3- A Scar That Says 'I Love You'
Dedicated to @Isabella2309, this is based on the prompt she sent. Hope that you guys will like it! :D And if you notice, most of my one-shots are Niall-centric, because unconsciously, Niall is my fave. LOL
3- A Scar That Says 'I Love You'
Louis William Payne-Malik is a mischievous boy.
He likes doing stuff that no one dares to do, stuff that is funny, stuff that will bring excitement, stuff that will make people laugh and stuff that will always gets him into trouble. The sole purpose of all his pranks and mischievous acts for his little brother's entertainment. To Louis, the best thing in his life at the moment is carving beautiful smile on his brother's face, to see them laughing at his jokes, pranks, acts, his singing and he just loved the way his little brother's eye would shone in admiration. It maybe a small deal to some people, but to Louis his brothers' are everything to him. Their happiness is his. He was their personal jester. But in his mind, he had laid out a few rules; Don't go on with it if the stunts:-
Make Niall and Harry cry.
Scares Niall and Harry.
Niall and Harry didn't like it.
Things that Niall and Harry hate.
Possibility that Niall and Harry could get hurt.
Niall and Harry this,...
Niall and Harry that,..
Basically everything that will give negative impacts on Niall and Harry.
It was a slow, hot, boring weekend in the middle of summer where their fathers had to go out on an emergency visit to the hospital where Aunt Ruth, Liam's sister, was in labor. So now, Ed was in charge of baby sitting an energetic 7 year old Louis, a bored 5 year old Harry and an ice-cream addict (due to the heat) 4 year old Niall. He was forced to play every single board games that they own, every type of monsters there is for them to destroy as power rangers, every card games, and was even forced to answer a few weird question like why is his hair orange, what is he hiding in his tummy and is he dating anyone (that was Louis to be exact). To say that he was exhausted is an understatement, don't get him wrong, he loves those cute little devils, but one ginger could only hold for a few hours in the middle of a scorching summer with three little boys that had too much energy to begin with. After exactly 5 hours, Edward Christopher Sheeran is what we can label as 'man-down'. He put on a movie for the boys and gave each of them a less-sugar strawberry yogurt. After that, he plopped himself on the couch and was fast asleep before you could say “Lego house”. He had a small satisfied smile on his lips as his sleep drifted him away into a dream which also consist of the boys bugging him to play.
“Boooo, I'm bored,” Niall whined after his failed attempt to steal Harry's yogurt, his face covered with the pink substance.
“Yeah! M'bored too,” Harry chimed in, using his fingers to dip in the yogurt instead of his spoon.
“Hmm, let me think,” Louis said, looking around the house. It is his main job to look out for them and in this case, they're bored so it is his job to entertain them. His bright blue-gray scanned around the house carefully, plotting something extraordinary. When his eyes landed on the sleeping figure of Uncle Ed, an idea immediately sparked in his imaginative head. He smiled devilishly before saying “I have an idea. Who's up to fight another monster?”
The plan was rather simple, but Niall and Harry thought that it was absolutely amazing; to turn Uncle Ed into the Sleeping Snoring Monster from The Power Rangers: Mystic Force. Louis had assigned different jobs from Niall and Harry; Niall grabs the colour pencils, rulers and card boards from their stationary collection while harry collects the Sharpie markers from their fathers' room, while Louis himself will go get the scissors and the box-cutter. The three of them separated to retrieve the needed items, but Niall stopped on his tracks when he realize his task was the easiest, a task for a little boy. He spun around and went after Louis, to help him with the scissors and box-cutters. Skipping happily, he entered their fathers' home office, where Liam would grade his student's papers, and where Zayn go through his case files. He saw Lou going through one of the drawers of Papa's desk searching for the scissors and box-cutters.
“Hey Lou! Can I help?” Niall asked happily, putting on a big smile and his hands behind him, rocking to and fro.
“Nialler!” Lou was a tad bit shocked by Niall's presence. No one was supposed to be in their fathers' office. “You can't be in here!”
“But-But I want to help!”
“You're supposed to be looking for color pencils and stuff! This my job. Only big boys can do this!” Louis scolded, not because he was annoyed with Niall, but more to fear of Niall's safety.
Niall was a little bit taken aback by the way Louis scolded him. Louis was treating him like a small boy, just like everyone else in the house. Even Harry gets to got t kindergarten now but he had to wait until next year, until he is ''big enough''. He watched as Louis went back into searching through the drawers, ignoring his existence. Louis yelled out a small ''yeah'' when he found the box-cutter, and placed in on the edge of the desk before going back into the drawer, searching for a pair of scissors. When Niall saw the bright green box-cutter on the table, his eyes gleamed with curiosity. He tip-toed towards the desk silently and grabbed the box-cutter on the desk.
Louis was too busy to notice that Niall had grabbed the box-cutter, but when he heard a ticking sound of the cutter being pushed out, he could already detect trouble. Even before Louis could lift his head up, Niall's blood curdling scream filled up the room. Niall stood in the middle of the office, with his left hand painted red with blood as he kept screaming and crying, fat tears rolling down his cheeks.
“Ni!” Lou screamed in both fear and anger. It was his fault that this happened. In matter of seconds, he was right next to Niall, pulling him close to his body and a hand around Niall's wrist where deep red blood was dripping. Tears filled his eyes as Niall buried his face in Louis' chest, crying and screaming in pain.
“Uncle Ed!” Louis screamed.
