smushed, but once Tony settles we're comfortable. I hit play and hold the popcorn for Tony, Wanda, and I while Steve holds it for Bucky and Natasha. Vision floats in the corner beside Wanda without eating anything. As the movie begins, Tony tucks an arm behind me and wraps it around my shoulders while Wanda pulls the quilt up and over the three of us. It's very cozy and I find I don't mind being so close. While Bucky seems intent on staying awake midways through the film, Steve has fallen asleep and has his head resting on Bucky's shoulder. A fuzzy blue blanket covers him while a light pink one covers Bucky. Here on the bed we've turned into dominos. Tony's arm is around me and my head has started to loll on his shoulder. Wanda's arm is locked together with mine and her head is on Tony's arm around my shoulders.
"This is a weird movie, Ace." Tony whispers and I break away from the screen to look up at his warm, amber eyes. I nod.
"Yeah. But sweet." At that he presses a kiss to my hair.
"Like you." He teases and I roll my eyes. "Been a while since we've had a movie night." Tony continues whispering. I smile at the people scattered around my room, noting that Wanda has fallen asleep.
"I like it." My voice is quiet but I swear I see Bucky's lip turn up. Tony sighs and I roll with his breath since my head is on his chest.
"Not bad, is it?" He asks and I shake my head, sighing a little at just how comfortable I am. The movie goes on and I might get a little sniffly at the end, but Tony hands me a tissue from my drawer with only a teasing smirk. I swear he sniffles too. When it ends we all hesitate to move as if in a daze. Suddenly I'm very much aware how much I would like Tony not to leave. Bucky seems hesitant as well since Steve is still very comfortably asleep while resting his head on his shoulder.
"Stay as you like." I say without thinking, shrinking a little when Bucky, Natasha, Tony, and Vision all look to me.
"Thanks kiddo." Bucky answers first and leans his own head back onto the mattress.
"I'm afraid I must leave. Thank you, Amelia." Vision inclines his head towards me and phases through the wall.
"I'm out too." Natasha winks at me before standing and leaping smoothly over the sleepy boys on the air mattress. My hand on Tony's chest rescinds slightly as I expect him to leave too, but he doesn't. After a couple moments pass I relax again onto his chest and allow my eyes to close. Before I know it, sleep has taken me.
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