Chapter 7- The Secrets I Kept
A picture of JEREMY and HARRY on the side!!
Chapter 7- The Secrets I Kept
"So, forgive me and talk to me again?" Niall asked, looking au at his brother with hopeful eyes.
"Of course I forgive you,...and I did try to talk to you but you wouldn't listen," Louis chuckled, brushing away Niall's tousled hair.
"But I was-"
Niall was cut off by the sound of camera snapping a picture, and cooing voices. Turning to look at the entrance of the kitchen were their parents, taking pictures after pictures of them hugging each other.
"Aww why did you stop?!" Liam whines playfully,holding up his iPhone to take pictures. "Keep going! this is cute!"
"I'm recording this so that we call all watch it again when your grandparents, uncles and aunts comes to visit us," Zayn smirks, he too, was holding up his iPhone.
"Look guys!" Louis yelled at Zayn's recording iPhone "My sixteen year old brother is hugging me! Isn't he just cute?"
"The Irish stew and Coddle here is to die for," Jeremy rambled as they sat in one of the booth os the Irish themed diner. "Oh and you should definitely try the cottage pie and Colcannon,"
"What's a Crubeens?" Harry asked, staring at the unfamiliar menu. He wasn't really familiar with Irish dishes, and he would be lying if he said that he's not intrigued by it. It was a twenty minute drive from the tattoo parlour, and it would've been a lot faster if it wasn't for Jeremy's terrible driving. Harry had a sneaking suspicion that the station wagon isn't something that Jeremy drives on a daily basis. They drove to small Irish diner a few blocks away from the town's church and Harry was surprised that he didn't realize that there was a small Irish diner because he have been living here his whole life and Jeremy just moved here.
"Oh Crubeens is boiled pig's feet," Jeremy explained with a smile on his face but Harry's face turned into complete horror. "It's not that bad, it's quite sweet actually,"
"Well 'ello boys," A a plump middle-aged woman with a big smile and blue eyes greeted them "Jez honey, did you skip school again?"
"Mom, come on, I had a tough day," Jeremy whines, sending a small glare towards her mother.
"And did you took my car?" the woman asked wearily.
"Borrowed," Jeremy replied with a hint of annoyance. "My car got towed yesterday,"
"I'll get it back tomorrow Mom," Jeremy cuts her off "And I promise to do it the civil way this time,"
"Fine," Her mother grunted, tired of his son's antics, "Well, who's your friend 'ere darling?"
"Mom, meet Harry, Harry meet Mrs. Jay Tomlinson," Jeremy introduces her mother, and Harry couldn't help but to send Jeremy a quizzical look because he seemed to have a different last name with his mother. Another thing that renders Harry quizzical is that her last name, Tomlinson; Harry was sure that he had heard the name somewhere, but couldn't figure out where.
"Well it's very nice to meet you Harry," The older woman placed his hands on top Harry's and squeezed it lightly and Harry returned the gesture with a small smile. "So, you boys ready to order?"
"I'll have the Irish stew," Harry replied quickly "And a Diet Coke,"
"Diet Coke Har-har?" Jeremy smirked "Very sophisticated. I'll have the Colcannon and a slice of cottage pie please,"
"Comin' right up," She smiled before leaving the booth.
"Why do you have different last name from your mother?" Harry quickly asked him once she was out of ear-shot. He felt that it isn't fair that Jeremy knows so much about him, but Harry knows nearly squat about him.
"Why do you have a hyphenated last name?" Jeremy replied with a question, the same stupid grin plastered on his face.
"Why don't you just answer my question Jez?" Harry retorted. It feels natural bickering with Jeremy, because it reminds him of bickering with Louis and Niall. Speaking of Louis and Niall, Harry is still not on talking terms with them. It's only been a few days, but he already misses them. It's funny to think he misses them, when they're actually just within distance of talking. He just wished he hadn't said those words to Niall and Louis. Niall was already having problem with fitting in with his peers and Louis has so much burden placed on his shoulder.
"Cause I'm older," Jeremy replied with a smug. Definitely like bickering with Louis and Niall, Harry thought to himself, smiling.
"Aww, got dimples!" Jeremy cooed, his hand flew across the table to poke at his dimples. Grunting, Harry swats away his hand, emitting laughter from the older boy.
"You really look like a person that's stuck between a baby and a full-grown man," Jeremy commented "A man baby,"
It's odd how over lunch, Jeremy and Harry kind of,..bonded. It's surprises Harry that there is a side in Jeremy Styles that Harry actually likes. And Jeremy was telling the truth, the Irish stew is amazing, and Jeremy even let Harry taste his Calcannon and his cottage pie -which later Harry found out that it's the same as sheperd's pie. They had a small talk after lunch and Harry was more than happy when Mrs. Tomlinson, Jeremy's mother said their lunch was on t he house.
Jeremy and Harry went on their separate ways after lunch, and Harry carried home a huge cloud of questions hovering above his head. Jeremy Styles, and Jay Tomlinson..... Harry had a feeling that these people are more than meets the eye.
When Harry entered his house that late afternoon, he could hear laughter coming from the living room. He could distinctively tell which laughter belongs to either Papa, Dad, and Niall but none of it belongs to Louis. He stood on the archway entrance of the living room and saw his beloved ones sprawled on the floor playing Monopoly City. Judging by the looks on Niall's face, he was losing; Papa and Dad, waved and greeted him, but Niall just shyly and timidly sent him a smile that didn't reach his eyes. Guilt flooded his chest like a broken dam knowing that his own brother had to force out a smile at him for what he did. He quickly ran up the stairs toward his room, ignoring his Dad's call for him to join them.
