Chapter 4- I Want What You Want
Again, I apologise for not updating earlier, but I reallyt hope that you guys will like this chapter!
Chapter 4- I Want What You Want
“No!” Niall tried to yank off Hunter's grip on him “I'm not leaving without Harry,”
“Get him out of here Hunt,” Harry repeated his order. Sighing, Hunter swiftly lifted Niall up and placed him on his shoulder like he was a sack of really light potatoes. Despite his height, Hunter is a really muscular guy, with a habit of working out and playing rugby for the school team.
“You've got a cute brother,” Jeremy continued “Would've been nice if I got to-”
Not wanting for him to finish his sentence, Harry threw another punch at him but was caught before it could reach Jeremy's smug face. Louis was relief that he managed to get there just in time to stop his brother from getting into another fight. He managed to caught Harry's punch firmly, even though he had to admit, his punches were getting stronger.
“That's enough Haz,” Louis said, letting go of Harry hand “Niall's in the car, let's go,”
“What? You're here to save the pussy? and to save Niall? The damsel in distress?” Jeremy chuckled. Harry realized then that Jeremy was actually drunk off his head. But little did he know that more than any word that could tick Louis off, 'pussy' is on top of the list, especially if you use it one one of his brothers. In a flash, a stone-hard fist connected with his nose, creating a sickening crack. Toppling backwards, Jeremy's fell unconscious the moment his head met the hardwood floor of his house.
“Don't you ever fucking call my brother that,” Louis spat before dragging Harry out of the house which had fell into an eerie silence.
The drive home was silent, cold and awkward.
Niall sat in the back seat quietly, playing with his fingers. He slowly traced a long scar on the palm of his hands that he go from trying to play with a box-cutter in Papas office with Louis. Louis had blamed himself big time when it happened. At times like this, Niall felt like he was always a burden for his brothers. Everything he did either caused his brothers to be blamed, or they had to step in to save his arse. He was a nuisance. But Harry and Louis never said anything to him; they love him unconditionally no matter how much he messed up. He tried so hard to fit in with his brothers, to be cool like them, but all he did was invite trouble for both of them. He knew that once they reach home, they're gonna be mad at him for lying, and nearly got into a fight. And Papa and Dad would surely be mad Lou and Haz.
He's such a trouble maker.
Harry's hand was trembling. Not with fear, but with anger. He was angry at Niall for lying to him, but at the same time, he hate being angry at Niall. He knew that Niall shouldn't have lied in the first place, but if he'd agreed to accompany Niall to the party in the first place, none of this would happen. He knew that he was being too hard on Niall. And, he was also angry at Jeremy for touching Niall like he owns him. Being drunk wasn't an excuse for touching his brother like that- no one can touch his brother like that. Plus, Harry also had never seen Louis so violent before-even thought it wqas just a punch, it still managed to kill the lights for Jeremy in just one pucnh. Louis rarely shows his violent side, and when he does, it scares Harry a tad. Harry had a strong and weird (a bad kind of weird) feeling about that Jeremy Styles kid. He makes him feel angry and some other mixed emotions. He didn't like him, not one bit. Every fiber in his body tells him that Jeremy Styles in nothing but trouble. And it also occurred to him that Jeremy kinda looks like him; tall, lanky, dark chocolate hair (but not curly like his), pale skin, and a pair green eyes.
It just makes him hate Jeremy more than ever.
Louis had two things on his mind; one is a certain boy with gray eyes called Marcel, and two, his two little brothers. The event that happened tonight had shown that Niall is rebelling. And does not like it. Niall lied to them and sneaked to a high school party alone. Louis has a really huge soft spot for Niall in which he couldn't be mad at him. He understands that having to protective brother and two controlling fathers might give Niall just the push he needs to rebel. His whole life, Louis had never seen Niall go against someone, or hate someone. He's just a pure, happy-go-lucky, carefree soul. He was always tries to please people- putting his happiness second. But what he did tonight was still wrong, and it nearly got them into a huge trouble.
