Chapter 3- I Don't Swing That Way
I really, personally love this chapter! So,...lemme know what you guys think okay? Don't be shy,..I don't bite,..much :B
Oh and I have a new future work posted on my profile, called One Big Bang Theory (Niam/Zarry),..mind checking it out? thanks! :D
Chapter 3- I Don't Swing That Way
Louis was supposed to be enjoying himself, eating dinner for the first time this year with his team mates and their new players, but he just couldn't. His mind was on Nialler, his little brother that he forbids from going to is first high school party. Was he too hard on him? Was he holding him back? No,...he was just looking out for his little angel; Niall is too pure and innocent to be involved with something like a party. He was the light of the family, the reason they smile,..the reason why he and Harry have a family. How can he forget the day Niall walked over to them on his stubby legs, asking if they could be friends. Harry didn't remember much, which was good, but Louis could remember that day as clear as the sky. And now, they're family. A perfect small family. He owed it all to Niall, so he's going to protect him till the day he breaths out his last breath.
“Louis!” His coach, Mr. Fletcher slapped his back rather harshly “What are you day dreaming about lad? You're suppose to be having fun! Makes the new one feel welcome!”
“Y-Yeah,..sorry sir,” Louis smiled weakly. His other teammates were chattering loudly amongst each other, as half of the booth were occupied by the school's football team and the cheer-leading team. It was a small diner, called RockDizMusic Diner, that usually high school students and a few Uni students would go to, and on this particular night, the diner was filled with teenagers and college students. Even the waiters and busboys were having trouble.
“I've already paid for the food and all, but I couldn't stay. Watch them out for me yeah? These hormonal monkeys can be quite a handful,”
“Monkeys are my favorite sir, you don't have anything to worry,” Louis assured him. He knew that his friends would appreciate not having a teacher on their back.
“I owe you one Payne!” Mr. Fletcher patted his back once more before making a beeline towards the exit.
“Did Mr. Fletcher just left?” Jacob asked, excitement filled his voice as my other teammates looked at him, eagerness shining brightly in their eyes.
“Yeah,..but he put me-”
“YEAH!!” The whole football team cheered before I could finish my sentence.
“ charge,” I finished, groaning as they start to make weird howling sounds and kissing the nearest cheerleader. I could practically see a few of the waiters rolling their eyes at us.
This is going to be a long night.
“Just throw it a t him!” Jacob urge, and Louis was sure he was high, which wasn't really a surprise, Jacob has quite the reputation.
“Put some ice-cream on it!” Jessica giggled, scoping a spoonful of her ice-cream and placed it on the large slice of pizza.
“Wait for it,...wait for it,...” Nick muttered, scouting for someone.
“Mind telling me what are you guys doing?” Louis inquired, looking up from his phone after he was stuck at level 26 of Candy Crush (Niall is so going to laugh at him for that).
“Playing with the nerdy busboy,” Jessica giggled, which is something she couldn't stop doing.
“That one!” Nick pointed subtly “He's coming this way! Now! Now! Throw it now!”
“Cannonball!!” Jacob yelled rather loudly before chucking the peperoni pizza topped with vanilla ice-cream. Louis' eyes trailed at the direction of the pizza was heading. The pizza was flying directly at the oblivious boy nerdy boy carrying a tray full of food, that Louis had helped open the door the other day, and the boy that had bumped on him in the cafeteria. Was it Marcus? Mavis? Mark? Mar,..Marcel!
“Marcel!” Louis called him, with the intention of warning him about the flying pizza but instead, when Marcel spun around at the direction of Louis' voice, it only caused the pizza to land flat on his face. They tray of foods on Marcel's hand crashed on the floor, along with Marcel himself.
“Goal!!” Jacob, Jessica and Nick cheered, and then burst out laughing.
“Real mature guys,” Louis muttered, felling like he was actually babysitting monkeys that was flinging their waste at people.
He swiftly made his way to the poor boy, silently hoping that they didn't cause any permanent damage. Marcel was furiously cleaning his spectacles with his shaky hands, using the clean part of his t-shirt. Giving up, he placed his spectacles back on the bridge of his nose. He then moved to picking up the plates and scattered food, placing it back on his dark green tray.
“Let me help you,” Louis offered, crouching down.
