Chapter 22
"What was that for?!" Luke yelled as he rubbed the back of his head.
"I-I freaked out!" I exclaimed, pulling the sheets over me.
What just happened was I woke up with Luke's arms around me. Then I realized it was morning and Ashton could've seen us, so the first thing I did was kick Luke off of the bed.
My eyes looked over at Ashton's bed, but it was empty. Did he wake up early and go to Calum's room or did he stay the night there...?
Luke pretended to struggle to get onto the bed before he plopped himself onto it, lying on his stomach.
"I'm sorry for pushing you off the bed," I mumbled, searching around for my bag. I crawled to the end of the bed and saw that it had fallen on the floor. I picked it up and placed the bag onto the bed, zipping it open and pulling out a clean pair of shorts and a shirt.
When I didn't hear Luke respond I turned to look at him, and I saw that he had already fallen back asleep. How can he go back to sleep so quickly after I pretty much just kicked him out of the bed?
I threw my legs over the edge and stood up, making my way over to the bathroom. I walked inside the bathroom and placed my shorts and shirt on the counter. Then I stepped into the shower to clean myself up.
Once I had finished I put on the shorts and shirt and stepped back into the room, only to see Luke still sound asleep and in the same position as he had been before I took a shower.
I sighed, shaking my head. That boy, I swear to God...
I slowly approached him and sat on the edge of the bed, watching as his body rose and fell with every breath he took. My fingers carded through his hair and he purred a bit.
"Hey, Luke," I cooed, "I think you should get up now."
"Mmm..." he grumbled, not even moving. I grabbed a random pair of jeans on the floor and slipped them on, but they felt a bit long on me.
That was when I realized I just put on Luke's pants.
But I already got them on, and I didn't want to take the time to change into my own pair of jeans, so... I'll just wear them for today.
I felt something in his pockets and I pulled it out, revealing the key to the other room. Maybe I'll go check on Ashton and Calum, see what they were doing that made Ashton not return.
I glanced at Luke's sleeping form before I began searching around for my phone.
"I'll be out for a bit," I said, not expecting a reply from Luke. Once I had located it in my jeans from yesterday I stuffed them into the pocket of Luke's pants and then I made my way to the door. I took one last look at Luke as I slipped on my shoes and opened the door, whispering an inaudible, "I love you."
I left the room, closing the door and making sure it was locked. I'm sure Ashton has the key to our room, so I wasn't too worried about leaving my key behind.
Once I got to the other room I inserted the key into the door and slowly opened the door.
When I stepped into the room I was surprised at what I saw, or rather what I didn't see.
Ashton and Calum weren't here.
I walked deeper into the room, but there was still no sign of them anywhere. No one was in the restroom, because the door was wide open.
"Maybe they're on the balcony," I muttered to myself. I approached the balcony door, but I couldn't see them there either. I slid the glass door open and saw that it was empty.
Where could the two have gone?
I shook my head and was about to leave to go back to the other room, but then I remembered that I had left the key to my room inside and Luke was completely knocked out. I don't think he'd wake up from me banging my fist against the door.
I didn't want to stay in the room either, so I guess I'll just take a stroll. Just a stroll, though. I can't go out and buy anything, because my wallet was left in the room Luke's in. I also didn't want to search through Luke's or Calum's bags to search for money.
Yep, I'm going to take a walk.
I made sure Luke's room key was inside the pocket of his jeans and I left the room, going towards the elevator to take me to the ground level.
I'm not sure where Ashton or Calum went, but I think they'll be fine. Maybe I can call them.
Once I had left the building the cold air hit me and I shivered a bit. I got my phone out and pressed the home button, but my phone didn't turn on. I cocked an eyebrow, thinking maybe the command didn't go through. After trying many times, I came to the conclusion that my phone had died.
Well, isn't this lovely? I've no idea how to reach Ashton and Calum now.
I groaned and pushed the phone back into the back pocket and stuffed my thumbs into the front pockets.
