Lets have a normal round for once.
OP: hey guys!
Kai: hey OP!
Jay: where's Zane?
OP: not coming.
Nya: why?
OP: broken heart.
Cole: and where's Pixal?
Kai: also broken heart.
Lloyd: so you think they'll get back together?
OP: don't worry about it. I have a plan.
Kai: whew.
Nya: so just a normal game today?
Lloyd: well... apart from Zane and Pixal not being here.
Jay: I'm sure we'll be fine!
OP: I know! Why don't we all T or D eachother?
Cole: sounds good!
OP: Kai, you first.
Kai: okay. Nya, truth or dare?
Nya: truth, as long as you don't go back to your murder plot.
Kai: no promises!!
Kai: if I wasn't with Skylor, who would you ship me with?
Nya: OP.
OP: ewww.
Kai: srsly sis!! We have the same OTP and you think we like eachother? Gross.
OP: he's just a guy friend! I have lots of guys friends.
Nya: well you asked!
Nya: Cole, truth or dare?
Cole: Dare.
Nya: I dare you to go to master Wu and do the chicken dance.
Jay: oh boy this will be good!!
Cole: Uhh.... master Wu?
Wu: yes Cole?
Cole: I... I just need something...
Wu: what is it.
Jay: *playes chicken song*
Cole: *does chicken dance*
Wu: *is unamused*
Kai: *recording*
Wu: that is enough Cole.
Jay: *stops playing music*
Wu: is there anything you actually need from me?
Cole: mmmmm.... NOPE!
Wu: *throws everyone out his room*
OP: haha!!! That was hilarious!!
Cole: speak for yourself. That was more embarrassing than when I had to fortnite dance infront of Selial!!
Jay: Cole! Plz truth or dare meee!!!!
Cole: okay. Truth or dare?
Jay: truth.
Cole: how would you feel, and this is completely hyperfetical, if I dated Nya?
Nya: EWWWW!!!!!
Lloyd: haha! Reked!
Jay: Cole. If you EVER. Date Nya behind my back.... I would murder you and then use your blood as my lotion!!
OP: 0-0
Nya: 0-0
Cole: 0-0
Jay: that.... sounded way cooler in my head.
Kai: it sounded petty stupid anyway.
OP: y'know, this game really is t as fun without Zane and Pixal here.
Nya: yeah... I know what you mean...
Kai: why not get a replacement Zane and Pixal?
OP: good idea!
Lloyd: who would they be?
OP: *summons Echo and Whisper (Echo's girlfriend)*
Echo: okay what is going on here?
Jay: we are all playing truth or dare.
Whisper: so why are we here?
Kai: Zane and Pixal are angry with eachother so they won't play.
Echo: WHAT?! What happened?!
OP: they broke up.
Whisper+Echo: WHAT?!?
Kai: don't worry! OP has a plan to fix this.
Echo: okay.... I'm just going to go check on him.
Whisper: I'll go check on Pixal.
Jay: so how's Zane?
Echo: depressed.
Nya: and Pixal?
Whisper: also depressed.
OP: well I hope they'll be fine by next time.
Echo: so why are we here again?
Cole: well since Zane and Pixal aren't here we though you guys might be interested in playing this one round?
Echo: not like we have anything better to do.
OP: great!
Jay: whose turn was it again?
Kai: it's your turn Jay.
Jay: okay, whisper. Truth or Dare?
Whisper: truth?
Jay: how long have you and Echo been dating?
Whisper: 4394 days, 10 hours and 48 seconds.
Cole: which is?
Echo: about 12 years.
OP: awww!!!!
Kai: I ship it so bad!!!!
Nya: Same!!!!
Whisper: so is it my turn now?
Lloyd: yes.
Whisper: Lloyd , truth or dare?
Lloyd: dare!!
Whisper: I dare you to hang upside down from the ceiling until the next truth.
Lloyd: oh crud.
OP: *uses fanfic to hang Lloyd from the ceiling.*
Nya: it's your turn Lloyd.
Lloyd: UGH!! I don't know!! OP!! Truth or dare?!?
OP: dare.
Lloyd: DAMMIT!!!
Cole: haha... recked
Lloyd: come up with a ship name for Echo and Whisper.
OP: okay... but im not to good at this.
~~1 minute later~~
OP: okay... so I've got Whispecho.
Kai: meh. It's alright.
OP: well have you got any ideas?
Jay: what about Whispco?
Nya: that sounds like a shop or a website.
Cole: noises?
OP: I can see you put a lot effort into that. 😒
@pixiedog2: what about Pixane jr?
Echo: you know what? The first one is fine.
Whisper: yeah I liked Whispecho.
OP: noice.
OP: Echo, truth or dare?
Echo: truth.
Lloyd: IM FREEEE!!!!!
Lloyd: *oofs onto floor*
Cole: well that just happened.
OP: do you have a funny switch too?
Echo: yes.
Everyone: FLIP IT!! FLIP IT!! FLIP IT!!
Echo: Okay!!
Echo: *flips funny switch*
Echo: *does chicken dance*
Echo: *Pours water on Coles head*
Echo: *electrocutes Jay*
Lloyd: Umm guys? He's just playing a bunch of pranks on us. That isn't really funny.
Nya: well we are laughing, ergo it is funny
Echo: *re-enacts some vines*
Echo: Hurricane Katrina? MORE LIKE HURRICANE TORTILLA!!!!
Echo: Road works ahead? UHH YEAH! I SURE HOPE IT DOES!!!
Nya: it really isn't that funny.
Whisper: *flips Echo's switch back*
Echo: was that funny?
Whisper: hilarious sweetie.
Echo: *hugs whisper*
Literally everyone: awwwww!!!!!
Echo: Kai? Truth or dare?
Kai: truth.
Echo: is it you who sings in Your sleep?
Kai: *sweating*
Nya: oh don't dumb Kai.
Kai: FINE! YES! It's me who sings in my sleep.
Jay: oooooo!!!! What do you sing?
Nya: he sings...
Kai: nuuuuu!!!!
Nya: he sings 'don't start un-believing.'
Cole: *ahem* cheesy *ahem*
Kai: what was that Cole?
Cole: nothing.
Lloyd: so we done here?
OP: for now.
Echo: so next round are you going to get Pixal and my bro back together?
OP: hopefully.
Kai: awesome!!
OP: sorry this took so long to come out but this was quite a big part and I'm running out of T or D's. Next part me and the ninja will be T or
D-ing Pixal and Zane together so that shall be Pixane.
Thanks for being patient and I hope you enjoyed.
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