Chapter 11- Tell Me What Do You Do When It All Falls Apart
A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the late update! I'm sitting for my final semester examination (from 9th of May till 17th of May), but FINALLY managed to snuck in a new chapter!
It's a bit sad, but ENJOY!
Can I get 15VOTES and 7COMMENTS? Tell me what you think about this chapter!!
Chapter 11- Tell Me What Do You Do When It All Falls Apart,....
I regret everything that came out of my mouth. They felt vile, disgusting and left a weird sour taste in my mouth. In the past three years I've been with Liam, we have never fought like this. Sure, there were small fights, misunderstanding and a few bickering,- but never ever this bad. I shouldn't have accused all those things at Zayn. But, I just got so mad at him after leaving me waiting for him for nearly two-freaking-hours at the restaurant and for what reason? To go to that damned work of his. Luckily the boys are not home during the commotion, they're with their Grandma and Grandpa's house, much to Niall's pleasure. According to him 'Gwandma made Niall bwig cookie!!' which cause him to be extra hyper-active. Louis and Harry loved it to because they love her cats, which were bigger than their kittens.
I sat on the sofa, contemplating on what should I do. The tears could not stop rolling down my cheek as the image of how hurt Zayn was at what I said to him. Zayn might have a tough exterior, but inside, he's just a gentle spirit, trying to keep people that he love to always be with him. I still remembered all the hardship I went through just to get Zayn to talk to me, to get him to talk to me, and to open up everything. And never have I regretted one moment with Zayn. I'm not gonna let this change anything. I stood up from the sofa, wiped away the tears and grabbed my car keys and wallet. I need to find Zayn.
I've been driving around the neighborhood for nearly an hour now, but no sign of the Bradford lad. I've trying to reach his cellphone but in vain, all I got is his stupid voice mail. I was contemplating whether or not should I call Tricia, but decided not to. I do not want to know that I had a fight with Zayn because from past events, they have a tendency to overreact and blame Zayn without letting him explain. I decided to drive to the station, he might probably be there, I hope. When I was about to reach the station, my phone rang. I quickly answered without even looking at the caller ID, hoping to God that it was Zayn. But it was a voice of a rather familiar girl...
“Uhhh yeah? Who is this?”
“It's Perrie here....and Zayn's with me,” she told me solemnly. Perrie is one of our good friends in highschool. She now runs a bar/club close-by.
“What?!Where?!” I asked frantically.
“At the bar. Come quickly okay? He's a mess,” She explains and that is all I need to hung up and sped towards the bar.
A few minutes later, I arrived at 'Brad Club & Bar', it was nearly seven and there place is somehow already packed with people. I went in and immediately saw Zayn beating up a blond bloke. Without wasting another second to waste I ran up behind him, pushing through a sea of drunken cheering people and the minute I saw Zayn, I wrapped my arms around his torso from behind.
“Zayn? Please stop,, please,” I begged, tears falling down. This I image of Zayn beating up someone just brings back old horrible memories of the old days, the days when Zayn was not really Zayn. I could feel Zayn went stiff in my arms but soon melted as he leaned back.
“I told you Liam. You deserved better,” My heart clenched at that extremely familiar voice and I could feel Zayn's breathing become ragged again. Alex. “But, you would never listen.”
His face was badly beaten up; bruised jaw, bloody mouth and a cut on his eyebrow. He spit blood on the ground and left with a gruesome look. I shook away the old memories and focused on my husband. I didn't noticed that Zayn went limp in my arms. He was unconscious. In a swift move, I carried him bridal style out of the bar, giving an apologetic smile to Perrie who was be hind the bar which she returned. I struggled a bit in putting Zayn in the car, receiving weird glares from the passer-by but I just shrugged it off.
Zayn was unconscious throughout the drive back home and his face is really not that bad; a bruise on his neck, busted lower lip, and a black eye. But nonetheless, he looked like an angel, the angel that I fell in love with. I called Tricia telling her that I need her to watch over the boys for another hour and I would get them after dinner. Zayn was unconscious throughout the process of me undressing him and attending to his cuts and bruises. Surprisingly, there were quite a number of large bruises on his ribs and stomach. Liam gently cleaned his husband as tears rolled down his cheeks, regret fills his chest and he just wished that Zayn would want to talk to him after this.
(Zayn's P.O.V)
I woke up with a throbbing pain in my head, like there's someone is trying to bust my skull open. I was laying on my side and groggily tried to pry my eyes open and was extremely happy, despite the throbbing pain that shot through my body, to met with a pair of huge blue baby eyes, Niall. He was standing beside my bed, with a plastic cup of water and he was gripping something else in the other hand, with a huge smile on his cute face.
“Papa?” he whispered.
“Yeah baby?” I ignore the pain in head, mentioning for Niall to come closer.
“'Dis is for Papa,” he gave me the plastic cup “And icky stuff, for Papa to fweel better,”
He opened his chubby fingers and placed two pills on my hands. Liam. “Papa otay?”
