Jays POV
The sweet sent of freshly popped pop corn flooded my nostrils as the background music of 'Prime Empire' played. Sitting on the comfy couch with my best friends and girlfriend at my side having fun. Soon, he laughter of my friends soon became louder than the actual game whenever someone had a setback- like me...
"And last place in the Speedway Five-Billon goes to... Jay Walker!" Kai yelled from the top of his lungs, much to my dismay.
I cross my arms over my chest, "Stupid ramp." I muttered.
I felt a gentle hand on my should in reassurance, "Be nice Kai. I didn't see you win first place." My lovely girlfriend snipped at him.
"That's because Zane wins all the games."
The smart teen glanced over his shoulder from his separate couch at us, "It's called strategy. Yours was mainly faulty when turning or using the upgrades to use against other players." Zane said.
Cole slapped his knee as he was unable to control his laughter, "Oh that was a good one, Zane!" He laughed.
Kai pouted, "What's your strategy with Ms. Borg then, Zane?"
"That is disclosed information."
I leaned over to whisper in Nya's ear, "At least he didn't say it was classified again."
She giggled... aw she her giggles are so cute! I-I mean yeah- that's very attractive and -hot... wait that didn't sound right. UH!
"I don't understand you boys and your games," Skylor remarked, stuffing the popcorn in her mouth from the kitchen, "you win some and lose some, but then fight after the game is over for whos strategy was better and move one? Where's all the fun in that?"
The older Smith sibling stood up from his place on the couch which was quickly replaced by his sister's legs as she laid herself across the entire couch, with her placed in my lap for me to stroked her bangs that scattered along her forehead. I noticed Kai's eyes looked up to the ceiling in instant regret as he was most likely never getting his seat back, and two that he didn't like the position Nya and I were in. Wasn't really surprised whatsoever about that reaction.
"You guys are gross." He stated as he walked behind Skylor and wrapped his arms around her waist, giving her small kisses on the side of her neck.
"Gross," Lloyd said from across the room, "I go to the restroom for two minutes and this is what I come back to? Geez, maybe I should find myself a date to blend in more."
"How about that Harumi chick? You heard of her yet?" Cole asked him, laying his back on the floor of the living room.
The shaggy blonde shrugged, "I don't know about that guys, I mean isn't she a cheerleader of something?"
"What's wrong with being a cheerleader?" Nya inquired, her glare burning a deep hole into Lloyd's head that he would most likely explode in mere minutes if he didn't get his act together.
"Nothing wrong with it, just that she's higher rank, you know?"
"Aren't you the son of the principle?" Zane alleged to the young teen.
"I just think she's way too out of my league. She's like you know a Wonder Woman while I'm just a lonely Green Arrow-"
"I think Black Canary fits in with her character more than Wonder Woman." I told him.
A loud groan was heard from the back of the room, "I thought we were giving love advice, not superhero talk."
"Please, you and Skylor are the Aquaman to your Mera" Cole claimed, " Jay and Nya is Steve and Diana Prince-
"I thought we were Beast Boy and Raven?"
"They aren't cannon yet, Jay. Have you read all the Titans comics? Weren't you suppose to be the comic book nerd?" Lloyd pushed.
Nya sat up from my lap, and started to head to her room with Skylor following right behind her. "Hey where are you ladies going so early? The party hasn't even started yet." Cole teased them as they grunted in annoyance of the boys behavior.
They didn't even bother with giving him a proper response either. Once both of them entered Nya's bedroom, the door slammed righted behind them. Zane leaned over from over the couch to pull on Cole's ear.
"OW OW OW OW! What was that for, Zane!"
"For being a pain." The intelligential teen demeaned like an owner belittling their own pet for making a mess in the house while they were away, "They don't question where we go off too when we go to Kai's room."
"But we're like a boy band, they are two very, VERY, attractive ladies in a room by their selves. They probably went in their to smooch with each other you know, that's what girls do at sleepovers."
I raised a brow, "What girls sleepover have you been to?"
He only chuckled with a tint of pink flushed through his cheeks. That gave all of us instant.... thoughts that most of us weren't expecting to think of tonight.
