Battle Begins
Citadel is built on a hill. A mighty metal rampart surrounds the entire city, gleaming menacingly in the cool sunlight. The towers of Burg castle barely poke out over it. I blow into my hands and rub them together. Winter is almost upon us.
Between the city and our army is a wide open valley, completely bare of any life. Just dirt and a couple of sad dead plants.
"These are supposed to be the farmlands that supply food to the capital." Aoi-kun says. "Kenji's so focused on war that nothing else matters. Does he want to rely on trade with other kingdoms for all of Zoral's food? His people are starving."
"With only one... brain cell, Kenji can... only focus on one... thing at a time." I answer seriously.
Aoi-kun bites back a laugh using every ounce of his royal dignity. His shoulders shake.
Torako, standing next to us along with the other generals, holds up a pair of binoculars. "We've been spotted. I see archers lining the top of the walls."
"I'd be... worried for their eyes... if they hadn't spotted... us yet." I say, looking back on our ranks.
11,000 strong, thanks to all the people we recruited or saved over our year-long march through Zoral. Pride wells up in my chest.
If I went back in time and told twelve year old Miho that 63 men would eventually grow into this, she would've called me a liar.
Aoi-kun gives the orders to advance. Our troops move as one, linking shields at the front as well as overhead to offer some protection against raining arrows. Surely Kenji's army will come to meet us on the battlefield, because proving strength in face-to-face combat is just how Zoralites fight.
But even Kenji's one brain cell isn't dumb enough not to use his home-field advantage: the incredibly high, impossible-to-scale walls surrounding Citadel.
He'll hide behind them for as long as possible, like the weak coward he is. Similar to Nobu, so long ago, we just have to draw Kenji out. Only then can Aoi-kun challenge him for the crown.
First thing's first: Kenji's three remaining generals need to die. I've been given the honor of being the one to find and kill them.
As expected, thousands of foot soldiers are pouring out of a massive gate in the otherwise impregnable rampart. They line up in rows across from us on the former farm lands.
The two armies are equal in number. Nervous excitement flutters in my stomach like butterflies. This is it, one way or the other.
"General Hajime, the cavalry stays by us until we get closer. But you'll be the first to battle since you're the fastest." Aoi-kun says to the general, who looks quite imposing astride a large black stallion.
Hajime nods grimly. He fidgets with his armor, making sure it's all in place. Without shields, they'll be the easiest targets for the archers.
Slowly we advance, closer and closer as Kenji's army advances too. Tension builds.
Then Kenji's army charges, surging forward all at once. Flaming arrows rain from the sky, though luckily most of them are halted by shields.
Hajime and the Evander folk, who were getting impatient from riding at human walking pace, gallop to meet the charging enemy before they can mow down the heavy phalanx.
The enemy forces split in three. A much smaller force runs straight down the middle, towards me and Aoi-kun. Two larger forces aim for the phalanx's most obvious weak points: the sides.
Hajime and the Evander cavalry move off to defend the right. Takeshi is defending the left with his men, while Torako stays in the back and controls the movement of the phalanx, making sure the shields don't break formation.
The cavalry make contact first. Thanks to the horses, they have an overwhelming advantage, allowing them the plow through their enemies and cut them down from a higher position.
As scary as an angry man charging straight at you with a long sword whilst screaming like a banshee is, facing that man and the bucking hoofs of a horse three times your size is infinitely more so.
I can't be awed by the flawless performance of the cavalry though. I have my own mission.
Aoi-kun and I charge into the fray, as we have so many times side by side. I start stabbing and jabbing at chinks and weak spots like a whirlwind.
I spin and twirl in a bloody dance. A volley of arrows flies directly at me, but Aoi-kun cuts them out of the air with precision and grace only he possesses.
Bodies pile in my wake. Stab dead, slice head, repeat. The enemies are unending. So am I.
An unearthly scream rips from my throat and the people around me back off, frightened by my bloodlust. I'm covered in blood spatter from head to toe. It drains from bodies and lathers the ground. Even the air is tinged red.
Many of our enemies switch sides. They take one look at us and decide they'd rather fight their comrades. Others were forced to the battlefield and had no intention of ever fighting for Kenji.
They take up arms behind Aoi and I, in front of the phalanx's first line of shields. Many are struck by arrows. Others fall by sword or spear. The living fight desperately to stay alive.
The smaller enemy force that went down the middle is almost entirely wiped out. I take a moment to scan the battlefield, for A) Kenji's generals or B) whoever needs the most help.
To the right, over half of the enemy squadron has been decimated. Unfortunately, the remaining soldiers have gotten smarter about how to deal with Hajime's horseback knights.
They cluster together with a ton of spears; they look like a bristling porcupine, preventing the horses from getting closer without being impaled.
While our knights have a major advantage in speed and power, the foot soldiers are more maneuverable, and have a easier time using their weapons. They've begun to attack the horses as well as—if not instead of—the riders. Falling off the back of a moving horse isn't the most pleasant experience.
Hajime recognizes this and his men are pulling back, making use of their advantages. Any lone enemy soldier that draws too close to the side of the phalanx is likely to be trampled to death under hoof.
General Hajime rides around the battlefield, swinging his sword like a killing-machine. Although he's always been a bit quieter than Takeshi and Torako, he has the aura of a true leader.
Even now, he calmly continues to give out orders and protect our right flank impeccably.
This makes Hajime an excellent target.
What happens next appears to move in slow motion, and there's nothing I can do but watch.
A volley of flaming arrows aimed at those defending the phalanx's right flank. There are screams from both sides as men get pierced by arrows. The black stallion goes down. The group of enemy foot soldiers swarms forward like a flock of vultures.
I watch Hajime pat his mortally wounded steed on the head. Then he raises his sword.
Run away, I beg silently. Don't be a hero.
But Hajime is a noble and strong general of Zoral. And he certainly goes down nobly.
Outnumbered, overwhelmed, and likely already injured from his mount's fall, Hajime hacks and slashes in every direction, without aim or reason. His cavalry circle, but a ring of spears threatens to impale them lest they try to get closer.
Hajime's head turns. I swear—even from across the bloody battlefield—we make eye contact. He smiles.
Then one spear, two, three, all pierce General Hajime's body in different places.
All sounds hush. Or maybe that's the blood rushing in my ears. The first death of a general is from our side. A roar of approval bursts from Kenji's army and they swarm us with improved morale.
Something inside me snaps.
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