Chapter 7: Who is She?
Before I start, I just wanna apologize for my picture. It's really cheesy and I made it in like less than five minutes😂 Ok now you can enjoy!
Lloyd felt a little odd inside as he walked around Ninjago City from the scene he was at. It was nothing that he really felt before, but he kind of liked it.
Then he realized that he had forgotten about the bake sale just as someone came up from behind him. "Lloyd, where did you go?"
It was Jay. Actually, all four of them were behind him.
Jay scanned Lloyd's cloths and angrily asked, "Why are you wearing your ninja suit? I want to get out of this cookie death trap!" Jay was then struggling to get his outfit to be comfortable.
Lloyd looked to Kai and asked, "Where did you go? I was about to ask you something and moment later you're gone."
Kai put his hands up saying he was not guilty. "I was selling cookies."
Lloyd then asked him confused, "So you didn't hear that scream?"
Kai was startled and asked, "What scream?"
Lloyd explained, "There was a scream from a building I was by and a girl fell off the roof."
Jay suddenly looked up as if the girl was falling at that moment. "What?! Where is she?"
Lloyd shook his head, "She's not there right now, she's fine. A guy was just trying to steal her bag."
Zane then asked, "So you helped her?"
"Yes. Besides, if wasn't there, I think she could've taken him on her own..except falling off the roof. But she was really good at defending herself."
Kai tilted his head, "So is she like part cat? Cause I don't think a human can land on their two feet falling off a building."
Cole then added, "Yeh, and I don't really see a girl beating up a man to take her bag back."
Lloyd sighed. It was so hard just to explain a story to them. "I obviously helped her. She started falling and I caught her, and then I helped her take the guy down, and tie him up while she called the cops."
Jay then grinned, "Ooh, she seems cool! Maybe she can be our friend."
Zane looked to Jay, "That could be possible."
Lloyd smiled a little, "Yeh, she seemed cool."
Kai hinted something in Lloyd's face but didn't know what, "What else happened?"
Lloyd started to grin but stopped then said, "Nothing really."
Jay didn't notice anything and said, "Do you know her name or number?"
Lloyd turned to him and answered, "Yes, her name is Violet."
Suddenly, Cole's eyes started to bulge out. He almost tumbled over but quickly regained himself.
Zane questioned, concerned, "Is something the matter?"
Cole didn't respond at first but then said, "I knew a Violet. Violet Stone?"
Lloyd was shocked, "Uh yeh, that was her."
Kai asked Cole, "How do you know her?"
Cole then decided to walk toward a bench just to get comfortable instead of standing up all day.
He then sat down and began to tell them, "Well, it started out when she came to my school, as you know, The Marty Oppenhimer School of Performing Arts. I got a crush on her the week after I met her. I was really good friends with Violet and she was the one who wanted to do things for herself or everyone get out of her way cause she's gonna do it anyway. We ate at lunch together and every time we were there, she'd give me a piece of her cake. Hmm, now that I think about it, I think that's why I like cake so much."
Jay made a little sneaky smile, "Ah, so you guys got some history together." And then Jay playfully nudged Cole which made Lloyd a bit discouraged and uneasy, but he didn't know why.
Cole then continued, "I guess, if we did, it changed now. I didn't keep good touch with her ever since I ran away. I don't have feelings for her anymore though."
Hearing that, Lloyd smiled to himself and whispered, "Yes!" Under his breath.
Kai was the only one who notices and asked, "Did you say something, Lloyd?"
Lloyd then tilted his head toward Kai and said, "Uh, nothing."
Cole then said, "We're still good friends...I think. I also think she's still single."
Jay then had an evil grin on his face.
Zane noticed and asked, "What are you thinking, Jay?"
Jay answered happily, "I'm thinking of being Cupid for a while.."
Kai shifted and asked cautiously, "What do you mean?"
Jay then asked them, "Let me ask you, who do we know who's available, has nothing better to do, who needs more love in his life, whose like the only guy on this team who hasn't had a crush recently or at all, and would make a good boyfriend for someone who needs one?"
Suddenly, all of them turn to Lloyd as if it was a no brainer. It all added up.
Lloyd was completely shocked. "Me??"
Jay crossed his arms, "Yep."
Lloyd then asked, "How do you even know if I like Violet?"
That's when Kai pushed on, "Dude, it's all in your body language and facial expressions. It's kind of obvious, and it's not gonna get past me. I'm the girl expert."
Zane then asked with his funny switch on, "Really?"
Kai then said, "Yep, you should come sign up to Kai's Smooth Moves Class. It's open everyday and it is a guarantee to win over any girl."
Cole put his hands on his sides, "What if the girl turns me down?"
