Days later we finally made it back to Sydney in one piece, thank God for that. We encountered a lot of problems on the way back.
The car broke down once and we were stuck on the side of the road for three hours until someone finally came around to help us. Also Ashton almost got us into a car crash, thanks to Calum who was distracting him while he was driving, but I won't go into detail about how he was being a distraction. Let's just say that Calum really wants some.
Other than those problems Luke and Calum are on perfectly good terms, and I may or may not have accidentally let it slip to Calum that I overheard his talk with Ashton.
Ashton was a little bit upset about that, but Calum told him that it was okay and that I was going to find out eventually. Fortunately for us, our friendship didn't change, and I was really relieved with that. In fact, I think the four of us got even closer with one another.
This trip really changed my life and I'm glad that I went on it. If I didn't, I never would have become friends with Calum and Luke and I would still be in the stage where we threw insults at each other and such. He'd never become my boyfriend.
Never in my lifetime did I ever think that Luke Hemmings and I would get together. A few weeks ago the idea would be disturbing to me, but people change overtime, I suppose.
It was a late Friday night and Ashton pulled the car into his driveway. He finally put the car on park before killing the engine and let out a sigh.
"We're home," he announced, closing his eyes for a brief moment. "What an adventure we all had."
"We should do it again," Calum said, giving Ashton a kiss on the cheek. "Do you need help getting inside, babe?"
"Getting inside you would be nice," Ashton grumbled, earning a slap from Calum. Ashton jolted awake, rubbing sleep from his eyes and started climbing out of the car. Calum was quick to get out first and help Ashton inside his place.
Luke had fallen asleep during the car ride and his head was in my lap, his quiet breathing now the only thing heard.
I ran my fingers through his hair and I'd get him to purr once in a while. I leaned against the headrest of my seat and closed my eyes, just taking in the silence.
"Green bean?" I heard Luke mumble minutes later. I opened my eyes and looked down at him as he stared up at me. "We're back?"
"Yeah," I answered. "We're at Ashton's place." Luke sat upright and rubbed his eyes. He took in the surrounding and then he raised a hand up to his mouth to cover his yawn. He moved closer to me so he could take up more of my lap and then he was back to sleeping.
"Are Cal and Ash inside?" he asked and I nodded, but then I mentally smacked myself in the forehead, because his eyes are closed and he won't see me.
"Yeah, they are," I said.
"Good." He sat upright and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me down with him. I yelped as I ended up on top of him and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. "We're alone together."
"Please don't tell me you're going to do what I think you're going to do."
"Do you really think I'd have sex with you where people could see us?"
"Yes! You make yourself seem like that kind of person!"
Luke chuckled, "You're kind of right."
Catching me by surprise, he attached our lips together and I was wide-eyed at first. My mind was soon able to process what was just happening and I began kissing him back.
Without breaking the kiss Luke flipped us around so that I was underneath him and he was in between my legs. One of his hands slipped from my back and moved to the waistline of my jeans.
As soon as Luke's hand at my groin area the door swung open and we looked to see Calum, but we never left our position.
"Oh, good. You two are awake now," Calum said. "Now you two can go inside and sleep. Or... continue where you left off."
"Well, my boner just died," Luke commented and I laughed.
"Do you want bok choy to help bring it back to life again?" Luke raised an eyebrow at him.
"Bok choy? What the hell is that?"
"Calum, I could've sworn I heard Ashton calling for you!" I exclaimed and he was gullible enough to run off back into the house.
Luke was quick about pressing his lips to mine before his hand gave a small squeeze to my lower half, resulting in me intaking a sharp gasp. He laughed, got off of me, and sprinted out of the car and towards the house.
"What the hell, Luke?!" I shouted at him, climbing out of the vehicle as well and shutting the door before I ran after him. When I got inside the house a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me backwards until my back was pressed against something, no doubt Luke's body. He was hiding behind the wall and he was waiting for me to go after him so he could surprise me again.
"Missed me already?" he said in this calm, not-at-all seductive voice.
"No. Go away," I groaned, trying to push myself away from him, but he just held onto me tightly.
"You ran after me, and now you're telling me to go away?"
"Yes. I'm going to go sleep in the guest bedroom."
