6- Best Son Ever
In which Louis and Harry fights for the title to be the best son ever. (prompt by @LovableLexi)
6- Best Son Ever
"Louis, would you please get me the mail from the mail box?" Liam asked his seven year old son softly, bouncing a half-asleep five-year old Niall with a very bad fever, making him super whiny and super cuddly. He had brought this upon himself, by playing in the rain during at kindergarten, well, partially his fault but mostly the workers because they didn't pay attention to him. they should've kept an eye out him but instead they let him sneak out of the cafeteria during break and he ends up playing alone in the rain, making mud pies and mud version of snowman. Zayn threw quite a fit at Niall's teacher, but later apologize for his outburst.
Liam was currently with his three children, being lazy around the living room with his three sons. Harry was eating on the sofa whilst Louis was busy colouring his workbook.
"I'll get it!" Harry offered, carefully place his Nutella and peanut butter sandwich and stood up, but Louis quickly stopped his brother.
"No! Daddy asked me!" Louis half-yelled at Harry. He runs out the living room towards the front entrance and was quickly followed by Harry. he could hear screams as the two bickered all the way to the mailbox.
The competitiveness between those two developed recently when the idea of the award for Best Son Of the Year was introduced by Zayn. They were watching the BRITS Awards and Louis asked if there is awards for kids his age. Zayn, being the good Papa he is, not wanting to disappoint his son, told him that there's an award for the Best Son of The Year. Since the moment the idea was introduced, Louis and Harry had been competing against each other in order to win the award. Niall on the other hand, was unfazed with the award because he still considers himself as a baby. He's in a phase where sometimes he wants to be a baby, but sometimes, he wants to be a big boy.
At first, Liam thought that the competitiveness between his two sons is good, but soon they start to fight regularly over who gets to do something for Papa and Daddy. Usually, Louis got the upper hand because he was older, causing Harry to throw a fit. Both boys would be overly eager when Liam or Zayn asked for their assistance. They didn't care how small the chores were; ranging from throwing a piece of paper into the trash can to cleaning the tables after dinner. Other than chores, their discipline were a tad better; Liam didn'r have to force Louis and Harry into bed anymore, or tells them to brush their teeth. So, they were pros and cons into introducing the award-thing. Liam had a sneaking suspicion that once those two walked back into the house, one of them will be in tears.
"Daddy,...tummy hurts," Niall whined "Need rubs,"
"Want me to rub your tummy?" Liam asked his warm-skinned son, receiving a small nod in reply. "Okay babe,"
Liam sat on the sofa with Niall on his lap as the small by tries to sleep whilst Liam rubbed his stomach gently, humming a lullaby. Moments later, Liam heard sniffles accompanied by footsteps entering the house. When he looked up, Zayn entered the house with a crying Harry on his hip, clutching letters and bills in his hands while on Zayn's other hand, he was holding a grumpy-looking Louis.
"Go sit in time out Louis Payne-Malik, it's not okay to push your brother like that," Zayn scolded, nudging Louis towards the small time-out chair in the corner. Louis stomped his way towards the chair, muttering stuff under his breath. Shaking his head, Zayn made his way towards Liam and placed the still crying Harry next to Liam. Liam saw that Harry's right knee is grazed. Harry immediately cuddled up to Liam's side, burying his face.
Zayn fetched the first aid kit but let Liam cleaned Harry wound because Niall woke up and demanded Zayn's attention on him.
The situation got slightly worse after that; Louis refused to apologize nor talk to Harry after that but still tries to offer his help whenever he can. He was sure that he deserved the award, not Harry. Meanwhile, Harry felt his chest tighten when Louis refused to talk to him or play with him. He would watch from the corner of the room as Louis helped Niall colors and do his homework. Because of the stupid award, his brother now hated him.
"Lou?" Harry called his brother's name softly, hoping that he could join them coloring. "C-Can I join?"
"No," Louis replied coldly without looking up. Niall, oblivious to the tension between his brother smiled up at Harry showing his missing front tooth, patting the spot next to him.
"Come help me with the Red Ranger Hazzy!" Niall offered, which Harry gladly accepted.
Louis lets out a groan of frustration before standing up abruptly, huffing at Harry. "I'm going to go and help Daddy with something," and stormed out of the room.
Harry tried to show Louis that he didn't want to compete anymore, but Louis didn't believe him. It was when they went out on a family shopping that everything changes. It was a Saturday, so the shopping mall was rather crowded. Like usual, Liam and Zayn reminded Louis that he needs to hold onto Harry's hand all the time because Niall needs to be picked up since he gets claustrophobic easily in the sea of crowded people. Eager to please his parent, he quickly grabs Harry's hand. A small hope rise in Harry's chest, thinking that he was on his way to rekindle his relationship with his brother. But once they began walking, Louis immediately lets go of Harry's hand, effectively crushing the small hope in Harry's heart. But soon the crowd become to much for Harry to walk. He tried calling for Louis' help, but Louis just turned a deaf ear.
"Louis,..where's Harry?" Liam turned to asked his eldest son out of habit of checking on his sons. Louis turned around to show that Harry is walking right behind him but to his dismay, there were only strangers walking behind him. His heart was in his mouth thinking that his little brother lost in the crowd, all alone in the massive shopping mall.
Cursing under his breath, Zayn immediately went to search for customer service to make an announcement. As a police, he knew that there are people with no-good intention, especially if they land their eyes on vulnerable little kids wondering alone. He handled a few kidnapping case before but it usually didn't bother him much. That all changes when he has three sons now; if anything happens to any of them, he knew that it'll be his fault as the head of the family.
Whilst Liam was busy nagging and scolding Louis, his eyes were wildly looking everywhere, hoping that he could catch a glimpse of his brother. He wants Harry back in his arm. He didn't care anymore about the Best Son of The Year award because he's the Worst Son and Brother of the Year for letting this happen. After nearly fifteen minutes of waiting, Louis had had enough; he took off running despite Liam's calls for him to stop.
Louis ran around the shopping mall, screaming Harry's name. He went to the section where he thinks he lost Harry and after nearly half an hour of running around, he finally saw a small body curled up against the wall, face hidden between the legs but the mop of chocolate wild curly hair and the familiar matching green coat gave it away. Running quickly up to his little brother, Louis immediately scoops him in his arm when he reached his brother.
"L-L-Lou?" Harry sniffled, wrapping arm around the familiar clothed torso. "Please don't hate me,"
"Shhh, I'm sorry Hazzy,..I'm so sorry Haz,..I don't hate you, I love you so much. You and Ni. Please forgive me," Louis cried, his voice muffled a bit because he was burying his face into Harry's hair. "I'm the worse brother ever,"
"No," Harry disagrees "Your the Best Brother Ever.
Best Song Ever,...Best Son Ever,...Best Brother Ever...LOL!!
Hope that you like this!!
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