Chapter 13: Chen's House of Love Part 2
Cole looked around. He didn't see her anywhere. Wait, there she was.
She was by a soda machine filling up a glass of 7 Up. She lifted the cup to her mouth as Cole came up from behind her.
He just said, "Hey."
Violet stopped drinking, almost choking on the drink that was going down as she heard his scrappy voice.
She turn to him, without smiling at his presence and said, "Hey."
He looked down. "It's been a while."
She replied back, "Yep. Umm.."
Cole confidently looked at her, "I have to tell you something."
She finally looked into his sincere eyes and asked, "What?"
Cole tried to find the right words. "Listen, I'm really sorry know, leaving. And I guess I just didn't have a brain to not say-."
Suddenly, Violet wrapped her arms around him and squeezed tightly. Startled at first, he also hugged Violet back.
She sweetly said, "I'm glad to see you again."
Cole smiled, "Me too."
When they stopped embracing, Violet rubbed her arm nervously and said, "So you're a ninja now. That's exciting."
Cole pointed to her, "And you followed your passion in performing. Awesome." They awkwardly smiled at each other
"Hey," Violet started, "Since we are now friends and all again, do you wanna perform with my group in a dance number?"
Cole shrugged and refused, "Oh I don't know, I'm not very good."
Violet giggled, "Yeah you are. And besides, we are performing a song we did at school. Remember, 'Honey I'm Good'. We rehearsed that one together in our dance group. Come on, for old times sake."
Cole snapped his finger in remembrance, "Oh yeh! Uh, sure. For old times sake."
Violet said, "Great."
Skylor headed back to the booth the ninjas orders. "Ok, here is Nya's veggie noodle soup, Jay's chicken noodle surprise, Cole's noodle tacoo-where's Cole?"
Lloyd put his hand up, "Just give it to me, Skylor."
She handed it to him and he said to her, "Great to see you again."
Skylor replied back, "Thanks, you too, Lloyd." Skylor continued, "Here's Zane's noodle burrito, and Kai's spicy hot noodle casserole. Hope you enjoy." Kai winked at her, "Oh, I already am."
He still looked at her as he took his first bite. It was so spicy, he could have literally flown off the walls. Kai, with a mouth full of spice, "HOT! HOT! HOT!" He grabbed his glass and chugged it down his throat, and panted in relief.
Skylor put her hand over her mouth and giggled. She asked politely and in a funny way, "I'm so happy to see you again. Would you like another glass?" Kai got a napkin and wiped his mouth and said, "Yes, thank you." That's when everyone began to laugh.
Suddenly, Violet's voice began into the microphone. "Hey everybody! Are you ready to PARRTY?"
Everyone chanted.
Violet then again said, "Then everyone stand up and get on the dance floor." She smiled and turned to Cole announcing, "We also have a celebrity singin and dancing with us tonight. Give it up for Cole Bucket, the black ninja!" The ninja were shocked but still over joyed. The whole place cheered for Cole and he suddenly felt a bit nervous.
Violet then started to sing with a small mic attached to her ear and started to dance to the routine. Cole was doing a great, as if he perfected it yesterday. Jay turned to Nya and asked, "Hey Nya, you wanna dance?"
Nya blushed a little and said, "Sure." Then they started off in the dance floor.
Kai looked to Skylor and also asked, "Wanna dance?"
Skylor giggled, "I can't dance."
Kai insisted, "Come on, just try."
Skylor smiled and said, "Ok." Then they also go on the dance floor. Zane also went to dance, dance with himself.
Lloyd was just content sitting in a chair, watching Violet sing. Lloyd even saw how Cole and Violet looked happily at each other not even thinking anything of them both maybe having feelings sprouting up for each other.
Soon, the song ended and some of the band members started powering off some equipment. There was a start of a slow song being played from a playlist. Cole joined the others getting pats on the back.
Violet sighed and sat in an open chair on the side of the stage. Lloyd took a deep breath and walked over to her. Lloyd started with his kiddish grin, "Um, hey Violet."
She looked up then smiled to find it was him, "Hey, Lloyd." He sat down next to her and it turned quiet between them.
Lloyd looked around and saw his friends dancing with a partner to the slow song. Cole got an admirer and now they were dancing.
Lloyd turned back to Violet and asked, "Hey, Violet?"
Violet looked to him, "Yeh?"
Lloyd rubbed the back of his head, "You wanna dance?"
Violet smirked, "Big mistake."
Lloyd became shy, "You're great." Violet blushed. She moved some hair from her eyes, "You really wanna dance with ME?"
Lloyd then blushed to, "Yeh.."
Violet suddenly frowned and looked at her lap.
Lloyd noticed her upset and asked, "Is something wrong?"
Violet gave a small giggle, "It's just that, I've always thought men were..inconsiderate, selfish, and always thinking about themselves.."
Lloyd stood up and held out his hand to her, "Let me try to change your mind." She smiled and gently placing her hand in his not believing what was happening to her.
They started to dance and Violet felt she was swept off her feet. Man, the green ninja was NOT at all what she pictured. He was sweet, and charming, and cared. Violet thought to herself, 'I guess not all men can be rated because..' She stopped herself. She wasn't gonna ruin this moment. Violet placed her head on Lloyd's shoulder.
Lloyd felt a twinge of butterflies. Was he dreaming this? He never imagined him ever being able to dance with a girl. Lloyd always thought they wouldn't like him because He wasn't gonna ruin this moment. Lloyd just stopped dancing and just swayed with Violet on the dance floor.
They both could feel people were staring but they didn't care. Soon the music stopped. Everyone started to walk back to their tables, except Lloyd and Violet. They kept swaying. But then Lloyd and Violet pulled back just so they could look at each other. "Violet?"
He suddenly felt nervous for doing this. Lloyd felt like someone was telling him to. He stared into her eyes; she stared back. It was now or never, "Violet Stone," he went down on one knee, "will you go out on a date with me?"
Violet felt like screaming! She would in her room later...She calmly answered, "I would love too." They both blushed. The ninja saw to and they quietly giggled and shipped to themselves. It was hard for Nya not to.
Lloyd then said, "I'll pick you up at your place." Violet frowned. She didn't want Lloyd to see her neighborhood and family and said, "No, um, I'll meet you here.." Lloyd questioned for a second and got over it, "Uh, ok. That's fine with me." They all had wonderful night, now how to able to sleep.
So there you have it guys! Lloyd magical evening and next chapter you get to see what happens after Chen's...
Nya: *Practically Crying* THAT WAS SOO CUTE!!
Lloyd: *Blushing massively* SHUH SHUT UP!! *Hides under table*
Kai: *Dancing around* I got to dance with Skylor! I got to dance with Skylor!
Cole: ....Kai, no.
Kai: *Stops* Don't ruin my moment.
Jay: I danced with Nya. *Winks at her*
Zane: Yes you did.
Me: *thinking* I need to get a boyfriend..and new friends. But first a boyfriend. *Walks out of room*
Hope you enjoyed!
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