So! Here you go guys! The first part for No.1 Kids! I really really REALLY hope that you guys like this, and pretty please tell me okay? And happy birthday to our baby-boy Niall Horan. He's 20 now ;) So beautiful
Put #lovelyfirstday if you like this!
AND I have a new Nouis story on my profile,..mind checking them out?
(Louis's P.O.V)
I had to suppress myself from laughing as I watch Harry squirms in his sleep.
I moved the peacock's feather all over his face, and quickly pulls back whenever Harry tried to swat it away. His face was scrunched up in annoyance but his eyelids remained close. I moved the long colorful feather across his face again but when Harry lets out a long whine, startling me, causing the peacock feather to shove right into his nose. Harry's eyes immediately shot open, while I was clutching my stomach and rolling on the floor, laughing my ass off.
“Lou! You asshole!!” Harry screeched hoarsely in his morning voice. He took out the feather from his nose and grimaced at the sight of it. He threw the feather away and tackled me on the floor. Harry tried his best to pin me on the floor but with his sixteen years old body against my 18 years-old body, he didn't have a chance. He kept spitting out curses at but I I kept on laughing, with the image of a peacock feather stuck inside Harry's nose.
“Boy! Keep it down and, language!” Dad roared from downstairs.
In attempt to calm my little brother down, I wrapped my arms around his bare shoulder and crushed his face against my chest. Harry sighs and gave up, collapsing his body on to of mine and snuggled close to me.
“What the hell Lou? Why are you up so early?” Harry slurred sleepily. “I was sleeping,”
“It's the first day of school Hazza,” I said as I card my fingers through his oily dark brown “Eww, Hazz, when was the last time you washed you hair?”
“Ugh, sometime before summer?” He answered sleepily.
“That is disgusting Harry. Who knows what vicious animals is inhabiting your jungle of hairs,” Louis grimaced.
“Shut up Lou. You sound like Ni. Only he can say things like things like that and get away with it,” Harry slurs, smiling a tad.
“Speaking of Niall, I need to wake my favorite little brother,” Louis said as he swiftly shove Harry away.
“Oi! I thought I was your favorite?” Harry said in his fake-hurt voice.
“No,'re the middle one, you always come second,” Louis joked before running out of Harry's room.
“That's mean!” He could hear Harry yelled with a laugh.
I opened Niall's bedroom door quietly, hoping silently that he would still be sleeping and thank the lucky stars, he was. I walked in and closed the door behind me slowly and walked towards Niall's single bed. Out of the three of us, Niall had the worst time growing up all because of our father is gay. We didn't blame they though, because it wasn't their fault, and we love them no matter what. But people tend to pick on Niall because he's the smallest, kindest and naive, extremely naive. He already had understanding that some people are gay and some people are straight, he didn't need more shits from attention-craving teens giving him shits. Another thing was, Niall had some insecurity issues, but I wouldn't worry about it, he's beautiful, he's just doesn't know it yet. To say that I'm worried about his first day of high school is an understatement; we even considered home-schooling him at one time but Niall was against the idea, saying that things will get better in high school. It's my final year in high school, and next year, I will be leaving for college, leaving the job of looking after Nialler to Harry. It's not that I don't trust him, but if you want something to be done the way you want it, it's better for you yourself to do it. I wish I could stay with him until he graduates, but that wasn't possible. I knew that Niall secretly hated that we treat him like a little kid, but he didn't say anything about it, plus, we couldn't help ourselves, he's too cute and adorable for his own good. I sat on the bed beside Niall's sleeping figure, half-covered in the white fluffy duvet, and hugging a pillow tightly against his chest. His dirty blond hair was tousled into many different direction, his eyelids were fluttering lightly, indicating that he was having a dream and his signature drool track on the corner of his lips. I sat there for a while thinking of a way to wake him up but before I could do anything, Niall's body shifted before he lets out a long yawn and his eyes fluttered open, revealing those haunting electric blue eyes.
“Hm? Lou?” Niall mumbled sleepily. He looked at the digital clock next to him before groaning out loud “Ugh, why are you here so early?”
“Sorry Ni, just wanted to wake my fifteen years old brother up for your first day of high school,” I chuckled before throwing my body on top of him.
