Chapter 13- I Hate You, Don't Leave Me
You guys are great, and I feel that I don't thank you enough. So, THANK YOU SO MUCH. I LOVE YOU. I guess some people do stay in your life. TAHNK YOU.
Enjoy. Vote. Comment. Follow. ZIAM in Power Ranger suit on the side ------>
(BTW, the song on the side is perfect)
Chapter 13- I Hate You, Don't Leave Me
(Liam's P.O.V)
I don't want to believe what had happen.
I don't want to think what would've happen if....
I don't even remember what happened,...
“Liam! Thank God! You're awake!” El yelled as she burst through the double doors of the hospital room. She engulfs me in a bone crushing hug and I tried my hardest to hug her back. My whole body felt numb, especially my face.
Then, everything that happened last night flooded my mind.
Zayn pinning me on the ground.
Zayn punching the lights out of me.
Louis' voice,..
“Where are the kids? Is Lou-Louis okay?” I asks nervously. Oh God,..I hope they're okay. I was deliberately panicking. What if Zayn hurt them? He wouldn't,...couldn't, they're his sons for goodness sake! “Where are they El?!”
“Liam, relax. You just woke up after being unconscious for near three days! Don't push yourself,” El push me back so that I was laying on my bed.
“Where are my kids El?” I asks her, my voice cracked with venerability. My eyesight was getting blurry as tears pooled around my eyes.
“Harry and Niall are alright, they're with Zayn's mother but Louis,....” El trailed off.
“W-What? What happened to him El? Is he alright,”
“He had a minor concussion. He is still passed out right now,” Her voice is low, and her eyes were watery.
“WHAT?!” I lurched up quickly, which was a bad move. A huge wave of nausea hit me like a ton of brick. Seeing my pained and sick expression, El immediately grabbed the trashcan beside the bed and handed it to me. Immediately, I began vomiting into the trashcan.
I felt sick. Not just physically, but also emotionally. Zayn had hurt Louis. And I was suppose to protect him. How could Zayn do that? I didn't care if he want to beat the hell out of me! But the thought of him hitting our eldest son makes me feel disgusted, sad, angry and scared. Really scared. What will happen now? Can things go back to normal?
“What-What exactly happen? How did I end up here?” I asks El, setting the fiflthy trashcan aside.
“Maybe you shou-”
“No! Tell me El,” El sighs as she ran her fingers through her deep brown hair.
“I went to your house for a surprise visit and for my weekly probation visit on the kids. You know the drill, unexpected visits and stuff. But, when I parked my car in front of your house, the door was wide open and I could hear loud cries coming from inside. I ran inside the house only to find Niall and Harry crying their eyes out. Niall was tugging at your leg, screaming for you to wake up while Harry was with Louis. Zayn,.....Zayn was sitting on the floor, with a blank look on his face. I didn't know what happen and I didn't want to make my own assumption. When I was calling the ambulance, Zayn ran out of the house, without saying anything. And, well, you know the rest. I called your Mom, and Zayn's parents too. So, Zayn's mother is watching over Harry and Niall at your house, while your Mom is watching over Lou here, in he room,” El explained as tears cascade down my cheeks.
“Zayn left? J-Just like that?” El replied with a small nod.
“What really happened Li?”
“I need to see Louis,” I ignore her question. I was more worried about Louis right now, and I was still digesting the fact that Zayn did all this. I don't want to believe it.
“Fine, let me help you,” El muttered, “But we have to talk about this later.
“Oh Liam! Thank goodness you're alright!” My Mom hugged me lightly and kissed my cheeks. She looked at me with sad eyes and a small smile. But my attention was on the unconscious boy on the huge bed. He was slightly pale and his hair was disheveled, with his mouth slightly open. I moved slowly and sat on the chair beside the bed and took his small hand into mine. I move my face closer his and began peppering his face with kisses.
“I'm sorry baby, I'm so so sorry. Forgive me. Forgive Daddy,” I muttered as my I put my forehead on his as the tears from my eyes fell on his cute cheeks, but I didn't bother to wipe them away. “Please forgive me,”
“Daddy!” Two small voice screamed as I heard the door open. I spun around and saw two babies that I missed so much, followed by Zayn's mother. Niall and Harry ran towards me with their stubby legs and a huge smile on their faces. I got off the chair and crouch down, opening my arms for them. When I fell their small arms wrapped around my neck, a wave of relief flooded throughout my body. I hug them tightly, kissing their temples.
“Why Daddy cry? Daddy big boy, no cry,” Harry pull away slightly, and wipe away the tears that was still rolling down my cheeks with the small pad of his thumb. A small smile appeared on my lips, the small gesture really means a lot to me.
“Yeah, you're right baby, I'm a big boy. I shouldn't be crying,” I smiled at both of them.
“Lou-Lou hwurt?” Harr asked and I nodded slightly. “Has hwurt spot? Papa hit Lou-Lou, hate Papa,”
And Niall began crying, loudly.
