Seven minutes in heaven
Thank you NinjagoPhoenixNinja for this request!! This is kinda a scenario but not really...
P.S. This does NOT have anything to do with the other scenarios so he is NOT dating you -just for this chapter- and he is NOT cheating on you with you(if that makes any sense).
Rated F: for fuzzies!!!
Later my Crazy Awesome Mini Ninjas!
<beginning >
You and the guys are all at a huge party. You are having lots of fun with all the dancing and laughing. You stand by the punch bowl, talking to Nya.
Jay runs up to you two and says "C'mon girls!! We're going to play seven minutes in heaven!!" He pulls on Nya and your wrists
"This is going to be fun!!" Nya laughs
"Oh geez" you say kinda hesitant to play the game.
Jay pulls you and Nya into a small room and closes the door behind you. You sit in a circle with Nya and the guys
"Do you know how to play Y/N" Cole asks
"Of course I do!!" you say and cross your arms
"Good, you can go first" Kai smirks
"What??" You panic
"Ya, if you know the game so well, you go first" Lloyd says smugly
"Fine, I will" you shove your hand into the hat........................
You shove your hand in the bag and pull out a picture of Kai, Nya, an older man with hair the same colour as Kai's and a woman who looks like an older version of Nya
"Kai, I believe this is yours" you say and stand up
"Yep" he smirks
You two are shown to a closet and shoved in. The closet is just big enough to fit two people
"Seven minutes starts now!!" You hear from the other side of the door.
You look to Kai and his smirk is glowing in the darkness
"What's with the smile" you ask and smile yourself
"Oh this is going to be fun" he says and pushes you backwards
He pushes you into the wall and smashes his lips to yours, you Yelp a little and he smirks. When he breaks away from your lips he kisses your neck, you moan in pleasure. He stops kissing your neck and looks at you
"Your sweet Y/N" he smirks.
As soon as those words leave his mouth it's back against yours. he bites your lip for entrance, you tease him and deny him entry. He slips his hands under your shirt and lifts you up higher. You wrap your legs around his waist and lean most of your weight on the wall
He lets you breath and licks your neck. You moan and start to pant a little, letting your mouth hang open. Kai sees his opportunity and takes it. He quickly presses his mouth to yours and shoots his tongue into your mouth. His tongue exploring everywhere. His hands travel even farther up your shirt-
Light floods the closet. Kai takes his mouth away from yours and puts you down. You hear lots of giggling but you ignore it
"You where right, that was fun" you smirk and walk out of the closet with Kai.
Zane (p.s. Because these have nothing to do with the scenarios you are a human. Again; only for this chapter!!)
You put your hand in the hat and feel a small, cold object. You pull it out of the hat and see a small bolt
"Who out this in here" you ask and hold up the bolt
"I did" Zane says and stands up
Cole and Kai show you two to the small closet. Just before they push you in Kai whispers in your ear "by the way, we made Zane turn his funny switch on, just for you"
Kai smirks. Zane's a completely different person when he has his funny switch on! Your in for something. You turn and whisper in Kai's ear "f*ck you" and your shoved into the small closet.
The doors are closed and you hear a timer start
"The guys taught me about this game. I hope you like what they have taught me" Zane says and before you have time to respond he pushes his lips to yours.
His tongue slips into your mouth and explores, you moan into the kiss. You barley notice his hands slip under your shirt. He takes his mouth off of yours and licks down your collarbone. You moan even louder and you can hear your own heart beating
"Zane.... Where did you learn..... all of this" you whisper. He looks to you and even though his eyes are black they're glowing
"My brothers" he says and resumes kissing your neck. You start to pant and he pushes his mouth back to yours, once again slipping his tongue into your mouth- a bright light floods into the closet. You and Zane break apart
"{laugh} looks like you don't mind Zane with his funny switch on" Kai laughs, the others laugh with him
"Back off Kai" you smile and lead Zane out of the closet.