He burst into his bedroom, after kicking his bedroom door close and threw his body on the bed, burying his face into the soft duvet. Sighing loudly, Harry replayed the fight he had with Louis, just for the sake of torturing himself. He was soon disturbed by his bedroom door opening softly and closing. Suddenly, he felt his bed dipped and another body pressed against his side.
"Haz?" Niall's soft voice called out his name.
"I'm sorry Ni," Harry breaths out shakily, turning hi head to look at Niall "I'm so sorry,"
"Me too," Niall replied, hugging his older brother sideways. "Are you okay? I heard that you and Lou got in a fight because of me,"
"It wasn't your fault," Harry sighed "It was all me and my stupid mouth,"
"Louis' not home,...he went out, exercise stuff he said," Niall informed him.
"That's your big brother's way of saying he's stressed out of his mind,"
"No wonder his face already has wrinkles,...yours too," Niall chuckled.
Louis didn't really went out for practice like he said he would to Niall and his parents. Instead he went down to the creek outside of town for a swim and spent some time sitting on the on the park bench, bouncing the football on his hands staring at the vast green field. The person on his mind right now is Harry and the things he said. 'You always picked your friends over your own family'; those words Harry said haunts him. Sure there were time Louis had prioritize his friends over his family members like he forgot to pick-up Niall's inhaler from the clinic because of football practice, and he didn't help Harry with his homework because he'd already made plans with his friends. Is he really that bad?
"That's a really nice ball mister," A small boy with shaggy dark chocolate hair greeted him with a small smile and curious eyes. He was wearing a huge sweater tan sweater.
"Uhh yeah,..thank you," Louis replied awkwardly. He's not really good with kids, unlike Harry and Niall. Louis usually manage to scare them away or make them cry. "Do you uhh,..wanna play with me?"
The boy's eyes lit up at the suggestion smiling and nodding profusely. "Yes please,"
"What's you name bud?" Louis asked as he stood up and and began bouncing the ball on his knees. The little boy stared in awe at the trick in front of him, his eyes and mouth wide open.
"I'm Tyler," He managed to reply.
Louis and Tyler played together happily on the open field using two long twigs stick up from the ground as goal posts. They kicked around for a forty-five minutes, laughing, giggling and stopped when Tyler suddenly sat down on the grass saying that he was tired. Louis watched as the small boy rubbed his fist around his eyes and yawned cutely, but still managed to sent Louis a small grateful smile.
"Do want to go home now Tyler?" Louis asked, crouching down in front of the boy. He himself was drenched in sweat. It was then Louis realized that Tyler came to the park alone, and Louis was sure that at his age, he shouldn't be walking around alone.
"Yes, please," Tyler replied sleepily, subconsciously making grabby hands at Louis. Louis smiled down at him and picked him with one hand, the other one holding his football. Louis placed him on his hip and Tyler immediately placed his head on Louis shoulder, despite the sweat because he was too tired too care.
"Uhh,..where do you live bub?" Louis asked the boy on his hip sofly, bouncing him lightly.
"Ro-Rosemary Park A-Apartment,..level fif-fifteen," Tyler paused to yawn "Number 1437,"
Memorizing the address by heart, Louis began walking towards the apartment building two blocks down. Luckily, the elevator of the apartment building was still functioning because Louis couldn't bear the thought of carrying a toddler up fifteen flight of stairs. Louis wondered to why Tyler's parent would let him wonder around alone, because the apartment didn't seem like a good neighbourhood. It wasn't hard to find Tyler's apartment and judging by the condition of the door, Tyler came from an below average-income family. Louis knocks on the door three time before hearing an all too familiar stuttering voice.
"C-Coming!" the voice called out, causing Louis to freeze in his spot. "T-Ty i-is that-t you...?"
Once the door burst open, revealing a disheveled Marcel, both boys blinked rapidly at each other, their mouth hanging open.
"Marcee," Tyler cheered sleepily at the sight of his big brother "This is mister Louis,..he has the same name as the sexy boy you like,"
Harry knew that there was something fishy about the name Jay Tomlinson.
But what he founds out scared him.
When his parents and Niall were busy making dinner, Harry sneaked into his Dad's office. The office is still a restricted place for them even as teenagers. Harry rummaged through one of the drawers where he knew Papa and Dad kept their records. Harry hated the record, because he knows somewhere in those piles of papers were the names of people that gave birth to him, and Louis too. Niall's recordsdidn't exist because he was left on the doorstep of the orphanage so his birth certificates has Liam and Zayn's name.
"Hazza? Dinner's ready!" Liam suddenly calls out, causing Harry to panic. He knew he didn't have much time so he grabbed Louis' file and flipped through it.
But he really wish he didn't, because he saw the words that scares him.
Louis Tomlinson.
Mother: Johannah Tomlinson
Does Louis knows about this? What if he wants to go back to his real parents if he founds out that his real parent is working at the diner in town? What if he decides to leave? No! Harry can't lose Louis. Not now, not ever. Crumpling the page with her name, Harry furiously shoved it into his pocket, intending to destroy it. Louis is his brother and the son of his two fathers, not some woman working in an Irish diner.
He can't lose his big brother.
Sorry if this is bad. Wrote this while something bad happened. But everything is okay now, I hope.
SO, did you like this?! What are you thoughts? Is she really Louis' mother? What about Harry and Jeremy?
Put #HAREMY and #OMGHarry if you liked this chapter!!
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