When he finds out your fear
Well, your mother wasn't lying when she said you where grounded. She only lets you out of the house for school. You got fed up with it and tried to pick the lock on your window
"Yes" you say as you finally unlock it. You climb out the window and down the fire escape.
"Y/N!!!! Go get her Jax" your mother yells and let's her big dog, Jax out of his crate. She trained him to hunt you down and because you are afraid of dogs he always just chaises you back to the house.
You run down the dark street, closely followed by Jax. You run into an alleyway, bad decision. The dog corners you and starts to bark and bark, coming closer to you
"No! get back!" you yell as tears stream your face. You sink down and put your face into your hands, still crying. You hear Jax wimpier and run away
"Y/N!" you hear Kai's voice and in seconds he's hugging you
"Kai!" you say and cry into his chest
"Y/N, it's ok" he says and pets your hair "your afraid of dogs. Aren't you" he asks
"Yes. But you tell anybody and I will kill you" you say and look up to him. He pulls you up and kisses you.
Zane invited you to go for a walk in the butterfly woods. You agreed but where nervous because you are afraid of butterflies. You don't know why, you just are.
You and Zane walk down a path in the butterfly forest. All of the butterflies fly around you and Zane. One lands on your shoulder and you freak.
"Ah! do not touch me!" you yell and run down the path. You get the butterfly off of you and find Zane again "Zane I am sorry" you say and he studies how you look nervous
"Y/N, are you afraid of butterflies" he asks and one lands on his hand, it makes you jump a little
"Yes I am" you sigh. He comes closer to you and holds your hand out in front of you. A butterfly lands on your hand and you jump again
"See Y/N? there is nothing to be afraid of" Zane says and a butterfly lands on his hand too
"Yes, I do see. Butterflies are fascinating creatures" you say and scan it
"They certainly are" Zane says. You lean in and kiss Zane.
You are at the monastery with Lloyd and the others. You and Lloyd sit in the game room, playing video games. You loose again and sit back, looking to the ceiling. You see a huge spider.
"Ah! Spider!!!" you scream and run to the corner of the room
"Y/N, are you ok" Lloyd asks and comes over to you
"There's a spider on the roof!" you cower
"Your afraid of spiders" he says and try's not to laugh
"If you laugh at my fear I will hurt you" you say and give him a death stare
"Ok" he says and goes to get the spider off the roof. He takes it outside and puts it on the ground. You both sit on the couch again
"So your actually afraid of spiders" he smirks at you
"Yes I am" you say and cross your arms
"Aw that's cute" he laughs
"Oh, you just wait until I find out your fear" you say and smirk at him
"You won't find any, because I don't have any" he says
"Oh I'll find one" you say and smash your lips into his.
You and Cole went to the Ninjago Carnival to have some fun. You and Cole just got off of the salt and pepper shaker.
"That was so much fun!" you exclaim
"I know, what do you wanna do next" Cole asks. You shrug, just as a clown walks up to you and Cole. He honks his nose in your face and you jump. You panic and run, away and behind a wall. Cole follows and finds you easily.
"Y/N, what happened" he asks and stands in front of you
"I...... I'm afraid of clowns ok?!" you shout, not liking to tell your fears to others
"Your afraid of clowns? You the amazing fearless girl" he asks
"Ya, I've been afraid of clowns ever since I was a kid" you say and look down
"Well let me tell you something; when I was younger, I was afraid of dragons" he says
"You? afraid of dragons" you ask and look to him
"Ya." he says and pushes you against the wall, kissing you hard.
You sit at home, alone while your parents are out of town for the night. It's storming outside and it's 9:00 pm.
You sit in your room, watching a movie with a big bowl of popcorn. Suddenly the lights flicker off and you scream and cower in the corner. You panic and text Jay:
You: Jay! help me I'm scared!!
Jay: What?! what happened?! where are you!?
You: I'm at home and the power went out!
Jay: I'll be right over
You sit in the dark corner of your room, crying into your knees. You wait for a while. Jay finally gets there and rushes over to you
"Jay!" you cry into his shoulder
"Y/N! Are you ok?! Are you hurt?!" he asks
"No, just really scared" you say and sniff a little
"Ok come here, I'll fix the power" he says, takes your hand and leads you to the power box. He uses his lightning powers and the lights come back on.
"Jay! thank you so much!" you say and throw yourself into a hug with him
"Well it is what I do best" he says. You pull back and smash your lips into his.
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