"Long before time had a name, the First Spinjitzu Master arrived on our world. A mere child, to find a world engulfed in chaos. This chaos was caused by Wojira. The Mighty Serpent of the Wave and the Storm. The First Spinjitzu Master knew that for life to blossom in this realm, Wojira had to be stopped. With the help of the islanders and the Merlopians who dwelled in the depths of the sea, they confronted Wojira."
"It was a fierce battle. Wojira was too powerful. All was lost, until Nyad, the first Elemental Master of Water, leapt on to the beast and saw with her own eyes the source of Wojira's power. Two strange objects which Wojira wore upon her forehead."
"Nyad knew what she had to do. And alone, Nyad could not stop Wojira. She had to become a greater power, the ocean itself. She merged with it, a state she could never return from. She sacrificed herself to save the world."
"As for the power of the Wave and the Storm, the First Spinjitzu Master gave the first to the king of the sea, and the second to the leader of the islanders for safekeeping. When the seas calmed and grew still, the First Spinjitzu Master created Ninjago, and the world was in harmony. Balance. But now, my brother seeks to change that." Benthomaar says, finishing his tale to the Ninja and Maya.
"He's got one amulet already. We can't let him get the other." Nya states firmly.
"With both, he will awaken Wojira and create a wave of destruction not seen since the dawn of time." The shark prince explains.
"Well, it makes sense," Katarina chimes in. "The Storm Amulet has the power to create powerful electric storms that rival that of a lightning storm, whilst the Wave Amulet can create near-fatal waves that are as powerful as the waves can be during a storm. Separate, they are powerful and destructive, but together, they can unleash chaos onto all of Ninjago. Not just on the surface world, but also-"
"The Endless Sea....my home." Benthomaar finishes for her, his voice almost sounding heartbroken and scared. She nods silently.
"With those Amulets on her head, Wojira will destroy everything. She'll have the power to create a tremendous storm that will end all life as we know it. Nothing will be left."
"Sounds like we haven't got a moment to lose, then." Lloyd nods.
"Can these whales go any faster? Time is sort of ticking here." Jay says impatiently, watching the whales pull the submarine as fast as they could go.
"They're pulling as quickly as they can. Remember, it's their world that's at risk too." Nya reminds him.
"Let's just hope Kalmaar hasn't been able to locate the second amulet." The Green Ninja mutters hopefully.
"Nothing can stop me now!" Kalmaar remarks triumphantly, holding the Storm Amulet in his grasp as he and his guard make their way back to the docks. "Imagine this parched, dry city, submerged below the waves. Picture it, Gripe. Streets turned into canals. Buildings and homes flooded. Vehicles rusting away below the waves. A playground for fish and -!"
Wu lets out a battle cry, as he runs towards Kalmaar. He leaps up into the air and plants his foot on the corrupted King's back, sending him far back. A couple of his guards catch him, while the rest aim their tridents at Wu. "Now is not the time for amateur urban planning, foe!"
Kalmaar allows himself to stand back up on his tentacles, and glares at Wu. "I will destroy you, old man. And when I say 'I', I mean them." He points towards his guards, who appear to be hesitant on taking on the old man again after what he and the Ninja did to them earlier. He turns around and glares at them. "What are you looking at? I'm talking about you, you fools!"
Gripe was caught by surprise, and he nods quickly. "Oh, yes. Forgive me, Sire," He aims his weapon at Wu. "Attack!"
The Maaray guards charge directly at Wu, but the Ninja Master gets out of the way for Kai to join in the fight. The Fire Ninja summons his Elemental Fire powers and sends fireballs directly at the guards' tridents, but they appear to be invulnerable to his Elemental Fire. The guards continue to blast at the Ninja.
Kai gets out his katana from behind his back and deflects the attacks, but the last attack was enough to send his weapon back. His father Ray joins the fight next, and he leaps forward to land his feet on the guards' chests. "Two for one!" The former Fire Elemental kicks a discarded trident towards his son. "Be fast, my boy!"
Kai spins around on his heel and kicks the trident back. "Right back at you, pops!" Ray ducks, allowing the trident to hit two more of the Maaray guard.
"Nice one, Kai!"
Cole joins the fight, swinging in on a rope and kicking a few of the Maaray guards off the pier and into the water. "Out of my way!" He performs his Spinjitzu on the remaining guards, sending everyone but Gripe into the water. The three-pronged trident lands down on the pier, causing the commander to widen his eyes.
