Jay's POV
I went over to my phone to see a text message from the group chat. The chat included Kai, Nya, Zane, Lloyd, and Cole. It seems that the message was from Cole, who none of the group had heard from for a while.
Cole: Meet me at the Coffee Shop across the street of the high school tomorrow at 12.
I texted back immediately saying that I would see him there as did the others. I wonder if this has something to do with his mother? Or about his home life and all? That's what's tough about the situation is that he doesn't really tell us anything. The most I've seen him open up is about skateboarding and his obsession with cake.
Shaking the feelings out of my head, I go to bed for the night and just awaited for noon to arrive. Soon it was morning and I woke up to a good morning text from Nya.
Nya: Morning, BlueJay <3
Jay: Good day to you, my darling <3
Nya: You nervous after Cole's text? After what had happened at the hospital, I'm really worried.
Jay: I'm worried too. I just hope it isn't as bad as what we think.
Nya: Do you need a ride? Kai and I can pick you up.
Jay: Yes please, Pa's truck is malfunctioning again.
Nya: Alright, we'll pick you up at ten.
Jay: Ten? But we don't meet up until noon?
Nya: Kai wants to show you the station XD
Jay: Or do you want to show me the station ;)
Nya: Jay Walker!
Jay: What!?!
Nya: I'll see you in at ten, you dork.
I smiled at the message and chuckled, she gets so flustered when it comes to anything not so sweet and innocent which in my opinion is the cutest thing ever. I could just imagine the huge blush across her face at reading my text.
Checking over at my clock, it was already a little over nine, so I went to get ready for the day. Originally I was planning on wearing some casual attire, but now since I'm getting a tour of the police station I need to be all dressed up.
I went into my closet and picked out a blue button up and brown dress pants and called it done. After getting dress, I went to the kitchen and got out some cereal from the pantry, not even noticing Ma and Pa sitting at the kitchen table.
"Son, why are you all fancied up? Are you and Nya goin on a date?!?"
"Oh my goodness, he's blushing like a peach. I'm going to get my camera so I can take some photos! Oh I bet you, Ed, that they'll get married. I'm going to have the most beautiful grandbabies in all of Ninjago-"
"Where are you going to take her, son? Somewhere for steak, maybe a drive in movie like the old days, or-"
"I'm not going on a date, Pa." I said to them, slapping my forehead in the process.
My parents looked at me confused," Then what's with the get up?" Ma questioned.
I poured in some cereal while I explained, "Kai and Nya are going to pick me up at ten-"
"So it's a supervised date, gotcha."
I felt my cheeks starting to heat up from the remark, "They're picking me up at ten so I can get a tour of the police station before I start working, and then we're going to meet up with the rest of the group for coffee at noon."
Ma and Pa looked at each other with a weird expression and looked back at me with smirks upon their faces, "So it's a group date then? Kai must've been very strict on the dating policy." Pa joked getting a giggle out of my mother.
I rolled my eyes in response, "If that helps you sleep at night, then sure, it's a group date."
My parents just laughed at my antics while I went over to the table and started to dig into my cereal. Within a minute, all of it was gulfed down my throat and into my stomach. I checked my phone to see a text from both Kai and Nya that they were on their way.
I put up the bowl and spoon and just waited near the front door for Kai's car. What I wasn't expecting however was Kai's squadron police car. Even my parents noticed, "Oh my little boy is going to be a police officer!" Ma exclaimed, giving me a death squeezing hug.
She let go of me and I got out of the trailer to see both Kai and Nya getting out of the car. Nya glanced over and immediately ran over to me and jumped on me for a hug. I spun her around and kissed her forehead, with Kai giving us a death glare, me specifically.
I put her down and pecked her on the lips, "Well I hope all our greetings are like that." I teased, nuzzling my nose against hers. The raven blushed along her cheeks and the tip of her button nose just like I had imagined earlier.
"I hope that's not what to expect every time I see you two together." The spikey haired teen expressed, crossing his arms in front of his chest, "I can always arrest you."
I smirked at the overprotective brother, "For what? Giving your beautiful sister some attention from her boyfriend." I joked, wrapping my arms around her small waist and sniffing her rave hair which smelled just like cherry blossoms.
I turned around to see my Ma with her camera in hand and my face just pales, "Oh no you didn't-"
"I'm goin to post this on Facebook! I bet our neighbors are going to gush all over this!" She gushed.
Nya looked up at me, "I think it's really sweet, she wants to show you off." She said with a reassuring smile.