And then there was Marcel. He couldn’t get those pair gray eyes out of his head. He couldn’t help but to feel sympathy towards him because even though he wasn’t the one that threw the pizza at Marcel, he was always there every time something bad happen to him. And tonight, Louis witness how broken he was over losing his job. It indicates how much the job meant to him. He also felt a strange feeling surging through his vein when he hugged the boy, making him question the one thing that he had never asked himself before; What is his sexuality? Sure he had a girlfriend before, but that was only for eight months and they never did nothing more than second base kiss. He always thought himself as straight, and of course he had no problems with gay people (His own father is gay, how could he ever have a problem with that). He had always understand the concept of gay couples since he was young; Dad had explained it to him and he perceived it easily, much to Liam’s surprise. But he had never thought of himself as being one.. and the thought of it scared him. It easier to know that other people are gay but when you yourself is one, it shifts the way you look at the world, especially when you’re a teenager.
He needs to have a long talk with Dad when he gets back.
“You’d think they’d be okay?” Liam mumbled slowly against Zayn’s skin, his hot breath making Zayn shiver slightly. It was a quiet night, as they laid under the dark sky
“They’re big boys now Li,” Zayn chuckled at his husband “And Louis is almost eighteen; he could take care of then just fine,”
“Ugh,…don’t remind me. Don’t remind me that Lou-bear is nearly an adult. Please ,..just don’t,” Liam grunted as he buried his face further into the crook of Zayn’s warm neck. “I hate it,”
“Aww,” Zayn cooed at hi husband wrapping his arm around Liam “You have to face the fact that they’re getting old babe,”
“No I don’t. Niall is still a baby. He’s my baby. Our baby,” Liam retorted. He may not show it in front of the kids, but it pains him to watch each and every one of his babies growing up right in front of his eyes. He watched as they grew up, needing him less and lesser, ‘Daddy’ changed into ‘Dad’, cutting their food with his help, Disney cartoons turned into silly MTV reality programs, and he knows that one day, his baby will be leaving the nest.
And he does not want that to happen, ever.
“Whatever you say,” Zayn agreed, kissing the top of Liam’s head “And if it makes you feel better, you’d still be my babe no matter how old you’ll be,”
“Naww, ain’t that sweet of you Mr. Payne-Malik,” Liam kissed Zayn’s neck, then proceeded to bit a small part of the skin, eliciting a moan from Zayn.
“Save that for tonight babe, cuz’ you’re not getting any sleep tonight.” Zayn smirked.
“I’m glad we did this,” Liam sighed happily after a few minute of silence.
“Me too babe,” Zayn agreed, cuddling Liam’s body closer to his body. “Me too,”
It was sort of their tradition, or more like a habit; once in a while, without any planning whatsoever, they would leave the house for the weekend to spend some time together. Since both of them wasn’t any creative in creating an impromptu weekend getaway, they settled for a beautiful and peaceful weekend in their lakeside cabin, which treasured many sweet and ‘not-so-sweet’ memories for the Payne-Malik family. They left a simple note on the fridge, and enough money for the three boys to survive the weekend. The boys were used to it though, and they understand that their parents need to let some steam off, and they preferred if they do it outside of the house where they can be as loud as they want to be, especially for Niall and Louis who was ‘lucky’ enough to hear them do it. Once was enough for them.
At the moment, the two couple are cuddled up against each other, wrapped in a huge thick blanket in front of a camp-fire built by Zayn himself, right in front of the lake. It was a very picturesque scene; their surroundings were dark but was dimly lit by the moonlight across the lake, giving it a majestic silver glow. The air was cold but fresh, and the fire gave them the slight warmth, the rest was supplied by each others internal body temperature. Small kisses and mutters of sweet nothing were exchanged between Liam and Zayn. Soon, kisses turned into full on snogging, and grinding. The blanket was then thrown aside, for it was restricting them from fully touching each other. Hands roamed everywhere as the two lovers kissed each other. And finally, both lovers were down to their boxers, with Zayn on top of Liam.
“Ready to go inside babe?” Zayn asked his breathless, over worked boyfriend as he grinded his hips relentlessly with his husband. Liam moaned loudly as a response, causing Zayn to chuckle but still, managed to picked his husband from the ground, and walked back to the cabin.
Well, you know what happened next.
“They went to the cabin for the weekend,” Louis said as the three brother who was silent all the way home entered the kitchen. Louis stared at the small note in his hands, feeling a tad disappointed that he had to postpone the burning question for his Dad. “It's just us,”
“Lou? Haz? I-I want t-to apolo-” Niall began slowly, reciting the small speech prepared in his head but was harshly cut-off by Louis.
