Chapter 5
"Luke, stop it."
"Come on, it'll be fine."
"No, it won't. Stop."
"I'm doing it, anyway."
"Please, don't."
"I'm going in."
I swear, if those are the words telling me there's going to be sex, then the least they could do is close the door and let me sleep. I don't want to hear their moaning and groaning and all that sex sounds.
I pulled the sheets over my head and groaned, hoping that would get the two to shut up.
Then everything was dead silent. And I was super grateful for that. But it was too quiet. It was an uncomfortable kind of silence. I opened my eyes and I was face-to-face with something that sent me flying out of bed, letting out a scream.
My mind finally processed what it was, and it was that freaking picture of the girl from The Exorcist.
My eyes then went to the person who was holding out the picture.
Of course, it had to be Luke.
He was laughing hysterically and he stuffed his phone into his pocket. I actually hurt my bum, trying to get as far away from the picture as possible.
"Calum, you should've seen the look on the freak's face!" Luke snorted as he slapped his knee, falling onto the ground rather than on my bed. I knew why he'd chosen the ground; he doesn't want 'freak germs all over him'.
"I told you not to," Calum groaned as he walked into the room, pinching the bridge of his nose. "It's seven in the morning. Plus, Ashton's still asleep."
"Not my fault Michael screams like a fucking pussy." I so badly wanted to punch him, but I know better than to get my hand contaminated by his bratiness.
"Since I'm up, I'm going to shower," I sighed, standing up from where I was. I grabbed my clothes from my bag, a towel, and shower supplies and began heading to the restroom. Luke was still laughing, and it was really pissing me off. As much as I wanted to slam the restroom door, I didn't, because I feared I might wake Ashton up. I don't want to be the one waking him up from his slumber.
I turned the water on and waited for it to become the temperature of my liking. Once it was just right I stripped from my pyjamas, threw the towel onto a rack, and stepped into the shower.
Once the water washed over me, I began applying shampoo and conditioner to my hair.
My hair is perfectly fine, don't you guys think? So what if it's a super green? It's my hair, and I can do whatever I want to it. And no one, not even stupid Luke, is going to stop me from doing what I want to do to my hair.
Once I finished cleaning my hair I used body soap to clean the rest of me.
While I was in the shower I began thinking of ways to get back at Luke. There's always the option of dumping milk onto his 'perfect blond hair'. Or I could download an air horn app onto my phone and then play it when he's asleep. Or maybe I could buy some food coloring
I finished showering and shut off the water. I went over to the rack to collect my towel and then used it to dry my hair a bit. Then I used it to dry the rest of my and then place the towel back on the rack. I pulled on my clothes and then grabbed my towel again, wrapping it around my shoulders.
I brushed my teeth once I was fully clothed and ran my fingers through my green hair. I left the restroom and found that Ashton was still asleep, but he had the sheets kicked off of him and he was sprawled out on the bed. Those damn snores were escaping him, and I wanted to just rip that mouth of his off and throw it out the window.
The door to the other room was wide open and when I peered inside I saw Calum, and what I saw wasn't a very pleasant sight.
"Mate, where are your clothes?" I asked him, keeping my eyes only on his face and nowhere else.
"Why do I need clothes?" he asked, shrugging. "We're in a motel room. No one but you, Luke, Ashton, and I are here."
"You should at least cover yourself up. There's a window in your room, you know."
"No one can see up here. Besides, I should be proud of my body and show it off. It's sexy!"
"You should at least have some dignity in you." I pulled my gaze away from him as I made my way to my bed, jumping onto it and pulling the sheets over my head.
"Not only are you a freak, but you like dicks as well?" I shot up and my eyes met with the blue ones of the one and only, stupid Luke Hemmings. "Well, I sort of figured you were a faggot, so this isn't a shock to me."
"I'm not gay, you brat," I snapped. "I'm perfectly straight and into girls."