"Fire! Fire!"
The Maaray guard riding on a manta ray sends a powerful torpedo towards the pier, sending the Ninja and Ray into the water from the impact of the blast. Wu glares at Kalmaar angrily. "You're not leaving with that amulet, Kalmaar!"
Kalmaar scoffs as he slowly walks away from the fight, not wanting to be a part of it. He holds up the Storm Amulet in the air for Wu to see. "Actually, I am. I'm literally doing that right now. Here, watch." The corrupted king turns around. His pupils turn to slits as he growls. "Oh look! This is me, leaving with the amulet!"
Misako swings in front of Kalmaar, kicking him down and sending the Storm Amulet out of his grasp. "I'll get it!" She runs towards the amulet, but something wraps around her foot and sends her falling down. She claws at the ground as the tentacle wraps around both of her legs and goes up to her waist slowly, whilst the corrupted king aims his trident at her.
Wu gasps, and rushes to her rescue. Her eyes widen with fear when the trident begins to charge up, but instead of blasting Misako directly, he sends the blast towards Wu, who was leaping towards the corrupted king. The blast sends him back, and the guards jump up from the water and back onto the pier. They aim their tridents at Wu.
Kai, Cole and Ray were about to come to Wu's aid, but some of the guards were quick enough to aim their weapons at them, too. The Ninja hold their hands up in surrender, and Wu was ready to fight the guards and make him stop threatening his friends, but a choked cry from Misako stops him.
He turns around, and sees Misako in a chokehold, the blood-stained trident already poking at her throat as she was forced to stand. Gripe shows the Storm Amulet to Wu, silently letting him know that they failed at their objective to stop them.
Wu puts his hands up reluctantly, and sets his bo staff down on the floor to prove his surrender. Kalmaar cackles. "To my chariot!"
It didn't take long to tie the Ninja, Wu and Ray up in their binds and place them at the tail of one of their manta rays. Gripe was tying their end of the rope to anchor.
"Ninja." Kalmaar scoffs with disgust. "What does that even mean in surface-dweller language?"
"A ninja is one who protects -" Wu begins, but the corrupted king holds a hand up, not really wanting to hear it.
"It was a rhetorical question, I don't really care." He turns towards the commander. "Drop the anchor!" He orders Gripe, who obeys by dropping the anchor down on his foot. The commander winces in pain. Kalmaar groans and drags a hand down his face. "In the water! Drop it in the water!"
Gripe kicks it into the water with his other foot, causing him to yell in pain by his idiotic action. As the anchor sinks into the water, Kai glances at his friends. "Get ready to hold your breath!" They were yanked into the water due to the weight of the anchor, whilst Kalmaar bathed in his victory over the Ninja.
"Finally, the true Storm Amulet." Kalmaar smiles as he looks down at the amulet in his tentacles. "Not that useless fake from the island. See you in the deep, ninja."
Seconds later, the Ninja, Misako, Wu and Ray emerged out of the water, coughing due to holding their breath for so long. The Maaray Guards and the corrupted king were caught off guard. "Wait, what?!" The Hydro Bounty emerges from the water, with their friends on top of it.
"The Hydro Bounty!" Cole gasps in disbelief.
"But I left this ship stranded!" Kalmaar exclaims.
Nya and her friends appear out of the Bounty. "You did, but we got a bit of help from some friends." A whale splashes in the distance behind the king, who is startled by the presence of the whales.
"Sis! Guys! Great entrance!" Kai says, while Lloyd and Zane free them from their restraints with their weapons. Pixal appears on her Samurai X Mech, having gotten the distress signal from Wu minutes ago. She hops out of it, while holding a harpoon gun.
Katarina's upper body appears out of the solid exterior of the Hydro Bounty. When she opens her eyes, the white part was covered in black, the only color being her purple glowing eyes. Parts of her body were covered in purplish-black, the horns and tail already making their appearance. The entire left side of her face was black and revealed her demonic markings.
Ray shudders in fear. Why did he feel like he saw her like that before?
The Maaray Guard start blasting everyone. The Purple jumps in front of them, and summons shadow clones of Ray, Maya, Nya and Wu. She sends two of them on the guards, using them as the distraction needed for everyone to disperse and attack the rest of the guard.