“I'm fine baby, come and cuddle with me?” I answered after I swallowed the pills and drank the water. I scoot over and open the blanket, mention him to come over. Niall giggled happily and climbed onto the bed, snuggling close to my side. He wraps his hands around my torso and buried his face into my chest. Instantly, I wrapped my arms around his small body, bringing it even closer. As impossible as it may sound, I instantly felt calmer, and the pain was bearable. Niall was giving me the comfort that I needed and the pain that Liam and Alex had caused me.
“Papa?” I looked down and saw Niall was staring at my face worriedly.
“Yeah baby?”
“Papa has hwurt spots,...Papa otay?” He reached out to my face and gently caress my cheek. I smiled at my 2-year old son.
“I'm fine baby. Where is Daddy, Hazza and Lou?” I kissed his nose and forehead.
“Lou schwool, Daddy kitcwhen, Hazza,....”
“Papa!!” A ball of curly hair attacked me from behind. “Hi, hi!”
“Hi baby curly,” I moved to lay on my back so my sons can snuggle on each side of me as I wrapped my arms around them. I glanced at the clock on the wall and saw that it was only half past eight in the morning. “Good morning, Haz”
“Morning Papa!” Harry replied, his mouth stained with peanut butter ans jelly.
“Let's go to sleep yeah? Papa's tired,” I told my sons as they snuggled close.
“Night Papa,” Niall mumbled, and then giggled.
“Night baby,”
(Zayn's Dream/Flashback)
In the Brad Club & Bar
I was drinking my forth shot of tequila, or what is my fifth? I don't know, and I definitely don't care. The only thing I care about I drinking my problems away. To drink away all of Liam's harsh words, drink away the stupid doctor's result, and the stupid smug look on Alex's face right in front of me.
“The fuck are you looking at Pettyfer?” I snarled at him, chugging down another shot of tequila that Perrie just sat down in front of me.
“Back to old habits now? Typical Malik,” I glared at him and before I could reply, Perrie stood in front of me.
“Ignore him Zayn. And I think you had enough of tequila for tonight. Should I call Liam?”
“You're right Perrie, I had enough of tequila, can I have a beer?” I slurred and then chuckled drunkenly.
“But Zayn-”
“Beer! Edwards, I want beer,” I hit the table with my fist. Perrie looked at me sadly but nodded.
“That's not really the way to talk to a lady Malik,” Alex snarled behind me. I turned around and met with his gray dull eyes.
“So, you're not a girl, or are you Petty?” I chuckled.
“Huh, poor Liam. Married to a shit like you. He deserved so much better,” Alex said in a teasing voice.
“Shut it Pettyfer,” I chug down the beer Perrie gave me “Not really in the mood,”
“Luckily I was his first,” Alex whispered. I could feel anger boiling inside of me. I just can't believe Liam used to date this fucker. “You should feel how tight he was back then, so....fucking.....tight,.... He was practically begging for my dick,”
And I lost it.
I turned around and punch him square on the jaw and I could hear it crack. Alex fell on the floor with a loud thud. People gasp and some cheered. Alex immediately got back on his feet, wiping the blood dripping from his mouth.
“Don't you FUCKING dare talk about my husband!!”
“Still a jealous bitch eh Malik?” Alex growled, taking off his sweater.
“And you're still a plain bitch Pettyfer,” I stood up from my chair and charged at him. We wrestled on the floor throwing punches at each other with the drunken people in the club cheering at us.
“Fuck you Malik! You should die!”
Suddenly, the club turned dark and silent.
When I opened my eyes, I was back in the hospital room on the small bed, and Dr. Lawson was in front of me, holding his clip board.
“It's bad news Mr. Malik,” He announces, adjusting his spectacles. “It is what we fear,”
“Is it bad?” I asked.
“It's still in it's early stages, and with the right treatment and surgery, you'll be good as new. But it shouldn't be delayed, it'll cause more complication,” Dr. Lawson explains.
“How long?”
“It's hard to determine it now, but if you prolonged the treatment and surgery, probably a year. I'm sorry. You should tell Liam, he might be a suitable donor,”
The hospital room was sucked into the dark and slowly, it was replaced with the night's sky. Two strong arms were wrapping my torso from behind. I looked around and noticed that I was on the rooftop of Liam's house. Liam was behind me, pressing soft kisses on my head as I lay on him. The moon was big round and bright.
“Zaynie?” I looked up and saw Liam's young teenage face, his brown Bambi eyes wide and warm.
“Yeah Li?”
“I uhh,...” He blushed.
“What is it Li?” I reached up and kissed his lips softly.
“I'm sorry for what I said earlier, about your parents, I didn't mean it,”
“It's okay love. I told you that I already forgive you,” I kissed him again.
“I know Z, but I hate it when we fight and I said stupid stuff that I really don't mean,” He pouted.
“Then lets make a promise,” I suggested.
“A promise?”
“I promise that,....if I got mad at you without giving you a chance to explain,....., you can tickle me,” I said playfully. And it was enough to get the cute little laugh from Liam's mouth.
“But you hate being tickled,” Liam ponted out.
“Exactly, and if you got mad at me without even letting me explain, I get to tickle you,”
“Deal,” Liam attacked my mouth, darting his tongue and we fought for dominance playfully, not really letting anyone win.
“I love you Zayn,” Liam mumbled.
“I love you more,”
I love you more than I could ever explain.
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