"It's better to admit you're gay than to lie that you're straight. Besides, with that kind of hair, who'd believe you're not gay?"
"My hair has nothing to do with my sexuality!"
"It's pretty flamboyant like yourself, so it's safe to assume that you're gay."
I groaned and slammed my head against the pillow before flipping myself over. "Fuck you!" I yelled into the pillow.
"I don't think anyone, let alone I, would want to do that with you," Luke said. I absolutely cannot stand that guy! I got up from my bed and stormed off into the other room to Calum who was sitting on the bed with his legs crossed and a pillow covering his manhood. "Yo, you're going to get your freak germs all over the place!"
"Who the fuck cares?!" I yelled back. "Calum! Tell your friend to knock it off!"
"Tell the freak to stop being so sensitive!"
"I'm not being sensitive! You're being a complete dick!"
"A dick that you'd suck off of any day."
"You guys!" Calum shouted, earning our attentions. "It's freaking seven in the morning! You both need to get along if we want this trip to be fun! Luke, stop with your stupid remarks, and Michael, don't fight back. I suggest you two at least have a conversation where you two don't want to strangle each other's necks. Ignoring one another won't do any good, because then there'd be tension, and I don't like tension!"
"I'd much rather jump out of the car while Ashton's driving than socialize with him," Luke said.
I let out a mocking scoff. "Be my guest. No one's gonna stop ya."
"Okay, you know what?" Calum began as he stood up, setting the pillow aside. "I'm not dealing with you two right now." He then went past us and locked himself up in the restroom. Luke and I glared at each other.
"Stay away from me!" we both yelled at once.
"The last thing I want is getting infected with freak," Luke spat.
"Likewise, but with your bratiness," I retorted.
"Brat!" I marched to the door and grabbed ahold of the side.
"Bloody freak!" I turned around and I swear my face was turning red from extreme anger.
"Fucking brat!" Then I slammed the door, locking it once I did. I let out a frustrated groan and plopped onto the bed. "Fucking can't stand that guy."
And, of course, to break the silence that followed after my complaining, Ashton's snores filled the room.
I thought I would be able to deal with this trip and have fun despite the fact that stupid Luke Hemmings is here as well, but that brat is just making things more difficult for me. If he just kept his stupid, lame, snarky comments to himself, then everyone would be happy, we wouldn't talk, and everyone would have a good time.
I don't know what his deal is, and I don't ever plan on finding out. It's probably something stupid, like he just wants to pick a fight.
I turned to face the door that separated our rooms and I noticed a piece of paper that was just in front of it. I got up from my bed and walked over to it and picked it up.
Wake Ash up. We're leaving at eight thirty.
P.S. Freak.
I crumpled up the paper and threw the paper ball at Ashton's sleeping face. It hit him right on the forehead. "Get up, fatass, we need to leave."
His only response was a loud snore escaping his throat. I sighed and then walked over to him. I began rolling his body from the bed until he fell to the ground. Ashton suddenly bolted up.
"Who the flip did that?!" he demanded, his eyes examining his surroundings. Then he looked at me, smiling. "Oh, it's you. What time is it?"
"Time for you to go clean up," I told him. "We're leaving in approximately an hour." He released a yawn before taking his phone that was sitting on the nightstand. He groaned and put his phone back where he picked it up, stood up, and made his way to the restroom.
When I heard the door close I went to my side of the room, placed my bag onto the edge of my bed, and began packing my things. We were about to go back onto the road, so why not start collecting my belongings now? Unlike Ashton, all my stuff aren't littering the room. We have this room for less than twenty-four hours and already he's made it his home.
There was a knock on the door, and I didn't plan on answering it. I don't care if it's Calum. I'm upset with him and his buddy arrangement. Plus, he might still be strutting around in his birthday suit. And I'd never open the door for Luke. I hate him, because he's just a complete arse to me.
Let them knock all they want. I'm not going to open it.
