Chapter 17
Luke confessed his feelings to me, we kissed four times, we cuddled in my bed and fell asleep, and then the next morning I woke up with no one next to me. In fact, when I woke up Luke was in his bed, sleeping soundly.
I checked the time and saw that it was eight in the morning. It was never exactly given when we were supposed to meet up with Calum and Ashton. I couldn't go back to sleep, because the events of what happened were running in my head.
I still couldn't believe Luke said he loves me. It gave me butterflies just thinking about it. And when his lips were against mine, it just made me feel like I was on top of the world.
I got up from the bed and went over to my bag. I slipped off Luke's jacket, pulled out a new set of clothes, and then carried them to the restroom.
After I showered and cleaned myself up I was back into the room. Luke was still asleep, his lips slightly parted. I smiled a bit before I approached him, poking at his cheek.
"Wake up," I said, "you need to get ready." Luke grumbled before waving his hand at me and flipped onto his other side. "Seriously, get up."
"Five more minutes," he muttered.
"That's what they all say, but they don't mean it." I climbed onto his bed and plopped myself right on top of him. I heard him grunt before he tried to shove me off.
"Get off of me."
"Get up."
"Seriously, Cal, this isn't funny."
"... I'm Michael."
Suddenly he was frantically scrambling off the bed and he fell onto the floor. I was left sitting on his bed confused by his action. When he got back onto his feet he stared at me with wide eyes.
"What the fuck? Why were you on top of me?"
"I was trying to wake you up, and that seemed to have worked."
"Don't do that again." He muttered something under his breath before he went back to the restroom. I raised an eyebrow once he disappeared behind the door, because I was slightly confused.
It's almost as if he's acting like nothing happened.
I sat in my bed, playing with my phone. I forgot to charge it, so I guess I can't really use it today. It's only on fifty percent, but I need to save its battery.
Luke walked out of the restroom wearing a black shirt and black skinny jeans. His hair was up in his usual quiff and he walked over to his bed. His eyes landed on his jacket and he raised an eyebrow.
"Why is my jacket on your bed?" he asked. "I thought it was in my bag?"
"You let me wear it yesterday," I reminded. "You gave it to me and let me wear it."
"Huh. That's weird..."
What's so weird about that?
Luke walked over to his jacket, picked it up, and then threw it onto his bed.
... Are we not going to talk about what happened four hours ago?
"Hey, Luke?" I began, earning his attention. "What are we?"
"Hm?" he hummed as he pulled out a water bottle out of his bag and began drinking it.
"I mean, are we dating now?" He spat out his water and began coughing like crazy. I jumped up from my spot and ran over to him. "Are you okay?"
"No!" he shouted, capping his water bottle and tossing it on the bed. He let out another cough before clearing his throat and looking at me. "What do you mean 'dating'?!"
"Well, you told me that you loved me." He gave me a confused look.
"Are you sick or something?" Luke then brought his hand over my forehead. "You don't feel like you're burning up."
Is he serious right now?
I whacked his hand away. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
"Sorry for asking if you're sick."
"Are you fucking serious, Luke? Do you not remember anything that happened last night?"
"... You were crying and you asked me to stay with you through a thunderstorm. Is that it?"
Oh. My. Fucking. God.
"Okay, you know what? Fuck you, Hemmings." I pushed past him and marched towards the door, but then he grabbed my wrist and twisted me around.
"Wait, what did I do now?"
"What did you do?" I repeated. "What did you fucking do? You confessed to me, you cried on my shoulder and asked me to stay, and then we kissed. We fucking kissed, Hemmings."
"Are you sure that really happened?"
... Holy shit.
I don't think I've ever punched someone so hard in my life. In fact, I've never punched anyone at all until this point.
I watched as Luke fell back, clutching his cheek and crying out in pain.
"I fucking hate you!" I shouted before slipping on my shoes and running out of the room.
What the fuck is wrong with him? Why the hell is he acting this way?
I stormed up to Calum and Ashton's room and was about to knock before a thought hit me.
What if everything I thought of was a dream?
No, it couldn't have been. It all felt so real, so vivid. There's no way it'd be a dream.
It wasn't a dream. It was real. I know it is. Calum and Ashton can confirm that.
I knocked on the door and then a few seconds later it opened to reveal Calum.
"Oh, good morning, Mikey!" he exclaimed. "How are you and Luke now?"
