Chapter Five-Marks
I wake up in the morning and almost scream when I see Vision standing at the foot of the bed.
"Vision? What the hell?" I hiss and quietly get out of bed. He nods to me in greeting.
"Good morning." He says softly. I stare at him, uncomprehending.
"Morning, yes. Why are you in my room in the morning?" I ask before turning around and grabbing my bra, slipping it on under my shirt.
"Well, I went to check on Wanda as I usually do in the morning and found she wasn't there. I looked for her and upon not finding her anywhere else I thought she may have come here. Luckily, she had." He smiles over at her peacefully sleeping face before I take his arm and tug him out of the room. Just before shutting the door I hesitate.
"Wait here just a second?" I ask Vision and he nods while I slip back in. Quick as I can, I grab the notepad and pen Tony gave me and rip off the list, tucking it in my pocket. I scribble out a quick note and set it on my pillow for Wanda so she doesn't feel abandoned, then duck back out the door. Once it's closed I sigh in relief and look back up at Vision.
"She had a nightmare." He states as I brush my hands through my crazy curls. I nod.
"Yeah. And you know, I know she'd appreciate you looking in on her, but usually people knock before coming into other people's rooms." I tell him gently, a small smile coming to my face at his obvious care. Vision nods, absorbing this.
"Next time." He proposes with gentle green eyes. I nod, agreeing with his sentiment. Just then, a groggy Tony shuffling out of his room makes me jump and Vision turn. He looks over at us and slowly arches one eyebrow. I look down at my skewed shirt, messy hair, and one sock, then back at Tony.
"Okay this isn't what it looks like." I tell him while reaching down and taking off my one sock and shoving it in my free pocket.
"Uh-huh..." Tony trails off, looking suggestive but confused.
"He just came to say good morning." I excuse us and glance at Vision who is watching this exchange with interest.
"It is true. I only wished to confirm Amelia had slept well." Vision fibs a little and I notice he clasps his hands tightly behind his back as he does so. Remembering I have something to change the conversation, I pull out the list I made and walk to Tony.
"Uh, here's the list you wanted me to make." I offer it to him and he takes it with a smug look on his face. He pockets it in his sweatpants and shakes his head.
"Breakfast?" He offers and I nod, glancing back at Vision.
"Go ahead, I'll remain here." He nods at us and drifts back through my door. My eyes shut and I sigh.
"So, why is Vision hanging around your room at various hours he shouldn't be?" Tony asks as soon as Vision is gone. His onyx eyes scan me curiously, then turn a little scared. "Is there any hanky-panky going on here?" I immediately turn beet red.
"Oh god, I hope not." I breathe, shaking my head. "Wanda had a nightmare last night so she stayed with me. Vision was looking for her and ended up finding her in my room. End of story." I explain succinctly, praying never to hear him say hanky-panky ever again.
"Oh." Tony sighs in relief and turns concerned. "I knew the kid was having rough nights." He states with a little worry coloring his tone. Gently, I place my hand on his that's hanging off my shoulder.
"I've got it, Tony. She went right to sleep with me there and you know I'll watch out for her. No worries." I assure Tony, positive he doesn't need anything else to worry about. We get to the kitchen and Tony presses a quick kiss to my hair.
"Thanks, kiddo." He sighs and I know that's him letting the worry go. He trusts me with this and that makes me happy. We walk into the kitchen and he shoos me away while telling me he's making pancakes, so I walk into the living room. Steve and Natasha are already here and I nod at them before sitting alone on the loveseat. The television is on the News and I freeze when I see various pictures of Tony and I blown up on the screen.
"You and Tony are all the world can talk about it seems." Natasha teases, but I can't even tear my eyes away from the television to look at her. At least everything I'm seeing right now looks positive. I jump when I feel a hand on mine and turn to find Steve looking at me softly.
"Don't worry about the media, Amelia. They change all the time and get a lot of stuff wrong. Just keep being yourself." He squeezes my hand and shoots me a wink before releasing me. "Anyways, Natasha's right. All around the world they're talking about Stark's darling daughter."
"Really?" I ask before thinking and he nods with a gentle smile on his face.
"As they should." Tony says and slides into the tight space beside me, handing me a plate of pancakes covered in syrup. Luckily, I like them that way. I accept his fork while shaking my head and start eating.
"Mm, and would you disown me if they hated me?" I tease, but Tony frowns deeply at that.
"No, I'd disown the media. Of course." I snort into my pancakes and Tony grins, always overjoyed when he makes me laugh. "So, what's on your to-do list today Ace?"