“N-No!” Marcel warned, not making eye contact with Louis. “P-Please, just-t l-leave,”
“It's my friend's fault-” Louis tried to explain, but he was yet again cut off mid-sentence.
“Marcel!” the gruff voice roared, causing both Louis and Marcel to shiver. Louis looked over Marcel's shivering shoulder, and saw that a huge chubby bald-headed guy wearing a tight white shirt an a apron wrapped around his waist “Leave that fucking mess and meet me at the back,”
“Y-Yes s-s-sir,” Marcel stuttered. Shakily, he stood up, towering Louis who was still crouched on the floor. When he looked up, he could visible see Marcel's beautiful gray eyes, filled with tears. When a single tear slipped down his ice-cream and sauce stained cheek, Marcel immediately turned away, walking towards where the man was seconds ago.
Louis watched as Marcel's tear dropped onto the floor, and as his tall lanky figure disappeared through the back door. There was something triggered in Louis' heart the moment his eyes met with Marcel's gray ones,...something that he had never felt before. He had strong urge to follow the stuttering boy. He had a strong urge to,....hug him. Maybe it was his guilt, because two out of three times of their encounters, Louis always managed to chase the boy away. Following the strange urge in his heart, Louis made his way towards the back door. He could faintly hear muffled yells, drowned by the sounds from the inside of the diner, but once he opened the door he could hear every words clearly.
“You're a fucking retard you know that? I don't know why I even hired you in the first place! My customers hate you!” The man yelled, and Louis could hear quiet sniffles coming from Marcel. “Get your stuff and get the fuck out of here! You're fucking fired!” The man muttered something incoherent before heading back inside, bumping into Louis.
“Move it kid,” He grunted, brushing pass Louis. Louis could smell beer and dead animals emitting form the man, making him cringe. He quickly ran out of the door, only to find Marcel leaning against the wall, bawling his eyes out.
“Hey, hey,..” Louis gently walked up to him and without giving a second thought, he pulled Marcel into a hug. Marcel was sobbing uncontrollably, and Louis didn't know what to do to calm him down, so he just rubbed soothing circles on his back.
“I-I j-just w-wanted to k-k-keep o-one job! O-One s-s-simple j-j-job!” Marcel cried. He himself was surprise that he could talk right now,...especially in front of Louis Payne-Malik, whom he had been secretly stalking since the first day he stepped into his new school. No stranger had ever shown him kindness before, so when the day Louis hold the door for him, he was completely infatuated with him. It didn't help the fact that Louis is a handsome young bloke too. And now, Louis Payne-Malik was hugging him while he was crying his heart out like a baby. He didn't expect for this to happen, and he really didn't expect to let his guard down. “I-I c-can't e-even k-k-k-”
“Shh,..stop beating yourself over it,” Louis said, pulling away from the hug to look at Marcel. But his breath was caught on his throat when he saw a huge bruise on Marcel's left cheek and on his right jaw. Why didn't he noticed it before? Marcel realized that Louis was staring at his bruises, so he quickly bowed his head down, feeling ashamed and ugly. “Did he,..did he beat you? Did that guy just beat you?” Louis asked, his voice was dripping with venom.
“N-No!” Marcel immediately answered. He didn't want anything to do anymore with his ex-boss, and he didn't want to drag Louis into his messed up life. “I-I f-fell the o-other d-day,”
It had finally dawned to Louis that Marcel had a speech problem, a stuttering problem to be exact. But he couldn't careless about it, because he believed that if you're lucky enough to be different, then don't change.
“I-” Louis was cut off, for the third time that night, by his iPhone ringing. He quickly fished it out of his back pocket and saw the name 'Hazza' displayed on the screen, along with Harry's annoying face.
“Lou!” Harry screamed through the phone once Louis pressed the answer button.
“Whoah,...where's the fire Harry?”
“Are you at the party? With Niall?” He asked nervously.
“No,..I'm with my team. We're having dinner together. Why? Where's Niall?” Louis answered, as he too, began to feel nervous “Haz? Where's Niall?”
“Shit! Shit!” Harry cursed. “He's at the party,...…...alone,”
“What?! Why would you let him go alone? Hell, why did you even let him go in the first place?!” Louis scolded.
“I didn't!” Harry defended “He told Papa and Dad that he was going to the party with you!”