"Fucking terrible," I told him. "He's pretending that everything last night never happened!"
"Wait, what happened?" I walked into the room and Calum closed the door
"He confessed to me and we kissed and we cuddled, and then he has the fucking balls to say it wasn't real!"
"What the heck?" Calum raised an eyebrow. "What is wrong with him?!"
"He confessed to me, right?"
"Yeah, he did! Ashton and I were there! We saw him practically begging you to stay, and now he's acting like this? Oh, hell no." Calum went up to Ashton who was still asleep, grabbed a pillow, and then slammed it on top of him. "Wake up, Ash! We have some serious talking to do!"
"What did I do now?" Ashton mumbled.
"Not you! We have to talk to Luke! He's being a jerk, pretending that he knows nothing. That idiot." Calum then rolled Ashton off of the bed before he marched past me and to the door. When he swung the door open Luke was standing right there, one hand on his cheek.
"Why did you punch me?!" he yelled at me. I was going to shout back, but then Calum stepped up.
"How could you not remember anything that happened last night?!" Calum snapped back. "It was a very important moment for you two! You finally confessed to Mikey, and now you're acting like this!"
"What? I never confessed, what are you talking about?!"
"Bullpoop! Ashton and I were there when you were pouring out your heart to him! Huh, Ash?!"
"Mhm," Ashton mumbled. I found it quite funny how even though Calum shoved him off the bed he was still asleep. "We were all there."
Calum put his hands on his hips. "Must I slap you again, Lucifer?"
"Again? You never slapped me. Well, you did slap me in my dream..." I gaped at him.
"Your dream?" I raised an eyebrow, crossing my arms over my chest. "You think you were fucking dreaming?"
He furrowed his eyebrows, but then realization suddenly hit him.
"Oh, my God," he breathed out. Calum bumped the palm of his hand to Luke's forehead, muttering 'Idiot'. "It was real..."
"Yeah, it was, you dumb butt!" Calum barked. "You thought it was a flipping dream? Now go have sex and make up!"
"What the fuck, Calum?!" I shouted.
"Holy shit, it's not a dream..." Luke muttered.
I glanced over at him, and then suddenly he pulled at my shirt and wrapped his arms around me.
"Mikey, I'm sorry!" he quickly said. "Forgive me, please! Please, don't hate me! I was being a complete ass and I deserved that punch in the face, but please, don't hate me!"
"Uh..." I just stared at him awkwardly. However, relief filled me when I knew that Luke thought that the events of last night were a dream. And the fact that he's hugging me and begging for my forgiveness shows that he really meant what he said.
"God, Luke, you're such an idiot," Calum laughed before he went over to Ashton, nudging his side with his toe. "Get up, loser, we're going exploring."
"Can you not, Cal? Oh, my God." Ashton forced himself to stand up and he trudged into the restroom. I squirmed out of Luke's arms, much to his reluctance.
"Okay, now you two lovebirds get out and go frickle frackle in your room," Calum said, pushing us out.
"Shut up, Calum," I snapped.
"I wouldn't mind," Luke commented.
I smacked the top of his head. "Doofus."
"Have fun!" Then Calum shut the door. Not even a second later Luke was already pushing me against the wall. He brought his face closer to mine, but I turned my head slightly.
"Luke, not here," I whispered. "We're still out in the hallway."
"Just one kiss," he said, his breath hitting my skin. "I want to make sure this is reality."
"I can assure you, it is." He planted his lips onto mine and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He settled in between my legs, his hands reaching down to pull me up and used his hips to keep me up.
The kiss deepened, but then I heard a gasp. I pulled away from Luke and looked at where the noise came from.
There was a little girl standing right behind Luke with her mouth ajar and staring at us with wide eyes.
"Oh, my God," I breathed out, hiding my face in Luke's shoulder. I could tell he turned his head around, probably to look at the girl.
"Run along, little girl" he said, almost too rudely, "nothing to see here." I peeked open an eye and saw that the girl was still standing there. Then she took a step back before running down the hall, crying out for her mommy. "Why the hell are parents letting their kids run around so freely without supervision?"
"You idiot!" I scolded. "This is why I didn't want to do it here!"
"But we're not doing it," he smirked. "We're just kissing."
"Can we just get back to the room, please?" Luke nodded before carrying me back to the room. I tried to get out of his hold, but he refused. "I can walk."