Kai simply said, "Then that's your problem."
Jay frowned, "That doesn't seem fair."
Kai shrugged, "Well, that wouldn't be my fault."
Lloyd just stopped them. "Wait, am I THAT obvious? You know, with liking girls?"
Kai answered him, "Not really sure. Haven't witnessed you having a crush before. This one is just out in the open."
Lloyd just said, "Oh." He then decided to change the subject, "So what happened with the bake sale?"
Jay started to laugh, "Yeh, Julienne was about to win except they found out there was endangered ingredients in her treat that weren't allowed in this country. So she got disqualified and first place went to Nya. Julienne got into a pouty fit and stomped away with her butlers carrying her things after her! Haha, it was hilarious!"
Kai then said, "Nya was freaking out when I saw her last. She was doing her celebration dance."
Zane just said, "I think we should get over there and help her clean up."
Cole agreed, "Sounds like a plan."
As they walked to Nya's stand, they could see her start to clean up with a giant grin on her face.
When they were closer, Nya shouted, "I can't believe I won!"
Jay then said, mainly to Nya, "Hugging time!"
Nya ran up to him and gave him a big hug.
Jay mouthed to himself, "Oh yeh!"
Kai rolled his eyes and then hugged his sister and said, "Good job, Nya."
She hugged back. "Thanks, Kai." She let go of her brother and went up to the table, grabbed a box and started to put items in it. At first the guys stood there in silence and then it hit them.
Zane just said, "Let me help." That's when everyone started to pitch in.
When they were all cleaning, Nya suddenly stopped and turned to all of them and said, "I want to thank you guys so much for helping me. Without you, I might have not won this contest. I'm so glad that you agreed to bake with me."
Lloyd replied happily to her, "I'm glad you asked us to join-."
Jay finished it off smiling brightly to himself, "Cause I got a girl out of it." Nya jumped, she wasn't expecting that to come out of his mouth. It was a surprise that delighted her in a way.
Nya sweetly said, "Wow, that is great, Lloyd! I'm glad you found a love interest."
Lloyd looked down, a little embarrassed at the fact everyone was freaking about the whole thing. Though he wasn't mad, just uncomfortable in the situation.
Lloyd plastered a simple smile on his face and said, "Yeh, who knew?"
Jay then answered, "No one. I mean, we thought there was a chance that you might not get one at all and live all alone."
Kai nudged him.
Jay grunted and laughed, "Uh, except we knew when the time came, it came."
Nya wanted to ask a thousand questions. She was wondering when Lloyd would finally find someone.
Then she asked, "What's her name?"
Lloyd answered simply, "Violet."
"Oh, cool."
Jay then added, "Nya guess what? Also Cole knows her from his old school and he used to have a crush on her too."
Nya gave an ish smile, then she felt a bit on envy. She wasn't exactly sure why but it didn't make her happy. "Oh, um..that's great, Cole."
Cole rubbed his hair and quickly said not to make it seem he still had feelings, "Yeh but I don't like her anymore."
Nya seemed to be filled with relief and said, "Oh..that's good-,"
She stopped herself just as those words slipped out, "Gah, well not for you of course, though it doesn't seem that it affected you in any away, but I can't see through your head, but that doesn't mean.."
She then started to feel hot and the guys started to look at her weird. She lost her words. "Uh, what I mean is..never mind." She suddenly turned back to her supplies and started to pick them up and place them in pockets and bags.
The ninja didn't know what to think. Lloyd turned to Kai and tilted his head indicating that he had no idea what just happened. Kai just shrugged back. Even though he was her brother, he can't always understand her. Lloyd turned around and then looked to the rest of them. Cole just bent down to carry something, Jay looked a smidge concerned, and Zane also shrugged meaning his processor couldn't do its job. Lloyd decided to just let it go and get back to helping. That conversation went into a big turn.
There you have it guys! Hope you liked it!
Jay: Wait a minute, what happened at the end there?
Cole: Uhhh..
Nya: Nothing Jay it was nothing..
Me: Wait, Jay doesn't know about-.
*Lloyd covers my mouth*
Jay: Wait what?? What do I not know??
*Zane plays a tape recorder and the chorus of the song "Bottoms up" by Trey Songz plays*
Zane: *Singing as Trey* "Ohh, this mister steal your girl! Ohh, this mister steal your girl! Ohh, this mister steal your girl-"
Nya: ZANE!
*Nya starts chasing Zane around*
Jay: *Turns to Cole still oblivious*
Cole: Heh heh...gotta go! *runs off*
Kai: *rolls his eyes and then smiles* VOTE COMMENT AND KEEP READING!
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