Chapter 20- Begin Again
THE LAST CHAPTER GUYS! THE....LAST......CHAPTER! I will post the epilogue later! After I update HINM and MBMH.
Put #IWANTN1K if you want me to make the sequel!
Chapter 20- Begin Again
(Liam's P.O.V)
It has been five days since I woke up.
The pain on my lower abdomen was slowly subsiding but the pain in my heart at the sight of my unconscious lover won't fade away. It won't heal until Zayn opens his eye. Open his eyes and say those three little words to me, just one more time, I want to hear those words leave his mouth. Three little words that will change our lives, change it back to what it used to be. I nonchalantly played with Zayn's fingers as it intertwines with my bigger ones. The only thing that is keeping me sane right now was the sight of Zayn's chest rising and falling,...and also the sound of Niall's small voice talking to his Papa. The doctor told Niall that if he talked to his Papa a lot, then his Papa would wake up earlier. Louis had to go to kindergarten while Harry went shopping with El. I tried to coax Niall into leaving Zayn's side and follow his Aunty El and Harry, but that only cause him to throw a huge fit at me. He's currently laying beside Zayn with one hand laid on top of his Papa, picking at any fabrics sticking up as he rambles on and on.
“A-and Aunty El give Niall appwle p-pie. It squishy and yummy. Niall get one for Papa. And N-Niall draw Daddy, Papa, Hazzy, Lou-Lou, Niall for Papa. So Papa wake up and Niall give pwicture to Papa. A-and Lou-Lou sing new song for Niall and Hazzy. Pwetty Star. Niall like Pwetty Star song. And Niall saw big doggy today. Doggy smile at Niall so Niall smile and-and wave. Doggy cute. A-And Daddy say Niall and Hazzy get new foo-foo-”
“Football baby,” I told him softly as I reached out to brush a stray hair from his forehead. He giggled a bit and snuggled closer to Zayn's body.
“Yeah Yeah! New football so we play. Daddy and Papa play too so Papa wake up,” Niall sighed. The sight in front of me broke and swelled my heart at the same time. Niall is really hoping that Zayn will wake up and we could all play together, like I told him. He's too young to understand that Zayn would probably never wake up. In his mind, his Papa is just taking a long long nap.
“Come on babe, let's get some food inside that pudgy tummy,” I told him lovingly, poking his chubby belly, making him burst into fits of giggle.
“No Niall tummy no pudgy, Daddy tummy pudgy,” Niall retorted, giggling at himself. He lifted his arms in the air, signaling that he wants to be picked up. I put my hands under his arms and pulled him up, placing him on my lap. “Eat here with Papa?”
“Sorry bub, but we can't eat in here,” I told him, causing him to pout.
“B-But, but Papa,...”
“Will still be here when we come back. I promise. Come on, you're hungry right?” Niall nodded and I stood up, taking a bag which contained Niall's food, packed by my Mum. I walked with Niall on my hips as he greets any nurse that walks by with a shy wave and smile. The nurse would coo at his cuteness and waved back.
The cafeteria was just as lifeless as everything else in the white and gray hospital. Everyone looked fatigue, lifeless, and like they were auto-pilot. But this is a hospital; a place where people die, people were told that they only have only months to live, people lost their eyesight forever, and where people were in a medically-induced coma. We all share the same sorrow, the same fear, and it's what makes this hospital such a scary place. You can't actually blame the colour of the walls, the way the nurses and doctors dresses, or the stench of chemicals; it's all in our head. Niall and I sat at one of the cafeteria's round table. Niall was happily munching on his grilled cheese with extra cheese, humming and bouncing on his chair to the song Louis thought him the other day. I have to occasionally wipe the bread crumbs and cheese on his cheeks, Niall is really a messy eater. I got lost in my own head as I stare at Niall. I was scared, like scared shitless to what future has in store for me. The uncertainty is killing me; especially when I know that I can lose the love of my life. Zayn always thought that I will be the one leaving me. But right now, it's the other way around.
“Daddy!” Niall shrieked jolting me back to reality. Niall laughed at my reaction, causing a few bread crumbs to fell out of his hands. Normally, I would've scold Niall for talking with his mouth full, but I'm mentally and physically drained to do it. “When Papa wake up?”
“I-I don't know babe,” It breaks my heart to give him that sort of answer. I couldn't possibly lie to him, and I couldn't possibly tell him the truth either. Same goes to Louis and Harry each time they ask. I can practically see the flash of sadness in their eyes. Niall just blinked at me with his mouth hanging open, like he was trying to comprehend the answer I just gave him.
“Daddy loves Papa?” Niall asked me. To say that the question caught me off guard was an understatement. I know that Niall couldn't really grasp the real concept of loving someone yet, but still sounded serious and mature.
“Yes,....I love your Papa. So much,” I replied, fighting back the tears that were threatening to come out. I can't be weak, not in front of Niall. Niall giggled happily at my answer, taking another huge chunk out of his grilled cheese.
