Promise Fulfilled
*over one year later*
"Why didn't he call... me back to Zoral? Why did stupid Aoi have to lead the stupid army all by him-stupid-self? I'm the... Commander, aren't I!" I rant.
"He probably thought it was best to prove his own strength. Isn't strength what Zoral's all about? Nobody would follow a ruler who ran to you for help over a mere border skirmish." Akegi tries to appease me, whilst absentmindedly braiding a few strands of my almost-waist-length hair.
"But Ane-sama! I'm Aoi's... sword and he's my shield! We're supposed to rely on each other." I protest, puffing out my cheeks.
It's been a year and a half since I came to Clarines for the two year foreign exchange program.
During that time, Azov, our former allied kingdom during the war, built up their military and tried to attack while the Commander (aka me) was away.
King Andrei thought Zoral was weakened by the emperor's inexperience and the recent war. Zoral's strongest military asset (aka me) wasn't there, and he coveted the land enough to try and take some by force. Andrei ended up getting literally crushed when Aoi took command of the battlefront.
Now that the king is dead, Azov is being integrated into Zoral. Aoi's gaining more land and people. An unintentional conquest started by the other side. Now that Aoi has proven himself, I doubt others will try anything stupid. It may be Zoral's final conquest.
And I wasn't there!
"Stupid Aoi!" I scream suddenly, chucking the pillow I was squeezing to death across the room and making Akegi fall backwards off the bed in surprise.
Aoi has already kept his end of our promise. The political situation in Zoral is stable and the empire is flourishing—the former Azovans are fitting right in as Zoralites. They have more freedom under Aoi than under Andrei, two kings with different styles of leadership, both neither right nor wrong.
I think back, about the promise we made.
*flashback—before Miho left Zoral*
Aoi and I are in his new office. Kenji really made himself at home, and that man was a slob on top of everything else. This carpet has apparently been on this floor since the founding king of Zoral, and now there are stains that will never come out.
Aoi calls them history. I call them gross.
After spending the whole week cleaning, finally all removable traces of that man are gone.
Aoi sits behind his big mahogany desk, a perk that comes with being emperor. It's already piled high with things he needs to review.
I'm more sprawled out. There's a comfortable little seating area with two couches and a coffee table. The couches are perpendicular to the desk, facing each other with the table in the middle.
It's for people who come to meet with the king. And a special privilege of the Commander is to hang out here and pester the emperor whenever I want.
Okay, not really, but no one stops me and Aoi only pretends to mind.
I stare at the crown Aoi's wearing. It's simpler than the coronation crown, giving off more of an everyday emperor vibe versus stuffy formal wear.
All the ones who wore that crown before Aoi, with exception of his father, wanted one thing only.
"You... could rule... Fortissia." I tell Aoi. And I mean it. He's a good emperor.
Aoi looks up from his paperwork in surprise. I've been silent until now, and this is probably the last thing he expected. He tracks my gaze, then sighs.
"It's thoughts like those which spurred my ancestors. They fought for long, hard, bitter years to unite the continent. Many were born in and died in conflict. Most didn't live till forty. I doubt one man physically could rule an entire continent, whether or not he deserved to. Thinking you deserve something is the pinnacle of entitlement. Do kids born into nobility deserve their family's status? Do I deserve the crown because I was born into the imperial family?"
Aoi looks down at his hands, as if he's seeing all the blood on them.
"You could've... just said no." I grumble. "No.... need to get... all philosophical."
"That's where Zoral's philosophy of 'the strong rule' comes from. A commoner can earn a title through determination and effort. A noble can lose everything by laziness. Status is gained or lost by one's own strength. Hard work begets award."
"And geniuses of... sword or pen are handed... everything on a... silver platter."
Aoi stands and stretches. Then he walks over, so I straighten up to give him room on the couch. Aoi plops down next to me and musses up my hair. "Every system has it's flaws. Nothing's perfect."
"Aoi's... pretending to be... so wise!" I laugh, snuggling closer to his warmth. We lean against each other, supporting one other.
Aoi puffs out his chest, playing along. "I am so wise. I'm an emperor."
"Your empire is... in shambles." I point out teasingly. "You're... about to lose... your second-in-command."
Aoi frowns. "The exchange students leave in three days, and you're going with them."
Three days suddenly feels like an eternity, but much too short at the same time. I grab Aoi's sleeve.
"You're going back to your home, in Clarines." Aoi continues. I grip tighter, nodding.
"Miho, answer me honestly." Aoi turns abruptly so we're nose to nose. "Are—Are you coming back?"
"What?" I blink, still trying to restart my heart.
"When you go back to your family? Are you planning to stay with them even after two years have passed?" Aoi turns away and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Don't answer that. I'm not sure which is better. If you'd be happier—"
"Aoi." I say sternly. "Are... you still thinking... about Marquis Haruka's... ultimatum? I'm happy here... got that? Clarines may... be my motherland, but... Zoral is my home. I'm... coming back... I promise."
Aoi grins, point blank. I lean closer, catch myself, and lurch back. Much too dangerous.
That dense idiot doesn't even notice. He has a motivated sparkle in his eyes. "Alright, by the time you come back, I'll clean up Zoral. I'll get the economy in order and deal with the corruption in the nobility. I'll rebuild this empire so it's a place you're proud to return to. I promise too."
He holds up a pinky. Chuckling, I entwine our pinkies and we shake on it.
*flashback ends*
Aoi did it. I never doubted him for a second, but it's frustrating that he completed his end of the bargain early. What am I supposed to do with myself these next five months?
Ah, well. It was a pointless promise anyway.
After all, I was proud to call Zoral my empire from the very beginning.
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