"Not after I fuck you."
"Oh, my God, just... no." Luke laughed before finally setting me down. We headed back to our room, and since I didn't have my key Luke had to open the door. I stepped into the room and he followed, closing the door behind him.
"Damn faggots," I heard a woman say from the hallway, "corrupting the minds of little children."
There's nothing wrong with two guys making out, stupid bitch.
I let out a sigh, shaking my head, and plopped onto my bed. Then Luke sat on the edge of my bed before he lied down next to me, slipping his arms around me.
"I'm sorry, I do love you," he spoke quietly, "don't think otherwise."
"You kind of just said that out of nowhere, though," I said, pulling myself closer to him.
"I know, I just... I don't know, it came out of me. But it's true."
"It better be." Luke pushed his leg in between both of mine and I dipped my head slightly. "How long have you felt this way?" I really wanted to know, because for the majority of this trip he's been mean to me. He can't just suddenly have feelings for me just because Calum was going to make me sleep with him.
Okay, that sounded wrong. I meant room with him.
"Quite some time," he answered.
"How long is that?"
"I don't know, a... few weeks, I guess..." He seemed like he was embarrassed when he said that, because then I could feel his face nuzzle into my hair. "I just thought it was something that'll go away, but it never did, and I ended up falling in love with you. But I couldn't tell you, because you hated me, so I kept up the facade that I still did..."
"It would've been better if you just started being nicer to me."
"I'm sorry."
"Whatever." Then he tightened his arms around me, rubbing his cheek against the top of my head.
"No, not whatever. I was being a dick to you even when I liked you. I didn't know how to express myself to you, so, like I said, I pretended to still hate you when in reality it was the opposite. Please, don't hate me. I love you."
It was still hard for me to fathom the fact that he actually loves me considering that for the past few months we were practically at each other's throats.
"Do you love me back?" he asked.
"I like you," I answered.
"But do you love me?"
Did I love him? I have a crush on him, that's a definite, but was it big enough for me to call it love?
"I only realized that I like you yesterday... It's too soon for me to tell if I do."
Luke smiled, "At least you like me. I'll keep telling you that I love you until you do, but even after that I'll keep telling you."
"You're not messing with me, are you?"
"I may seem like a complete asshole, but I would never joke about my feelings to anyone. Not even to you."
"This is all just so sudden."
"But you're mine now, and that's all that matters. One day you'll tell me you love me." Then Luke climbed on top of me, positioning himself in between my legs. Then he leaned in to press his lips against mine. He pulled his arms from under me and used his elbows to prop himself up. He'd break the kiss for a brief moment to whisper 'I love you' before returning to kissing me again.
"Okay, I get it, you love me," I mumbled, pulling my lips away from his.
"I'll still remind you," Luke said, kissing me on the cheek on the cheek. His mouth left a trail of kisses until he was at my neck. I suppressed a moan from escaping as he began to suck. He began to rub his hips against mine, but I stopped him by pulling myself up.
"Not now, you'll get hard," I said, "and I have no intention on taking care of it."
"Fine," Luke frowned, before he brought his face back up to mine. "But for the record, I'm already hard."
"I think we're done for the day." I shoved him off the bed before making my way for the door.
"Miiiiiikey," Luke whined from where he was on the ground, making me smile. I was enjoying this too much. I stopped right in front of the door before I turned around. Luke was scrambling onto his feet and hurrying over to me. He threw his arms around my waist, saying, "I love you."
"You are a clingy one, aren't you?" I laughed.
"I am very possessive. This is what happens when you make me fall in love with you."
"I didn't do anything."
"Not intentionally, but you did what you did." He kissed my cheek. "I love you, Mikey. One day you'll tell me the same thing."
I have a feeling that that one day will be soon.
There was a knock on the door and Luke groaned before reaching for the door knob and swinging it open, one of his arms never leaving me. Calum and Ashton were standing there, waving at us before they dropped their hands.
"Did we interrupt you two?" Ashton asked.
"No," I said.
"Yes," Luke growled.
"We can wait another hour," Calum spoke up. "Go do the frickle frackle."
I wiggled my way out of Luke's arm and snapped at Calum, "Let's leave now." I grabbed Ashton's wrist and began dragging him away from the others, because I needed to talk to him about Luke.
While we were going down the hallway, I heard Ashton say to me, "Nice hickey."
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