“Omph!” Niall choked out before laughing “Get off me ye' twat! You're fucking heavy,”
“Language Niall,” I told him sternly, making him blush and mumbled out a small 'I'm sorry'. I let out a bark of laughter before I start tickling him and soon the room was filled with our endless laughter.
“Stop Lou! Please stop!” Niall laughed as a drop of tear rolled down his flushed cheeks.
“Come on, it's compulsory breakfast day! Up! Up!” I ordered him once I got out of his extremely comfortable bed.
“Uh,..I'm tired. Carry me?” Niall batted his sleepy eyes at me.
“You're lucky you're cute,” I grumbled “Come on, get on my back,”
And it only took him three seconds to scramble out of the bed and onto my back.
“Tired huh?” I grunted as Niall wraps his arms around my neck and his legs around my torso.
“Shut up and carry me peasant!” Niall laughed.
“And the prince has arrive!!” Niall yelled loudly as we enter the kitchen, causing Papa to choke on the coffee his sipping and Harry who was sleeping on the dining table to shot his head up. Dad just laughs as he continues to read some weird book on psychology.
“And his peasant!” I added with a small laugh.
“Morning Dad, morning Papa,” Niall greeted them as I dropped him on one of the chairs. “Morning Haz,”
“Morning Ni,” Papa replied, wiping his mouth with a napkin but with a smile on his face.
“Morning Ni,” Harry relied in his deep voice and with a smile but his eyes close.
“I told you to wake them up, not turn the house into a jungle,” Dad scolded me playfully. I just gave him a wide grin before grabbing my gym bag from the floor.
“Well, I'm off,” I announced “Have a great day at school Nialler,” I kissed on top of his head.
“W-Where are you going? School doesn't start in two hours, and you're wearing that to school?” Niall asked nervously, looking at me in my gym shorts and a plain gray t-shirt.
“I've got football practice, and I decided to run to school, you know, exercise and stuff,” I answered, ruffling his blond hair. “I'll still see you during recess. Us PMS needs to stick together,”
“PMS? I didn't know we have a daughter,” Dad asked chuckling but confusion written all over his face.
“It's stands for the Payne-Malik's, Louis came up with it,” Harry answered, eyes still close.
“You guys, are weird,” Dad and Papa chuckled.
“But you promised that we're going to go to school together,” Niall frowned.
“I'm sorry, but Harry's gonna take you today. I'll make it up to you later okay?”
“It's okay. No biggie,” Niall smiled widely, but I know deep down that that's not his real genuine smile; that is the smile to comfort the people around him whenever we disappoint him. And I don't like it. Not one bit.
“Okay, I'll talk to you later,” I whispered the last part to him “Bye guys!”
“Louis,” Papa called me just before I could run out of the kitchen.
“Yes Papa?”
“Remember our agreement?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Y-Yes, I do,” I replied solemnly “Goodbye Papa,”
Running has always been my favorite thing to do, other than playing football of course. I had to double my work-out and practice since this year, I'll be leading the school's football team as their captain. But, with my parents, there is always a catch; I need to maintain my grades, no more C's or D's. Papa was the one setting this rule, because he noticed that my grades were dropping. He will make me quit football if I fail even one class, and when I tried to negotiate with him, he would pull out the 'setting an example for your bothers'-card. He knew that my weakness is Harry and Niall. Dad told me that Papa had a hard time as a teenager, and he's doing this because he was worried about me, being the eldest and all. Growing up, Papa Zayn, has always been the person I looked up to, even though Niall and Harry were closer to Dad, Papa has always been my favorite. He strict but at times, he's very sweet and loving father. He's the person that taught me how to ride a bike, took me fishing, and even teach me a few self defense moves.
But I know that I'm not his favorite, Niall is.
Because to him, I will never be good enough.
I took me nearly an hour running from home to school, and by the time I reached the school gates, I was drenched in sweat, making my gray t-shirt turned into a darker shade and clung onto my muscle. After cooling down, I walked towards the school's main entrance, where I saw a student with a tall pile of books in front of him, trying to open the double doors. Acting upon instinct, I quickly ran up to him and opened the doors.
