5- I'm Not Bulletproof
Lets enjoy some ZIAM fluff shall we?
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5- I'm Not Bulletproof, I Have Everything To Lose
When Liam got the phone call, it felt like he was losing Zayn for the second time in his life. He already had a hard time overcoming the nightmares and fears of losing Zayn after his kidney incident. His heart was in his mouth; he always feared that this day would never come, this nightmare would never come true. But Zayn was adamant that this situation would rarely happen because they live in a small town where there accidents like this would never happen, but once again, he proved Zayn that he is right.
He just got a call from the police department that Zayn got shot.
He hung up the phone without saying anything, and drops his phone to the carpeted floor. He took a few deep breaths and wiped away the tears brimming in his eyes. He took a few deep shaky breaths, trying to calm himself down for the sake of the three little boys that were downstairs playing, with no clue of what's happening to their other father.
"Hello? Am I speaking to Mr. Liam Payne-Malik?"
"I'm calling from the Clairesse Memorial Hospital on behalf of the police department. Your husband, Detective Zayn Payne-Malik, is currently in the operation theater due to major gunshot wound. He's currently in a critical condition,"
Major gunshot wound....
Critical condition.....
Major gunshot wound....
Critical condition.....
Liam furiously wiped away the tears that were cascading down his cheeks and quickly grabbed his phone back and his coat. He rushed to the boys' room, taking their coats. He tried to calm himself when he walked down the stairs, towards the living room where he can hear the sound of the television playing some random cartoon. He walked into the living room and saw that Niall was crying softly, wiping the snot on his nose with the sleeve of his shirt on the sofa whilst Louis and Harry were watching some cartoon show on Animex. He went up to his youngest son, wanting him to stop crying.
"Hey bub,..what wrong?" Liam asked softly, wiping away the tears on the four year old baby cheeks.
"Daddy,.." Niall whined, sobbing once in a while "Lou-Lou and Haz w-won't let m-me watch Blue's Clues Daddy! Niall wants Blue's Clues!"
"You can watch it later babe. Now come on, put on your coat,..we're g-going out for a while," Liam bit back his lip to fight away the tears. There's no point in rushing, Zayn's still in the operation theater, and would be in there for quite a while.
"Going out? Park?" Niall asked, his eyes widening a bit, excitement visible in his blue iris.
"N-No, babe,..just somewhere," Liam answered, his eyes filled with unshed tears. He didn't know why, but Niall reminds him of Zayn so much, even if they didn't look alike. It's probably because Niall has a really special bond with his Papa Zayn.
"Why sad Daddy? Need cuddles?" Niall asked, holding his arms out for his Daddy. Liam hugged the small boy instantly, welcoming the physical comfort he needed dreadfully.
"Daddy!" The seven year old high-pitched voice called out his name, standing right next to him with his six-year old curly haired brother. "We're going out?"
"Yes,...but you guys are staying with Auntie Hayley for a while okay?" Liam handed them their coats, then proceeded to help Niall with his.
"Yes,..Niall and Daddy Day. No Lou and Haz, no meanies," Niall huffed, expressing his anger at his two elder brothers for not letting him watch Steve in Blue's Clues.
"No!..."Louis whines "We're sorry Nialler! But don't leave us Daddy!"
"Yeah! We're sorry,..." Harry mumbled shyly. The truth was, he wanted to watch Blue's Clues too, but since Louis insisted that cool kids watch Animes, so he immediately agreed to watch some random cartoon Louis reffered to as Animes. He wanted to look 'cool' in Louis' eyes.
"I'm not leaving you because you were mean to Niall, but I-we have something to do,..it's very important. Okay? Louis can you be a big boy and look after Haz?" Liam explained, and used the 'big-boy' card because Louis is in the phase where he thinks he should be doing grown-up stuff. "Can you do that for me?"
