Chapter 4
I've no idea where we are, but as long as Calum knows then we're perfectly fine. I think.
We were six hours into the drive since our last stop, and we decided to stop by at a fast food restaurant to eat. There was a motel nearby, so we decided to crash there for the night.
After we ate at McDonald's, we went to the motel and asked to stay in two rooms for the night. The guy up front told us that each bedroom had two beds, so that worked with Calum's stupid buddy arrangement perfectly. Ashton paid for the rooms and he was given the keys for Room 136 and Room 138. We carried our bags and found the rooms. Ashton wanted Room 136, so he and I claimed that room.
"Luke and I'll take Room 138 then," Calum said, motioning Luke to follow. I hadn't looked at the idiot blond since I saw him glaring at me through my phone.
Honestly, the guy is so immature.
Ashton took the bed closest to the restroom, just in case he needed to pee overnight. I took the one closest to the window. It was a sliding glass door, but there was a fence that separated the person from falling to their death. We were only one floor above the ground and in the middle of nowhere, so the view wasn't much. Unless you're into watching cars drive on the highway, then this is the perfect bed for you.
"You gonna shower?" Ashton asked as he began to remove his shirt.
"Nah, I'll shower in the morning," I said. Ashton pulled out some pyjamas from his bag and shower supplies and headed into the bathroom. I set my bag at the end of the bed and began pulling out my pyjamas and my toothbrush and toothpaste. Then there was a rapping sound. I set my things on the bed and stood up to go to the door, but then I realized that the knocking wasn't coming from there.
"Ashton! Michael!" came a voice I recognized as Calum. It sounded as if it came from somewhere within the room. I spun around, and I just noticed that there was a door in between my and Ashton's beds. I approached the door and unlocked it. It suddenly swung open in my direction, and I jumped back. "Took ya long enough!" Calum said as he entered our room.
"Uh, hello," I said awkwardly. Before I could close the door Luke walked in, smashing something soft and gooey against my neck. My hand darted for where he had put it, and I touched it to see what it was.
Hair gel. That freaking dick.
I walked into the restroom, because Ashton always leaves it unlocked. I grabbed a towel and wiped the gel off of me.
I walked out and saw that Calum was sitting on Ashton's bed, looking through his things that were in his bag. "Batman. How interesting."
Luke, much to my dismay, was on my bed. If I told him it was mine he'd freak out how he needs to shower immediately to remove all the freak germs.
Hm, no, I'll let him figure it out. Time is all I need to get all the 'freak germs' on him.
I took a seat at a chair that was next to the dresser. Calum noticed that and frowned.
"Come sit with me!" he exclaimed. "Let's look through Ashton's things together!"
"Did you say something, Mikey?" Ashton called from the shower. Calum slapped his hand over his mouth, holding in a laugh.
"I said nothing!" I shouted back.
"It's not important!"
"Just take your damn shower!" Calum was snickering behind his hand, lying onto his back.
"Wait, be right back," he whispered as he stood up and crept into the bathroom. I don't know what that kid is going to do. I looked at Luke from the corner of my eye. He was tapping away on his phone and he was sitting with his legs crossed on my bed. He didn't seem to mind that he was on my bed.
"I think I'm going to brush my teeth," I said out loud, although I don't know why.
"Like I give a rat's ass," he retorted. I glowered at him. What a freaking br-
"HOLY MOTHER-!" My eyes darted for the restroom and Calum was running out, laughing and clutching his stomach.
Ashton walked out with a towel around his waist, his body dripping water onto the floor.
"You son of a bitch!" he exclaimed as he hopped onto a laughing Calum, not caring that his bed was getting soaked.
"I had to! Your door was unlocked!" Ashton jabbed at Calum's sides, causing the brunet to squeal.
While Ashton attacked Calum I grabbed my pyjamas, toothbrush, and toothpaste from my bed, earning a glare from Luke as he stood up from the bed. Of course he'd do that. I didn't expect him to stay put, anyway. I headed into the restroom and put my things on the counter. I might as well just brush my teeth now. There's nothing else for me to do, but get ready for bed.
I'll give them ten minutes before someone bangs on our door or sends someone up here to get them to be quiet.
I shook my head and then began applying toothpaste onto my toothbrush.
When I started cleaning my teeth the restroom door opened and walked in stupid Luke.
He closed the door and then turned so I was in his eyesight. He froze and then groaned in frustration.
"You just had to be in here," he spat.
"This is my restroom," I snapped back, the toothbrush still in my mouth. "You should've know I'd be in here."
"I don't pay attention to everything you do. Don't think the world revolves around you."
"Your motto must be 'Do as I say, not as I do', because you're a self-centered brat yourself."
"And you're a freak."
I rolled my eyes before spitting out the foamed toothpaste and rinsing my mouth out with the water. I used my shirt to wipe the water that was dripping off of my chin. I glowered at Luke. "Just get out. Why are you even in here?"
"Ashton and Calum are in a small brawl," he answered.
"And you couldn't have gone to your room?"
"That's enough. I don't have to answer to you."
"Just get out."
"With pleasure." Then Luke stormed out, making sure he slammed the door on his way out. I rolled my eyes. I can't believe I have to deal with this guy for a freaking week. You might as well just let me drown.
I finished brushing my teeth and changing into my pyjamas. I held my other clothes in my arms left the restroom to see that Ashton was sitting on Calum's back, keeping him pinned to the ground.
"Uncle! Uncle!" Calum yelped. Ashton just laughed before standing up and helping the brunet up. Calum then excused himself into the other room. Ashton was about to close the door, but then Calum appeared at the doorway again. "Keep it open. Just in case."
