Chapter 15
Calum and Luke were ahead of me and Ashton, chatting away about whatever the hell they were talking about. They were too busy in their conversation to notice that I was literally shaking every time thunder roared through the skies.
It didn't go by unnoticed by Ashton, however. He had an arm wrapped around me as we all headed for the restaurant that was literally next to the beach. It wasn't fancy or anything, but it looked decent.
The four of us were lead to a table with a seat by the window so we could see the beach, at Calum's constant request. By the time we were all seated Calum immediately turned his attention to the mollusc shell. He was already attached to it, naming it Frederick and that it is his Frederick.
Ashton was seated beside me, repeatedly asking if I was okay or not. It was a bit annoying, but I know he's looking out for me. What are best friends for if they don't do that?
Luke's been awfully quiet since we got here. He hasn't spoken a single word at all, not even saying anything to Calum. Even if he did try to talk to Calum he'd probably just tell him to go away so he could go back to cooing to a fucking seashell.
It's a seashell. Seriously, Calum? And it's honestly not that amazing as the one that I'm clutching in my hand.
From under the table I glanced at it, taking in its design. I caressed the shell, feeling the surface and the bumps from underneath my fingertips.
I don't know why Luke didn't give this one to Calum. It was a lot more beautiful than the one in Calum's hands, and it would make Calum a hundred times happier than he is now.
I didn't know where to set the seashell, and I didn't exactly want anyone else to see it, so I kept it in my hand.
"What's that?" I heard Ashton ask me. So much for not wanting anyone to see it. Oh well. At least it's not Calum. He'd probably want it, but I have no intention on giving it to him.
Because I found it when I was with Luke.
I showed him the seashell and his eyes widened. "Wow, that's pretty. Where'd you find it?"
I shrugged, "I don't know, somewhere along the beach. It was when I was with Luke."
"So... are you going to give it to Calum?"
"I don't plan on doing that."
"Why not?"
"Because I like this seashell." That's true, but only partially. It's more like a piece of memory of the small time Luke and I were alone. Aside from when he told me to go away and when he called me a freak, that was probably the only time that I actually enjoyed being with him.
Of course, I'd never tell anyone that. Not even to Luke.
My thumb brushed over the side of the seashell, following the lines of its spiral. I've honestly never seen a shell like this, and I'm glad that I get to keep it and that Luke didn't give it to Calum. Even though I wasn't planning on looking for a shell in the first place, this one is special.
I'm not going to obsess over it like Calum who's talking to the shell as if it was a baby, but I will treasure it.
My mind was so focused on the shell that I didn't even look at the menu to see what I wanted to eat. The waiter who was going to serve us was staring at me as he held a pen in one hand and a notepad in the other.
I was about to frantically skim through the menu before Luke spoke up and said, "He'll get whatever I'm getting." The waiter nodded, scribbled down the order, and walked off.
"What d-did you order?" I asked, but it was quiet. Luke still heard me, however.
"Chicken alfredo," he answered. "I'm sure you'll like it." He sent a wink my way and I flushed, hiding my face. How is he causing this effect on me?
Maybe because you like him.
But I can't like him. He hates me and I hate him. It's always been that way since day one.
People change.
But I-I like girls. I can't like a guy.
Again, people change.
No, not me. I'm still the same person as I was before.
Ugh, I need to shut up. I'm practically arguing with myself right now. Okay, clear my mind. Don't think of anything.
Not even Luke. Not his blond hair that's always in a quiff and his blue eyes and his-
My grip had tightened and I was worred about crushing the seashell, so I loosened up a bit. I opened up my hand to look at it, smiling when I remembered when Luke's arms encircling me. Just thinking of that made my heart flutter.
Okay, maybe I have tiny feelings, but they will wear off. It's nothing more than a phase. Soon we'll be back to hating each other.
The waiter brought us glasses of water and then told us that our food will be arriving momentarily.
I drank some of the water before setting it down. Calum had set Frederick on the table before he looked over at Ashton.
"Okay, so I've been thinking," he spoke, "what if we took a detour on our way back home?"
"What do you mean?" Ashton asked, raising an eyebrow.
"You know, we can take the long way home. We don't have to go through the same route back. Make it interesting."
"And we'll see more exciting stuff! We should plan more about this tomorrow."
"Yeah! And Frederick will help us!"
"Sure, he will."
"He's a she."
"What the hell, Cal? Why would you name her Frederick?"
"You can't just ask something like that!" Then Calum began whispering to the seashell. "He's just jealous, because he doesn't have a cool name like yours." Luke began laughing before calling Calum an idiot.
I don't think I'll ever understand Calum. I don't know how Luke does it, but he manages.
"Can we discuss about tomorrow's plans right now?" Calum asked.
"Yeah, sure," Ashton nodded. Then he turned his head to me. "Mikey, is it okay if you switch places with Cal?"
