Chapter Nine-Healing
Slight downside to teaching Tony how to braid; he can't stop. Over the next month, Steve or Tony wraps my arm, then I shower, then I teach Tony a new braid. It's now dangerous to stay still for too long if you have hair past your ears. Watching tv, eating, cooking, everything is dangerous. Honestly, it makes me just a little happy to see. He's banned me from the workshop until my cast is off, boo, so I've had to stay around everyone else. Of course, he's been stuck to my hip nearly all the time. It's nice to see everyone getting along and teasing. Now, my personal favorite game Tony has decided to play is seeing how long he can braid people's hair before they notice. The other day Bucky fell asleep on the couch and Tony nearly finished braiding an entire side of his head before he woke up. Steve and I just couldn't resist laughing anymore. Wanda and I just go with it and every once and a while I see Pepper walking to her car with a perfect braid. The most surprising one has been Natasha though.
Everyone was a bit shocked Tony tried braiding her hair secretly in the first place, but when she seemed not to notice we were floored. At least until she started giving Tony pointers on how to fishtail. So, now I'm sitting in the little hospital room waiting for an actual doctor to saw this stupid cast off while Tony nervously braids and unbraids my curls.
"It's fine, Tony. This is what the person paid thousands of dollars to do. Calm down." I tell him and tug my hair from his fingers, instead turning around on the bed to face him. His expression is carefully composed, but worry is leaking out from the lines on his forehead and downward turn of his mouth. My hands gently reach out and takes his. Amber eyes meet mine and his fidgeting slows. "Tony. We're fine."
"Right, right. I know." He waves off my comment but doesn't release my hands. In fact, he flinches when the doctor comes in. White coat, dark skin, and ink black hair tied nicely behind him, he looks pretty cool. Right after the door shuts behind him Steve comes in with a smile. Then Bucky. Then Wanda, Vision, Natasha, and Pepper. The doc's brown eyes look humorously at all of us, me in the front with Tony's hand in mine and Pepper just beside him to keep him from fainting. Wanda sits behind me on the bed, Steve and Bucky behind the two of us, then Natasha on the other end of the bed from Tony.
"Nice fan club you've got here." The doctor tells me and I blush slightly. "Well, let's get this off then, huh?" He grabs a small saw and I swear I hear Tony swallow.
"Could I keep it? The cast, afterwards, I mean." I request and his brow furrows, but then he nods.
"Sure." He agrees and starts up the saw. The room collectively inhales as he cuts, then exhales when it's done. I immediately move it around happily and run Tony and I's clasped hands over the skin.
"All better." I tell Tony and he huffs in relief. He presses a quick kiss to my hair and releases my hand to shake the doctor's. "Thanks, Doc." The doctor gives me the cast and I'm happy to find nearly all the names are unharmed. Most importantly being the big dad Tony wrote. He and the doc keep talking and I slip off the bed.
"Feel good to be free, kiddo?" Bucky asks and I nod happily.
"Absolutely. I can't wait to take a shower and finally feel like I'm washing all of my head." The group chuckles and Steve steps forward.
"Since Tony is probably going to be busy for a while, you mind hanging with me? I've got a friend I want you to meet." I nod and follow him out while everyone else disperses in their own way. After tossing my cast on my bed, we head towards the gathering room. "I mentioned my friend was coming soon? Remember?" Slowly, his words come back to me.
"The one who wanted you all to go to group therapy together?" I recall and Steve chuckles, nodding as he glances at me.
"That's the one. He just arrived, late, of course. You're the only one he hasn't met before." Steve tells me as we 'round the corner into the kitchen. Tall, African American, eyes the color of burnt caramel, and a teasing smile that would challenge even Bucky's; I decide I like him. "Sam Wilson." Steve says with an affectionate smile and the men share a hearty handshake that turns into a short hug. Then, they turn to me. "Meet Amelia Stark." Sam nods at me.
"I've been hearing about you nonstop from the news. Sounds like you're quite the young lady." Sam says and I find an easy smile rising to my face.
