Chapter 8- One Fluffly Surprise,......or Three?
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Dedicated to @GirlVersionOfNiall because I love her writings especially Zayn Malik's Journey Series,....
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Chapter 8- One Fluffy Surprise,...or Three?
(Zayn's P.O.V)
I was woken up in the middle of the night by a loud cry coming from the room next to ours, which was Niall's room. There was a huge thunder storm outside and I was worried about my sons. I quickly got out of bed, without waking up the angelic husband of mine and went to Niall's room. I slowly turned the door knob and was met with a horrendous sight of Niall crying with big tears rolling down his chubby cheeks and he was somehow trying to bury himself whenever lightning struck. Zayn quickly move towards the his son's crib and when Niall saw me, he quickly puts his arms in the air, wanting to be picked up. I picked up the crying mess and held him close to his chest as Niall buried himself in my chest. If there is one thing that I hated the most, that would be watching the people I love cry. It tore me apart and I would give anything for them to smile. Even before I started dating Liam, I always hated when Liam was upset with his examination result. I would do anything to get a smile out of him.
“Shhhh baby, don't cry,” Zayn tried to calm the crying mess in his arms. He kissed Niall's forehead gently and muttered sweet nothing into Niall's ears. Soon, Niall's breathing calmed down and his crying subside.
“Papa, leave Niall,” Niall pleaded.
“Shh, I'm not leaving you baby,”
“Mon-monstwer, un-under Niall's bed,” Niall whispered into Zayn's ear, his voice laced with fear.
“There's no monsters under your bed bub,” I explained to the imaginative boy. I still remember when I was in this phase. My Mom had to checked under the bed every night.
“Noooo,..there's a monstwer. It eat Niall!” Niall cried as another tear rolled down his cheek. I kissed away the tears and ran my fingers through his hair.
“What if,....I'll check under your bed? And scare the monster away?”
“P-Pwease Papa?” Niall stuttered.
“Okay bub, I'm going to put you down just for a while -”
“No! No! Hold Niall!” Niall's grip on me tightens.
“Baby, you need to be a big boy okay? For Papa?”
“O-otay Papa,” Niall reluctantly loosen his grip on me. I made my way to his crib and bent down to look under it. I was about to 'scare away the monsters' when I heard a weird hissing sound coming from under the crib. The room was too dark for me to see.
I crept nearer to the dark abyss...
Nearer until my head was almost under the bed,....
A lightning struck with a loud boom causing Niall to scream and something jumped out of under the crib, latching onto my face. I gave a loud scream and fell on my back.
(Liam's P.O.V)
I was woken up with a loud scream. Instinctively, I tried to grab whatever part of Zayn next me but I felt nothing. Zayn wasn't next to me like he supposed to be. I looked over the digital clock beside the bed and saw that it was 3.15 in the morning! I quickly got out of bed and went out of out bedroom. I heard a baby laughing happily from Niall's room. If was during broad daylight, I would've have cooed at the baby's laugh but at 3 in the morning, it felt more like a horror film. And I was never a huge fan of horror film, let alone be in one. I still remembered the first time Zayn brought me to a movie date and he decided that we watch a horror movie. Throughout the movie, my hand was gripping on Zayn's hand so tight but Zayn didn't mind; instead, he was to busy latching onto my neck, showering it with kisses and love bites.
I walked slowly towards the room and the laugh got louder. I need to be brave.For Niall's and Zayn's sake. When I arrived at the door, I took a sneak peek from the door frame. The sight in front of me made me want to.....................
Laugh so hard.
Zayn was rolling on the floor with something furry, a kitten maybe, attached onto his face as he tries to pulled it off. Niall on the other hand, was laughing his heart out at the sight of his father. When Niall saw me, he was two times happier.
“Daddy! Daddy! Wook at Papa!!” He cheered happily.
“Liam?! Leeyum!! Help me!” Zayn muffled for my help. I couldn't contain it anymore, I clutched my stomach and doubled over, laughing my heart out.
“Liam?! Don't you just laugh at me! Help!” Zayn scolded me.
“If you're in my spot, I'm sure you'll be doing the same thing!” I kept on laughing at my husband.
“Dammit Liam!”
“Okay! Okay! I'm coming, calm your titties Zayn!” I walked over to him and grabbed the ball of fur, a small brown kitten, from Zayn's face. It was rather difficult since the small kitten used his claws on Zayn so I had to gently pry his paws away from Zayn. Small amount of blood trickled down from where the kitten's paw clawed him. I gently place the kitten on the floor and Niall excitedly chase it around the room with his stubby legs.
Zayn got up from the floor and tackled me into a hug.
“What the f- is that?!” He stopped himself from cursing, realized he was in the same room as Niall.
“It's just a kitten Zayn. Although god knows how it got there,” I chuckled.
