Coffee Talk
Jay's POV
"Guys, I have something to tell you."
We all looked at him worried. None of us had really been able to talk to the cake lover since the passing of his mom. And from what I was able to comprehend, this wasn't going to be any good news any time soon.
Zane put his hand on Cole's shoulder, "What is it? Is there something troubling you?"
The shaggy haired teen sighed, "Y-Yeah, well I don't know where to put this, but my d-dad, he decided it was best for us to move."
I held my breath, "WHAT?!? What do you mean?!? Like move out of Ninjago City?!?" I blurted out, practically frightening the other customers in the coffee shop.
Cole looked down at his sweaty palms, that were mostly fidgeting from sharing the news, "Y-Yeah. He told me he wanted a fresh start after my m-mom's passing. He hasn't even been in their bedroom since then. My dad just told me our home reminds him of her. So he's thinking of agreeing to go on that Blacksmith's tour with the band, and I'll be joining him."
Kai pulled his friend into a side hug, "I'm so sorry bud, moving is tough. Especially after something as traumatic as this, and on your senior year." The hothead told him.
"Do you know when the tour starts?" Nya asked him.
"In a couple months, not long after prom." Cole covered his face with his hands, "What am I going to do? I'm giving up everything I've ever known. My home, my friends, my livelihood. I'm not even sure how I'm going to finish out the year if I don't get all my credits in time."
"You'll figure something out. If you ever need anything we're only a call away, we'll get through this together." The young Garmadon encouraged.
"Thanks guys." We all circled each other's arms around each other the best we could in a big group hug, "I don't know what I could do without you."
"You'd be fat on cake if it wasn't for us-"
"Oh why you!"
Cole broke from the group hug and roughly ruffled the gelled spikes from the protesting Kai Smith. Soon enough a waitress came over and asked as what we wanted to order. I only wanted some hot chocolate, with a little whip cream while everyone else ordered coffee.
"I still don't understand why you never order coffee, that's just unheard of."
"Well Cole, I only have coffee on very special occasions."
"Have you ever tried coffee?" Lloyd started to question, bring his Iced Chai Latte to his lips.
I rolled my eyes at the two, "Yes I have had coffee, I just don't have it as much."
"When was the last time you had some?" Zane asked, now starting to get intrigued by the new founding of my character.
"Last week."
I looked over to my girlfriend, drinking her Pumpkin Spice Latte, with a little smirk on her face. Right when she placed her cup down on the table, using my quick reflexes, grabbed the cup by the handle a took a huge sip out of it. Nya looked like I had just stomped on her favorite dart.
"No silly, I had coffee a few seconds ago." I corrected, teasingly as she sticks her tongue at me.
I put the cup back down on the table and she looks down at what was remaining as gasped, "You drank the whole thing!"
I rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment, "Hehe yeah that's one of the reasons I don't drink coffee that often anymore."
Nya called up the waiter and order a new cup after I had just ended her haven of caffeine. The conversation shifted from depressing matters, studying exams, and to weird things from out of no where.
"I think Pixal is an excellent teacher." Zane commented as I was ranting about how I'm almost failing Communications of Technology.
I threw my hands up in the air, "Of course you think she's great, you get hundreds on all of your test AND you have a very close relationship!"
Kai tensed up, "Wait really?!? Zane! I though you were the innocent one!"
Nya mentally facepalmed, "Zane, I think we my brother is trying to say is that uh well we as your friends thinks there is something more going on with you and Ms. Borg-"
"We have only done tutoring sessions-"
"You drove her home!" I spat out.
The blonde teen looked at my, very innocently, "Her car was broken, and all the buses were not available. She needed to get to the hospital to check on Mr. Borg. I was simply doing a kind deed."
Cole smacked his hands together, "Sooo nothing happened between the two of you-"
"Then what have you been doing?"
"That information is classified."
I slammed my head down on the table, completely aggravated by that same stupid 'classified' statement Zane makes up every time we try to mention Ms. Borg. It's starting to drive me insane.
I notice Nya starting to tense up next to me as I turned around to see what was getting her attention. The only thing I saw was three girls in cheerleading uniforms walking in and ordering at the counter. I've never seen them before , but clearly Nya has.
"What are they doing." I heard Nya murmur to herself.
I looked down at her, "What's wrong?"
"They aren't suppose to be wearing their cheer uniforms when not on school property or school sponsored events. I'll have to write them up for that." She told me, pulling out her phone and starting texting someone, most likely the cheer coach.
The waitress came back with the cup of coffee Nya order and placed it down in front of her before leaving to serve the other customers. Suddenly those three girls that Nya was talking about showed up right at our table.
"Hello Tox, Gayle, Harumi. What brings you here at our table." Nya asked very kindly like the woman she is.
"What were you typing on your phone, cap." The girl with green hair spat out, in a nasty attitude. Why in the world was she a cheerleader.
Nya looked at her confused, "Why do you need to know that?"
"Because you were typing about us!" The Gayle woman confessed.
