Chapter 6: A New Friend
Ok...finally! The moment you've all been waiting for.
Lloyd: Umm..what are you doing?
Me: You'll find out in a minute..;)
Lloyd: O-Ok then.
...Anyway..back to the story, new girl and everything. Check it out!
The Ninja and Nya all started to walk to Ninjago City. You would have thought they would be riding on their elemental dragons or ninja veicials to Ninjago City except Nya didn't want the cookies to get smashed or destroyed.
As they were walking, Lloyd then asked, "What is the event going to be like?"
Jay also asked, "And is there going to be anyone we know? Cause I don't really like to go around town wearing a cookie costume!"
Cole agreed with Jay. "Yeh, I look ridicules in this!"
Nya rolled her eyes and answered Lloyd's question. "It's a big gathering with people from far and wide to show off their goods. Last year, there was as many as a thousand coming to see the treats people make. There are also judges who try your food and give you a score. It's pretty simple. Though it's a little frustrating when a girl like Julienne King walks in with a gleam in her eye and money always in her pocket. She's downright lazy, and rude, and pays people to do stuff for her like she does with baking. Also she buys all of this fancy jewelry and outfits that are blinding to look at and her hair is always perfect and she-."
Kai then buds in. "I think that's enough sis."
Nya shook back to reality, "Oh sorry..I got a little carried away."
Zane then replied, "It's fine."
Lloyd added, "Yeh, totally."
Lloyd looked at Nya and there was fear in her eyes and he asked, "So this is a pretty big thing, huh?"
Nya sighed. "Yeh. It's always so nerve-racking trying to see what they think of you. I'm sometimes shocked that I actually get 2nd, but this year there is a lot of new people signing up.."
Lloyd felt a little bad for Nya. He put his hand on her shoulder and said, "Don't worry, you'll do great!"
Nya smiled at him, "Thanks, Lloyd. It's surprising that you haven't found a girlfriend. You'd make a great boyfriend."
Lloyd just looked down half smiling, "Yeh."
Zane pointed forward and said, "There's Ninjago City."
Cole grunted, "Great. Time for people to see us as giant desserts. Though I'd totally eat myself if I was a large cookie."
They all turned to him in silence and discomfort. Cole smiled at them ridiculously, "You didn't think I was gonna eat you guys. Honestly!"
Jay then said, "We know. We're just being least I am."
Kai said to them, "I think we're gonna get there in 2 minutes."
Nya suddenly started to relax, "Oh good, we're making good time!"
Zane looked towards them and said, "I suggest we hurry. The chocolate chips on the cookies might start to melt if we don't move quickly."
Nya nodded towards Zane. "Good thinking."
They made it to the event with minutes to spare. The ninja helped Nya set up her stand and sweet treats. It was very simple decor that it didn't take long to get together. Nya was hoping not to get unwanted attention but she got it anyway.
Julienne King smirked as she went up to Nya's table. She felt the cloth on the table and muttered to herself, "Tacky." Then she turned to Nya with a disgusted look combined with a look of I'm-so-better-than-you on her face. "Well if it isn't Nya. Still coming back to place 2nd, um again?"
Nya showed her teeth and answered, "Actually, Julienne, I'm planning on winning this year."
Julienne giggled at Nya, "Really? What makes you think that?"
Nya then smiled and pointed towards the guys and said, "Cause I got the ninja."
Julienne then laughed and right after put back on her whatever face, "I'm like so scared by the ninja wearing their terrifying Cookie Suit. I'm like gonna die."
Jay was getting frustrated with this girl even though she was rich and pretty, "Listen here, Julienne. You better stop messing with Nya and us or else." Julienne looked towards Jay and smirked, "Or else what? The giant cookies are gonna get angwie? Haha, don't make me laugh."
Lloyd pushed in, "You know, just because your rich doesn't mean you have to be snotty and rude."
Julienne smiled at Lloyd and touched the top of his costume. "Aww, but I like being snotty and rude to those who are not at all like me."
She then snapped her fingers and many men with the same outfit came up and carried her high in the air in their arms and she called out as she started to leave, "And since I'm rich, I can get Anything. I. Want." She turned around and waved to them with an evil grin. "Ta ta!"
Nya grunted as she stared at Julienne in the distance, "Ugh! She is so..rude!" Lloyd agreed, "Yeh, I wanna give her a piece of my mind."
Zane then calmly said to them, "We shouldn't get angry over her. We should be focusing at winning this bake sale competition."
Kai patted Nya's back and said, "Zane's right. We need to focus on this and not her so we can beat her."
Nya smiled at Kai. "Ok then, let's get going guys."
She then went to grab something under the table and gave them each one.
Then she explained, "This is what your going to be using to hold and to be able to sell cookies, not just selling them at the stand. You guys can't be all together in a clump, you have to spread out to get to more people."
Jay faced Nya and gave her a wink. "We got it!"