Wait. Switch places as in... sit next to Luke?
I glanced over at Luke and saw that he was looking at me, wait
"I think you guys can talk just fine like this," I said, trying to avoid having to move. I don't want to sit next to Luke.
"It'll be easier for me and Calum to talk."
"I'll move," Luke said, standing up from his spot.
"Thanks, Luke!" Calum exclaimed as Ashton and Luke switched spots. Now I'm mentally freaking out.
I made sure to avert my gaze from him, but I had to loosen up a bit or else it'd be too obvious that I'm trying to ignore him.
While Calum and Ashton chatted away I was stuck, sitting in complete silence, as Luke was just casually nonchalant about everything.
I don't get Luke. He hates me one moment, and then the next it's like we were never enemies in the first place.
What is going on in his mind?
I glanced over at Luke and saw that he was drinking from his glass. My eyes landed on his neck, watching as he gulped down his water. As he drank his eyes were on me and I froze, feeling the blood drain from my face.
He removed his lips from the glass and parted them, asking, "Why're you staring at me?"
"I wasn't staring..." I muttered, turning my head away.
"I'm not blind, but whatever you say, I guess." He moved a little farther away from me, and that kind of hurt.
Our food finally arrived and we began eating right away. Calum and Ashton didn't get too far with their food, because they were too into their conversation. Luke was halfway done, and so was I. This chicken alfredo Luke ordered for me is really good.
Luke and I finished our dinner around the same time, and the other two still had to get to the halfway point.
I glanced out the window and saw that the sky had darkened, even though it was only ten minutes after five. It was so dark outside I could see lightning in the distance.
Please help me tonight.
"Hey, we'll talk later on at the hotel," Ashton told Calum, earning a nod from him. Then he stood up and went over to Luke who was distracted on his phone
Luke looked up at Ashton and gave him a questioning look. "Do you need something?"
"My seat back," Ashton said, giving Luke a nudge. Luke nodded and stood up so Ashton could have his seat back.
I kind of wish that Luke stayed there, though, because I'm starting to like being next to him.
The lights began to flicker and I tensed, looking up at the ceiling to see the light bulbs grow dim before returning to normal. Ashton moved closer to me, leaning in and patting his hand against my back.
"Don't worry," he said softly. "Everything's going to be fine."
Except everything won't be fine, because I'll be all alone tonight.
"Is there any way you can room with me tonight?" I asked, a bit embarrassedly.
"I'm really sorry, Mikey. I can't. Just... be strong, okay? It's just for one night. You can do it. I believe in you."
From the corner of my eye I could see Luke looking at me and Ashton. Well, more at me. Or was it to Ashton? I can't even tell, because I'm not looking directly at him.
Ashton had an arm wrapped around me when we stepped out of the restaurant, telling me that nothing was going to happen to me. I'd flinch every time I heard thunder, but he'd calm me again.
As Ashton pulled me closer to him, I pulled the seashell closer to my chest, because that was also helping me, believe it or not.
The four of us finally got into the car and drove back to the hotel. We went up to the seventeenth floor and stopped right in front of Ashton and Calum's room.
"We'll see you two in the morning," Calum said, waving at me and Luke.
Ashton handed me my room key, telling me to have a good night, but I knew for a fact that tonight will not be good whatsoever.
Once Ashton and Calum disappeared behind the door I looked over at Luke who was just standing there with his hands in his pockets.
"Move it," he hissed before walking towards our room, leaving me behind.
When I heard rumbling I almost yelped, but I bit my tongue back. I ran after Luke, but I ended up running into his back. He twisted around glaring at me.
"What the fuck!" he yelled. "Watch where you're going, freak!"
"S-Sorry," I stuttered out.
"You're being extra annoying right now. Just get in the room, do whatever you need to do, and go the fuck to sleep."
He unlocked the door and walked in, but then he slammed it right before I could go inside.
It's a good thing Ashton gave me my room key back, or else I'd be stuck out in the hallway.
I opened the door for myself, entering the dark room. I saw Luke lying on his bed without a shirt or pants. He was tapping on his phone and didn't even acknowledge the fact that I walked in.
When I realized I was staring at him I averted my eyes from his body, turning bright red.
These small feelings are just a phase that I'm going through. It'll go away.
I just now remembered that he said he was going to do something to me, but he doesn't seem to be doing anything right now. Maybe he forgot? I hope so.
I set the seashell onto the nightstand and slowly pulled off my shirt and pants, feeling a bit conscious that I'm stripping in the same room that Luke's in.
"You know," he began, "you almost costed me and Calum our friendship."
"What are you talking about?" I asked. "I didn't do anything."
"That argument earlier that Calum and I had? Yeah, it had to do with you. I saw you and him on the balcony and I thought you two were flirting. I don't want you two together, because he's my best friend and you're a freak."
Luke calling me a freak never hurt me before, so why did it sting when the word flew from his lips?