“T-Thank y-you,” The boy stuttered out, readjusting his thick framed spectacles using his shoulder since his hands was carrying the pile of books. He dark brown hair was combed and gelled neatly into a European style, and he was wearing a pair of beige dress pants, white button up shirt with a green tie, a brown knitted vest on top and a pair of shiny black dress shoes. His skin was sickly pale, but his eyes, they were these really cool shade of really pale gray, so lifeless yet mesmerizing. Huh, must be a new teacher, because I have never seen him before.
“You're welcome Mr...?” I asked,, taking a step back since I probably smell like a bag of sweat. Like literally.
“Uh,..M-Mar-cel, s-s-s-sophomore,” He replied lowly, avoiding eye contact. He gave out a low squeaking sound before scurrying inside the large building and disappeared around the corner.
He's....... a student?
(Niall's P.O.V)
“Now remember Ni, don't trust anyone, okay?” Harry reminded me over and over again as we walked through the hallways filled with students catching up with their friends, exchanging boring over-rated stories about how they spent their summer. While most people would want to spent their summer with friends, I prefer to spend it with my small family.
“I promise Haz,” I chuckled at him. I would never understand Harry and his issues with trusting people. It has gotten to a certain point where we could categorize it as being paranoid.
“This is serious Niall,” He stopped in front of me and grabbed both of my shoulder, looking at me straight in the eye with those intense green eye. “I'm worried about you, okay? I wish I could protect you all the time but I can't, so please, just don't trust anyone in this school okay? If you have any problem, you can come to me or Lou,”
“I promise Haz. You need to stop babying me. I'm fifteen!”
“Still a baby to me,” Harry shrugged before placing peck on my forehead and pinching my cheek.“See you during recess, come and find us at the cafeteria yeah?”
“Okay, bye Haz,” And just like that, my over-protective-with-trust-issue brother left.
With ten minutes left before the bell rings for first period, I took a deep breath and walked towards the direction of my class. I kept my head low, in case I bumped into any of the small group of people that didn't really like me and my fathers. I was going well until I bumped into someone causing different papers and coloring utensils flying around us. Shoot, I must have bumped into a teacher.
“Im soo sorry!” I said without looking at the person whom I just bumped into. I began picking the random papers and pencils on the floor as the teacher, which seemed to be male judging by his clothes assisted me. Once all the items were picked up, both of us got back on our feet in unison.
“That's alright, I'm sure-- Niall??”
“Uh, do you know my name?” I asked the young male teacher, probably in his late twenties or early thirties. He was only slightly taller than me, wearing a tight white shirt and gray pants, with a pair of black spectacles.
“It's me,..uhm Mr. O'Brien? I used to -”
“Mr. O'Brien the virgin art teacher?!” I exclaimed as memories of my kindergarten art teacher that pronounced himself as a virgin on my first day of kindergarten flooded my mind. (A/N for those who are not familiar with Mr. O'Brien character, you can read No.1 Family One-Shot on my profile to find out!)
“Oh God,” He groaned, “Of all the things, you remembered that?”
“Well, yeah,” I laughed “You're a.....high school art teacher now?”
“Yeah, not really excited about it, but the paycheck is way better than kindergarten and there's no crying kids,” He replied casually.
“There's hormonal whiny high school brats they my act up like they're babies?” I pointed out.
“Ignorance is a bliss, I'll ignore them, they'll ignore me. Easy job, easy pay,” He shrugged.
“Never fail to amuse me Mr. O'Brien,” I chuckled at him. “And age is treating you well,”
“I'm not that old,” He grimaced “The last time you saw me I was 22,”
“You're THIRTY?”
“Shhh!! Don't say it out loud!” Mr. O'Brien groaned.
“Sorry, sorry,” I laughed “Well, if it makes you feel any better, you look like you're 25,”
“Why thank you Niall,” Mr. O'Brien smiled, puffing out his chest a tad.
“Are you still a virgin, Mr. O'Brien?” I asked nonchalantly.
THERE will be more ZIAM moment and Harry moment on the first chapter! Hope that you really like this!
A GIF of Mr. Dylan O'Brien on the side
Put #lovelyfirstday if you like this!
AND don't forget to check out my new NOUIS story on my profile... :D
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