Chapter 3- Nialler and Zaynie's Separation Problem
Chapter 3- Nialler and Zaynie's Separation Problem
( Liam's P.O.V)
“Zee! You're already late!” I reminded him for the fifth time. I thought that the one who will be having seperation problem is Niall but I was wrong. Zayn is the one who experiencing separation problem.
“But- but I was just want him to wake up so I can say good bye to him,” Zayn groans.
“Zayn Javvad Payne-Malik, really? It'll be a problem if he wakes up just to see you leaving him,” I pointed out.
“Yeah, you're right,” Zayn lets out a huge sighs. He kiss Niall's forehead and smiled fondly at him. “I'll be back for dinner, baby,”
“Which baby?” I asked with a smirk.
“Both of my babies,” Zayn wraps his arm around me and kissed my nose “I have two baby now,”
“Get your butt to work Detective, and be safe,” I remind him. I couldn't help but to worry each time he left for work; I try to push away all the negative thought and imagining Zayn coming home safe and sound.
“I'll be back before dinner,” he pecks my lips and got out of the house.
Before I head, to the kitchen to make Niall and I breakfast, I take a quick look at the calender, it's June, three more months till Niall's birthday. He's going to be 2 years old. We didn't buy a crib for him because we didn't know what exact age that we want so we bought a small bed that can turn into a crib; courtesy of IKEA. Great decision might I add because we neatly tucked Niall last night, but this morning, he was sleeping with a weird pose; Ben as his pillow and his original pillow at his feet. He was smiling in his sleep so I didn't dare to readjust him, but I did took a picture though.
After I made Zayn and I's bed and cleaned the room up a bit, I heard a small voice calling out:
“Papa?! Daddy?!” the voice called. Naill's awake.
I went into his room and is greeted by a smiling and giggling blonde boy sitting on his bed, clutching Ben. When he saw me he threw his hands in the air, signaling he wants to be picked up.
“Daddy! Daddy! Up!” I ruffle his hair and picked him up, blowing raspberry in his tummy causing him to let out a gleeful shriek.
“Good morning buddy!” I kiss his small nose “Hungry?”
“Yes Daddy! ” he answers almost immediately. Like I have to ask, I thought to myself.
Niall was happily eating the breakfast that I was feeding him until he asked me the question I knew would get him upset:
“Daddy, where Papa? Sleep?” He asks tilting his head to the side curiously and hopefully.
“Sorry love, Papa left to work,” I explained to him. His eyes began to get watery. Uh-oh.
“Papa,..Papa left?” then he immediately burst out crying.
“No,! Love, he'll be back! I promise!” seeing Niall crying for the first time broke my heart. I quickly picked him up from the high chair, hugging him tight as he buries his face in the crook of my neck, and his arms wrapped tightly around my neck as he cries. I didn't want to call Zayn because I'm sure he'll come home straight away, and Niall needs to get use to this eventually. He kept repeating 'Want Papa' and I kept promising him that Papa is going to be back for dinner and he could take bubble baths together and if he's a good boy, then he could have ice-cream with extra sprinkles for dessert.
“Bubbwle bwath? And-and ice-cwream?” Niall sniffles, wiping away the mucus from his nose with his sleeve. I gently push away his hand and wipe his face with a tissue. I kiss his nose, forehead, chin and both of his cheeks, causing him to giggle and grabbed my nose, something he has grew fond of doing.
“Yeah love, bubble bath with Papa and ice-cream,” I can't believe I'm bribing my son with food.
“Pwomise Niall?” he asks.
“I promise baby,” I kiss his cheek one more time. I wonder how Zayn's doing at work.
(Zayn's P.O.V)
I groaned loudly as I place my head on the table.
I missed Niall. I missed that smooth blonde hair, cute button nose, and I miss his euphoric giggling. I wonder if he's okay, but Liam is with him, I'm sure he's a giggling mess right now. I couldn't concentrate at my work; I would never thought I'd experience separation problem again. The last time I did was the day Liam finally said 'I love you' and I didn't want to leave his side. I slept at his house for a whole week until my dad had to practically drag me home. Niall had crawled his way into my heart just the way Liam did. I rubbed my face with both of my hands, I need to focus. If I can finish my work early, then I can spend more time with Niall tonight.
(Liam's P.O.V)
“Hi hi!” Niall greets Zayn's mother which I had introduce as Grandma. “Hi Gwandma! I Niall!”
“Aww, he's adorable!” Zayn's mother cooed, gently prying Niall away from me.
“Gwandma smwells like cookie!” Niall announce.
“That’s because I'm baking some in the kichen! Do you want some cookie Niall?” she asks and Niall's face burst with happiness and he nods vigorously. I guess food can really make him forget about Zayn for a minute.
“So, how's the new house?” Zayn's father asks.
