Birthday Gift
Based on the above picrew. My sister said that Jay would give Skylor the earrings as a birthday gift.
Jay Walker was the kind of person that liked to show his friends how much he cared, so when the team decided to hold a party for Skylor's birthday he made it his mission to find her the perfect gift. Of course, he had no idea what the amber master would like, making this a whole lot harder. Jay was starting to pull his hair out over this when he heard the Smith siblings walk in and realized he could ask them for ideas.
Nya walked over to Jay, almost collapsing as he ran into her. The water master smiled at her boyfriend as she pulled him back up into a standing position. Jay then begins to explain his little dilemma to the other two, going into more detail than needed. Kai immediately responded by telling the other two how he had planned out a perfect date so that they could catch up and she could take a break from the restaurant.
"Kai, he asked for ideas, not your plan for tomorrow," Nya said, trying to think of what advice to give to Jay.
"Well she likes weird little items, so try and find something that fits that," Kai said, turning on the T.V., knowing that Jay was most likely going to run off to find something and abruptly end the conversation.
Jay thought for a minute before the perfect idea came to him. He could make something strange and luckily he already had the materials. Saying a quick thanks to Kai and Nya he ran off to his room. Pulling out one of the boxes under his bed he was met with an assortment of random items. Making a mental note to go through all of it and figure out what to actually keep, he grabbed out two small, dark green squirmles, some earring hooks, and some sewing tools.
The next day Kai took Skylor out to Mega Monster Amusement Park while the others set up the monastery for the party. Zane and PIXAL were making the cake, Lloyd and Cole hung up a banner and streamers, Nya blew up some balloons, and Jay set the table. At the end of the table was the pile of presents, one from everyone (except Kai) and all of them being covered in shiny paper.
Right as they finished Kai walked in followed by a giant stuffed bear, which the team assumed was being held by Skylor.
"Ahh, hello Skylor, happy birthday. My condolences, I have some urgent business and can not stay for the celebration," Wu said, walking into the room. Skylor assured him that it was fine and she understood.
The group of friends enjoyed a nice meal, courtesy of Zane, while talking and getting to forget the stress of their lives for a few hours. It was nearly 10:00 p.m. by the time they got to opening gifts. Skylor had received a lot of great stuff, but she had to admit that what Jay gave her was on her list of favorite gifts.
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