“Shhh, Ni-baby, why are you crying?” Liam immediately picked up his youngest son, hugging him close as he wails.
“It happens every time someone mentions ''Papa'' in front of him, and he's been having nightmares too,” Zayn's mother, Tricia, explained. She walks up to Harry and lift him onto the bed, placing him on the right side of Louis. Harry immediately snuggled into Louis, draping his small arm across Louis' chest.
Niall was still crying as he buries his face in the crook of my neck, and I could feel his tears wetting my neck. It broke my heart seeing him like this, and it hurts even more knowing that Zayn did this. Niall is suppose to be the happy-go-lucky baby, and he rarely cries. Like really rare. Sure he would throw tantrums sometimes but he would never cry like this. And truthfully, it scares me. I kept bouncing him and whispering sweet nothings into his ear. After 10 minutes, Niall finally calmed down, except for occasional sniffles.
“Are you okay baby?” I asks Niall as I wiped his tear-stained cheeks. He just nodded weakly. “Want to cuddle with Haz and Lou?” And again, he just nodded. I gently place him on the left side Louis, and Like Harry, Niall snuggled close to Louis, trying to bury his face into Louis' side.
“I'm sorry for what happened Liam,” Tricia spoke after a few minutes of silent, watching Ni and Harry fall asleep. Tricia was sitting beside my mother; it was nice to see that they've become closer after Zayn and I got married.
“No, it's not your fault,” I gave her a sad smile. “Most of it is my fault, I guess. Did Zayn went to your house?”
“No, I haven't heard nor seen him,”She replied sadly. “I'm sorry,”
“So, it's true then? Zayn did this?” My mom asks. “Are you it wasn't someone else?”
“Well, Zayn did beat me up, but I don't know if he did this to Lou. I mean, I passed out,” I sigh, caressing Lou's soft cheeks. “When will he wake up? Will he be okay?”
“The doctor said it was just a minor concussion, nothing too serious or permanent. He's gonna be alright. The doctors sedated him so that he could have enough rest,” My mom explain. Suddenly, a worried looking El burst to the door. She gave my Mom and Tricia a small smile and turned to me with a serious look.
“Liam, I need to speak with you in private. This is really important,” She emphasizes the word 'really'.
“Okay, okay. Uhmm, let's talk outside,” We walk through the doors and down the hallway. When we reach the waiting area, El and I sat on the uncomfortable blue chairs. This scene reminds me of Ed Sheeran's music video, Small Bump.
“So, what is it El?” I asks her, mentally hoped that she won't tell yet another bad news. I have quite enough in my hands.
“Well, you do know that your still under probation of custody for Niall, Harry and Louis?”
“Uh, yeah. You need to check up on us from time to time for a year,” I answered as if it was the most obvious thing. Where is she going with this?
“The the department has took interest of the recent events,....and they even did a background check on Zayn,” El explained carefully and nervously.
“So, when they found out that Zayn was an alcoholic, and the recent event did involve alcohol,.....”
“B-But Zayn has already gone through treatment!” I retort.
“I know Li, I know. But what Zayn did is wrong and the department can't just look past it. There are rules and regulations Liam,”
“Y-yeah, I realize that. What does the department wants?”
“They,....they're taking away Niall, Harry, and Louis,” El announce sadly.
I could literally feel my heart shattering to pieces. No,....they couldn't do that! I love them too much. And I know that Zayn loves them too! No, no, no, this is not happening.
“No-p-plase tell me your lying. Th-They can't do that!” I began yelling.
“Shhh, calm down Li. I'm not gonna let them do it. That's why I'm handling this case. I'm gonna help you keep those three little musketeers,” El said, as she wipes away the stray tears on my cheeks. I felt like the only thing I did today was crying and crying and crying,...
“Y-You'll help me r-right?” I stuttered.
“Yes, I will. But it's really tricky Li,”
“What is it? Tell what I have to do to keep my kids!”
“I had a meeting with the head of the department and I tried to prove to them that what happened was a one time thing and showed them that you guys are actually great parents,...”
“D-Did it work? How can I help?” I need to do anything in my power to keep my family. I couldn't let one silly mistake get in the away.
“I managed to convince them,....” I was about to smile but the look on El's face told me that there was a catch.
“They,...You,...You need to,...Zayn,” El stuttered uncontrollably.
“Need to what El?” I asks her nervously. I'd do anything, anything to keep Niall, Harry, and Louis. They had stole my heart, and Zayn's. We couldn't possibly let them go.
I'd do anything.
“They gave you two options Li,”
“What is it? I'd do anything El, please!”
“You were given the choice either you...
…...divorce Zayn, or get a restraining order against him,”
Vote No.1 Daddies and Hi! I'm Niall Malik for the 1D Bromance Award Summer 2013. Links are in the comment section or at my profile.
And, I have two new story on my profile,..mind checking them out? It's called Blue Lagoon (Narry) and My Boss My Hero (Ziall)
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