"You could say that." I accept and his grin grows. I'm shocked when he steps forward and wraps me in a hug that I return as soon as I'm able. He pulls away like it's nothing, which I'm assuming it was for him. Sam Wilson seems like a touchy-feely good old boy. Makes sense he'd get along well with Steve.
"I like a woman who knows her worth. Pleasure to meet you. Just tell me you haven't been poisoned by a jackass named Bucky Barnes." A chuckle falls from his lips as my mouth parts to answer, but it seems unnecessary.
"Sam Wilson. Late motherfucker." Bucky comes in with a straight face and stops just in front of Sam. They stare off for a moment, then grin and shake hands, then hug. "It's been awhile."
"Not long enough, right?" Sam jokes and they both laugh before parting.
"I see you've met our Ames." Bucky winks at me and I shake my head. Sam's eyes widen.
"Your Ames? So, she's you and Stark's love child? I can see it." Sam shoots back and I start laughing, Steve rolling his eyes next to me.
"I'll leave you two to argue over my parentage while I find my dad." Steve pats my shoulder before I head out, but instead of heading to the lab, I head to the roof. As much as I enjoy the company of those inside, I really haven't had a lot of time to myself lately. It's nearly sunset, so the clouds are just starting to turn pink. For a little while, I get a little time to myself. My hand absentmindedly rubs up and down my now free arm happily. It's nice feeling like a human again. Strange how different my life is now after only a short time. New parents, a weird sort of family, friends, and a new purpose. At least if Tony ever lets me back in the lab to fix my suit. I sigh, my breath nearly making an opaque shape in the chilling air. If I've been hearing it right, Tony has already been fixing and adding certain things without me. A smile teases the edge of my lips at the thought. He means well. I grin when I see a strawberry blonde walking with purpose across the grounds with a black curly haired man following after her. I'm happy Tony has Pepper. I have a feeling she's why he's still mostly sane these days. Suddenly, they look up towards me and I wave.
"THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? GET DOWN HERE!" Tony yells and I grimace. I guess rooftop sitting is frowned upon. Seeing Wanda waving me forward with a smirk on her face, I take a breath and push off. I'm instantly caught in a red mist and lowered to the ground beside the smirking girl.
"Thanks, Wan-" I stop short when Tony storms over and crushes me to his chest, then pulls me away by my shoulders to shake his head at me.
"What were you thinking? Are you trying to give me a coronary? Seriously?" He pulls me back to his chest and I gesture for Wanda to run while she can before gently returning his hug.
"I'm fine." I tell him gently as Pepper smiles softly in the background with slightly furrowed brows. Tony pulls back and takes my hand.
"You need to talk to someone, come on Ace. To at least give your old man some semblance of peace of mind." I follow behind and shoot a helpless look at Pepper before we turn the corner and start heading up the stairs. Sam, Steve, and Bucky are on the couch sitting civilly, at least for now. "Wilson." Tony calls and the three men look to us curiously. I wave sheepishly.
"Two Starks in a room and the world hasn't imploded yet. Shocking." He teases and hops up, jogging over to shake Tony's hand. "What's up?" He asks, warm brown eyes looking between the two of us as if picking up on the slight tension.
Tony speaks quietly, but I bet the super-soldiers on the couch can still hear him. "Could you talk some shrinky stuff to my kid? She apparently gets a kick out of scaring her old man to death."
"Tony, I'm not-"
"If you're about to say you're not doing it on purpose, don't. That's so, so much worse." Tony tells me and I quiet, looking helplessly at Sam. He examines me and Tony before shrugging.
"Sure, man. Ames? Lead the way?" Sam pats Tony's shoulder and Tony seems surprised Sam accepted so quickly. I squeeze Tony's hand and walk out with Sam on my heels. Not knowing where else to go, I walk outside. "Listen, it's never really a good idea to have your shrink be in your friend group. This walk is really for Tony's benefit." Sam tells me as we walk slowly across the grounds. Realization crosses my face and I nod.