The third women- Harumi I believe wasn't really saying anything. She was mainly looking down at the floor, not wanting to be a part of any of this.
"Not saying if I did or not, but if I were typing about the three of you to someone, what do you think the reason would be for?"
"You're tattling to the coach aren't you!" Tox exclaimed pointing her nasty finger as Nya's device.
The raven gave them a stern glare, "Well maybe next time try to not wear your uniforms in unauthorized places. I'm the cheer captain, I have to report on what I see going on with you ladies."
"You are a nasty women."
I started to tense up, along with Kai who automatically knew what was about to happen next. "Excuse me?" Nya questioned with anger fueling through her veins.
"You are a no good, lying, stealing brat! You boss us all around like we're at doggie camp, treat us like rags, and neglect us whenever we aren't at practice unless we do something you don't like and tattle," Gayle yelled at her, "You even lied about the whole Morro thing. The whole team knows about that white lie. He never did raped you, you got pregnant and took the safety route out to ignore the consequences of your own actions-"
"That's enough-" Kai tried to butt in, but was easily cut off by Tox as she purposely spilled the piping hot coffee that was in front of Nya, and landed right on her left hand. She hissed out in pain, as the liquid blistered her skin.
I was about to get up and show these ladies what they had just messed with, but Nya, using her other good hand, grabbed a hold of my arm and pulled me back into me seat. Her face was still pained, but had a steady calmness within her voice.
"Ladies. I have tried to be very kind and respectful to you, but clearly that is not the case the other way around, so might as well start being truthful to you like you want. Tox your technique is flawed, you never point your toes nor correct them when I comment about them. Gayle, you might think that you're very sneaky, but don't think I have not notice you making out with five different men behind the gym in uniform."
"And about that Morro comment, let me get one thing straight. A man should never touch or do something the woman doesn't want to do. The man should not harm you for simply disagreeing with you. The man should not get to decide who is friends with you or not. And a man would respect your wishes, whether he likes them or not." Nya stated, "And whoever's lies you are believing might need a new source. Try asking the person that you're accusing of something wrong doing instead of listening to a false narrative. It might make life easier for you."
"Now, get out before I ripped those cute little bows out of your dyed hair, and fake hair extensions."
The two girls swallowed their pride and ran off petrified while the third girl stayed there silent. She walked over to the cashier and came back with some napkins and started to help clean up the coffee spillage.
"I-I'm sorry about those two." Harumi admitted, cleaning off some of the stain from the table top.
Nya shook it off , "It's fine, I'm just sorry that you got stuck with those two for your chaperons. By the way how was your first day, I wasn't able to sign off with you."
While the girls were talking, I directed my attention to the other guys, who like me are very confused of what had just happened. However, Lloyd seemed to be the only one actually paying attention the Nya and Harumi's conversation. His emerald eyes were practically out of their sockets as it danced around in celebration of the new girl. Weird.
"-don't worry about being reported. I forgot to tell you about rules and those two weren't the best choice to stick you with when it came to that sort of matter."
"Understood, I'll make sure to read over the email when I get back home. Are you sure you don't want me to find something for your hand?" The platinum blonde began to question after noticing the red blisters starting to form on Nya's right hand.
She shook her head, "I'm good, a few little blisters won't bring me down. Glad I got to talk to you, Harumi."
"You too."
Harumi then walked out of the shop, probably to her car or something and Lloyd shyly asked, "uh well, um uh what's her number?" With a slight blush on the tip of his nose.
My girlfriend started to giggle at her friends little newfound crush before her brother automatically started bombarding Nya with questions, "Does it hurt? Do I need to call 911? Do I need to find you some ice? FSM, Nya, why are you so calm about this!" Kai panicked, grabbing a hold of Nya's hand from across the table and inspecting it himself.
The raven looked at me, practically begging me to stop the madness, but I was trying my best to hold back my panic too. "Kai, I'm fine. It's not as bad as it looks."
"There's blisters all over your hand!"
"Can you move your fingers? Does your nails hurt? FSM-"
Suddenly Nya tugged her hand away from her overheated sibling, and got out of the booth and into the nearest restroom of the café. I sighed, rubbing my temples and resting my elbows on the now sticky table.
"I think you might have freaked her out, Kai." Lloyd admitted.
Kai rolled his eyes and scoffed, "Please, I raised her, she would've acted a lot worse-"
Randomly there was a feminine yell and a loud bang. I got up from the table and near the restroom door Nya had entered only a minute ago and knocked, "Nya are you in there?"
There was a pause, "Maybe."
"Did you punch the bathroom wall?"
"uh n-no..."
"Which hand?"
"Left." She murmured. Of course she used the same hand that got burnt like two seconds ago, I thought.
"Park or Apartment?"
"Great, then it's a date."
Well... that was very dialogue heavy. I wasn't really planning on this chapter being this long for a filler lol. Anyway! I hope y'all are doing well during this season and are safe. School started up for me a couple weeks ago, so I'm trying to balance things out. Hope y'all have an amazing day, week, month, year and I'll see you in the next one BYEEE!
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