The other two shadow clones were spread out onto the floor, and were transformed into purple fire at her command. With one of the guards distracted by the fire, she runs through it and reels her arm back. Fist clenched, the fire surrounds her hand and soon meets the guard's ribcage.
Keres appears out of Kalmaar's shadow, and kicks him from behind his back. The corrupted king grunts from the impact, and narrows his eyes at her. "What are you?!"
"Your worst nightmare!" The inner demon summons her spear and clashes it against his trident. Their eyes met and locked with each other. "But you can call me Keres!" She shoves him back and sends him down. Once his head hits the ground, she tries to stab him with the tip of the blade of her spear, but he avoids it each time.
"You think you can kill me?! Your king?!" He wraps a tentacle around her spear and yanks it out of her hands. He throws it away, making it difficult for her to reach for it anytime soon. "You have a lot to learn if you are going to be loyal to me, surface fool!"
She smirks devilishly at him. "Oh, I wasn't hoping to beat you." Kalmaar's face falls. "I was actually distracting you, until she arrived." She points towards Nya, who makes her entrance by jumping down and getting into her fighting stance. The corrupted king growls at her and scrambles up to meet her gaze. Keres sinks into the shadows again before Kalmaar could try to attack her again.
"When I strand land-dwellers, they're supposed to stay stranded!" Kalmaar exclaims angrily. The Water Ninja smirks.
"You know, I'm starting to really enjoy ruining all your evil plans!" She says as she summons her Elemental Water powers. She sends balls of water at him, while he splashes them away with his trident as he makes his way towards her. Once they were face-to-face, he tries to land a hit on her, but she jumps up in the air to dodge it.
He finally manages to take her down, causing her body to hit the ground. He raises his trident into the air, ready to end her life. She flinches and braces for it.
Benthomaar's spear blocks the trident from ever coming close to the Water Ninja. He shoves Kalmaar's trident away from her, and she scrambles back towards the shark prince, who was glaring menacingly at him.
"Your mad dreams of awakening Wojira are over, Kalmaar!" He shouts as he helps Nya up. The corrupted king takes a couple of breaths, and puts his kind facade on.
"Brother! It's not too late for us to work together. As a family, against these...surface fools!"
"No!" Benthomaar growls under his breath, unwilling to fall for his kind act again. "I will not fall for that ploy again!"
An evil smirk falls upon the corrupted king's face. "Ah, I don't need you to fall for it. Just distract you long enough for this!" He blasts his trident towards Benthomaar and Nya, who go out of their way to avoid the blast. Suddenly, another blast comes, this time at Benthomaar, and it hits his back. He yells in pain and falls down, while Gripe stands behind them and watches before going towards Kalmaar.
Kalmaar goes onto his chariot, with the Storm Amulet in his possession, while Nya looks at Benthomaar to make sure he was okay. "Farewell, surface fools!" He says, and dives below the water with the rest of the guard following him. She looks over the railing, and sees one of the whale surface and look at her.
"Go!" The shark prince tells her. "Stop him before he gets away!" She hesitates for a moment, before making her decision. She hops over the railing and lands on the back of the whale. She puts her hand on the whale, and uses her powers to command it to dive below the water and go over Kalmaar. The whale follows her command, and dives below with her on its back.
"Nya talks to whales now?" Kai asks Jay curiously, as everyone watches her dive below.
"Yeah, it's a whole thing." The Lightning Ninja replies.
Meanwhile, in the water, as Kalmaar was getting away with the Storm Amulet, he looks behind him to see Nya on the back of the whale. He fires a couple of torpedoes at her, while she uses her powers to deflect the attack.
On the surface, the Ninja gasp when a huge explosion occurs. Jay runs towards the railing, worry written all over his face. "Nya!"
Nothing happens for a few minutes. Everyone was starting to get worried, especially since she was running out of air and won't be able to hold out much longer. "Nya..."
The whale resurfaces and dives below the water to catch up to its pod, as the Water Ninja got off it. She climbs back onto the submarine, breathing heavily. Everyone sighed with relief. "Nya! What happened?" Benthomaar was the first to ask.
"Kalmaar got away." She replies. The shark prince bows his head.
"Then he will continue his senseless quest to awaken Wojira."