My eyes were glued to the ground, never looking up to see who and what were around me. I just followed the sidewalk to wherever it was leading, but I ended up bumping into someone. I looked up at the person and saw that he had black hair that swept to the side, a lip ring, and was slightly taller than I am. I apologized to him before I continued on my little walk.
I turned at a bunch of corners, but then after going around one of them things were starting to smell and get darker. I stopped in my tracks and looked up.
I've managed to bring myself to an alley with a bunch of dumpsters.
"Isn't that nice," I said, sarcasm in my tone. I turned on my heels, but stopped before I could collide into a body.
"Excuse me," I quickly muttered as I stepped around the person, not even bothering to look up at him.
"Sorry," he said, "you look a bit lost." I paused, slowly turning to look at the person.
It was the same guy I ran into not too long ago.
I examined his outfit and noticed he was wearing a black leather jacket along with black skinnies and black Vans on his feet.
"Oh, no, I was just taking a stroll," I replied, rubbing my arms that were starting to form goosebumps.
"At seven in the morning?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Yes. Is something wrong with that?"
"No, no. Pardon me for being nosy. You best be on your way back to whatever hotel you're staying."
I raised an eyebrow at him. "How do you know I'm staying at a hotel?"
"It's just a guess. Are you?"
"Well, yeah, but what made you think I was?" The guy leaned against the wall, staring at nothing in particular.
"Never seen you around, you know?" he answered. "This part of the city isn't safe. You should leave here while you can. Go back to the comfort of your hotel."
"Okay," I nodded, stepping out of the alley. I looked from left to right, trying to remember where I walked from.
I heard chuckling behind me before the guy asked, "Lost?"
"Maybe," I said, a bit embarrassed. I felt an arm wrap around me as the guy began pulling me in the left direction.
"I believe you came from this way."
The walk was silent, no words exchanged between either of us. It wasn't even close to comfortable. It was a very awkward silence, and for every second that past I wished more that one of us would speak up, preferably him, because I can't think of anything to talk about.
"What's your name, chip?" Chip? What kind of a nickname is that? I think I prefer green bean, as weird as that sounds.
"M-Michael," I mumbled, not making any eye contact with this stranger.
"Cool name. I'm Tristan, but I go by Tricky."
"Why that?" I couldn't help, but ask.
He snorted, "Because, chip, I'm pretty good at deceiving people."
"Oh." I felt a shiver go up my back, because I honestly didn't have a good feeling about this Tristan- or Tricky- guy.
"You cold?" he asked. I didn't have time to respond before he slipped off his jacket and placed it on my shoulders. His arms were littered with tattoos of skulls and roses and he had a bunch of wrist bands on his left arm. There was a gauze around his right wrist, but I decided not to ask about what happened there.
I didn't want to say this out loud, but I did feel warmer now.
After another minute of silence Tricky spoke up, "This may sound really strange, but when you bumped into me earlier I couldn't help but follow after you."
"You're right, that does sound really strange," I laughed. "And creepy."
"Look, it's because, you walked into the bad part of the city. I'm simply leading you back to the good side. I was just looking out for you."
"That's... nice... looking out for a stranger."
"I think we're near the border between the good and bad sides. Once we walk a few more yards we'll be perfectly fi-"
"Well, fuck."
Tricky twisted around, making me turn with him. There were three guys, two big ones and a small midget, approaching us.
The midget shouted, "Finally I've got you where I want you. You will pay for what happened last time!"
"Well, if it isn't Walter," Tricky smirked, not the least bit intimidated. But then again, he's being called out by a midget who's got two big guys standing on either side of him.
"You call me Big Boss!"
"Not so big for a small fry." Tricky ruffled the midget's hair, earning a slap to the hand. The guy, apparently named Walter, grabbed Tricky's shirt and pulled him down to his level.
"Listen, you asshole, it's been over two weeks since our last encounter, and I'm not letting you off easy this time."