"Add a heater to the suit. Along with a shit ton of other stuff. You?" I repeat the question back at him and he waves my little list in his hands.
"I have errands to run. What'd you write down on here anyways?" He asks and puts his plate on the floor beside him, eagerly opening the sheet of paper. As soon as he sees it he sighs with disappointment. "Really? Not even ten things?" I grimace and shrug with a lump of pancakes in my cheek.
"I don't need much, Tony." I try to convince him but he's already pulled out a pen from seemingly nowhere and has begun adding to my list, using the arm of the chair to write on.
"A trashcan?" He asks and looks at me. I falter. Yeah, that would help. "That's what I thought. Screw it, I'm making your list for you." Soft chuckles emanate from the couch as I crane my neck to see what he's writing. Giving in, I finish my pancakes and take our plates to the sink, trading them for coffee and squeezing back in the chair with Tony.
"Are you writing on the back now?" I ask, my voice a bit shrill. At least Steve has passed him a book to write on.
"Yes." Tony answers and accepts my offered coffee, downing half in a gulp. "Ugh, you know what? We're going shopping. Change and meet me downstairs in twenty minutes." He tells me and hops up, still writing down things as he walks out. I huff and look up at the ceiling.
"Hey, Amelia." Steve says my name softly and I glance over at him. His expression is one I've never seen on him, not even in the videos in school, he's uncertain. "I wanted to ask if, after you get back, if you'd do me a favor." I wait a moment for him to tell me what the favor is, but he doesn't.
"Uh, sure." My eyes look between Natasha and Steve for an inkling of what he needs help with. Natasha shrugs. "Unless it's mechanical or something like that I don't think I'm going to be much help." Steve chuckles and shakes his head, blue eyes bright.
"It's mechanical. Just head to Bucky's room when you get back?" Steve asks. I nod.
"Okay. You got it." I agree, still confused but willing. Steve smiles and makes me care a little less about knowing what it is.
"Thanks, kid. Good luck today." His smile grows, apparently finding the thought of me shopping with Tony a hilarious one. I shake my head and get up, waving at the two before heading to my room. Wanda, Vision, and the note are gone, so at least I don't have to worry about waking her. I change into a black AC/DC shirt, light colored ripped jeans, and black combat boots. After making sure the suit necklace is secure on my neck under my shirt, I head downstairs and laugh immediately. Tony looks up at me and smirks.
"Nice shirt." He comments while I stare at his identical one.
"Uh-huh, you too." I reply and, as always, he rests his arm across my shoulders as we walk out. This time, I tentatively wrap my arm around his waist as we walk out to the car.
"Ready to roll, kiddo?" He asks and opens the door of his Bentley parked just outside. Resisting starting an argument about the fanciness of the car, I get in to answer him. I notice an SUV behind us and turn to Tony when he gets in.
"What's with the SUV?" I ask curiously. Tony starts up the car and smirks at me.
"For all the stuff we're going to buy." He says as if it's obvious. My jaw drops.
"Tony, no. We don't-I don't need all that stuff." I implore him but have to pause to buckle up when Tony shoots me that parental look.
"Don't care. I want to buy you stuff so I'm going to buy you all the stuff. Go with it or you'll be stuck with more stuff than you'll probably get today and you won't even like all of it." Tony stares at me for a little too long and I huff, giving in if only to return his eyes to the road. Smirking in victory, he looks back at the road.
"So, where are we going first? Pottery Barn?" I poke a little fun at Tony's taste, but a little while later when we pull up to the very same store I roll my eyes. "You did this to spite me." I grumble when he opens my door and he garners quite a few looks when he lets out a booming laugh.
"I swear this is actually where I was planning to go first. The fact that your jab was accurate is completely incidental." He explains as we walk into the store. I can't help the sigh that slips from my lips when I walk into the store and look around at the rich colors adorning every corner. "Don't give me that." Tony tells me and lightly fluffs my hair.
"You're spoiling me." I accuse and Tony grins.
"Of course, I am. And I enjoy every minute of it, so..." He waves his hand forward. Begrudgingly, I start walking through the store. Tony follows next to me with a cart and his crazy, exaggerated list. I mostly stick to my humble list from before. Lamps, a heavy quilt, a clock, picture frames, normal things like that. At first, Tony behaves. He grabs dark purple towels, a trashcan, candles, and some art I actually like. Then, of course, he ruins it.
"No. No, no, no. I don't need another bedframe and mattress!" Tony deflates a little, but no amount of puppy eyes is going to change my mind.