“It's amazing, really,” I answered truthfully “Niall called it a castle,”
“Well, I'm glad you like it, and quite a choice you made there. Seems like a lovely boy,” I turned my head to look at Niall who was gawking at the cookies in front of him.
“Yeah, Niall's amazing. Zayn picked him,” I explained.
“Zayn did huh?” Zayn's father looked slightly surprise.
Before I could reply, Niall came back into the room, running on his two stubby feet.
“Daddy! Daddy! Come!” Niall pulled my hand and we walk back into the kitchen. “Sit!”
Niall ordered me to sit on one of the chair at the dining table. I sat down and Niall lifts his hands up, wanting to be picked up. I picked him up and place him on my lap.
“Daddy no leave,” he states as he took one of the cookie on the table and taking small bites.
“Alright baby, I won't leave,” I softly kiss his hair. He turns around and smiles widely at me with his mouth covered in cookie crumbles. He took one cookie and handed it to me.
“Daddy eat wif Niall,”
“He seems to be clinging to his Daddy,” Zayn's mother grinned.
“Yeah, you should see how he's with his Papa. He cried this morning when Zayn left for work,” I hold Niall closer to my body but he didn't seem to mind. The cookie in his hand is far more interesting.
The afternoon went by with Niall and I spending time Grandma and Grandpa's house; Niall played with the cat but he called it a tiger because the cat is orange in color. When we went back home to find and empty house, Niall started crying again. Screaming that he wants his Papa. It took me nearly half an hour to calm him down. I decided that Zayn and I could order pizza for dinner since I didn't have time to fix dinner and I don't have the heart to leave Niall alone.
Niall was sitting on my chest as I laid back on the couch. Niall was happily playing with my face. He would grab my nose, pinch my cheek and try to my mouth open saying there's cookies in them. Hearing him squealing with happiness makes my heart swell with pure happiness. I just hope that Zayn doesn’t have one of his 'out-of-nowhere' night shifts. Suddenly, the doorknob clicked open, and a happy looking Zayn.
Niall let out a gleeful shriek.
“Papa! Daddy! Down! Down!” Niall screams as he starts bouncing on my chest.
“Alright, calm down bub,” I carefully lifts him off me and set him on the floor. Niall ran towards Zayn. Zayn quickly picks him up and spin him around. Some of the drool fell onto Zayn but he ignores it.
“Hey buddy! Miss me?” Zayn asks and Niall nodded vigorously. Zayn peppered kisses all over Niall's face and Niall just giggled.
“Hey,....I missed you too,” I pouted. Zayn chuckles and mentioned me to come over.
“Alright big baby, I miss you too,” Zayn cooed as we kissed passionately.
“Niall hungwy, Papa feed Niall?” Niall asks hopefully.
“Ofcourse babe, then we can bath together okay?” the look on Niall's face says it all.
(Zayn's P.O.V)
“Why aren't you playing with your toys babe?” I asks Niall who was practically latched onto me like a koala, his head on my chest. We are currently in the bath tub, having a bubble bath together but Niall didn't want to play with his toys, instead he was latched onto my body. He's been clinging on me the moment I got home, not that I'm complaining, but it worries me a bit.
“Head back baby,” Niall tilted his head back as I wash the suds off his hair.
“Baby? Why aren't you playing with Oshawott?” I tried again. Niall's grip on me just tightens.
“Missed you Papa,” he mumbles and I smiled fondly at him.
“Why Papa leave Niall?” he asks looking up at me with watery bright blue eyes. My heart felt like it was being stabbed by a knife.
“Baby, I didn't leave you,” I pulled him up a bit and nuzzled my nose with his. “I have to work. Do you know what my work is?”
Niall shook his head.
“I'm a police, I catch bad guys,” Niall's eyed grew wide with a big smile on his face.
“ Power Rangwers?” he asks in awe.
“Yeah, like Power Rangers. I'm the Red Ranger,”
Niall and I cuddled for a few minutes in the bath tub before we got out.
After I sang and tucked Niall into bed, I was extremely happy and extremely tired. Liam told me Niall cried when I wasn't home and it broke my heart to hear that Niall cried because of me. I just wish I could bring him to work with me. My mother agreed to baby-sit Niall when we're at work. Well at least we didn't have a stranger to look after our Nialler. I pulled Liam closer to my chest, burying my nose in his hair and running my fingers through it.
“Long day huh?” Liam asks and I chuckle lightly.
“You have no idea,”
“It's gonna be okay. Niall will get used to it sooner or later,” Liam assured me “But I don't think I can face a crying Niall again. How are you Zayn?”
“I'm fine,” I answered halfheartedly.
“Zayn....,” Liam groans; he knows when I'm lying.
“I missed Niall at work. A lot,” Liam's grip on my waist tightens and I did the same.
“You're strong Zayn, you can do it,”
“I love you Li,” was all I reply.
“I love you too Zayn,”
Well, the next few days were....a tad interesting.
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