"Sure thing Daddy," Louis replied, reluctantly before grabbing Harry's hand "Come on Haz, let's get into our shoes,"
Liam smiled proudly at Louis, believing that he'll grow up to be a great big brother one day. He picked up Niall and heads toward the door where Louis is struggling to tie Harry's shoelace, because the curly haired boy kept pulling it undone, giggling madly. Liam slipped on Niall's shoe on and let his two children out the door, walking down the pathway towards their neighbors house or their babysitter's house. Liam knew that Hayley was on her semester break, and there's a chance that she might be out with her friends. But the lucky stars are on his side, because Hayley's car was parked in her driveway, meaning that she's home. Niall requested to knock the door, and he screamed for 'Auntie Hayley-Bear' countless of time, stopping mid knock when Hayley opened the door with her eyes half open, her usually long wavy beautiful chocolate hair is now in a state similar to a lion's mane,and she's still in her squirrel print pyjamas.
"Hey Liam,...good morning," She yawns with a smile at Liam.
"It's already noon," Liam eyed the brunette.
"Oh," Her eyes widened for a moment, "How's my handsome man?" She crouched down to pick up Niall from the ground, trying hard to drown her sleepiness.
"I didn't watch Blue's Clues today," Niall mumbled sadly, pouting his lower lip.
"Oh my-Really?" Hayley pretended to be shocked by the news "That's awful,"
"Can I leave Louis and Harry with you for a couple of hour?" Liam said, pushing Louis and Harry forward and leaned in to whisper into Hayley's right ear. Upon hearing the tragic incident, Hayley's eyes widened in pure horror.
"Is-Is Zayn alright?" Hayley asked softly "I'm so sorry for what happened. Sure I can watch them all day if you want. Are sure you want to bring Nialler?"
"Yeah,...I-I need him," Liam sighed, he needs human comfort right now, to face what's gonna happen at the hospital.
"Well, you better get going then. I'll call you if I need anything. Keep me posted yeah?" Hayley gave him a sympathetic smile, passing Niall back to Liam.
It was in the car when Liam starts to panic. What if he was too late? What if the moment he got there, Zayn blew his last breath and Liam wasn't there. He was tempted to go against the speed limit, but with a four year old riding shotgun, he's not sure if it's the right choice. Plus, Niall hates it if they drive too fast, it scares him. Liam kept taking deep shaky breath, trying to calm himself. The feeling of losing Zayn once was enough to last him for a lifetime, but now this happens, he's not sure how he'll cope if Zayn did leave him forever. He'll be a single parent, and his angels will lose their Papa.
The hazardous of being a police is what Liam hated the most about Zayn's job, but he could do nothing about it. He tried coaxing Zayn into doing office works instead of field work but that just lead them to a huge fight. Liam knew that Zayn wasn't an office-kind of guy, he prefers to work outside, but Liam just want his soul mate to be safe. He wanted to grow old with Zayn -it's one of his big time life wish- to grow old with his lover.
I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose....
Those are the lyrics to Zayn's favourite song and he just wanted to yell on how wrong those lyrics are. Zayn is not bulletproof, and he has so many things to lose.
Liam still remembered when he was getting his degree and Zayn was in the police academy training, an professional and extensive training programme known as the Initial Police Learning and Development Programme (IPLDP). It was a very tough for him going through all those training. He didn't have many friends in the academy due to his gay status, but Zayn preferred to be alone anyway. The only person he needs is Liam. Liam remembered coming home from class and tend to Zayn's wound, washing, cleaning and disinfecting them, like they were some old married couple. He had never seen Zayn so determined in doing something. His reason was, he wanted to prove to Liam and his parents that he is worth something and that he can be a useful person. Zay used to hate discipline, but right after he met Liam, that point of view changed.
Niall fell asleep halfway through the forty-five minutes journey. When they arrived at the hospital, they sky was eerily grey, creating a depressed, cold and sad atmosphere. Liam walked into the emergency area, with a sleeping Niall perched on his hip, towards the reception counter.