"Come on-"
"No! And so help me if you try to come up with another excuse why I need one I will hack your suit so if you pee inside it then it will squirt it in your face!" I hiss as quietly as possible and Tony's mouth finally shuts, but he has a half grin on his face.
"Damn. That's cold, Ace." He comments and I fight the smile quickly forming on my face.
"Look, just because I'm smiling doesn't mean you won anything." I point at him firmly and turn away from him to smile.
"Except I'm getting you that comforter, right?" The sound of it landing in the basket behind me leaves me shaking my head.
"Yes, fine." I agree, too tired to fight him on that one.
"And the pillows." He adds and comes up next to me, the cart in front of him full and the cart behind us, pushed by the driver of the SUV, even fuller.
"And the pillows. But that's it!" I cut him off and he chuckles. He snakes his arm around my shoulders and I embrace him back, letting him take some of my weight off my feet. Judging by his tightened hold on me, he doesn't mind.
"If you get in the cart I'll push you around." He offers and my smile grows.
"Thanks, but no. How about we just go back to the facility?" I suggest and he pats my shoulder.
"You got it, kiddo. We're headed out, bud. You can handle this right?" Tony gestures to the carts and the guy following behind us instantly nods. Letting Tony lead me out and back to the car, I settle down in my seat with a happy sigh. "Maybe I shouldn't keep you up as late as I have been." Tony comments when he sees my slumped position and closed eyes. They open to find him looking at worriedly when he should be looking at the road.
"Tony, I'm the master of my own sleep schedule. You've nothing to do with it." I assure him and he looks back to where we're going. "I'm just not usually this active and talking to this many people." I shrug.
"Well, we'll hang out when we put your room together. Just us." Tony assures me and a soft smile appears on my face.
"Oh, wait. I can't. Steve wants me to help him with something when I get back." Tony looks surprised at this. "I don't know what." I tell him before he can ask. "I'm just supposed to go to Bucky's room when I get back. A mechanical problem, he said." Understanding crosses over his face now.
"Ah, I've got it. Sounds like the stubborn ass is finally having someone look at the plates in his arm. Seems like you've earned more trust in a couple days than I have in months, kiddo." Tony adds in a self-deprecating tone, so I slap his arm.
"It's easy to trust kids, Tony. Shut up." I scold and he smiles fondly over at me, fluffing my hair. "Afterwards I'll come get you and we'll set up my room. Deal?" I offer.
"Deal, Ace." Tony agrees and the rest of the ride is silent. We get back to the facility and he waves me ahead of him so he can make sure everything gets to my room okay. I head to my room first and grab my tool belt, then to Bucky's. I slip inside without knocking, instead knocking on the door after seeing Steve and Bucky are already here. They both instantly look up when they hear me and both smile. Huh, maybe I'm more liked than I previously thought.
"Hey, Amelia." Steve greets me as I walk over.
"Ames, please." I ask, really not wanting to hear my full name every time we talk. Steve considers me and nods.
"Hey, kid. Up for a challenge?" Bucky questions and waves me over. His room is the same layout as mine, but a tad smaller and with different accents. For example; instead of a bookshelf he has a fully stocked bar with two stools that he and Steve are sitting at now.
"That's why I'm here right?" My feet carry me over and Steve moves to sit on the bed so I can have a stool. "Care to tell me what I'm doing?" I ask the two men, glancing between them.
Bucky stands and moves his left side closer to me so I can see better at a higher angle. "The plates keep chafing when they adjust." He explains and I instantly whip out my flathead screwdriver and flashlight. When I nod his arm whirs and the plates slide smoothly into place. All except two. He grimaces and his hand instantly makes a fist.
"Okay, relax." I tell him and keep an eye on the misbehaving plates, putting my screwdriver in my mouth I grab a sharpie from my belt and draw dots on them before they slide into their previous places. The sharpie goes back away and I return the screwdriver to my hand. "Uh, Steve?" Steve's instantly at my side. "Hold this just above my shoulder, trained right here?" I request and Steve complies kindly. Without another thought I pull Bucky a little closer and perch my legs on the top rungs of the stool to make more room for him. My hand puts Bucky's on my knee and that gives me the perfect angle. "Alright, try not to move. And you'll tell me if I hurt you?" I pause and look at his semi-surprised face.
"Sure, Ames." Bucky nods once, a little amused. Then, I get to work. Bucky says nothing, but when I feel his hand tighten on my knee I know when to back off and when it's okay.