“Wait,..wait. Niall lied?! He lied to Papa and Dad?” Louis asked disbelievingly.
“Well, there's always a first time for everything,”
“Ugh! Text me the address, I'll meet you there,” Louis ordered him.
“'K, see you there Lou,” Harry replied, before disconnecting the call.
“I've got to go,..little brother is in trouble,” Louis said, turning to Marcel, who had stopped crying. His gelled up hair was a mess now, and his face was painted with tear-tracks and bruise. “Do you maybe,..want a ride home or something?”
“A-A r-ride h-home? Y-You're o-o-offering me a-a ride h-home?” Marcel asked, not believing what he had just heard.
“Uh yeah, I mean if you want one,” Louis replied, amused that Marcel was treating this situation like Louis was giving him a bag of gold or something. “It's the least I could do, after my arsehole of friends caused you your job,”
Despite losing his third job this year, Marcel couldn't felt more happier to receive a small simple ride home form none-other than Mr. Louis William Payne-Malik.
All I know is a simple name,..and everything has changed.
“Fight! Fight! Fight!” The drunken crowd cheered around Harry, Jeremy, Niall and Hunter.
Niall felt like he wanted to curl up and disappear; he didn't expect Harry to find out where he was, he only wanted to see for himself what does a high school party look like and leave the scene. But when the guy that hosted the party bumped into him, he hadn't let him go all night, introducing him to all of his friends, parading him like he was some sort of prized item. The guy, Jeremy, didn't force him to drink alcohol or anything,..he just wanted Niall to be by his side. Niall tried asking him what was his problem, but he only shrug and kissed his cheeks, making Niall blush like pig. Niall couldn't deny that Jeremy was good-looking, but he doesn't swing that way. It was just a simple wish, and he know that he shouldn't have lied to Dad and Papa. And now, Harry is about to fight with Jeremy because when he burst through the front door, Jeremy's arm was wrapped tightly around Niall's waist, making him boil with rage. Harry walked up them and literally threw a punch which landed on Jeremy's left cheek. That's what got the crowd excited.
“You punch like a fucking girl,” Jeremy chuckled darkly, rubbing his left cheek. Jeremy was undeniably taller and much more muscular than Harry, he had dark brown spiky hair, prominent jaw bones, really dark green eyes and fair pale skin. Just for a slight moment, Niall noticed how much Jeremy looked like Harry.
“The fuck I care,...keep your filthy hands of off my brother,” Harry snarled, pulling Niall behind him.
“Haz, I'm-” Niall tried to explain before he was cut off by Harry giving him a cold hard glare.
“Shut up Niall,” He said coldly “Hunter, take him back to your car,”
“Let's go buddy,” Hunter said, as he gently grabbed Niall's wrist.
“No!” He yanked off Hunter's grip on him “I'm not leaving without Harry,”
“Get him out of here Hunt,” Harry repeated his order. Sighing, Hunter swiftly lifted Naill up and placed him on his shoulder like he was a sack of really light potatoes. Despite his height, Hunter is a really muscular guy, with a habit of working out and playing rugby for the school team.
“You've got a cute brother,” Jeremy continued “Would've been nice if I got to-”
Not wanting for him to finish his sentence, Harry threw another punch at him but was caught before it could reach Jeremy's smug face. Louis was relief that he managed to get there just in time to stop his brother from getting into another fight. He managed to caught Harry's punch firmly, even though he had to admit, his punches were getting stronger.
“That's enough Haz,” Louis said, letting go of Harry hand “Niall's in the car, let's go,”
“What? You're here to save the pussy? and to save Niall? The damsel in distress?” Jeremy chuckled. Harry realized then that Jeremy was actually drunk off his head. But little did he know that more than any word that could tick Louis off, 'pussy' is on top of the list, especially if you use it one one of his brothers. In a flash, a stone-hard fist connected with his nose, creating a sickening crack. Toppling backwards, Jeremy's fell unconscious the moment his head met the hardwood floor of his house.
“Don't you ever fucking call my brother that,” Louis spat before dragging Harry out of the house which had fell into an eerie silence.
Put #cutieMarcel if you liked this chapter and #troublemakerNialler! :D
And don't forget to check out my new future project called One Big Bang Theory (Niam/Zarry)! :D
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