Nya gave a nice wave to them as they walked off. "Good luck!"
As they walked, they kind of stood by the center of town by all of the entrances and exits for Ninjago City. Lloyd yelled toward Kai, "Are we supposed to just give them away or sell them?"
Kai yelled back, "I think we're selling them. My sister is so confusing.."
Lloyd had to laugh at that. As Lloyd was standing there, he thought he heard a noise.
He turned to Kai and asked, "Hey Kai, did you-."
Kai was not behind him anymore.
Lloyd stood his ground looking around his surroundings. Then he heard it again, but as he heard it, it was coming from above.
He looked up and saw a girl cornered on top of a semi tall building, who looked as if trying to grab something from a masked man who was raising a bag in the air above his head. Then suddenly she jumped at the man and he threw out his arm and hit the girl, flinging her in the air and off the building. She screamed in terror as she was falling from the sky.
Lloyd stood there shocked and tried running to her but the costume was too heavy.
He then yelled, "This darn costume!"
Then he spun around and he was now in his green ninja uniform. Lloyd then started running to wear the girl was and began to do spinjitsu. "Ninja-Go!" Then he spun to where the girl was going to fall, he reached out his arms, and the girl fell into his hands.
They locked eyes.
The girl looked at Lloyd in shock not knowing he'd be down there to save her. Then she smiled gratefully at him and said, "Thanks..,"
Lloyd just stood there, staring at her. He made a grin not planning to do so. He was about to ask her if she was ok, but the words didn't come out.
The girl's face suddenly stood so firm as she added, "But I don't need your help." She then got out of Lloyd's arms and ran towards the doors of the building.
Lloyd then said, "Whoa." out of the blue. He said to himself as if saying to the girl, "Ha, you wish." And then ran after her.
When the girl finally got to the top of the building, she was suddenly doing many flip and twists around the masked man to try to confuse him so she could get her bag. She then kicked the man and ran around and started punching the man's stomach many times and yelled, "Give. Me. Back. My. Bag!" She did a final punch and slowly looking up at him. He didn't not budge as if his gut was steel.
Lloyd got up to the top and saw the girl looking at the man, who was smiling sheepishly and giggling at her own misfortune. The masked man with his large hand grabbed the back of the girl's shirt and raised her up in the air as she struggled.
Lloyd then came from behind the man and swooped his foot under the large giant and the man fell to the ground.
The girl jumped out of his grasp and onto the ground next to Lloyd, on her knees, taking in small breaths.
Lloyd put out his hand towards her and asked, "Are you sure you don't need any help?"
She looked at him, smiled and grabbed his hand and stood up, "For the most part."
The man suddenly started trying to get up again but she stomped on his stomach hard and said to Lloyd, "I had a little defend training." Lloyd just smiled at her stupidly and replied, "Cool."
Lloyd shook out of his funk and added to not sound dumb, "You'll need it around here." He then got out a rope and flipped the overgrown man over and tied his hands together. "This will keep him from moving." He flashed a smile at the girl who was turned around getting her phone from her pocket.
"I'm going to call the police," she told Lloyd then she turned back to the phone, "Hello, police? I'm calling from West Ave.1332 of Ninjago City. We've captured a man stealing a bag and tossing a girl off a roof...Oh, this is Ms. Stone, sir.."
Lloyd then thought, 'So that's her last name..what's her first?'
The girl finished talking to the policeman on the phone and they later, or in ten minutes arrived. Then they took the man into the police car and drove him away. Lloyd looked down from where he was standing and saw the girl's bag.
He picked it up and took it to her. "I believe this is yours."
She turned to him and grabbed the bag and answered, "Thanks."
Lloyd stood in front of her and said, "I didn't catch your name."
She put her hand on her hip and smiled, "It's Violet."
Lloyd lit up inside. He thought it was an awesome name but all he said was, "Cool." Then he started, "I'm-."
But Violet stopped him with a hint of irritation. "I know. You are the great and powerful green ninja. Kind of obvious."
Lloyd just smiled and held out his hand for a shake, "Just call me Lloyd." Violet just looked at him for a moment and smirked, "Ok, Lloyd." She grabbed his hand and shook it.
They stared at each other for a moment and held hands. It became quiet.
Violet was the first to let go, "Well, I better get going.." Lloyd half smiled and rubbed the back of his head, a bit disappointed. "Me to." They both said bye and Lloyd headed down off the roof of the building and onto the ground and made his way.
Hope you enjoyed that cause there's more coming soon!
Lloyd: Are you writing about-.
Nya: VLOYD!!
Lloyd: *blushing* Not helping, Nya...
Nya: I'm sorry I can't help it! VLOYD FOREVER!! *starts running around singing VLOYD FOREVER*
Lloyd: *as red as a tomato* N-Nya! Come back! Stop! *Starts to run after her*
Jay: *eating a muffin* Huh? *shrugs* Vote Comment and read!
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