Lovage, LungWort, Mallow Leaves
Scientific name: Levisticum officinale [91]
Description: Unknown
Location: Unknown
Usage: Unknown
Effect: If it is mixed with bright-eye, it can help cure coughs.[32]
Scientific name: Pulmonaria [152]
Description: An herb with dark green leaves speckled with gray.[153]
Location: WindClan moor.[154]
Usage: Eaten
Effect: Cures yellowcough.[154]
In Thunder and Shadow, ShadowClan had a huge outbreak of yellowcough. Puddleshine discovered this herb in a dream sent to him by Runningnose, and after a bit of trouble with WindClan, the herb is obtained to heal ShadowClan's ailments.[153]
Mallow leaves
Mallow Leaves.jpg
Mallow leaves
Scientific name: Malva sylvestris L.[155]
Description: Large fuzzy three-nubbed leaves from a flowering shrub; sweet rose scent.[156]
Location: Grows best near shore,[157] but best collected at sunhigh, when they are dry.[158]
Usage: Eaten.[159]
Effect: Soothes bellyache.[160]
In The Last Hope, Mothwing tells Willowshine to fetch mallow while she talks to Jayfeather. [161]
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