Jay's POV
I've been attending Ninjago High for almost two weeks and so far I really enjoy it here. Well if you take out the fact that my crush is dating the most popular guy in school. Anyway, all that everyone has been talking about is 'The BIG game' which I don't understand what that even is.
It was after school and the group and I were just talking in the park until I brought up what was on my mind, "Do you guys know what The BIG game is?" I asked.
I noticed Cole chocked on the piece of apple he had once I asked that question, "You mean you don't know?" He asked once he swallowed the apple.
I shook my head. Kai was the first one to speak, "The BIG game is a Football game" He told me.
I was still confused though, "Then why is it called The BIG game then?" I questioned.
Lloyd sighed, "It's because of my brother unfortunately, you see before he came here in his freshman year. He was part of our rival school, The Cursed Academy. And they are the biggest cheaters anyone has ever seen. He then transferred half way through the semester cause Dad got a different job. Not to get off topic here, ever since Morro came here the school hated us cause we took their best player in Football. And now both the Cursed Academy and Ninjago High made it to the finals together" Lloyd explained.
"And that's why it's called the BIG game?" I asked.
The others nodded, "We are all planning on going to it since Nya is the cheerleader captain and Morro is the quarter back" Zane told me as my eyes widened just hearing Nya's name.
I felt my face heating up and the others just looked at me weirdly, "You okay Jay?" Kai asked.
I scratched the back of my neck in embarrassment, "Yeah I'm fine just is it okay if I come along with you to the game?" I asked with a stutter.
Zane nodded, "Of course. You are one of us now" He said with a smile as he patted my back. I smiled back at him in both happiness and excitement. Apparently the BIG game was tonight and I didn't even tell my parents. I left a little early from the park and told the other to just pick me up before the game.
I ran all the way back to my parents Junkyard and rushed into the RV that we stayed in. My mother was just making dinner while my dad was reading the daily times of Ninjago paper. "Are you okay Jay? You seem a little frightened" My mother said as she walked over to me to give me a big bear hug.
"I just wanted to ask you something. T-There's this Football game I-I want to go to w-with my friends and I wanted to run it by you first and I-I can I go?" I asked quickly.
My dad just chuckled a little, "Of course you can go son. I wouldn't let you miss something like that" Father said. I smiled at him and ran to my room to get changed, I wore plain blue jeans with a white t-shirt and a blue jacket over it. I heard a honk from outside my house and ran to the front door and opened it to see a red range rover parked outside. Just as I was about to walk out the door my mother said, "Are you wearing clean underwear?"
My face went white, "MOOMMM" I said embarrassed.
"Alright, alright, I'm just teasing, but make sure to come home after the game. If anything changes call me and I'll see if it's okay" She assured me. I nodded and ran over to the range rover to see Kai & NYA! in the front seats! I jumped in the back seat to see Cole and Zane already there.
"Hey guys" I greeted as I closed the car door and Nya turned around to face me, "Hi Nya."
She smiled at me, "Hey Jay I'm glad your coming to the game today" She said. I noticed that she was already in her cheer uniform which was a two piece and you could see her tummy. She had on a red, white, and black long sleeve cheer crop top and a matching skirt to go with it.
The car ride was pretty quiet until I asked, "Are we picking up Lloyd?" I asked.
Kai sighed, "Morro is driving him to the game. I don't know why, but it's Morro and I don't want to know" Kai said angerly.
I could see Nya glaring at him, "I still don't understand why you don't like him" She said annoyed.
"You don't know him like I do sis, and also please put on a jacket and zip it up. I don't feel comfortable with you showing your whole stomach to the world" He said keeping his eyes on the road.
The siblings argued the whole time, but I didn't mind cause Nya was winning the debate. The car came to a stop and Nya quickly took off her seat belt and opened the car door, but Kai grabbed her wrist just before she got out, "Good luck sis and Love you" He said with a smirk.
Nya rolled her eyes, "I love you too, but I'm already late as it is, so bye" and then she left leaving Kai, Zane, Cole and I in the car.
We hopped out a couple minutes later and started walking to the stands. We found Lloyd talking to Morro and it looks like they are yelling at each other. We walked closer to them and got a better view of what they were fighting about. Each Other.
"Can you just leave me alone for one minute Morro!" Lloyd yelled.
"I'm older and mom told me to watch you until the game starts which is bogus cause I want to hang out with my team and not my little brother!" Morro yelled back. I got a better view of Morro, he had some what long black hair with a green highlight and was wearing a red football uniform. He looked very intimidating.
"Hey Morro long time no see. We can take it from here" Kai said as he pushed Lloyd back behind him.
Morro gave him a death glare, "Fine you deal with the squirt. I have a game to play" and with that he left.
"You okay Lloyd?" I asked, I never had siblings so I don't know things like this.
"I'm good. My brother is just being stupid as he always is" He said, "Lets go find us some seats."
We sat at the highest row getting the full view of the field. The game was starting and both cheer teams were there. One for Ninjago High the other for Cursed Academy. The other team looked more intimidating than Morro which I don't know if it's a good or bad thing. The game starts and it is chaos, some of the players on both teams are hurt and can't play. It felt like hours, but it was half time and the cheerleaders to perform.
The first group up was of course the Home team cheerleaders which was for Ninjago High. The started doing the cheer which I quite enjoyed. Then they did the pyramid and that's when everything went wrong. Nya was on the very top of the pyramid and was about to do a flip, but something was thrown at the girls and they toppled over each other getting a gasp out of the audience. Kai quickly got up and started running down the bleachers like the flash.
The others and I got worried and followed right behind Kai. We made it to the locker rooms to see cheerleaders getting the medical attention they need. Then we spotted Kai and Morro in the corner fighting. We came over to them and everything was like nothing I ever seen before.
"You are such an idiot! You should have made sure that the other team wasn't going to mess with the cheerleaders!" Kai screamed at Morro.
"I didn't know that they were going to use her against me!" Morro screamed back.
I was so over the fighting and said, "What do you guys mean by 'they' did this" I asked with anger in my voice.
Morro snarled at me giving me a hint I shouldn't had said anything, "The other team knew I was dating Nya and tried to get me out of my game by trying to hurt her" He told me. I was shocked that any one would do that just to win a game, but that is the reason why this is called the big game. I looked at the corner of my eye to see a door slightly opened with Nya sitting in a chair have an oxygen mask over he mouth as she breathed in and out.
After a couple minutes a medical assistant came over to us, "I think it would be a good idea to bring Nya home for the night" he told us. Kai nodded and walked in the room Nya was in while the rest of us stayed out in the hall. Kai came back out with Nya and this time she didn't have any oxygen mask on her.
"Morro could you drive Cole and Zane home with you. I don't want to many people in the car" Kai asked politely. Morro nodded and gave Nya a peck on the cheek, "Jay I'm going to drive you home. The game is over since the other team is disqualified" Kai told me.
I nodded and drove in the car with Kai and Nya. WE didn't say anything to each other. Once we arrived at my house I climbed out of the car and headed inside. I didn't say anything the rest of the night. All I could think about was what exactly happen to the cheerleaders and most importantly Nya....
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