Chapter 11: Troubles With Ninjas- Julienne King
Hey guys so this is the POV of the mean rich girl from the bake sale named Julienne King! At the top I have a pic on what I think she should look like(not that Dove Cameron is mean just that I like her appearance for this character😋) HOPE YOU ENJOY!
Well, the bake sale was just great!
I hired one of the best bakers of all NINJAGO and I lost! I Lost the competition!! Because of that idiot samurai girl, Mya Smith! Oh's NNNYA.
So now I'm going to her "hideout" to reclaim my prize, cause it belongs to me! You must be wondering how I tracked their bounty...I have my ways. And I'm NOT telling you. So instead of me walking over there, I'm riding in my limo, applying some lip gloss to my amazing lips-yes, they are amazing. As well as my hair and figure.
Enough about that, more about me. I'm rich and pretty..Ooh and rich. Now the driver has dropped me off and-. Oh dang it! I forgot my phone. All well. Selfies another time.
Hmmm..the place ain't half bad. A little rough around the edges of the boat and a SOO needed glitter coating, it MIGHT be a success. So then I knock, hard but graceful on the ship. The door was.., well very high and I couldn't really reach it, so it really wasn't a door.
Finally someone answers..a blue man-which is a very ugly color. Blueberry opens up the door so now it IS a door. He seemed to smile at first as I have my hand on my hip, until he got a good look at my face. He frowned, Ooh great someone who hates my guts!
He was the first to speak, "Uh, may I help you?"
I answered in my usual tone. "Where is Nya?!"
He got a little aggravated, he must remember me.
He then said, "You have no right to mess with my girl!" I go up to him, pat his shoulder and leisure right by him into the house. I turn my head to him still walking and sneered, "I can do what I want..but all I want is to reclaim what's rightfully mine!"
Then I suddenly bump into something firm. I look up into the most dreamiest of eyes. I add, "For example.."
All the hottie said was, "Uh..." Probably because of my beautiful looks. I show off my beauty and grasp his arm and I ask smoothly, "Who is this cutie of a man?"
Then I see Nya, rolling her eyes at me and she says, "That's my brother, Kai."
My heart stops. All I could think of is when we got married-and yes, we ARE getting married, NYA would be my sister-in-law! It's just too dreadful!
Not believing it, I look back and forth at the two and I say confused, "Your siblings? You guys look nothing alike! He hot and" Nya groaned which I smiled at.
Then I hear a male but somewhat youth voice coming for the hall, "What do you want here, Julienne." What runt knew my name? I turn and I see a glance of a green suit and turn away. You gotta be kidding me! I look back at him and I give a plain remark, "Oh looky here, it's the brat kid wonderful."
He just said, "It's Lloyd."
I plunk in some gum and chew. "Whatever, Lane."
"We are not going to ask again." It was that tin man from Oz. How did he get here?
A black suited boy says right next to him for Julienne King, "Why are you here?"
Kai looks down, "You gotta be kidding me."
The man in black questions. "What?"
Kai rubs his forehead. "We just said we WERENT going to ask again. And you're asking!"
The other got angry, "How was I supposed to know? I'm not a mind reader, Kai!"
I break the ice and yell, "I want my TROPHY!"
Nya yelled back, "You can have it then!"
I cross my arms, "Thank you." It got a little silent as Nya went to go get the prize and I decided to give a warm compliment. "I love all of this hospitality!! No wonder you guys are ninjas." No answer back. For being a ninja, then sure ain't nice to others.
Nya came back and gave that thing to me and I went to use the ladies room to freshen up..even if it may not even be fresh in there. I'm gonna leave the rest to the narrator since I'm so lazy. Tootles!
So as they stood there in thought of their nemesis using their restroom, there was a knock on the bounty.
"I'll get it!" Kai called as he rushed to the door. He was so glad to get this opportunity to get out of that awkward situation. He opened up the door and a man walked up, looking as if he were a mailman. He messed with his hat on his head and smiled brightly.
Kai put his hand on his neck and looked up and then back at the man and asked, "May I help you?"
The guy smiled, "Well actually, I think I'm supposed to help you. See cause, I have your mail."
Kai suddenly felt dumb. "Oh I'm sorry! It's just this other guy-."
The man looked at Kai and said, "Yeah, that's my grandfather. He's taking a bit of a break today since I'm now working for him. My name is Brandon."
Brandon put out his hand and Kai shook it. "Nice to meet you. I'm-."
Brandon laughed gallantly, "I know who you are. You're fire ninja Kai. And I should be the one grateful to meet you."
Kai made a big smile. This guy wasn't a annoying snob. Brandon goes into his bag and gets out a package and three pieces of mail. "Well here you go. And I guess I should be on my way."
As he turns to leave, Kai grabs his shoulder. "Wait. Stay here for just a sec." Kai runs back in and Brandon looks out at the sky.
Then he here's a huge yell and a young and beautiful women-or Julienne walks toward the door where Brandon stood. He immediately falls head over heels at her beauty. It was like he didn't see ANY of the anger and hate in Julienne.
Brandon, starstruck smiles and says, "Hey."
She whips her hair at him, groans and coldly says, "Hi." With trophy in hand, Julienne walked away bitter as ever but happy of victory.
Brandon stares off in his dazed love filled world. The others joined him at the door also looking off in her trail. Kai slipped a steaming hot cup of coffee into Brandon's hand but he barely noticed.
He sighed, "How do I get a girl like that to love a guy like me?"
They all, stunned and confused looked at him.
Kai pats Brandon's back and says, "Trust me, you wouldn't want her to."
They turn back to Julienne where her limo driver picked her up and a trail of dust follows her into her carefree life of fortune with nothing more than money and gold. Barely One. Single. Friend.
There you have it guys! I hope you enjoy and be sure to comment and vote!
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