Because the word came from the person you love.
I don't love Luke. It's just small feelings that'll go away eventually.
Sure, tell yourself that.
Luke began approaching me with an angry look on his face. "I could've lost my best friend, because of you!" I began backing up before I fell back on my bed and he climbed on top of me, straddling me. "I made Calum cry, because of you. I should kill you just for that, but I'm not going to do that, because I'm just nice that way."
"You're far from nice," I snapped back. "Especially when it comes to me."
"I saved your life, got you out of a situation involving that skank twice, and I decided not to do what I was going to do to you. Is that not enough? What else do you want from me?"
I raised an eyebrow. "Wait, twice?"
"Fucking answer, damn it! Why the fuck should I be nice to you?"
"Because maybe it'll fix this stupid feud we've been having for months!"
"I hated you since I first laid eyes on you, and I'll always hate you, Clifford. Don't go thinking that anything's going to change that."
Those words felt like a sword stabbed me right through my chest. I was left speechless, unable to form any words. Luke just kept glaring into my eyes, waiting for me to respond.
Then the words that came out of me were, "I fucking hate you, Hemmings!"
But I didn't. It was far from that now. I said that out of anger and I fought back the tears that threatened my eyes. My stomach had a knot in it, and it wasn't a good feeling. A lump had formed in my throat and it wouldn't go away.
I told myself that hated him, but I didn't.
Why did it have to be him? Of all the people in the world?
Why did it have to be Luke Hemmings?
"Well, fu-!"
Light from outside brightened up the dark room, followed by loud thunder. My eyes went wide, staring blankly back into Luke's. I froze underneath him, fear rushing into me.
This thunder was louder than the ones that I've dealt with back at home. I felt the entire place shake from that, and I was scared.
I wanted nothing more than to be away from here. I wanted Ashton lying next to me.
No, it wasn't Ashton I wanted. It was comfort I was seeking. I wanted someone to wrap their arms around me and tell me that everything was going to be okay. To hold me tighter whenever thunder clapped through the sky.
But the only person who could do that right now was Luke.
But there's no chance that he'd do that, not even for me.
"Michael?" Luke asked, confusion becoming evident on his face. "You there?" His lips parted when his eyes looked at the tears that finally came down my face.
I had let the tears run. I couldn't hold back.
I was beyond scared; I'm terrified out of my mind.
"L-Luke..." I whimpered, choking on my own sobs that almost left my throat. His eyes widened and then he looked out to the window. Then he turned back to me.
"Are you- Are you scared?"
I didn't respond, because if I did I'd end up crying some more. I managed to nod slightly and he pulled away just a littl bit, but not far enough.
"P-Please, Luke..." I whispered, trying my best to not choke on my sobs. "H-Hold me..."
Luke looked taken aback at first, but then he sighed. When he pulled himself entirely away and went back to his bed, I almost cried some more.
He's leaving me to fend for myself.
He hates me that much.
Luke Hemmings hates me enough to leave me alone.
And I hate that I cannot hate him.
When thunder roared through the sky I began to freak out, but then I felt two hands cupping my face. I looked past the tears in my eyes and up at Luke who was hushing me. His face was just above mine and he was only an inch away from me.
"Shh, it's okay," he whispered softly. "Everything's okay. You're okay." More of the tears fell from my eyes. His hands left my face, but he still held one out to me. "D-Don't panic. I'm coming for you. Just let me get my sheets."
Luke quickly stripped his bed of its sheets and he moved over back to me. He moved back on top of me, throwing the blanket over him. Then he leaned down and slipped his arms under me. I brought my arms under his, grabbing at his shoulders and pulling him down on me. My heart was racing right now, from fear and the fact that Luke was so close to me.
Another loud roar cracked through the sky and I stiffened, but Luke just made soothing sibilant sounds and held me tighter as he pulled one arm from underneath me and began running his hands through my green hair.
"It's okay, Mikey," he cooed. This is the first time he's called me by that nickname, and I liked that. If only he would call me that instead of freak.
I pushed my face into the crook of his neck and let more tears escape from my eyes. I let out a sniffle, tightening my hold around Luke.
"Th-Thank you, L-Lukey," I spoke, the nickname just slipping from my lips.
"Shh, don't speak," he whispered as he continued brushing through my hair. "Just go to sleep, okay?"
"Be quiet. It'll be alright." I reluctantly nodded and began to relax. My head was now against the pillow under me, and Luke came down with me, his bare chest still pressed against mine.
Thunder rolled and I tensed, pulling Luke closer to me, if that was even possible at this point. "Lukey, I'm still scared..."
"I know you are, but it's okay," he reassured me. "Everything's okay."
I nodded before finally slowly closing my eyes, concentrating on Luke's warmth and his hand in my hair.
The last words I heard before I eventually drifted off to sleep were, "You're okay now, Mikey. I got you. I'm here for you."
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