"So, it seems most of the nerves are in your fingers and hand, not this part of your arm. That's a relief, at least." Speaking helps me figure things out, so I talk as I work. "Uh, the reason for the chafing seems to be under maintenance. You should've let Tony look at this before now." I scold him lightly to distract him, but still feel his hand tighten around my knee when the pain hits.
"Stark?" He barks sharply. His breathing is a little heavier as I've gotten deeper into his arm, but I'm nearly finished. I bite my tongue when his hand squeezes even harder. "He'd probably add fucking strobe lights if I let him near it."
"Language, Buck." Steve reprimands in a low voice, as if it's an afterthought. The tone of his voice tells me he's smirking though, but I don't turn from my work to look.
"I don't mind." I assure him before focusing back on Bucky. "If you both didn't act like obnoxious assholes towards one another, I bet you'd get along better." Steve chuckles at that and Bucky scoffs.
"Sarcasm is the language of obnoxious asses, Ames. If you want me to just stop talking to him, then that's fine t-" He's cut off when I finally fix the plate and it snaps back into place. "Aw, shit."
"Okay, try it out." I nod him forward and instantly the panels shift like before, but there isn't a hitch. Satisfied, I put my tools away, grabbing the flashlight from Steve as well.
"Better than before." Bucky remarks as if surprised, turning and blinking at me.
"I'm good at my job, Bucky." I tell him and sigh a little in relief when he releases my knee.
"Fuck." He breathes and I look down to find a Bucky sized handprint on my skin. A small laugh leaves my lips.
"Well that's interesting." I comment and poke the redness with a finger, wincing a little when soreness echoes through the space.
"Sorry, kid. Shit." Bucky apologizes and I instantly shake my head while Steve looks at him concernedly.
"It'll probably only bruise, Bucky. It's fine." I wave it away and hop off the stool without an issue. "See? I can walk and everything." I tease, but neither man's expression changes. The gears in my mind turn a moment. It wasn't my intention to make them feel bad after just fixing the problem. "I'm fine. Would it make you feel better if I slapped you?" This time, their lips just barely turn up.
"Thanks, Ames. We appreciate it." Steve nods towards me as I head towards the door.
"I know you do. Uh, in a month I'm going to have to look at it again. A month." I emphasize to Bucky and he waves me off with an almost half-smile.
"Yeah, yeah, doc. I got it. Get outta here now and have fun." Bucky encourages as if fixing him isn't fun. I walk out anyways and amble to my room to meet Tony. The door to my room is already open and I giggle at the sight. Tony is splayed over my bed as he tries to fit my violet sheets on the mattress. So far, no success. Apparently, I laughed a little too loud because Tony is quick to stand and spin towards me.
"I swear I can do this." He gestures to the bed just as the sheet springs off and crumples to the one corner he managed to cover. Tony's shoulders slump. An entertained smile on my face, I walk in and pat his shoulder.
"How about we try together, huh?" I ask and move to the corner the sheet popped off of and easily tuck it in. Tony moves diagonally to me and we finally tuck in the whole thing. "Nice of you to try and do this yourself." I tell him and toss him half of the other sheet.
"Well, I was under the mistaken impression that it would be simple." Tony replies as we finish tucking in this sheet. The last touch is the comforter, then Tony sits down on the end and hands me the pillows.
"Genius conquered by bedspread. It's a sad day for America." I tease and catch a small pillow before it hits me in the face. Once the pillows are set I walk over and sit next to Tony, staring at the piles of things in front of us. "Too much." I say succinctly.
"Eh, it's not too shabby." Tony jokes and glances at me. His mouth frowns suddenly and I follow his gaze to my knee. Uh-oh. "What the fuck is that?" He asks and my eyes widen at his immediate anger.
"Oh, it's just about to bruise. Totally an accident." I brush it off and stand to continue with the decorating, but Tony jumps up before me and kneels on the floor before I can move. His fingers gently hold my leg in place as he looks at it from every angle. "Tony, it's-"
"It's a handprint!" Tony exclaims with fervor, anger alight in his bright eyes when he looks back up at me.
"It was an accident. Clearly, I'm not upset, am I?" I say calmly and confusedly, but it doesn't seem to get through to him at all. I never thought Tony would have a temper.
"Of course, you're not upset, you're like fucking Glenda the good witch! Who did this?" Tony's shouting now and I wince when he does.
"I'm not answering that until you've calmed the fuck down. You're acting like an ass." I snap and take a step away from him, but Tony apparently isn't a fan of listening when he's upset. Huh, always wondered where I got that from.