“Niall loves Papa too!” He giggled happily, mouth full of food. “Haz loves Papa,...Lou-Lou loves Papa,...So Papa wake up. Wake up and says loves us too. Then-Then we play, bath, and sing! So Papa wake up because Papa loves Daddy, loves Niall, loves Hazzy, loves Lou-Lou,”
I stared at my son in both shock and amazement. His short speech has knocked some senses into me. He's so positive about the situation, even if he didn't know the real truth. His innocence protects him, and he believes with all his heart that Zayn will wake up and everything will get back to normal. Back to when things were simple and no secrets were hidden. If Niall can be positive about this situation, why can't I? I know that he's just a small child, but grown ups lost something so precious that we didn't even know we had in the first place. The sense of pure naive innocence. Some people might think that naive and innocence will just bring you down, but they forget that it's not suppose to make us stronger, but serves to protect us from the uncertainties, possibilities and chances. It makes us feel that there is hope, there is a way and there is light at the end of the tunnel. It makes us fearless and ruthless.
“Daddy!” A slightly high pitched screamed. I turned around and saw Louis running towards me dragging a smiling Harry behind him, his curly hair bouncing up and down.
“Lou-lou! Hazz!” Niall screeched from his seat at the sight of his brother. El and Ed were walking casually behind the two kids, smiling at them. Both of them threw their small body on my lap, smiling up at me innocently.
“Hi Daddy!” Louis greeted me.
“Daddy! Daddy! Boo sing new song!” Harry informed me, his wild curly hair hiding his green eyes.
“Ohhhh new song! Sing Lou! Sing!” Niall cheered, waving his half eaten grilled cheese in the air.
I know what I have to do now. Zayn is going to wake up, and before he does, I'm going to set things right. Set it back to the way it should be.
“Ed, can you babysit them for a while?” I asked turning to Ed. “I need to do something before Zayn wakes up,”
“But- But the doctor-”
“Zayn will wake up, I just know it,” I cut him off with a smile “And El, I need your help with something. So, Ed, can you? Just for a few hours?”
“Sure, I'd love to,” Ed replied, looking slightly confused.
“Behave okay? Be Daddy's angels?” I said, turning to three excited cherubs.
“Where are you going Daddy?” Louis asked.
“To get Papa a huge present. We can give him together later yeah?” I smiled at them. “Stay with Uncle Ed for a while okay? Louis, you're in charge,”
“Yes sir!” Louis saluted me, puffing his chest.
“Good boy. Listened to your brother and Uncle Ed okay?” I said as I kissed them on the nose and forehead. I waved them goodbye and dragged a slightly confused El with me.
“Where are we going Liam?” El asked, half excited, half confused.
“Where gonna do set things back to normal, get the happiness my children and Zayn deserve....,”
“Which is,.....?”
“You're going to revoke the restraining order on Zayn while I'm going to find a ring, propose,”
I stared at the different designs of silver and gold band in front of me, perfectly arrange in the glass casing, gleaming and glittering proudly. I couldn't find the right one,...yet. I remembered buying Zayn's wedding ring here, with my sister. But now, I have to choose one alone, since El had to deal with the revocation of the restraining order.
“So, if you don't mind me asking, who's the lucky lad? And what happened to the previous one?” Claire, the shop owner of Tooth Fairy Jewelery, asked me. She a young petite woman that owns the famous Tooth Fairy Jewelery franchise, and she can be a little bit nosy, but I know it's just out of curiosity.
“It's still Zayn,” I answered the black haired girl, her eyes shone with excitement.
“Ohhh, scandalous. So, a ring for what? Anniversary? Post-fight? Bad sex? Cheating? STD? Birthday? A woman?” She guesses, and I had to bark out a laugh at her.
“No,...more like I divorced him and got him a restraining order,” I replied, still laughing.
“Ohhh, and I thought gay people had it easy. You're a feisty one. Well, you've been in here for nearly two hours, and I can't stand your groan and sighs anymore. Follow me,” She gestured me to follow her. She led me to the back side of the luxury store. She took out a medium sized black case and put it on one of the glass table.
“What's this?” I asked curiously.
“It's the new design for the fall at London's Fashion Week. I worked on this for a few months,” She smiled mischievously and opened the case. Inside, there were the a pair of the most beautiful ring I've ever seen.
“It's made of gold, white gold, diamond and black onyx stone,” She explained to me. The four colored precious stone and metals interlaced each other, creating a chain like pattern. “The gold and white gold symbolizes the luxury of love while the diamond and black onyx symbolizes truths and healing,”
“It's,'s beautiful,” I said in amazement as I stare at the two rings.
“It's called the New Infinity ring,... which will totally be the perfect ring for your wedding,”
“Wait, what? No, Claire, you know I can't afford this,”
“40% off, as a wedding gift. Since I didn't give you any for the previous one. Guess I had a hunch that this will happen,” She winked cheekily.
“Right,'s like you're the person that is writing all the things that is happening,” I joked, and we both burst out laughing.
“Funny you should say that,” Claire added with a smile.