You shove your hand into the bag and feel a round object. You pick it up and see a F/C jawbreaker
"I'm gonna guess this is yours Lloyd" you say and hold out the jawbreaker
"Yep, let's go" he smiles evilly and takes your hand. The others push you into a small closet. Lloyd's eyes are glowing evilly in the darkness
"Lloyd.... why are you looking at me like that" you ask and he presses against you
"Because I'm gonna have fun" and with that he presses his lips to yours and doesn't ask for entry before shooting his tongue into your mouth. You moan as he slides his hands up and down your back
He pulls back and kisses your collarbone. As he does you think to yourself 'who ever thought that he was innocent!'. Your snapped of your thoughts by Lloyd lifting you onto his hips and putting his tongue down your throat (not literally). You wrap your legs around his waist and try not to panic because you can't breathe-
Light and whistles fill the small closet and Lloyd sets you down. He pulls away and smirks at you. You ask the question that has been burning in your mind
"Who in they're right mind would think that YOU are innocent!!" You yell. Lloyd just laughs and leads you out of the closet.
You reach into the hat and feel a bumpy cold object. You pull it out and see a rock in your hand. You smirk, you know exactly who put this in
"That's mine" Cole smirks
"I know" you smirk back
"Okay, enough with the 'who can grin the biggest' contest, get in the closet!" Kai says and pushes you two into the small closet.
All you can see is the glow of Coles eyes and the faint outline of a smirk on his face
"Are you ready" he asks and pushes you against the wall
"Are you ready" you smirk
"Gettin' a little saucy aren't we" he says and pulls your shirt up so that your stomach is visible.
"Yes, we are" you say and he strokes your sides, you bite your lip to hold in a moan. He presses his mouth to yours and you bite his lip, hard, he opens his mouth the slightest bit and you slip your tongue in. Earning a small moan from Cole.
He fights back though, he pinches your butt to make you open your mouth. You do and he pushes your tongue into your mouth and his follows. He rubs your back and you moan into the kiss. He keeps rubbing that spot until you moan again, louder this time.
Once you do he attacks your lip, biting it. You fight back and bite his lip. You bite down until you taste just a little blood. Cole tastes it to because he starts pinching your back and sides. You moan and wimper at the same time. Cole smirks into your mouth and pinches you a little harder- the door creaks open and you can hear people talking. Cole let's you go, the crazy look still in his eye
"Geez Cole, you hurt" you say and rub your side
"Right back at you Y/N" he says and runs his tongue over the bite mark you left on his lip.
You reach into the hat and feel a cold metal thing. You pull it out and see a small hammer
"Jay, would this happen to be yours~" you sing
"{giggle} yeah, that's mine" he says and takes your hand. He leads you to the closet and one of the guys closes the doors. Once the doors close you see a different Jay, his eyes are glowing and you could see his smirk from Mars
"Jay, are you alright" you ask
"I'm great" he says and pushes you lightly into the wall, holding your arms up against the wall and pressing his body against yours. He pushes his mouth to yours and pushes his way into your mouth and halfway down your throat
You moan and squeal. You can't breath but you've gotta admit, this was fun. You push his tongue back into his mouth and see how he likes not being able to breathe. He yelps and pushes against you harder. You only smirk and push your tongue in further.
He lets your arms down and squeezes your sides, lifting you up and onto his hips. You wrap your legs around his waist and throw your arms around his neck.
You moan as he sucks on your neck. You pull him closer -if that's possible- and hold in a moan. He pinches you, forcing the loud moan out- light and laughter floods the closet. Jay puts you down and you two break apart
"Wow Jay, I can't believe you made a girl moan like that" Cole laughs
"You were listening?!?" You yell
"Y/N, you were basically screaming, we didn't have to listen" You blush, Jay smiles and leads you out of the closet.
Well, what did you guys think? Love it? Hate it?
Everything will now return to normal. You two are a couple again and for Zane's scenarios you are once again a Nindroid.
Hope you liked it!! It was fun to type!!😝😝
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