By the time Ashton finished cleaning up there was still rapping coming from the door. Ashton eyed me. "How long were they knocking?" he asked me.
"A couple of minutes," I answered. "But I'm not going to open the door."
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASHTON!" Calum complained from the other side. "MIKEY IS BEING A BIG, FAT MEANIE!" Well, being called a meanie is better than being called a freak.
Ashton went over and swung the door open, resulting in Calum falling over since he was leaning against the door. Well, at least he's wearing his clothes now. A now shirtless Luke walked in right after and stepped over the brunet, saying 'dork' under his breath. It was definitely for Calum, because he calls me freak.
Calum scrambled onto his feet, jumping up and brushing it off like nothing happened. Then he hopped over to me and slammed his entire body onto my bed, causing my bag to bounce slightly.
"Get off," I said, not wanting to deal with him. Calum pouted and fixed his position so he was lying on his stomach and his arms were propping up his head.
"Why do you have to be so annoyed by every single thing?" Calum asked.
"I told you we should've thrown him out the window before he woke up," Luke spoke up. I shot him a glare and he smirked. "I know I have a sexy build, but I'd rather have girls swoon over me. Not some gay freak like you." I flipped him off and then he did an air thrust. God, he's so full of himself. I hate that about him. And also the fact that he has no reason to hate me, but he does anyway.
If he found something nice to say for once, then I think we would've been good friends. But that chance has passed by already, and it's all thanks to the cocky Luke Hemmings.
"It's too early to fight," Ashton groaned. "Let's just get packed so we can get out of here. I want to eat breakfast."
"We could probably go over eat at McDonald's again," Calum suggested as he sat up on my bed. I walked over to my phone and unplugged it from its charger and then the charger from the outlet. I stuffed the charger into my bag, pulling out my portable one and put that in my pocket. I unraveled the cord that was around my phone and then put the earbuds through my shirt so that they'd hang from the collar. I closed my bag and then patted the top of it.
"Or we could go over to the pancake restaurant that's next to it," Luke suggested. For once, I actually agree with him.
"That's even better than McDonald's!" Calum exclaimed. He jumped off my bed and ran up to Ashton, grabbing his shoulders. "Let's go eat pancakes! Please?!"
"Why are you asking me?" Ashton laughed. "You were the one who organized the trip."
Calum released Ashton, muttering quietly, "Oh. Then we shall feast on pancakes!" Then he chuckled and skipped off to the other room, Luke following behind him. I carried my bag over to the room door, not the one separating our rooms, and set it down. I turned to the Ashton.
"I'm already packed, so I'll meet you guys there. Ashton, take my bag to the car."
"Mate, that's no fair," Ashton complained as he frowned. "You always do this."
"Tomorrow I'll do it."
"Wait, Mikey!" I looked over at Calum who was shoving Luke into the room. "Go with Luke!"
"WHAT?!" He and I yelled.
"He's done packing, and I still need to."
"I wouldn't go even if my life depended on it! Also, I need a shirt!" Luke said. Ashton pulled out a Nirvana shirt and threw it at him, hitting him right in the face. I'd hold in my laugh, but this is Luke, so I let my laughter out. Luke slipped on the shirt and glared at me.
"Have fun you two!" Ashton shouted as he pushed Luke towards me. He almost bumped into me, but I moved out of the way, resulting in him going into the door instead. "Grab a table for us!"
"You both are bringing our bags to the car," Luke said through gritted teeth. I noticed that he said 'our' rather than 'his'.
"Bye!" Calum and Ashton waved as I opened the door and began walking out. Luke was most likely behind me, but I'm not waiting up for him. I don't want to be next to him and I don't want to see him. Heck, I don't even want to be near him!
"The view isn't pretty where I am, you know," Luke commented.
I'm going to ignore him. And with that my pace started to quicken. Forget Luke, he can get kidnapped by ninjas for all I care.
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