Kai glanced at his watch, "Yo, if you want to see the station, I would suggest that we leave before visiting hours are over." He stated.
I shook my head waved at my parents before heading to the car. I was then stopped by Kai before Nya and I could enter the back seat, "You're going in the front with me, Nya will sit in the backseat."
I nodded and headed to the passenger seat and glanced over at Nya to see her punch her brother on the shoulder playfully and got in the back. Once I got in, I buckled my seat belt and explored with my eyes the inside of the car. It was all black with a GPS, files, and other types of tools. The windows were slightly tinted on the inside, but you could still see what most of the sightings from outside were.
The spikey burnet started up the car and drove off into the great unknowns of the city. I haven't really gotten the chance to explore it that much since I moved here, but this was a good chance to get familiar with everything.
I looked down at the GPS and saw we were getting closer to the station, so while we waited I decided to ask some questions, "Do you ride in this thing often?"
"Yep, whenever it's late at night I would drive with a few other officers to investigate the streets."
"Have you ever had to, I don't know get out to fight crime?"
"Sometimes, but the interns stay in the car unless the officers need backup. So for you whenever you start you'll be reporting back to the station and report what's going on while everything is happening. It's a learning experience if you will." He explained.
"But aren't you still an intern? You get out and fight the crime too don't you?"
He chuckled, "I'm a senior in interns. I'll be graduating at the same time as high school, so I'll be badged soon after. I'm already eighteen too, so that also applies differently to me than everyone else."
Nya cut in, "In easier terms, he can do anything he wants."
Kai gave his sister a glare through the windshield mirror, "That's not true, Nya."
"That's what Tommy says."
Kai murmured something to himself and I couldn't quite understand it. Soon enough we pulled up at the station and got out of the car to be greeted by some officers at the front. They were very nice, they joked around a lot, so far so good.
Kai gave me a tour around the station, the usual really. Offices, front desk, and training centers. It's everything I could ever imagine. Then Nya's voice perked up, "Can we go to the shooting range in the training center?"
"NO! We talked about this already-"
"But we haven't been there in ages, and you banned every officer from taking me there. At least show Jay, pretty please!" the ocean eyed girl begged, giving her brother the most elegant puppy eyes ever.
The older brother glared at her, "You know that puppy eyes don't work on me."
"Then why can Skylor do it and not your little sister?"
A slight blush was seen on the young adults face, "Well Sky is a grown adult and can handle herself. Besides, she never ask for anything."
"You gave her a car for her birthday."
"Well it was on sale and you still didn't know how to drive!"
I changed my attention between the siblings every time on of them spoke. Not knowing how this was going to end, so I added myself in, "I would like to see the shooting range if you don't mind."
Kai groaned and rubbed his temples with his hands, "Fine, but no touching. Watch only, keep your hands to yourself understood?"
We both grinned to our cheeks and nodded. Kai walked us down the hallways and brought us into a room full of windows to see through. And the other side of those windows were the shooting ranges.
"This is where we train for weaponry for self defense. We have classes for not only interns, but for people that just wants to know how to protect themselves if something were to happen. You can use archery, a simple spear, knives, and small hand guns with darts inside. We do it all. Not very many can advance in them though."
"I did." my girlfriend said proudly.
Kai sighed, "Yes, and that's why I banned you from coming back."
I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, "Well I can't wait to start training."
"Me neither, I really need a guy that I know in the squadron. I'm getting tired of explaining my personal life to the officers."
"Hey at least soon you'll be able to start your detective training soon." Nya added, trying her best to make the negative Nancy a little positive.
Her brother smiled at her and looked down at his watch, "It's almost noon, we should go ahead and go to the coffee shop. You guys go in my car, not the police car. I'll be there in a minute, I just need to sign out and I'll meet you there." He told us.
Nya takes a hold of my hand and led me outside to Kai's car at the back of the building. We both got in in the same seating arrangements. Only a second after we got in, Kai appeared out of no where in the drivers seat with a big smile on his face, "Glad I could catch up to you two." He said evilly, as if he was planning on it since the beginning.
Luckily the coffee shop wasn't that far from the station. We parked, got out, and enter the little café to see Cole, Zane, and Lloyd already there waiting for us. We joined them all, ordered some coffee and waited for Cole to tell us why we were all here.
"Guys, I have something to tell you."
This was so much longer than it needed to, all well XD. I originally planned something else to be apart of this chapter, but the fluff took over and here we are lol. I hope y'all enjoyed and I will see you in the next chapter, BYYYEEE!!!
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