“You owe me big time Liam Payne. I had to put on my slut-mode to get that lawyer to revoke the restraining order,” El said as she slapped my shoulder playfully. Ed and I laugh at her when she told us what she had to go through to help me. We were hanging out in Zayn's hospital room, just making small conversation as the little angels played around the room. I had also bought back our house that we received as gifts from Zayn's parents. I haven't told them my intention of asking Zayn to marry me, but I'm sure they won't mind. The house is ready, I have the ring, and the restraining order was revoked, the only thing left is for Zayn to wake up.
“What's a slut Aunty El?” Louis asked innocently as he climbed onto her lap. I gave her a death glare while Ed burst out laughing.
“It's a uhhh, it's a game hun,” El answered nervously.
“Oh! I like games. Can I play slut too?” Louis asked in an excited voice, causing Ed to double over, clutching his stomach as he laugh out loud. Soon, another sound of laughter could be heard from the other side of the room. Niall was laughing while pointing his finger at Ed.
“Uncle Ed laugh,” Niall said.
“Sorry hun, it's a boring grown ups game. You can play it when you're older,” El shrugged casually.
“El!” I scolded her for telling my son that he can play 'slut' when he grows up.
“Oh don't worry Li, I bet he'll forget what I said before he reaches puberty,” El rolled her eyes at me playfully.
It's been two days after I bought Zayn's ring and I brought it with me everywhere I go. When Zayn opens his eyes, I will propose to him. Ed and El still didn't know why I was so sure that Zayn will wake up but I didn't care. I retreated from the conversation El and Ed are having and focus on the sight of unconscious Zayn in front of me. I took his cold hand in mine and sighed. How long do have to wait? My patience is running out and the dark side of my head keeps nagging that Zayn won't wake up, even if I tried to ignore it.
“I miss you Zayn. We miss you. I miss you so much it hurts now. Even though you're here, I need to hear you voice again. I want us to start over,” I brought his hand to my lips and kissed it repeatedly. “I'm tired of waiting Zayn. I need you,...we need you. I can't wait anymore. I-I've run out of patience, I can't wait anymore, Zayn. I promised that I won't leave you so, don't you dare leave me. I-I forbid you. You can't leave me. I'll h-hate you forever if you do that. I will hate you but please, just please, don't leave me...,”
Tears were rolling down my face once I finished my small speech. Those word that I've kept inside. I didn't mean to get too emotional but I could only hold on for so long. I stood up and put both of my hands on his shoulder. The tears were blurring my visions and I could feel Ed and El watching my every move but I didn't care. I need my Zayn back. Here, with me. Letting out another sob, I began shaking his body.
“Z-Zayn? Wake up Zayn!” I cried out, as more tears. “Please! W-Wake up!”
“Li? You need to calm down,” Ed spoke, putting one hand on my shoulder, which I immediately shoved it away.
“No! What I need is for Zayn to wake up!” I yelled, and continue shaking Zayn's body. “Zayn! I know that you can hear me! Please....Just please!”
“Li, I don't think you should do that,...and you're scaring the kids,” El spoke.
“I don't care! You don't understand! I...need....him! Zayn! Please! Just please wake up!” I cried harder, shaking Zayn's body vigorously.
“Li! Stop!” Ed tried to pull away but I keep my feet firm on the floor. I kept on shaking his body and pleading, begging him to wake up. But it didn't seem to be working.
Until, I heard a cough.
Abruptly, I stopped shaking his thin body. When I heard Zayn let out another cough and a weird wheezing sound.
“L-Liam?” Zayn's extremely hoarse voice spoke.
“Papa!” Niall, Harry and Louis yelled charging at their Papa. After finally successfully climbed up the hospital bed, the three little angels attack their father into a group hug. I could faintly hear Zayn letting out a small “ouff” when their bodies collided. Zayn managed pepper each and every one of their faces with kisses, muttering ''I love you'' and ''I'm sorry'' repeatedly in his weak condition. Niall was crying softly as he tries to bury his face into Zayn's shoulder.
After a few minutes, they broke out of each other embrace, and that is when our eyes me. So much emotions were flowing through my body. Tear tracks were visible on Zayn's pale cheeks. But that moment, I could practically feel the dark clouds fleeing the room. There's no need for us to struggle anymore. Love is a ruthless game, and we had played it both good and right. Not saying anything, I crashed my body against Zayn. When our bodies collided, we immediately wrap our arms around each other, almost clawing at our clothes as if we were scared that either one of us would fade away. Zayn was tired, I know, but he still manage to squeeze every ounce of strength he has to hug me. No words we exchange, just muffled cries and occasional choked sobs. It felt so right. Everything is alright now. Remembering the ring in my pocket, I immediately pulled away from Zayn's warmth that I've missed so much. I slip my hands into my pocket and pulled out the small black box. I really didn't know how to do this, because Zayn was the one who proposed to me first, and I didn't do any practice or prepare any dialogue. I took Zayn's hand and kissed his knuckles softly.
“Zayn Javvad Malik, would you do the honor of being the father of my kids and be my husband again?”
“Yes,....... I would do it, over and over again,”
“I love you Zayn,”
“I love you too Liam,”
DID ANYONE CRY?!! I did :P ;(
REMEMBER! Put #IWANTN1K if you want me to make a sequel! I will reveal the cover and title on the next part: THE EPILOGUE
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