Tricky pulled the midget's hand off of him and straightened himself, smoothing his shirt out. "I can't deal with you today, Wally. I need to take care of my cousin who's just coming back from his psychiatric appointment." Tricky gestured over to me, making all eyes look my way.
What in the world is Tricky doing now?
"Your cousin?" Walter repeated.
"I-I, uh..." I stuttered, not knowing what to say, but then Tricky patted my face, cutting me off.
"Aw, poor Edmund can hardly speak," Tricky cooed. I raised an eyebrow. Edmund? "Don't make him talk, Wally. He might just pass out. Now..." Tricky turned us around so we were facing away from the three guys. "... let's take you back home, yeah? Your family are probably worried about you, Edmund."
"Mikey?" My eyes gazed over to Calum and Ashton who were just across the street, holding a bunch of bags filled with what appears to be food.
Calum waved over at me, a huge smile on his face. "Mikey! Hi!" he yelled, continuing to wave his hand.
"Who's Mikey?" I heard Walter ask. "I thought you were Edmund?" Tricky chuckled nervously before leaning his face close to my ears.
"You better run," he whispered. "Run with your friends back to your hotel, and, under any circumstances, do not look back." I gulped, but nodded. Tricky smiled before adding, "That's a good chip." His arm that was around me was suddenly swung at the midget, causing the small guy to stumble and fall onto his back.
I just stared at shock. Tricky just punched Walter.
It took me a second to finally start running across the street to Calum and Ashton.
"The kid's innocent!" I heard Tricky exclaim. "I'm the one you want! Come at me, you fuckin' pussies!"
As I approached my friends Ashton began, "What are you doing ou- okay," but he was cut off when I grabbed his and Calum's wrists and began running off. When the two finally got the idea to run I released their wrists.
Once the three of us ran off for a good minute we believed we were safe. We stopped running to catch our breaths.
"What was," Calum huffed before pausing to take more breaths, "what was that about?"
"Just forget about it," I told him, shaking my head. I leaned forward and rested my hands on my knees, inhaling deeply.
"Why are you out?" Ashton asked once his breathing evened out. "I thought you'd still be asleep?"
I held up a finger, telling Ashton to hold on a moment before I could answer. I let out a cough and then straightened myself up. "I was taking a stroll, but before I was wondering where you went. Did you even go back to our room last night?"
"I-" He cut himself off and closed his open mouth, probably to think of something else to say. "Luke didn't go back to his room either."
"But why didn't you go back?"
"You and Luke could've been doing something if I walked in, and I didn't want to catch any of that action. So Calum suggested that I wait for Luke to return before I head back to our room. I ended up falling asleep in their room instead."
"You know what?" Calum started as he looked at me. "I'll just room with Ashton and you can room with Luke. It seems better that way, anyway."
"Yeah, let's do that. The hotel should be this way." Ashton walked ahead and Calum followed. Then I began walking behind the two.
Calum turned around and looked at me with worried eyes. He stopped walking just so I would catch up to him. He draped his arm over my shoulder.
"Does Luke know you're gone?" he questioned.
"I don't think so," I answered, unsure.
"Well, then he's probably freaking about your disappearance as we speak. Oh, and Ash and I got breakfast." He held up the bag, laughing a bit.
I weakly laughed, but I wasn't exactly in the mood to be happy.
Even though I didn't know him that long, I'm a bit worried about Tricky. I hope he's okay.
I should've thanked him for keeping me out of his business, but I should forget about him, too. I don't think I'll ever see him again.
A few minutes later we got to the hotel and went up to our floor. Thankfully, Ashton had the key to our room, so he opened the door up for me.
When the three of us walked in I saw Luke pacing back and forth around the room, muttering something unintelligible. Ashton closed the door behind us and Luke's head snapped in our direction.
"Green bean!" he exclaimed, running over to me and cupping my face with his hands. Then he began bombarding me with questions. "Where've you been? Do you know how worried I was? Are you okay? Why didn't you answer your phone? How come you didn't- wait. Whose jacket is that and why are you wearing it?"
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