“How the hell did got under Niall's bed?!” Zayn shouted angrily. I shrugged turning to look at Niall who was happily playing with the kitten. Niall held the kitten to it's face and the kitten licked Niall's small nose causing him to giggle madly.
“Papa! Daddy! Kitty! Look!” Niall walked over to us with the kitten in his hands.
“No Niall, put that down. It's dirty,” Zayn warned him gently.
Niall was cut off by a small voice screaming “My kitty!!”
Behind Niall stood Harry with two more kittens in his hands; one was grey and the other one was fluffy white.
“Harry Edward Payne-Malik! Where did you get those kitten?” I asked Harry, completely shocked.
“Ohhh more kitty!” Niall bounded happily towards Harry. Niall gently pats the other kitten with a huge smile plastered on his face.
“Am I dreaming or is Harry holding three kittens in the house, at three in the morning?” Zayn groaned.
“Your not dreaming,” I kissed his temples gently, avoiding his wounds. “Come on, let's get you cleaned up then we can handle the kids,”
After I got Zayn's wound cleaned up and hearing his explanation about how he heard Niall was crying and went to check it out, I had to scold my lovely thoughtful husband.
“Zayn, you have work tomorrow! You should wake me up instead!”
“I know babe, but you look like an angel and I didn't have the heart to,...”
“And I know that I will never regret saying yes the day we got married,” I give Zayn a peck on the lips but Zayn had other idea. He caught my bottom lips with his teeth and place a hand behind my neck. For a moment, we were caught in a hot snogging session. I reluctantly pulled away, causing him to whine.
“Sorry babe, as much as I want to eat your face off, the boys are left alone with three kittens. And with Niall, God knows what he'll do to those poor things,”
“Probably eat them,”Zayn chuckled.
When we entered Niall's room, both Harry and Niall was squealing with happiness playing with the kittens. Niall was still holding the brown kitten, holding it up in the air like he always do with his Superman action figure while Harry was struggling to put the kittens in his PJ's.
“Hazza love, where did you get these kitten?” I asked him softly, not wanting to scare Harry knowing that he was always shy and reserved.
“Pwark, with Lou-Lou!” He answered happily thinking that his Papa and Daddy were not mad at him. How did Louis and Harry smuggled kittens into the house without us knowing? “Lou tell Haz to hide kitties from Daddy and Papa so no mad at Hazza,”
“But we have to return them-”
“Of course we can keep them!” I heard Zayn told Niall who is now on Zayn's lap. I gave Zayn a questioning look but he just shrugged “If my babies want to have kittens, they they can have kitten,”
“Weally Daddy? Haz keep kitties with Ni-Ni and Lou-Lou?” Harry asked hopefully. I couldn't deny the huge green orbs so I just nod and smiled. Harry and Niall squealed happily.
Zayn is such a softie when it comes to the kids.
The rest of the night/morning was filled with struggle to put an excited Harry and a happy-giggly Niall to bed. We put the three kittens into a box with a blanket to deal with them the next morning.
“Tank you Papa, tank you Daddy. Niall wuv you,” Niall mumbled sleepily, snuggling into his blanket. Zayn and I smiled at the small gesture and leaned down to kiss his forehead.
We went back to bed around half past four and I watched Zayn sluggishly walk into the bathroom. Suddenly, a wavy of concern flows through me knowing that Zayn had to work the next morning but I didn't. That poor guy must be tired. I went into the bathroom and saw Zayn in front of the sink, taking a pill and that made me more concerned about my husband.
“What's that?” I asked him gently, wrapping my arms around his hard toned torso.
“Hmm? Oh nothings, it's the sleeping meds that I used to take. I sort of need it since I had to work,” He turned around and wraps him arms around my neck “Don't worry Li. I love you,”
“Are you sure? It's been a long time since you've taken them. You don't-” Zayn cuts me off by kissing the lights out of me.
“You're cute when you're worried, Li. But I can promise you there is nothing you have to worry about,” Zayn give another kiss and we walked back to the bed.
I cuddled close to Zayn, burying my face into his chest as he Zayn rub circles around my back and kissing my forehead repeatedly. I lifted my head a bit and start to kiss his neck, his jaw and finally his lips.
“Go to sleep babe, I love you,” I mumbled on his lips.
“I love you too,”
The next morning, I made sure Zayn went to work a little late and he was thankful for that. It pains me to watch Zayn go to work on a Saturday. The rest of the day was spent with the boys and I buying necessary stuff for the kittens. Harry didn't kept all the kittens to himself but gave the brown one to Niall, the gray one to Louis and keeping the white one to himself. Probably its good to let the boys have pets; I have read that it will teach them to be more responsible. I helped the three of them name their kitten; Niall named his Red Ranger (or in his word 'Wred Rangwers'), Louis named his Bear (Don't ask why), and Harry named his Prince Whiskers (or in his words 'Pwince Whish-kers').
Three more surprise addition into the Payne-Malik household.
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