“What the hell happened Ed?!” Liam shot the questions that has been burning in his head from the car in the car from the hospital Ruth was in to the Wolverhampton Emergency Room with Zayn behind him looking as anxious as ever.
“I-t-It's Niall,” Ed lets out a shaky breath. They're so gonna kill me, Ed chanted in his head. “I'm not e-exactly sure what happened, b-but I woke up from Niall's crying and Louis screaming for my help. I found them in your home office, with Niall's palm slashed open,”
“What?!” Zayn screamed, earning another choked sob from Louis, who is sitting on the plastic chair attached to the wall in the waiting room with Harry next to him. There were a few smears of dried blood on his hands that belonged to Niall.
“That doctor said that it was nothing serious, they're stitching it up right now,” Ed continued.
Zayn looked at Louis once more, feeling a little bit sad because he had never seen Louis cry like this before. Sure he cried a little when he fell and scraped his knees, when his teacher scolded him for not finishing up his homework, when Liam or Zayn put him in time out, but nothing like this. He was sobbing uncontrollably, his body trembling, snot and tears staining his cute face and his eyes were blood-shot.
“Daddy!” Harry whisper-yell as he latched himself onto Liam's leg “Nialler got hurt and Louis is sad now,”
“I know bub,” Liam said as he picked up Harry from the floor “Are you okay?”
“I'm okay, but sad. Is Nialler going to be okay?” Harry asked as he nuzzles himself into his Daddy's neck, inhaling the familiar and calming scent of his father.
“I'm gonna talk to Louis, okay? Calm him down a bit,” Zayn spoke before placing a kiss on Harry cheeks and walked towards the crying Louis. He crouched until he was eye-level with Louis, and slowly grab hold onto Louis' trembling hand. Louis tried to pull his hands away, but Zayn kept a tight grip on him. He cried harder when Zayn wrapped him in his arms and whispered sweet nothings in attempt to calm his eldest son.
“Come one buddy,” Zayn said as he lift Louis up from the chair “Let's get your hands clean up,”
Zayn placed Louis on the sink counter and brought his hands under the tap. He gently wash away the dried blood on Louis hands with the cold water as Louis sobbed into his Papa's shoulder. Zayn took a few tissues, dabbed it with the cold water and uses it to clean Louis' face.
“Are-Are you mad at me Papa?” Louis asked timidly once Zayn had thrown the damp tissue away.
“I'm not mad at you Lou, I'm sure what happen was an accident,” Zayn kissed him on the nose like he was still a small boy. But Louis didn't mind, at times like this he liked to be pampered and comforted. “But what happened?”
Louis wrapped his short arms around Zayn's torso before answering him;
“Niall and Harry were bored so I decided to-to turn Uncle Ed into the Sleeping Monster. Harry was suppose to get the markers, Niall was supposed to grab the color pencils and cardboard. I-I went into your office, I know you told me not to Papa but I just want to take the scissors and the box-cutter. I-I-I didn't know that Niall was going to follow me and take the box-cutter! I really didn't! I'm so sorry Papa! Please, I'm so so sorry,” Louis began to sob hysterically again.
“Shhh love, don't cry. I'm not mad Lou,” Zayn shushed him softly, running his fingers through Louis soft feathery brown hair, kissing on top of his head. “They doctor said that Niall is okay, they're fixing his hand right now as we speak. But it was still wrong of you to go into my office, so you're grounded for a week okay? And no ice-cream for a week too. I'm not mad and I'm sure you didn't mean to hurt Niall,”
“I love Niall,..and Haz” Louis mumbled, half crying.
“I know you do bub, and I love you too. So much, so stop crying okay?” Zayn told him softly “I don't like seeing you cry like this, I want you to be happy,”
“Okay Papa,” Louis said timidly. “Thank you, I love you,”
“I love you too buddy,” Zayn said as he place Louis back on the floor. They walked back to the waiting area with Louis holding on Zayn's hand tightly.
“Zayn! Lou! We can see Niall now! Come on!” Liam hollered and disappeared around the corner with Harry on his hips.
They both followed Liam to where Niall was, and Louis' hands trembled when they entered the ward for the kids. When they arrived at Niall's bed, Louis couldn't see him because of his other family members including Uncle Ed and Aunt El surrounding the bed. He could faintly hear Niall sobbing, which causes his heart to clench painfully. He was sure that Niall But one question, just one one question lifted his spirit. One question that Niall asked;
“Where's Lou?” Niall sobbed “I want Lou!”
Just like before, in matter of seconds, Louis was right beside Niall as he sobbed into his brother's shirt. Louis carefully wraps his arms around Niall, avoiding his hands that was neatly bandaged, hiding the healing scar.. Both boys cried silently in each other arms, and was soon joined by a jealous Harry, who felt left out in the group hug. The others watched silently, cooing at the adorable kids that always manage to carve a smile on their faces, no matter what the situation is.
The next few days, Louis had become Niall's personal assistant, and his bodyguard too. He even wouldn't let Niall do a few stuff to avoid the stitches from reopening. Liam and Zayn had to laugh at Louis over-protectiveness, but at least they have a very cuddly Harry to play and cuddle with. Louis was extra careful and extra mature after that incident, making sure that no sharp object were in reachable distance of Niall and Harry.
He was their guardian now.
Whoahhh, so how was it? Did you guys like it? Tell me yeah? <3
ILYSM 1437 Fairies! <3
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