"I don't think that's a good idea," I said, looking into the room at Luke as he glared back at me. There was no doubt that he was going to pull something in my sleep. I wasn't going to take any chances.
"Come on, Mikey. It'll be fine."
"Yeah, Mikey, it'll be fine," Luke repeated in a high pitched voice. Calum turned to him.
"I don't sound like that," he said.
"Like this?" Luke still was using that annoying voice that he thinks sounds like Calum's. While the two were arguing about how Calum sounds like, I walked over to the door and slammed it shut.
"I'm going to put on some clothes," Ashton informed me as he walked over to his bag. "Wait, who touched my Batman boxers? It's unfolded." I just shrugged before hopping onto my bed.
"Do you have a bag for dirty clothes?" I asked Ashton. The next thing I knew I got hit in the head by a balled up bag. I glared at Ashton who was whistling. "Thanks."
"Mhm." Ashton slipped on a pair of boxers before removing the towel from his waist. He used the towel to dry his hair. With the towel draped over his shoulders, he walked into the restroom, probably to collect his clothes.
I pulled my phone from my jeans and set it next to me before I opened the laundry bag and stuffed my clothes inside. I threw the bag over to Ashton's bed, but it hit the edge and then fell to the ground. I searched through my bag for my phone charger. Once I found it I located an outlet and plugged it, putting the charger into my phone. My phone was wrapped around by my earbuds, so I unwrapped it and listened to some songs by 5SOS.
She's dropping out of school 'cas she don't need the grade
The colors in her hair don't seem to fade
I get dressed up when I go out
But she gets dressed down
My head bobbed to the rhythm of the music. I swear, these guys are probably one of the best bands ever. I closed my eyes and laid down on the bed. I was lying still, the only movement coming from me was when my chest was rising due to me breathing.
When the song ended, I heard someone calling me.
"Mikey!" My eyes shot open and I pulled an earbud from my ear, looking over at an almost naked Ashton who was standing by the light switch.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Good night," he smiled. Then he turned the lights out and jumped onto his bed. There was still some light in the room from the one coming through the window.
A new song on my phone was playing, She Looks So Perfect, but I cut the music so I could get some shuteye myself.
I pulled the other earbud out from my ear and set my phone aside. I threw the comforter off the bed, because I know what places do with them. Or rather, what they don't do.
I snuggled under the sheets, trying to keep in as much body heat as possible. I closed my eyes slowly, clearing my mind.
Well, trying to clear my mind.
I kept thinking about how tomorrow I'll be going through another day with Luke. And it's going to last for a week. An entire week with Luke.
I can barely stand a day with him. But I made it through today, so I guess I deserve a pat on the back for that. He didn't bother me THAT much, but he's still an annoying brat.
Thinking about this makes me want to shoot myself. Going back to clearing my mind.
Damn it, now I can't stop thinking about this.
But who knows? Maybe this trip won't be so bad. As long as he stays out of my way, I'll stay out of his.
Ugh, but then there's Calums' freaking buddy arrangement thing. What was going on in that head of his when he was making that? I have to stay in the same room as Luke? Yeah, right, and then we'll magically get along, right? I'm sure there will be a dead body on the ground, and it could be either one of ours. I could pull a prank on him that'll result in him dying, or he does one on me.
A loud snore, no doubt Ashton's, echoed throughout the room. I forgot, he snores. I want to throw a pillow so badly at Ashton and get him to shut up. Rooming with Luke is out of the question. Maybe tomorrow when I'm with Calum things will be better. No stupid Luke and no snoring Ashton. Peace and quiet for once.
Maybe. I wouldn't know anything about him. We literally just met earlier today.
I turned over onto my side, looking out the window. My mind went blank as I watched the cars go by. Seriously, there isn't another rest stop for another many kilometres. I don't know how the drivers can stay awake all night.
Knocking was heard at the door. There's no question about it, it's Calum. I'm not opening the door. I need to sleep. Well, Ashton needs sleep way more than I do, considering he's the one who's going to be behind the wheel all day.
The knock turned into loud banging. I feared that it'd wake Ashton up, since he groaned and shuffling of sheets was heard. I grumbled to myself, something about Calum 'not knowing when to shut up', and went to the door to open it. Calum, of course, was standing on the other side, holding a deck of cards.
"Wanna play Egyptian Ratscrew?" he asked, bringing the cards up to my face. I cocked an eyebrow and looked into the room. Luke was already asleep, thank God.
"Sure, but not in our room," I told Calum. "Ashton's asleep."
"But Luke's asleep, too."
"Ashton's driving."
Calum's face twisted in thought. "Good point. Let's play by my bed." I followed him and he sat down on the floor so his back was to his bed. I sat across from him and watched as he shuffled the cards. Then he started giving me every other card. Once the cards were all passed out, we began the game. "You know how to play, right?"
"Yeah," I nodded when he slapped a card down, revealing a two. I put mine down, and it was a Jack. Then he put down his card, but it was a ten, so I collected the stack of three cards.
"Damn it," he muttered. "I hate Jacks."
"Unless you have them, then you love them." Calum laughed a bit at that, and then the game went on.
It was eleven by the time we finished three games. I won two, and the other one was a mutual decision to end it all. There were times during the rounds where we'd start raising our voices, but then we remembered that it was late at night, so we lowered them. Calum asked for a rematch tomorrow, and I didn't hesitate to accept.
I got up from my spot, my bum feeling sore from sitting on the hard ground for so long. I walked over to the door and began closing it.
"Good night, Mikey," Calum called out, "and leave the door open, please."
Seeing that it doesn't seem like Luke would be waking up any time soon, I agreed. My hand left the door and I made my way back to my bed. I saw the lights go off in Calum and Luke's room, and then I slowly started drifting off to sleep.
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