“Go to your room Ni.... Harry and I need to talk,” Louis spoke sternly, without even looking at Niall. Niall felt like he was stabbed at the chest at Louis' tone, but still nodded his head numbly and walked out of the kitchen, heading straight to his bedroom with tear-rimmed eyes. Once they hear Niall's bedroom door opening and closing, they began their discussion.
“We're not telling Dad and Papa,” Louis announced, taking a bag of cold peas out from the freezer.
“Wait- What?” Harry asked incredulously.
“We're telling Papa and Dad what happened tonight,” Louis sighed, repeating his answer. He winced a bit as the cold hard pea bag made contact with his slightly bruised knuckles. Harry shook his head but proceed to walk towards the kitchen shelve where Dad kept a few small towels. He took out a whitewE one and retrieve the peas from Louis' hand. He wrapped the bag of peas with the small towel and took Louis bruised knuckle and slowly pressed it together. Louis let Harry nursed him as his mind drifted back to the events that happened tonight.
“I think we should tell them,” Harry spoke softly, with no intention of going against his big brother.
“Haz, I don't want to see Papa and Dad get mad at him, and I'm sure he's as scared out of his mind right now. Plus, we're the ones that didn't want to accompany him to the party, knowing that we could've just done that,” Louis replied.
“But he lied Lou,” Harry countered “He lied to Dad, Papa, you, me,”
“We pushed him though, we could have just let him go to that party,”
“And let that douche treat him like that?!” Harry raised his voice but cowered as soon as Louis sent him a death glare. “Sorry,”
“We could've gone with him. I mean, it was his first high school party. I took you to your first birthday party when you were fifteen. Why should we treat him any different?” Louis reasoned.
“B-But he's-”
“For the lack of a better word,..yeah,” Harry agreed “He thinks everyone in this world is nice like him,”
“So you're saying I'm naïve then?,” Niall's timid voice came from the entrance of the kitchen, causing both brother to snap their head towards their little brother.
“Niall-” Louis began, panic rising in his chest.
“Great. Now I know. I'm stupid, fragile, and apparently naïve too,” Niall chuckled humorlessly. “It's nice to know that is how you felt about me,”
Niall fled before any of them could say anything, but even if Niall stayed, both of their jaws were frozen in time. Louis and Harry exchange glances, worried evident in their faces.
Nothing hurts more than seeing their own brother hurt.
Marcel carried the small plastic bag containing leftovers food Dezy, his over-excited, hyperactive outspoken friend, sneaked out from the diner he now used to work in. It was a 45 minute walk from the diner to his home, and by the time he got to the old tattered apartment building lives in, he was sweating from head to toe. His t-shirt were dirty from the pizza and ice-cream thrown at him, and his old used-to-be-white sneaker got another hole from the walk home, adding to the four other holes present. But he was smiling though, because he did talked to the one and only LOUIS PAYNE-MALIK.Using the last bit of his strength, he walked up the straits to the fiftieth floor, where the small crowded apartment with one room and one toilet is situated. Opening the all-too-familiar door, he could hear small feet running across the floor. After he took of his sneaker, he was tackled around the waist by a small giggling boy.
“H-Hey Ty,” Marcel smiled fondly down his five year-old little brother.
“Hi hi Marcee,” He giggled “You're early!”
“Yeah,..w-w-where's M-Mama?” He asked, although he had a sneaking suspicion of the answer.
“Out with friends,” Tyler shrugged, making Marcel's heart break upon hearing it. He should've known that his gamble-addict mother would leave his five year old brother home, alone, with no food whatsoever. “Didn't make me food. Make me food Marcee?”
“I've got-t s-some b-b-burgers and f-fries here,” He raised the small plastic bag making Tyler smile brighter, hie gray eyes shone with happiness.
“And...and can I have it with chocolate milk?” He asked, pouting his bottom lips to get his ways.
“Sure y-you can b-bub,” He smiled, ruffling his dark-chocolate messy hair. He then took Tyler's small hand and led him through the house littered with cigarette buds, bottles and cans of cheap beers, and old dirty clothes. It didn't matter how much Marcel tried to clean it, his mother would always succeed to mess it up the next day. But at least he still has his brother, and the two of them can always take anything the world threw at them. Marcel and Tyler began animatedly talking about their day, gossiping like an old couple.
Like they're in their own cute little bubble.
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