I took out my phone and looked at the time. It read about 10:30, and I had three texts from my ma asking how it's going. If I didn't respond now then I'll get the 'mom talk' right when I get home.... it's not a fun TED Talk with Edna Walker.
Suddenly, the two teenage girls walked out of Nya's room in oversized sweatshirts- wait a minute that's my sweatshirt!
Cole whistled as my face turned entirely red, "Well look what we have here. Making sure your men knew who their ladies are, eh." He teased as Nya walked over to him and slapped him upside the head.
"If I hear one more word about Skylor and I's sexualization with each other or our boyfriends, I will do much worse than slap you." She threatened as Skylor smirked and walked over to Kai as he giggled at their antics.
I think Cole went from 6'2' to 5'7' real quick after that.
I didn't even realize that Nya sat back down next to me on the couch and swing her legs over my lap. I heard her snaps in my face, but couldn't see the fingers to snap. Then I felt a kiss to my cheek. Still nothing. Wasn't until I got a bite to the ear that broke me out of my trance.
I shook my head and found that a sneaky Nya Smith nibbled my ear in attempt to break me. She looked all innocent too. "If that didn't work, I was going to pull a wet willie on you next." She admitted with the widest grin I've ever seen.
This was going to be a long night.
After we played more video games, well scratch that- after Kai and I played more video games while everyone else was eating the snacks and frozen pizza from the kitchen, we decided to watch a movie. I don't know why we chose the movie, "The Last Letter From Your Lover" (Which may I say is such a cute movie) but Lloyd and I were outvoted with our superhero adaptation of one of the Green Lantern movies.
So, any option other than that was an automatic yes.
It was getting towards the end of the movie, and almost everyone was asleep. Except Nya and I of course.
The credits rolled at the end of the movie as Nya grabbed the remote and shut the TV off. She stood up from the couch and lend out her hands to me to help get me off my sorry butt. I grabbed ahold of them and with her incredible strength, pulled me up without any struggle. We smiled at each other before Nya let go of my hands, "We should probably wake them to go to bed."
I shook my head, and grabbed a blanket from over the couch and put it over Kai and Skylor's sleeping forms, "Nah, let them be. They probably kill us if we wake them from their beauty sleep." I told her was my pitch breaking at the end of the sentence.
She understood and grabbed another blanket to put around Cole, Lloyd, and Zane on the other couch. Then she grabbed ahold of my hand and we headed to her room, so she could freshen uo before we head to bed.
I never knew girls had so many skin care products, but dang... Nya had a lot of it. Nya never really wore makeup other than an occasional lipstick and mascara... I know this because she made me put a backup set in my school bag just in case. It only made since why she never broke out in pimples or anything.
As she was brushing her teeth, I got a little curios to say the least...
I grabbed a purple bottle, it had this sort of cream to soothe skin and cleanse out your pores. I don't know what any of that means but let's just see what happens!
I dipped my fingers in the cold substance and plastered it on my face....
Pure pain engulfed my face.
I whined at the stinging sensation which got Nya's attentions as she spit out her toothpaste from her mouth and grabbed a washcloth to quickly soak in warm water.
I whined more by every second that passes by as she was shushing me for being quote on quote 'to loud.' Please, she loves it when I'm loud!
"I know, baby," She soothed as she ran the warm washcloth on my forehead, "You just had to touch it didn't you, Sparky."
"Why do you put this stuff on your face, darling?" I painfully asked and she was getting the last of the cream off my face.
She have a face, "Beauty is pain."
I let my mouth drop in realization, "That's what that expression means!"
"Man, I wish Zane was here to see me not know what that expression meant."
Nya laughed at me, and I'm pretty sure laughed at my aching face. I looked over in the mirror and I looked like a freshly baked sweet potato. This is just great.
She placed her hands on my cheeks and massaged them so the tingling sensation would go away. I closed my eyes in content as she continued, this action lead to my hands rubbing her arms. I focused on my breathing, and I could hear both hers and mine.