"Nice of you. He worries." I say shortly and he nods.
"Parents are like that. You know, just because I'm not your shrink doesn't mean we can't talk though." He says, but it seems like it's more to himself than me. Honey eyes examine my expression interestedly. "Anything on your mind?" I actually take a few moments to think about my answer to that question.
"Do you think I'm too young to be on the team?" My question seems to catch him off guard since his brows furrow when he looks over at me.
"Depends. How old are you?" He shoots back and I grin.
"Seventeen and some change." I reveal and Sam starts nodding slowly.
"That's a tough one." He starts slowly as we walk around the facility. "Thought you kind of already were based off the news footage I've been seeing." I shrug.
"That didn't exactly turn out well. Not sure Tony'll let me go out again. He hasn't even let me work on my suit since!" I throw my hands up in the air, wishing I could tinker. It's what I'm good at. Sam nods with a heavy sigh.
"He's protective, I can see that already. Based on, you know, the building that fell on you last time it's understandable." I nod, giving into that opinion. "I'd say wait and prove you can handle yourself a little better. Besides, even if you don't go out with the team you can still help. Invent stuff to help out. From what I've heard that's something you kick ass at." He shoves my shoulder lightly and I grin at the compliment.
"I can do that." I think aloud, wringing my hands as I think about what inventions I have yet to create. "Any requests?" I joke and we turn back towards the front doors as it begins to get dark. He tells me about Redwing and I offer suggestions to him as we walk inside and to the gathering room.
"So, you can make him almost invisible?" Sam asks, disbelief coloring his tone.
"Yeah. It's just making the plates shift so they reflect the surroundings. Won't work with everything, but basically." I explain shortly as Sam looks at me enraptured.
"That's so awesome." He breathes and we stop just inside the doors. Holding my laughter in, I pat his arm.
"Thanks, send Redwing down and I'll work on him. I'm going to try and head to the workshop myself." I back up but Sam steps towards me to give me a quick hug.
"Good luck, Ames." He winks at me and walks back into the gathering room to jump on Steve and Bucky on the couch. I shake my head and jog down the two flights of stairs to the workshop where Tony already is.
"Hey." I greet him and he spins around on his little stool.
"Nope. Out. Still grounded." He says immediately and I deflate.
"Come on, Tony." I plead and walk over to him. "Let me tinker. I won't even work on my suit today." My eyes shine with what I hope is sincerity as I look at him. He sighs and tosses his wrench onto his work table, then considers me carefully.
"Well, your suit is done anyways. Fixed it myself. Added a couple things too. Amica has the info." He extends a hand and waves towards the wall. My eyes follow the movement and I see the shining silver and violet metal winking in the florescent lights.
"Wow." I breathe and turn back to him. "Well, then even more reason to let me play. Nothing for me to cause trouble with." I continue pleading, still hoping he'll give in.
"You make trouble, kiddo." Tony shakes his head at me. "You'll behave?" He asks with a sigh and I lean in to peck his cheek in thanks.
"Thank, dad." My feet are quick to carry me to my neglected desk and I pet the metal lovingly. "Uh. Actually, I kind of wanted to show you some things? Mind coming over here?" I question and look up at him. There's a soft expression on his face. Topaz eyes shimmering and lips slightly parted as if about to say something. He shakes his head once and stands, walking over to me and wrapping an affectionate arm around my shoulders. Tony pecks my head and waves towards the monitor.
"Show me what you've got, Ace." Happy he's interested, I smile and bring up my private folders Amica's kept for me.
"Sam wanted me to add this type of tech to Redwing..." We talk for a surprisingly long amount of time. Into the night and with multiple cups of coffee. At the end of it, Redwing has his new plates that I'm excited to show Sam in the morning, and I've made new electrical disks for Natasha that emulate the ones in my suit. Of course, Tony is now escorting me to my room before one in the morning so he can be, 'a good dad.' As if he wasn't already.
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