She smirks at her friend. "Well, he won't get far without this!" She brings up her other arm, which was holding the Storm Amulet, and sets it down for everyone to see.
"The Storm Amulet." Wu smiles.
"Woo hoo! You did it, honey. You saved the city!" Maya cheers. Nya smiles, and hugs her mom.
"I couldn't have done it without you, Mom." She says. Her mom hugs back with a smile of her own.
"And we do a lot of training here in the courtyard," Katarina says, changed back into her normal attire as she shows Benthomaar the last part of the Monastery. The shark prince looks around the courtyard with interest. "Mostly because Jay's powers started an electrical fire that destroyed the practice room...which he blamed on Kai." She finishes with a deadpan look and a sigh.
"Your Monastery truly is a wonderful place." The shark prince says.
"The kind of wonderful where you could see yourself staying for a while?" She asks him curiously. He tilts his head, not understanding what she meant.
"I don't understand."
She giggles. "I wasn't giving you a guided tour just for fun. I talked to Master Wu and the others, and ... we know your home is the sea, but with your brother still down there, we thought you might wanna stay with us for a while."
"You are inviting me to stay? With you? Here?" He says, grinning from ear to ear.
"Yeah!" She replies back enthusiastically. She blushes for a moment, and decides to tone it down a little. "I mean, only if you want to ..." She mutters as she avoids his gaze for a few seconds.
"I would like that very much!" He says happily. "Yes!"
She smiles. "Great! We'll get you a good room. You'll never even hear Cole snoring. Oh well, maybe a little, but I know a great spell that can guarantee it!"
Meanwhile, the rest of the Ninja and Ray were in the relaxation room playing their games. "So you're headed back home?" Kai asks his father, while he stares at the TV screen and presses the buttons on his controls. His father nods while doing the same thing.
"Yes. But, son, I value this time together more than I can say." The former Elemental Master of Fire says. The Fire Ninja nods, as he makes a sad smile.
"Me too. I'm gonna miss you, Dad." Katarina and Benthomaar walk into the relaxation room, with the Purple Ninja taking his hand and guiding him to the pool table. Nya was standing in the doorway, and facepalms at her father and brother's heartfelt goodbyes to each other.
"Are you two seriously saying heartfelt goodbyes to one another, while playing a video game?" She says with disbelief.
"We've only got one level left." Ray answers.
"Yeah. We started this together, and I really want to finish it before Dad leaves." The father and son high-five each other. "Fiyah!"
The Water Ninja shakes her head with disbelief. "Those two will never change." Maya spoke, as she wheels the last of her luggage out of her and Ray's room. Nya turns around and faces her. She sighs.
"Mom. You really have to go?" She asks.
"We've got lots of work waiting for us at the Smithy. And besides, I've caused you enough trouble here." Maya says.
"I was pretty mad when you stowed away on the sub. Now I'm glad you came. Glad we were together for this."
"I realize now I should have believed in you more. You're a better Elemental Master than I ever was, and I'm glad I got to see that on one last adventure with you." Nya smiles and spreads her arms out.
"Who says this has to be our last adventure?" She runs towards her mom, and the two share another hug.
"I look forward to it, Nya." Maya whispers.
Katarina hands Benthomaar her pole for the billiards game, after she, Lloyd, Zane and Jay explained how to play it. "But what about the Storm Amulet? Where's it being kept?" He asks worriedly.
"You don't have to worry about that anymore. I promise, it's somewhere safe." Lloyd assures him, after he hits one of the balls and walks towards Zane.
"Yeah. You could say we put it somewhere ... out of reach." Jay winks at Benthomaar.
"But how can you be sure?"
"We have some experience in this department. We have come across one or two dangerous things before." Zane explains. Lloyd leans forward, preparing to hit the next ball.
"We've made some friends in high places." Katarina says, as the white ball hits the black and blue balls, and goes into the holes. Benthomaar smiles at the reassurances.
Cole had traveled to Shintaro via Bounty and explained the situation to Vania and Hailmar. She nods and escorts him to one of the castle's vaults, and has him store it in there. Once the Storm Amulet was secured, she looks at Hailmar.
"Seal the vault and double the guard, Hailmar."
"Yes, my Queen. But, what is it?"
"Something that must never see the light of day again." Cole answers. As the trio turn their backs and walk away from the vault, a piece of the Storm Amulet falls off.
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