Once the pain simmered away, I reopened my eyes to meet with her caring, ocean blue eyes. I stared in the deep sea, brought her closer to me as we never let each other break our connection. I brought my head down to her and our lips met in perfect harmony.
This wasn't like our usual kisses we've had before. Those were sweet, short, and cute. This was passionate, loving, and connecting. I became more adventurous and deepened the kiss, for her to oblige so easily to my advancement.
Her arms were encircling my neck, her fingers tugged at my curly locks, our chest inching closer together as I brought her closer to my form. I felt her starting to suck on my bottom lip as I let out a soft moan. I ran my hands down the back of her thighs and picked her up as her legs wrapped around my waist. I carried us over to her room, and plopped her down on the bed and hovered over her.
My lips moved away from hers as it traveling down to her neck. Before I could go any further I felt a pair of hands push my chest a little. I remove my lips from her and stared down at the so ever gorgeous cherry blossom before me. Her cheeks had a deep blush, her lips slightly swollen from my earlier attack, and panting to regain her breath.
"I-I think we should slow down," Nya admitted to me as she looked away from me.
Oh crap. I think I just resurfaced something. Oh no. Did I just gave Nya thoughts about that night with Morro... oh please no no no.
"Ok," I pitched, "I didn't mean to go to fast, I got caught in the moment and your still recovering from the physical and emotional trauma with Morro- and oh I should've thought about this before we enacted on it-
"I'm so sorry," I got off of her, trying to calm myself down from what just happen, "I understand if you need a break from me, I'll wait in the kitchen to think, oh I apologize Nya I didn't mean to-"
"Jay." She said sternly as she got off the bed and came in front of me, "It was fine. I-I actually thought it was wonderful." She blushed.
I was feeling the heat go to my cheeks as well, "R-Really?"
She nodded, "It's just a new step in our relationship. I don't want to go too fast and have moments like these to go to waste. I want to savor every step... and I uh care about you a lot, Jay. I don't want to ruin this for something like teenage hormones' to get in the way of things. To me, you have already proven that you are a respectable young man by stopping when things get a little too much."
"So you're ok?"
"Yes," She smiled, "Tonight, you made me feel the happiest I've been in a long time."
I let out a sign in relief and gave her a hug. We stayed in that hug before calling it a night. I gave her a quick kiss and headed out to sleep in the living room while she stayed in her room. Before I closed the door, I gave one last glance at my love, her smile affectionate and moving.
There could never be anyone like Nya Smith.
(I'm not going any higher than PG-13 in this book just so y'all know... having just two paragraphs of kissing was hard enough to write and think about... I hate writing makeout sessions lol)
Hey y'all! Sorry for the delay in things, but I think I made it up with this long chapter! I really didn't expect to be really busy this year, but things happen.
Y'all know this is a book about high schoolers, and I did want to talk about relationships overall in this story. Specifically things above the average kiss... (Yikes) When someone says 'stop' or 'no', you stop what ever the heck you're doing and respect whoever's decision is was. I wanted to show to right way to handle it and the wrong way.
The wrong way would obviously be Morro... there's nothing else to explain, what happened in previous chapters says enough.
The right approach would be Jay's take, when Nya said she didn't want to go further, he respected it and backed off. Even though he freaked out about it (Which y'all some people just want to take it slow personally or wait till marriage, really just depends on the situation) when he figured out she might have personal trauma from her previous experience, he backed off.
Fact is.
No means no.
Doesn't matter what age you are. Teenager, adult, or beyond. Respect people's boundaries.
End of serious talk with GraMaye, I did want to make it up to y'all with this chapter because a lot of you have been asking about the next update (And if I was dead or not lol, thanks for those who checked on me) I'm not done with writing Ninjago Fanfics, nor have I lost the passion for the show. I'm getting older, life happens, I mean I've been on this site for little over 4 years...
I feel old lol, I'm not even in my 20s.
Anyway, I hoped y'all enjoyed this chapter, and I tried a new writing technique (Thank you AP English) and hoped this was more grammar wisely correct and made more sense lol. I hope y'all have a good day, and I'll see you in the next one. BYYEEE!!!!
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