A Night Out
Jay's POV
"When are you going to stop getting black eyes, Jay?"
"Whenever people stop beating me up."
Nya rolled her eyes at her mumbling boyfriend as she placed an icepack on his right eye, the one Morro had managed to punch during their fight.
"Then just stop getting into fights and that might fix things."
"The bastard was downgrading you-"
"I was defending your honor-"
"I can defend my own honor, Jay. You just need to learn to cool it before things got out of hand. What would've happened if the others weren't there to break up the fight? What if Morro had a gun on him? What of you or him went too far? What would've happened, Jay? Tell me. I'm all ears." She told him, her eyes threatening to tear him limb by limb if he spoke something different in mind.
I sighed, and insisted to hold the icepack from Nya's grasp, "I have no excuse."
"That's what I thought."
Then we heard exaggerated gag from the older Smith sibling, "Gross, you act like a married couple. No wonder Ed and Edna wants you to have kids."
Nya and I turned around to see Kai leaning against the door leading in the kitchen of the Noodle House. Behind him was the one and only Skylor who held a huge grin on her face for the likes of things.
Nya and I were sitting at one of the Noodle House's dining tables as Nya was fixing me up from the brawl with Morro. My girlfriend stood up and walked over to her brother and Skylor, leaving me behind in my own thoughts.
How could I be so careless? I could've endangered my girlfriend from him. What if Nya was right? What if Morro was armed and tried to use it. What if he used it on Nya? That monster. If I was smarter none of this would've happened-
"Jay." someone called.
I turned my attention over to Kai, his facial expression held a similar feeling that happened months ago when I was beat up only after a week.
"What's up?" I asked, a grin appearing on my face, but only to retaliate when my eye started to twitch in an uncomfortable sensation.
The hothead's face brunched up in disgust from my eye that slipped out from the icepack, "Yikes, that's worse than the last time. Memories, am I right?" He chuckled, though his humor did not please me.
Kai sat down next to me and wrapped his arm over my shoulders. Either this was a red flag or a blessing, couldn't tell you if I tried to be honest.
"The gang thought we should spend the night over at my apartment. Lloyd got Morro situated with their parents and Cole & Zane are going to sneak out and come over too. For one, it'll give you a chance to heal up before your parents find out, and two because I think we all deserve a little break from all the chaos that's been happening."
I smiled, "That'll be great. Let me text my parents and we can head on out."
After a few minutes of convincing my ma, she allowed me to spend the night over at Kai and Nya's apartment. I did receive a text telling me to not get funky with Nya... the fact that's the first thing she thought of to text me is a little concerning to say the least.
The fact I even understood the text she sent after is too brutal for young ears to hear.
A heavy wave of heat loomed over my cheeks at the thought, stupid dirty mind.
"You alright there, Bluejay?"
I fiddled with me phone, and shook my head to get rid of the dirty thoughts that ran through my head. My love seemed confused about my shock, but giggled at my reaction.
"Uh yeah- I'm great- totally great- uh h-how about you?" I managed to stutter out.
"Well I had some girl talk with Skylor and she recommended that we sleep in separate rooms so you and Kai won't get any ideas."
My blush only worsened, "You didn't think I didn't see that face after you texted your mom, right?"
"Tease," I murmured under my breath, "Are you actually though?"
She playfully punched my arm much to my discomfort, "Okay! Okay! Got it, I'll keep my hands to myself."
"Lovebirds, come on! Get in the car before we drive off without you!" The voice of only the boulder brain would say.
"Not on my watch! I'm not leaving them alone for two seconds after this stunt-"
"Calm down, we're coming." Nya called out.
She lent out a hand to me and I grabbed a hold of it as we walked over to the car. We got into Cole's truck while Kai and Skylor went to pick up Zane and Lloyd.
The entire car ride all Cole could do was tease us about our relationship, but what did I expect from him. Peace and quiet? That didn't exist in his vocabulary.
"Do I even get a make out story? Embarrassing stories? Beyond that-" I groaned in frustration at his teasing pleasure.
"Will you shut up. Cole."
"Oh so you can say that, but when I do all you do is to continue blabbering your mouth?"
"Grow up, you two. You're starting to get annoying." Nya said.
"Brighten up, buttercup. I'm just playing with you." He laughed.
"I'm starting to question why I'm friends with you."
"Love you too, waterlily."
As Cole and Nya bickered amongst themselves, I thought was gripping the headboard in fear of Cole's driving. How the heck did he get his license? He drives like a maniac! It's like a lion of wheels, out of control and insane.
"-Eye's on the road, Cole! You're making Jay turn into a ghost! And we haven't even crashed yet!"
"Hey! That's not nice-"
"How much longer!" I complained, as Cole was driving closer to the curb.
"You two are a bunch of worried flowers, if Kai was here he would say I drive like Racer 7." Cole gloated, turning into Kai and Nya's driveway.
"You realize that's an insult, right?" Nya told him, only for his response to be an even prouder grin.
What an idiot.
The three of us walked up to the front door as Nya pulled out her house keys, only to groan and slap her forehead.
"What's wrong." I asked, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.
She turned to look at me, "Kai gave me the wrong key. Again."
I sat down with my back against the door and opened my arms for Nya to sit by me. She raised a brow at me, "What? You wanna make Kai come down here faster, right? Make him mad." I smirked at her.
Nya rolled her eyes at me and instead of sitting next to me, uh well she sat directly on my lap. Wasn't exactly what I was expecting to be perfectly honest.
"Am I about to experience a makeout session? Oh wait until I tell the others about this!"
I gave Cole an annoyed glare, "We're not going to makeout in front of you. We're not that couple."
"Not just a little?"
"Would you like to receive one my classic wedgie-over the head?" Nya threatened, cracking her knuckles just to see Cole's reaction.
"I thought bullying was against your code? I feel hurt." Cole teased.
Keeping one arm around Nya's waist, I opened up my right arm to him. His eyes widened, "Come on, I know you want to join us."
The raven sighed and sat down next to me and just stayed there in silence as we wait. Took probably another twenty minutes before Kai's truck pulled in with Lloyd, Skylor, and Zane. And just to my expectation, he was fuming.
He stomped over to us as both Nya and I held grins that went to our cheekbones. His gaze was not only appealing to laugh at, but was so inflamed with anger that even the underworld would go down to shame.
"What are you doing?"
Nya responded, "Waiting for you to open the door."
"I gave you the keys already-"
"You gave me the wrong key."
"No, I gave you the right key. I have the storage key-"
Nya opened her palm, allowing him the give her the key. She stood up from my lap and I moved out of the way of the door as she easily unlocked the door.
"We really need to start labeling these stupid keys." Kai mumbled to himself as he stole the keys from Nya and walked into the apartment.
Kind of a filler tbh. And a lot of dialogue haha. Hope y'all enjoyed it at least! BYEEE!!!
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