"I'm uhmm I'm Liam Payne-Malik, here for Detective Zayn Payne-Malik?" Liam asked softly at the young nurse with short black hair and pale skin.
"One moment sir," She smiled softly before looking scrolling through the computer. "If seems like Detective Zayn Payne-Malik that was involved in the robbery shoot out at the Grand Bank is still in the operation theater,"
"O-Okay," Liam choked up, subconsciously hugging Niall tighter.
"I'm not suppose to be giving out this information to you, but,.." The nurse looked hesitant "When the detective came in, along with other injured police officers, he's condition was quite stable and he was still conscious,"
And a small spark ignites in Liam's heart, his huband is holding up pretty well.
"T-Thank you so much Miss, thank you," Liam thanked.
"No problem," She smiled genuinely "Cute kid you got there,..is he you son?"
"Yeah,..Niall,he's four," Liam turned a bit so that he could show off to the nurse how cute his son is.
"And I'm sure he'll be happy to his father again in a few moment," She offered "Please, take a seat. I'll keep an eye out for your husband,"
"Thank you," Liam thanked her again, and then proceeded to make his way to the rows of blue plastic chairs bolted to the floor.
The wait is probably one of the worst thing. When he donated his kidney to Zayn, they were both in the operation theater together, at the same time. He didn't didn't have to go through the painfully torturing moment of waiting. Time seems to flow slower as Liam busied himself carding his fingers through Niall's blonde hair. He reminisce the day he and Zayn went to the orphanage to adopt a child. They didn't know what to look for exactly, but Zayn was so excited when he met Niall. There was a light in his eyes that Liam never saw before. Two weeks later, right before they're about to go to bed, Zayn made a promise that he'll be the best father ever to Niall. A father that he deserves, not like Zayn's father when he was a teenager. He's grateful that his parents has changed,...and so did he.
Liam fell asleep on the on comfortable plastic chair after half an hour, and he woke up suddenly when he felt someone lifting Niall up from his chest where he was sleeping. Call it fatherly instinct, Liam's body immediately jolted awake at the lost on weight on his body. He looks around and saw someone was picking Niall up, bouncing him in there air emitting giggles and laughter from the blonde haired boy.
"Why are you here bub?" The all too familiar spoke softly to his son.
"Dunno. Daddy brings me here and sleep there," Niall shrugged, trying to reach out for His Papa's hair.
"Zayn?" Liam voice cracked "Zayn!" And before Zayn could do anything, Liam launched himself towards Zayn engulfing him in a tight bear hug, sandwiching Niall between them
"Oh my God! Zayn you're ALIVE! You're okay?! I'm-I'm not dreaming right?! I'm really hugging my husband right?!" Liam ranted. Why is Zayn walking around? Isn't that bad for his gunshot wound?
"Yes Liam, this is your husband, they guy you married few years ago, on purpose," Zayn chuckled, hugging his hysteric husband, despite his confusion. Niall was more than happy to be trapped in the middle of thier hugging fest, laughing happily and pulling their bodies closer. "May I ask you what are you doing sleeping here wit our son?"
"T-They cal-called and s-said," Liam stuttered, "They called me saying that you got shot Zayn! Why the hell are you standing here?"
"Oh...that," Zayn chuckled, but stopped as soon as he received a hard glare from Liam "During the soot out this morning, mine and Ed's intercom got switched. So the person who got shot was Ed, and he's fine by the way, and nothing happened to me babe. they must've report that Detective Zayn Payne-Malik got shot. Sorry for the false alarm babe," Zayn kissed Liam deeply after finishing his explanation, making Niall cringe at the sight. Why does Papa love to eat Daddy's mouth? he thought to himself.
"That is not cool," Liam breathed out, still slightly panicking "But are you hurt?"
"A few scratches here and there, nothing new," Zayn grinned "I'm bulletproof remember?"
Awww I love ZIAM! 2299 words!
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