"Last time I checked flesh hands don't have plating..." Tony remarks and taps one of the lines on the still red skin. "Fucking BARNES!" He thunders and stomps out of the room, tapping on his reactor to form his suit before I can stop him. I'm quick to follow, tapping my own necklace and zooming after him. Tony breaks down Bucky's door and has him in a choke hold before I'm even in the room.
"Shit. Amica and Friday, protect! NOW!" I yell and suddenly Tony's suit doubles in size and falls back into my waiting arms in a sort of cocoon. Tentatively, I look at Tony's mask.
"What. The. Fucking. HELL. Is. This. SHIT." He yells and it sounds like he's in a storage container. Sheepishly, I shrug and let my suit head melt back. My heart is beating so fast it's like a hummingbird's wings.
"Well, it's part of Amica. It's a protection feature I put into the suit. In theory, it's nearly impenetrable, has a constant influx of oxygen, and you could pretty much stay in there until you needed water. I put in the coding a while ago in case you needed it." I explain while worriedly watching Bucky regain his breath.
"You put me in a coffin?" Tony asks and the hurt in his voice hurts me.
"Of course not. There's an emergency protocol I was going to tell you when it came up. Plus-"
"I have to find you mentally fit, sir." Friday responds just as Bucky stands up, a fire in his eyes.
"What?" Tony's confused and angry now, but hopefully my explanation keeps him thinking so he doesn't freak out again.
"Right now, it's protecting us from you, so it won't disable itself until your heartrate slows." I tell him and he groans. "Hey, it's your own fault. You didn't listen to me!" My hand knocks on the suit before I lay him on the ground so I can walk to Bucky. Blue, shining eyes meet mine in regret. "Are you alright?"
Bucky shakes his head and waves an unworried hand at me. "My fault, anyways. Had worse. Nice suit though, kid. Better than your rude ass old man's!" Bucky jabs at Tony and smirks at the string of curse words that then emanate from the metallic container.
I roll my eyes at their antics and walk over, easily lifting it with my suit's help. "Sorry, Bucky. Really." His smile turns a little fond as he looks at me.
"Won't have been the first time, kid." He leaves me that gem to mull over as I carry a mumbling Tony back to my room.
"You aren't helping your heartrate with your disgruntled murmuring, Tony." I tell him and drop him unceremoniously on the floor. Sighing, I tap my suit and it rescinds into it's necklace form. "The handprint is from when I fixed his arm. I put it there because that's just how I found the perfect angle. Got it?" Silence. "Tony...can I let you out now?" My fingers unconsciously tapping on it until the suit disables itself, then melts back into Tony's chest. Nervous at his unclear expression, I immediately flinch when he reaches towards me. When I look back up at him he looks hurt and concerned. I take a breath.
"You scared me." My voice is quiet and Tony's eyes shine with sudden regret. "I've seen fury like that before Tony and if that's how you are, immediately running after someone else instead of listening? I can't be around you. I just can't." His eyes are wide and mine are irritatingly watery. I don't want to leave Tony. I'm already ridiculously attached. A moment passes and just when I'm relaxing again, he steps forward and pulls me close to his chest. I blink as he cradles me near, one arm around my back and his other hand on my hair. Tentatively, he brushes back my curls soothingly. My arms wrap around his waist before the shock even wears off and I let my head snuggle closer.
"I'm...I'm sorry I lost my temper." The apology comes slowly and I can hear how carefully he's considering each word. "Seeing you hurt isn't exactly something I was prepared for, kiddo." His arms tighten around me a little. "There isn't...fuck..." He puts his hands on my shoulders and pushes me away to look in my eyes. "I don't treasure a lot in this world. Pepper, the team to some extent, and Little Stark." He smiles a little and my gut twists at seeing the spark in his dark eyes. "I just want to keep you safe. That's all, okay? My methods might need a little work, but that's the product I want." He knuckles under my chin affectionately and I smile softly.
"I get it. Our minds are in the same place. Why do you think I put that coding in your suit, Tony? Before even mine?" I ask rhetorically and look down at my hands as I start wringing them. "Uh, you know, you and Pepper are all I have too. There's nowhere else, no one else I have in the world. So..." I shrug and look back into his emotional eyes. Before I can do another thing, he's pulled me close all over again. It's ridiculous how close I am to tears, but I haven't felt safer in such a goddamn long time. After a little while we both pull away and turn opposite one another to wipe away what certainly are not tears.
"Alright, time to finish organizing this chaos." Tony claps his hands together and I laugh, turning to face the pile with him.
"Let's do it." I nod and we get to work.
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