"Okay. Let's sleep together."
"Yeah, whatever." His arms slipped around me and then we started making our way towards the guest room. It wasn't until the both of us had entered the place and I shut the door did I realize what I had agreed to. "Wait, what?!" Luke sat down on the bed and started pulling off his shirt right before me. "W-We're doing it now?"
"You said you were tired," Luke said, "so yes, we're going to sleep now."
Oh. He meant that sleep together. Well, in that case, why not?
I immediately climbed into the bed and lied on my side, so my back was to Luke. I threw the covers over me, too lazy to get out of my clothes. Also I didn't feel like stripping while Luke was in the same room.
"You're going to sleep like that?" he asked. "You're okay with the clothes clinging to you while you sleep?"
"I'm too lazy to get out of them," I answered, closing my eyes and trying to fall asleep.
After hearing and feeling Luke shuffle around I felt his hand slip under my shirt and my eyes darted open and I pulled myself out of the bed and staring at Luke who was only wearing his shorts.
"Don't take advantage of me!" I shouted, but he just looked calm and motioned for me to come back.
"Sorry," Luke said, "I was trying to help you out of your clothes, because you said you were too lazy to do it yourself."
"That doesn't mean I want you to do it for me!"
"So, you'll do it yourself?"
"If you look away, then yes."
Luke just laughed before he made his back face me. "You're such a girl." I rolled my eyes and started pulling off my upper clothes. "I guess that's why I'm the man in this relationship."
I stopped halfway before I released my shirt and looked at Luke. "Whoa, back it up. Since when were you the dominant one?" I asked.
"Since the beginning. Do you need some kind of test to see who's more dominant than the other?" He stood up from the bed and made his way over to me. "Touch me."
"Luke, I'm not doing that! Go back to the bed and leave me in peace."
"See, that sounds like something that a submissive person would say. You don't want to touch me, because you're too embarrassed to, am I right?"
"No, you're not. I just don't think now's an appropriate time. Now seriously, step away from me." Luke did the exact opposite of what I had asked him, his arms going around my waist and pulling me towards him.
"I've no problem with touching you," he said to me, his face leaning closer and closer to mine until our noses were brushing one another. He then pushed his lips onto mine and he grabbed the hem of my shirt and started lifting it up.
The brief moment we took a break from kissing was when he had to get the article of clothing over my head. He discarded my shirt onto the floor and moved his lips from mine, so he could start kissing my neck. I tilted my head to the side for him to have better access. His hands were on my hips and he starting moving himself around me, the kissing to my neck never stopping.
Once he was behind me his hands left my side to the button of my jeans, working to pop it open. When Luke had successfully unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans his thumbs hooked into my shorts and started pulling both my shorts and jeans down.
My fingers wrapped around his wrists, preventing him from going anymore. His lips detached from my skin and he just looked at me, confused.
"Just the pants," I said to him. "The jeans can come off."
"Okay," he responded, readjusting his hands so that he was now only able to remove my jeans. He slid them down and I helped out a little bit. Once my jeans were pooled by my ankles I stepped out of them and Luke led me towards the bed.
"We're not doing anything tonight," I reminded Luke.
"I know," he said. "You said you're tired, so we can just, you know, fall asleep in each other's arms. I just wanted to make sure you weren't uncomfortable with the layers of clothes you had on you before." Luke got into the bed and I followed after, his arms immediately going around me. My head was right under his chin, so I pressed my face against his chest and our legs tangled each other.
"Good night, Luke," I said a little bit above a whisper. "I love you."
"Sweet dreams, green bean," I heard Luke say as he kissed the top of my head. "I love you, too."
If it was even possible, I snuggled closer to him, a smile forming on my face. Feeling safe and protected in Luke's arms, I started thinking of Luke, someone who I never thought would become my boyfriend until the road trip he, Calum, Ashton, and I had just returned from. I'm glad that Luke and I went on the road trip, because if we didn't then we wouldn't be here with each other.
I was able to peacefully drift to sleep, the last thing on my mind being my ex enemy and my current boyfriend: Luke Hemmings.
AN: There's one last extra chapter left, and I made it specially for you guys (:
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